申請人等作成用 1 日本国政府法務省
For applicant, part1 Ministry of Justice,Government of Japan
1 国 籍・地 域 2 生年月日 日
Nationality/Region Date of birth Day
3 氏 名NameFamily name Given name
4 性 別 男 ・ 女 5 配偶者の有無
Sex Male/Female Marital status
6 職 業 7 本国における居住地
Occupation Home town/city
8 住居地
Address in Japan
9 電話番号 携帯電話番号
Telephone No. Cellular phone No.
10 旅券 (1)番 号 (2)有効期限 日
Passport Number Date of expiration Day
11 現に有する在留資格 在留期間
Status of residence Period of stay
在留期間の満了日 日
Date of expiration Day
12 在留カード番号
Residence card number
13 希望する在留期間 (審査の結果によって希望の期間とならない場合があります。)
Desired length of extension ( It may not be as desired after examination.)
14 更新の理由
Reason for extension
15 犯罪を理由とする処分を受けたことの有無 (日本国外におけるものを含む。)(注記)交通違反等による処分を含む。
Criminal record (in Japan / overseas)(注記)Including dispositions due to traffic violations, etc.
有 (具体的内容 ) ・ 無
Yes ( Detail: ) / No
16 在日親族(父・母・配偶者・子・兄弟姉妹・祖父母・叔(伯)父・叔(伯)母など)及び同居者
Family in Japan (father, mother, spouse, children, siblings, grandparents, uncle, aunt and others) and anyone you currently reside with
有 (「有」の場合は,以下の欄に在日親族及び同居者を記入してください。) ・ 無
Yes (If yes, please fill in your family members in Japan and anyone you currently reside with in the following columns.) / No
(注) 裏面参照の上,申請に必要な書類を作成して下さい。
Note : Please fill in forms required for application. (See notes on reverse side.)
(注) 申請書に事実に反する記載をしたことが判明した場合には,不利益な扱いを受けることがあります。
Note : In case of to be found that you have misrepresented the facts in an application, you will be unfavorably treated in the process.
在 留 期 間 更 新 許 可 申 請 書
法 務 大 臣 殿
To the Minister of Justice
Pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act,
I hereby apply for extension of period of stay.
有 ・ 無
Married / Single
年 月
Year Month
年 月
Year Month
年 月
Year Month
続 柄 氏 名 生年月日 国 籍・地 域
在 留 カ ー ド 番 号
Relationship Name Date of birth Nationality/Region
Residing with
applicant or not
Place of employment/ school
Residence card number
Special Permanent Resident Certificate number
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Regarding item 3, if you possess your valid passport, please fill in your name as shown in the passport.
Regarding item 16, if there is not enough space in the given columns to write in all of your family in Japan, fill in and attach a separate sheet.
In addition, take note that you are only required to fill in your family members in Japan for applications pertaining to "Trainee" or "Technical Intern Training".
Yes / No
Yes / No
Select type of form which corresponds to the purpose of residence in Japan.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 短期滞在 Temporary Visitor 親族訪問,短期商用 Visiting relatives, Temporary business しろまる H - - - - - -
大学等において高度の専門的な能力を有する人材として研究,研究の指導 大学教授
又は教育に従事すること((注記)) Professor
Activities of highly skilled professionals who engage in research,research guidance or education
at colleges ((注記))
Activities for research, research guidance or education at colleges
中学校,高等学校等における語学教育等 中学校の語学教師
Activities to engage in language instruction at junior high schools and high schools, etc. Junior high school language teacher
収入を伴う芸術上の活動 Activities for the arts that provide an income 作曲家,写真家 Composer, Photographer
収入を伴わない学術・芸術上の活動又は日本特有の文化・技芸の研究・修得 茶道,柔道を修得しようとする者
Academic or artistic activities that provide no income, or activities for the purpose of pursuing learning Study tea ceremony, judo
and acquiring Japanese culture or arts
外国の宗教団体から派遣されて行う布教活動 司教,宣教師
Religious activities conducted by foreign religious workers dispatched by foreign religious organizations Bishop, Missionary
外国の報道機関との契約に基づく報道上の活動 新聞記者, 報道カメラマン
Journalistic activities conducted on the basis of a contract with a foreign press organization Journalist, News photographer
日本にある事業所に期間を定めて転勤して研究活動に従事すること 外資系企業の研究者
Activities of research who have been transferred to a business office in Japan for a limited period of time Researcher assigned to a foreign firm
日本にある事業所に期間を定めて転勤して高度の専門的な能力を有する人材 外資系企業の駐在員
として自然科学又は人文科学の分野の専門的技術又は知識を必要とする業務に Employee assigned to a foreign firm
従事すること((注記)) Activities of highly skilled professionals who have been transferred to
a business office in Japan for a limited period of time and who are to engage in services which
require knowledge pertinent to the field of natural science or human science ((注記))
従事すること Activities of specialists who have been transferred to a business office
in Japan for a limited period of time
Activities of highly skilled professionals who operate or manage business ((注記))
Operation or Management of business
Activities of highly skilled professionals who engage in research,research guidance or education
at colleges(Except in cases falling under 2 )((注記))
Researcher of a government body or company
Activities to engage in research that provide income
Activities of highly skilled professionals who engage in services which require knowledge pertinent to natural
science fields or human science fields(Except in cases falling under 5 )((注記))
Engineer of mechanical engineering,Marketing specialist
Activities to engage in services which require knowledge pertinent to natural science fields or human science fields
or to engage in services which require specific ways of thinking or sensitivity acquired through experience with
foreign culture
介護又は介護の指導を行う業務に従事すること 介護福祉士
Activities to engage in nursing care or teaching nursing care Certified care worker
Activities to engage in services which require skills belonging to special fields
Foreign cuisine chef, Sport's instructor
特定の研究活動,研究事業活動,情報処理活動 指定された機関の研究者・情報処理技術者
Designated activities to engage in research, business related to research or information-processing-
Researcher or Information-technology engineer of a
designated organization
本邦の大学・大学院で修得した知識及び高い日本語能力を活用した業務に従事すること 高い日本語能力を持つ本邦大学卒業者
Activities to engage in services using knowledge acquired at a university or a master's program in Japan and
advanced Japanese language skills
Gradutate from a university or master's program in Japan who has advanced
Japanese language skill.
Engaging in work requiring skills which need considerable knowledge or experience based on an employment
contract for specified skilled workers
Specified skilled worker
Engaging in work requiring proficient skills based on an employment contract for specified skilled workers
9 興行 Entertainment 歌手,モデル Singer, Model しろまる O O O - - - -
10 技能実習 Technical intern training 技能実習生 Technical intern trainee しろまる Y - - Y - - -
11 勉学 Study 留学生 Student しろまる P P - P P - -
研修 実務研修を行わない研修生,公的研修を
Training 行う研修生
Trainees not including in the on-the-job training, trainees
who participate in public training
受けること Dependent who lives together with their supporter
Dependent who intends to live together with their supporter whose status is Designated Activities
(Nurse and Certified Careworker under EPA)
Dependent who lives together with his/her supporter whose status is Designated Activities
(Gradutate from a university or master's program in Japan)
日本人,永住者等との婚姻関係,親子関係等に基づく本邦での居住 日本人の配偶者
Spouse or child of Japanese national, Permanent resident, etc. Spouse of Japanese national
Other purposes (1)
上記以外の目的(2) 医療活動,起業活動
Other purposes (2) Medical activities, entrepreneurial activities
For((注記)),it is also possible to use forms J,K,O and U in accordance with the activities in which the applicant is to engage while residing in Japan.
(注意事項) Notes
1 所定の欄に記載することができないときは,別紙に記載の上,これを添付してください。
When the space provided is not sufficient for your answer, write on a separate piece of paper and attach it to the application.
2 用紙の大きさは,日本産業規格A4としてください。
All parts of this application must be on JIS size A 4 Paper (×ばつ297 mm).
3 公私の機関又は個人との契約に基づかずに在留資格「芸術」の活動を行う場合,フリーランスで在留資格「報道」の活動を行う場合は,所属機関等作成用は申請人が作成してください。
4 次の申請については,所属機関等作成用の提出を不要とします。
In cases of the following applications, there is no need to submit the application form for the organization.
(1) 留学生が大学等を卒業後に継続して就職活動を行うための「特定活動」への在留資格変更許可申請及び同在留資格の在留期間更新許可申請
Application for changing the status of residence to "Designated Activities" or for extension of the period of stay for a college student to continue job hunting after graduation
Application for extension of the period of stay of "Designated Activities" for a working holiday
(3) 難民認定申請を行っている者の「特定活動」への在留資格変更許可申請及び同在留資格の在留期間更新許可申請
Application for changing the status of residence to "Designated Activities" or extension of the period of stay for a person who is applying for refugee recognition
5 法定代理人が本人に代わって申請することができます。
The legal representative of the applicant may make an application in lieu of the applicant.
6 次に掲げる方が本人に代わって申請の手続(旅券等の提示及び申請書等の提出)を行うことができます。
The following persons may complete the application procedure (submit the passport, residence card and application form, etc.) in lieu of the applicant.
(このシートは提出する必要はありません。There is no need to submit this sheet.)
在留目的 Purpose of residence 例 Example
使用する申請書 Type of form
申請人等作成用 所属機関等作成用等
For applicants For organization- -2
3 しろまる J J - J -
〇 I I - I -- -4 しろまる K - - K - - -
5 しろまる L - - L - - -VM - - -
7 しろまる N - - N6企業の社長, 取締役,部長
President, director ,division head of a company
しろまる M - -
N - -
Dependent living together with their supporter under the status of residence of "Designated Activities" in
order to engage in research, business related to research or information-processing-related services
8 しろまる V V - V V V
14 しろまる T T --13 しろまる R - - R - - -
- - - -
12 しろまる Q - -15外交,公用,弁護士,公認会計士,医師,家事使用人,ワーキング・
しろまる U U U
A relative of the applicant, a person living together with the applicant or an equivalent person, whom the director of the regional services bureau deems respectively to be appropriate (in cases where the applicant is under the age of 16 years,
suffers from an illness or owing to other grounds)
(このシートは提出する必要はありません。There is no need to submit this sheet.)
- - -
When engaging in the activities "Artist" not based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan or engaging in the activities of "Journalist" as a freelancer, applicant him/herself must fill out the application form for the
A member of the staff of the accepting institution, etc. or of a public interest corporation whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau deems to be appropriate. (in cases pursuant to a request from the applicant or the legal
representative of the applicant)
An attorney or administrative scrivener who has given notification, via the bar association or administrative scriveners' association to which he or she belongs, to the director of the regional immigration services bureau which has jurisdiction
over the area where such bar association or administrative scriveners' association is located. (in cases pursuant to a request from the applicant or the legal representative of the applicant)
U U - -
Diplomat, Official, Lawyer, Public accountant, Doctor, Housekeeper, Working
holiday, Amateur athlete, Internship, Nurse and Certified Careworker under EPA,
Nurse and Certified Careworker candidates under EPA, Certified Careworker
Candidates (student) under EPA, Fourth-generation foreign national of Japanese
しろまる U U U -
申請人等作成用 2 P (「留学」) 在留期間更新・在留資格変更用
For applicant, part 2 P ("Student") For extension or change of status
17 通学先 Place of study
(1)名 称
Name of school
(2)所在地 (3)電話番号
Address Telephone No.
(Fill in 18 and 19 in case of applying for a change of status, going to a higher school or changing your school)
18 修学年数 (小学校〜最終学歴) 年
Total period of education (from elementary school to last institution of education) Years
19 最終学歴 (又は在学中の学校) Education (last school or institution) or present school
(1)在籍状況 しろいしかく 卒業 しろいしかく 在学中 しろいしかく 休学中 しろいしかく 中退
Registered enrollment Graduated In school Temporary absence Withdrawal
しろいしかく 大学院 (博士) しろいしかく 大学院 (修士) しろいしかく 大学 しろいしかく 短期大学 しろいしかく 専門学校
Doctor Master Bachelor Junior college College of technology
しろいしかく 高等学校 しろいしかく 中学校 しろいしかく 小学校 しろいしかく その他 ( )
Senior high school Junior high school Elementary school Others
(2)学校名 年
Name of the school Year
20 日本語能力 (専修学校又は各種学校において日本語教育以外の教育を受ける場合に記入)
しろいしかく 試験による証明 Proof based on a Japanese Language Test
(1)試験名 Name of the test (2)級又は点数 Attained level or score
しろいしかく 日本語教育を受けた教育機関及び期間 Organization and period to have received Japanese language education
期間: まで
Period from
しろいしかく その他
21 日本語学習歴 (高等学校において教育を受ける場合に記入)
Japanese education history (Fill in the following when you study in high school)
Organization and period to have received Japanese language education / received education by Japanese language
期間: まで
Period from
22 滞在費の支弁方法等(生活費,学費及び家賃等全てについて記入すること。)(注記)複数選択可
Method of support to pay for expenses while in Japan(fill in with regard to living expenses, tuition and rent) * multiple answers possible
(1)支弁方法及び月平均支弁額 Method of support and an amount of support per month (average)
しろいしかく 本人負担 円 しろいしかく 在外経費支弁者負担 円
Self Yen Supporter living abroad Yen
しろいしかく 在日経費支弁者負担 円 しろいしかく 奨学金 円
Supporter in Japan Yen Scholarship Yen
しろいしかく その他 円
Others Yen
(2)送金・携行等の別 Remittances from abroad or carrying cash
しろいしかく 外国からの携行 円 しろいしかく 外国からの送金 円
Carrying from abroad Yen Remittances from abroad Yen
(携行者 携行時期 ) しろいしかく その他 円
Name of the individual Date and time of Others Yen
carrying cash carrying cash
1氏 名Name2住 所 電話番号
Address Telephone No.
3職業 (勤務先の名称) 電話番号
Occupation (place of employment) Telephone No.
4年 収 円
Annual income Yen
Supporter(If there is more than one, give information on all of the supporters )*another paper may be attached, which does not have to use a prescribed format.月Year Month to Year Month
年 月 から 年
年 月
Year Month to Year Month
年 月 から
Date of graduation or expected graduation Month
Japanese language ability (Fill in the followings when you study at advanced vocational school or vocational school (except Japanese language))
(3)卒業又は卒業見込み年月 月
申請人等作成用 3 P (「留学」) 在留期間更新・在留資格変更用
For applicant, part 3 P ("Student") For extension or change of status
(4)申請人との関係 (上記(1)で在外経費支弁者負担又は在日経費支弁者負担を選択した場合に記入)
Relationship with the applicant (Check one of the followings when your answer to the question 22(1) is supporter living abroad or Japan)
しろいしかくしろいしかくしろいしかくしろいしかくしろいしかく 祖父 しろいしかく 祖母 しろいしかく 養父 しろいしかく 養母
Husband Wife Father Mother Grandfather Grandmother Foster father Foster mother
しろいしかく 兄弟姉妹 しろいしかく 叔父 (伯父)・叔母(伯母) しろいしかく 受入教育機関 しろいしかく 友人・知人
Brother / Sister Uncle / Aunt Educational institute Friend / Acquaintance
しろいしかく 友人・知人の親族 しろいしかく 取引関係者・現地企業等職員
Relative of friend / acquaintance Business connection / Personnel of local enterprise
しろいしかく 取引関係者・現地企業等職員の親族 しろいしかく その他 ( )
Relative of business connection / personnel of local enterprise Others
(5)奨学金支給機関 (上記(1)で奨学金を選択した場合に記入)(注記)複数選択可
しろいしかく 外国政府 しろいしかく 日本国政府 しろいしかく 地方公共団体
Foreign government Japanese government Local government
しろいしかく ) しろいしかく その他 ( )
23 資格外活動の有無
Are you engaging in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted?
Fill in (1) to (4) when your answer is "Yes".
(1)内 容
Type of work
(2)勤務先名称 電話番号
Place of employment Telephone No.
(3)週間稼働時間 時間 (4)報 酬 円 ( しろいしかく 月額
しろいしかく 日額 )
Work time per week Hour(s) Salary Yen Monthly Daily
24 卒業後の予定 Plan after graduation
しろいしかく 帰 国 しろいしかく 日本での進学
Return to home country Enter a school of higher education in Japan
しろいしかく 日本での就職 しろいしかく その他 ( )
Find work in Japan Others
25 本邦における申請人の監護人(通学先が中学校又は小学校の場合に記入)
Actual guardian in Japan(Fill in the following if the applicant is to study at a junior high school or elementary school)
(1)氏 名 (2)本人との関係
Name Relationship with the applicant
(3)住 所
電話番号 携帯電話番号
Telephone No. Cellular Phone No.
26 代理人(法定代理人による申請の場合に記入) Legal representative (in case of legal representative)
(1)氏 名 (2)本人との関係
Name Relationship with the applicant
(3)住 所
電話番号 携帯電話番号
Telephone No. Cellular Phone No.
年 月 日
Year Month Day
The date of preparation of the application form must be written by the applicant (legal representative).
(注記) 取次者 Agent or other authorized person
(1)氏 名 (2)住 所
Name Address
(3)所属機関等(親族等については,本人との関係) 電話番号
Telephone No.
以上の記載 内容 は事 実と 相違 あ り ませ ん。 I hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct.
申請人(法定代理人)の署名/申請書作成年月日 Signature of the applicant (legal representative) / Date of filling in this form
注 意 申請書作成後申請までに記載内容に変更が生じた場合,申請人(法定代理人)が変更箇所を訂正し,署名すること。
Attention In cases where descriptions have changed after filling in this application form up until submission of this application, the applicant
(legal representative) must correct the part concerned and sign their name.
Organization to which the agent belongs (in case of a relative, relationship with the applicant)
有 ・ 無
Yes / No
(Give the information for all of the companies if the applicant works for multiple
companies)*another paper may be attached, which does not have to use a prescribed format.
Organization which provide scholarship (Check one of the following when the answer to the question 22(1) is scholarship)* multiple answers possible
公益社団法人又は公益財団法人 (
Public interest incorporated association /
Public interest incorporated foundation
所属機関等作成用 1 P (「留学」)
For organization, part 1 P ("Student") For extension or change of status
1 在学中又は入学予定の外国人の氏名及び在留カード番号
Name and residence card number of the foreigner being at school or planning to enter the school
(1)氏 名 (2)在留カード番号
Name Residence card number
2 通学先 Place of Study
Name of School
Telephone No.
(5)授業形態 Type of class
しろいしかく 昼間制 しろいしかく 昼夜間制 しろいしかく 夜間制
Day classes Day-Evening classes Evening classes
しろいしかく サテライト制 (双方向通信による遠隔授業を受ける場合に記入)
Satellite program (fill in this box when attending remote classes that use two-way communication)
しろいしかく 通信制 (単位の一部をビデオ又はインターネット等による教育により取得できる場合を含む。)
Correspondence course (including cases receiving credits for education via video or internet)
Name of the resident adviser in Japan (in case that the place of study is an advanced vocational school,
miscellaneous school,junior high school or elementary school)
Is the applicant participating in a student exchange program? Which organization is in charge of that program?
(when the place of study is senior high school,junior high school or elementary school)
しろいしかく 国又は地方公共団体の機関 しろいしかく 独立行政法人 しろいしかく 国立大学法人 しろいしかく 学校法人
National or local government Incorporated administrative agency National university corporation Educational foundation
しろいしかく 公益社団法人又は公益財団法人 しろいしかく その他 ( )
Public interest incorporated association or public interest incorporated foundation Others
3 入学年月日 日
Date of entrance Day
4 週間授業時間(予定を含む。) 時間
Lesson hours per week(including scheduled lessons) hours
5 在籍区分 Registration
しろいしかく 大学院 (博士) しろいしかく 大学院 (修士)
Graduate school(Doctor) Graduate school(Master)
しろいしかく 大学院 (非正規生/専ら聴講によらない)しろいしかく 大学院 (非正規生/専ら聴講による) しろいしかく 大学 (正規生)
University(Regular student)
しろいしかく 大学 (非正規生/専ら聴講によらない) しろいしかく 大学 (非正規生/専ら聴講による) しろいしかく 短期大学 (正規生)
Junior college (Regular student)
しろいしかく 短期大学 (非正規生/専ら聴講によらない) しろいしかく 短期大学 (非正規生/専ら聴講による)
しろいしかく 高等専門学校 しろいしかく 専修学校 (専門課程) しろいしかく 専修学校 (高等課程)
Technical school Advanced vocational school (Specialized course) Advanced vocational school (Higher course)
しろいしかく 専修学校 (一般課程) しろいしかく 各種学校
Advanced vocational school (General course) Miscellaneous school
しろいしかく 日本語教育機関 (大学) しろいしかく 日本語教育機関 (短期大学)
Japanese-language institutes (University) Japanese-language institutes (Junior college)
しろいしかく 日本語教育機関 (専修学校) しろいしかく 日本語教育機関 (各種学校)
Japanese-language institutes (Advanced vocational school) Japanese-language institutes(Miscellaneous school)
しろいしかく 日本語教育機関 (その他)
Japanese-language institutes (Others)
しろいしかく 高等学校 しろいしかく 中学校 しろいしかく 小学校 しろいしかく その他 ( )
Senior high school Junior high school Elementary school Others
Junior college (Non-regular student/ not study
through auditing courses exclusively)
Junior college (Non-regular student/ study
through auditing courses exclusively)
Year Month
Graduate school (Non-regular student / not study
through auditing courses exclusively)
Graduate school (Non-regular student / study
through auditing courses exclusively)
University (Non-regular student/ not study through
auditing courses exclusively)
University (Non-regular student / study through
auditing courses exclusively)
年 月
(6)生活指導担当者名 (通学先が専修学校,各種学校,中学校又は小学校の場合に記入)
Yes / No
Corporation no. (combination of 13 numbers and letters)
Corporation name
所属機関等作成用 2 P (「留学」)
For organization, part 2 P ("Student") For extension or change of status
6 学部・課程 Faculty / Course
しろいしかく 法学 しろいしかく 経済学 しろいしかく 政治学 しろいしかく 商学 しろいしかく 経営学 しろいしかく 文学
Law Economics
. Politics Commercial science Business administration Literature
しろいしかく 語学 しろいしかく 社会学 しろいしかく 歴史学 しろいしかく 心理学 しろいしかく 教育学 しろいしかく 芸術学
Linguistics Sociology History Psychology Education Science of art
しろいしかく その他人文・社会科学 ( ) しろいしかく 理学 しろいしかく 化学 しろいしかく 工学
Science Chemistry Engineer
しろいしかく 農学 しろいしかく 水産学 しろいしかく 薬学 しろいしかく 医学 しろいしかく 歯学
Agriculture Fisheries Pharmacy Medicine Dentistry
しろいしかく その他自然科学 ( ) しろいしかく 体育学 しろいしかく その他 ( )
Others(natural science) Sports science Others
7 所属予定の研究室(5で大学院を選択した場合に記入)
Research room (Fill in the following item(s), if you selected Doctor, Master or Graduate school (Research student) as your answer to question 5)
Name of research room
Name of mentoring professor
8 専門課程名称 (5で高等専門学校〜各種学校を選択した場合に記入)
しろいしかく 工業 しろいしかく 農業 しろいしかく 医療・衛生 しろいしかく 教育・社会福祉 しろいしかく 法律
Engineering Agriculture Medical services / Hygienics Education / Social welfare Law
しろいしかく 商業実務 しろいしかく 服飾・家政 しろいしかく 文化・教養 しろいしかく その他 ( )
Practical commercial business Dress design / Home economics Culture / Education Others
9 卒業年月(予定) 年 月
(交換留学生の場合,10に交換留学受入満了年月を記入) Year(s) Month(s)
10 交換留学受入満了年月 年 月
Month and year of expiration of the exchange student acceptance period Year(s) Month(s)
以上の記載内容は事実と相違ありません。 I hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct
Name of the educational institution and representative of the educational institution /Date of filling in this form日Day
注意 Attention
Year Month
In cases where descriptions have changed after filling in this application form up until submission of this application, the organization must correct the
changed part .
(If you are an exchange student, fill in the expiration date of the exchange student acceptance period in (10))
年 月
Name of specialized course (Check the following item(s) if you selected "Technical school" through to "Miscellaneous school" as your answer to question 5)
Month and year of (scheduled) graduation
(Check the following item(s) if you selected Graduate school,University or Junior college including Non-regular course as your answer to question 5)
Others(cultural science/ social science)

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