申請人等作成用 1 日本国政府法務省
For applicant, part1 Ministry of Justice,Government of Japan
1 国 籍・地 域 2 生年月日 日
Nationality/Region Date of birth Day
3 氏 名NameFamily name Given name
4 性 別 男 ・ 女 5 配偶者の有無
Sex Male/Female Marital status
6 職 業 7 本国における居住地
Occupation Home town/city
8 住居地
Address in Japan
9 電話番号 携帯電話番号
Telephone No. Cellular phone No.
10 旅券 (1)番 号 (2)有効期限 日
Passport Number Date of expiration Day
11 現に有する在留資格 在留期間
Status of residence Period of stay
在留期間の満了日 日
Date of expiration Day
12 在留カード番号
Residence card number
13 希望する在留期間 (審査の結果によって希望の期間とならない場合があります。)
Desired length of extension ( It may not be as desired after examination.)
14 更新の理由
Reason for extension
15 犯罪を理由とする処分を受けたことの有無 (日本国外におけるものを含む。)(注記)交通違反等による処分を含む。
Criminal record (in Japan / overseas)(注記)Including dispositions due to traffic violations, etc.
有 (具体的内容 ) ・ 無
Yes ( Detail: ) / No
16 在日親族(父・母・配偶者・子・兄弟姉妹・祖父母・叔(伯)父・叔(伯)母など)及び同居者
Family in Japan (father, mother, spouse, children, siblings, grandparents, uncle, aunt and others) and anyone you currently reside with
有 (「有」の場合は,以下の欄に在日親族及び同居者を記入してください。) ・ 無
Yes (If yes, please fill in your family members in Japan and anyone you currently reside with in the following columns.) / No
(注) 裏面参照の上,申請に必要な書類を作成して下さい。
Note : Please fill in forms required for application. (See notes on reverse side.)
(注) 申請書に事実に反する記載をしたことが判明した場合には,不利益な扱いを受けることがあります。
Note : In case of to be found that you have misrepresented the facts in an application, you will be unfavorably treated in the process.
Yes / No
Regarding item 3, if you possess your valid passport, please fill in your name as shown in the passport.
Regarding item 16, if there is not enough space in the given columns to write in all of your family in Japan, fill in and attach a separate sheet.
In addition, take note that you are only required to fill in your family members in Japan for applications pertaining to "Trainee" or "Technical Intern Training".
Yes / No
Yes / No
Relationship Name Date of birth Nationality/Region
Residing with
applicant or not
Place of employment/ school
Residence card number
Special Permanent Resident Certificate number
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
続 柄 氏 名 生年月日 国 籍・地 域
在 留 カ ー ド 番 号
年 月
Year Month
年 月
Year Month
有 ・ 無
Married / Single
在 留 期 間 更 新 許 可 申 請 書
法 務 大 臣 殿
To the Minister of Justice
Pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act,
I hereby apply for extension of period of stay.
年 月
Year Month
Select type of form which corresponds to the purpose of residence in Japan.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 短期滞在 Temporary Visitor 親族訪問,短期商用 Visiting relatives, Temporary business しろまる H - - - - - -
大学等において高度の専門的な能力を有する人材として研究,研究の指導 大学教授
又は教育に従事すること((注記)) Professor
Activities of highly skilled professionals who engage in research,research guidance or education
at colleges ((注記))
Activities for research, research guidance or education at colleges
中学校,高等学校等における語学教育等 中学校の語学教師
Activities to engage in language instruction at junior high schools and high schools, etc. Junior high school language teacher
収入を伴う芸術上の活動 Activities for the arts that provide an income 作曲家,写真家 Composer, Photographer
収入を伴わない学術・芸術上の活動又は日本特有の文化・技芸の研究・修得 茶道,柔道を修得しようとする者
Academic or artistic activities that provide no income, or activities for the purpose of pursuing learning Study tea ceremony, judo
and acquiring Japanese culture or arts
外国の宗教団体から派遣されて行う布教活動 司教,宣教師
Religious activities conducted by foreign religious workers dispatched by foreign religious organizations Bishop, Missionary
外国の報道機関との契約に基づく報道上の活動 新聞記者, 報道カメラマン
Journalistic activities conducted on the basis of a contract with a foreign press organization Journalist, News photographer
日本にある事業所に期間を定めて転勤して研究活動に従事すること 外資系企業の研究者
Activities of research who have been transferred to a business office in Japan for a limited period of time Researcher assigned to a foreign firm
日本にある事業所に期間を定めて転勤して高度の専門的な能力を有する人材 外資系企業の駐在員
として自然科学又は人文科学の分野の専門的技術又は知識を必要とする業務に Employee assigned to a foreign firm
従事すること((注記)) Activities of highly skilled professionals who have been transferred to
a business office in Japan for a limited period of time and who are to engage in services which
require knowledge pertinent to the field of natural science or human science ((注記))
従事すること Activities of specialists who have been transferred to a business office
in Japan for a limited period of time
Activities of highly skilled professionals who operate or manage business ((注記))
Operation or Management of business
Activities of highly skilled professionals who engage in research,research guidance or education
at colleges(Except in cases falling under 2 )((注記))
Researcher of a government body or company
Activities to engage in research that provide income
Activities of highly skilled professionals who engage in services which require knowledge pertinent to natural
science fields or human science fields(Except in cases falling under 5 )((注記))
Engineer of mechanical engineering,Marketing specialist
Activities to engage in services which require knowledge pertinent to natural science fields or human science fields
or to engage in services which require specific ways of thinking or sensitivity acquired through experience with
foreign culture
介護又は介護の指導を行う業務に従事すること 介護福祉士
Activities to engage in nursing care or teaching nursing care Certified care worker
Activities to engage in services which require skills belonging to special fields
Foreign cuisine chef, Sport's instructor
特定の研究活動,研究事業活動,情報処理活動 指定された機関の研究者・情報処理技術者
Designated activities to engage in research, business related to research or information-processing-
Researcher or Information-technology engineer of a
designated organization
本邦の大学・大学院で修得した知識及び高い日本語能力を活用した業務に従事すること 高い日本語能力を持つ本邦大学卒業者
Activities to engage in services using knowledge acquired at a university or a master's program in Japan and
advanced Japanese language skills
Gradutate from a university or master's program in Japan who has advanced
Japanese language skill.
Engaging in work requiring skills which need considerable knowledge or experience based on an employment
contract for specified skilled workers
Specified skilled worker
Engaging in work requiring proficient skills based on an employment contract for specified skilled workers
9 興行 Entertainment 歌手,モデル Singer, Model しろまる O O O - - - -
10 技能実習 Technical intern training 技能実習生 Technical intern trainee しろまる Y - - Y - - -
11 勉学 Study 留学生 Student しろまる P P - P P - -
研修 実務研修を行わない研修生,公的研修を
Training 行う研修生
Trainees not including in the on-the-job training, trainees
who participate in public training
受けること Dependent who lives together with their supporter
Dependent who intends to live together with their supporter whose status is Designated Activities
(Nurse and Certified Careworker under EPA)
Dependent who lives together with his/her supporter whose status is Designated Activities
(Gradutate from a university or master's program in Japan)
日本人,永住者等との婚姻関係,親子関係等に基づく本邦での居住 日本人の配偶者
Spouse or child of Japanese national, Permanent resident, etc. Spouse of Japanese national
Other purposes (1)
上記以外の目的(2) 医療活動,起業活動
Other purposes (2) Medical activities, entrepreneurial activities
For((注記)),it is also possible to use forms J,K,O and U in accordance with the activities in which the applicant is to engage while residing in Japan.
(注意事項) Notes
1 所定の欄に記載することができないときは,別紙に記載の上,これを添付してください。
When the space provided is not sufficient for your answer, write on a separate piece of paper and attach it to the application.
2 用紙の大きさは,日本産業規格A4としてください。
All parts of this application must be on JIS size A 4 Paper (×ばつ297 mm).
3 公私の機関又は個人との契約に基づかずに在留資格「芸術」の活動を行う場合,フリーランスで在留資格「報道」の活動を行う場合は,所属機関等作成用は申請人が作成してください。
4 次の申請については,所属機関等作成用の提出を不要とします。
In cases of the following applications, there is no need to submit the application form for the organization.
(1) 留学生が大学等を卒業後に継続して就職活動を行うための「特定活動」への在留資格変更許可申請及び同在留資格の在留期間更新許可申請
Application for changing the status of residence to "Designated Activities" or for extension of the period of stay for a college student to continue job hunting after graduation
Application for extension of the period of stay of "Designated Activities" for a working holiday
(3) 難民認定申請を行っている者の「特定活動」への在留資格変更許可申請及び同在留資格の在留期間更新許可申請
Application for changing the status of residence to "Designated Activities" or extension of the period of stay for a person who is applying for refugee recognition
5 法定代理人が本人に代わって申請することができます。
The legal representative of the applicant may make an application in lieu of the applicant.
6 次に掲げる方が本人に代わって申請の手続(旅券等の提示及び申請書等の提出)を行うことができます。
The following persons may complete the application procedure (submit the passport, residence card and application form, etc.) in lieu of the applicant.
(このシートは提出する必要はありません。There is no need to submit this sheet.)
在留目的 Purpose of residence 例 Example
使用する申請書 Type of form
申請人等作成用 所属機関等作成用等
For applicants For organization- -2
3 しろまる J J - J -
〇 I I - I -- -4 しろまる K - - K - - -
5 しろまる L - - L - - -VM - - -
7 しろまる N - - N6企業の社長, 取締役,部長
President, director ,division head of a company
しろまる M - -
N - -
Dependent living together with their supporter under the status of residence of "Designated Activities" in
order to engage in research, business related to research or information-processing-related services
8 しろまる V V - V V V
14 しろまる T T --13 しろまる R - - R - - -
- - - -
12 しろまる Q - -15外交,公用,弁護士,公認会計士,医師,家事使用人,ワーキング・
しろまる U U U
A relative of the applicant, a person living together with the applicant or an equivalent person, whom the director of the regional services bureau deems respectively to be appropriate (in cases where the applicant is under the age of 16 years,
suffers from an illness or owing to other grounds)
(このシートは提出する必要はありません。There is no need to submit this sheet.)
- - -
When engaging in the activities "Artist" not based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan or engaging in the activities of "Journalist" as a freelancer, applicant him/herself must fill out the application form for the
A member of the staff of the accepting institution, etc. or of a public interest corporation whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau deems to be appropriate. (in cases pursuant to a request from the applicant or the legal
representative of the applicant)
An attorney or administrative scrivener who has given notification, via the bar association or administrative scriveners' association to which he or she belongs, to the director of the regional immigration services bureau which has jurisdiction
over the area where such bar association or administrative scriveners' association is located. (in cases pursuant to a request from the applicant or the legal representative of the applicant)
U U - -
Diplomat, Official, Lawyer, Public accountant, Doctor, Housekeeper, Working
holiday, Amateur athlete, Internship, Nurse and Certified Careworker under EPA,
Nurse and Certified Careworker candidates under EPA, Certified Careworker
Candidates (student) under EPA, Fourth-generation foreign national of Japanese
しろまる U U U -
申請人等作成用 2 V (「特定技能(1号)」・「特定技能(2号)」) 在留期間更新用
For applicant, part 2 V ("Specified Skilled Worker ( i ) "・"Specified Skilled Worker ( ii ) ") For extension of status
17 特定技能所属機関 Organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker
Name of person or organization
(2)住所(所在地) 電話番号
Address Telephone No.
18 技能水準 Skill level
しろいしかく 分野別運用方針に定める評価方法による証明
しろいしかく 試験による証明 Proof based on the passing of an exam
合格した試験名 Name of passed exam 受験地 Exam location
しろいしかく 日本国内Japan
しろいしかく 日本国外(国名: )
Foreign country Country name
しろいしかく 日本国内Japan
しろいしかく 日本国外(国名: )
Foreign country Country name
しろいしかく その他の評価方法による証明
Proof based on some other evaluation method
しろいしかく 技能実習2号を良好に修了 Successfully completed Technical Intern Training (ii)
19 日本語能力(「特定技能1号」での在留を希望する場合に記入)
(Fill in this section if you wish to reside in Japan with the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker (i)")
しろいしかく 分野別運用方針に定める評価方法による証明
しろいしかく 試験による証明 Proof based on a Japanese language test
合格した試験名 Name of passed exam 受験地 Exam location
しろいしかく 日本国内Japan
しろいしかく 日本国外(国名: )
Foreign country Country name
しろいしかく 日本国内Japan
しろいしかく 日本国外(国名: )
Foreign country Country name
しろいしかく その他の評価方法による証明
Proof based on some other evaluation method
しろいしかく 技能実習2号を良好に修了 Successfully completed Technical Intern Training (ii)
20 良好に修了した技能実習2号(上記18,19において技能実習2号を良好に修了を選択した場合に記入)
職種 作業
Occupation Operations
良好に修了したことの証明 Proof of successful completion
しろいしかく 3級の技能検定又はこれに相当する技能実習評価試験の実技試験の合格による証明
しろいしかく 実習状況に関する書面による証明
Proof based on a document relating to the status of the technical intern training
(複数ある場合には(2)に記入) (Fill in (2) if you have several forms of proof)
職種 作業
Occupation Operations
良好に修了したことの証明 Proof of successful completion
しろいしかく 3級の技能検定又はこれに相当する技能実習評価試験の実技試験の合格による証明
しろいしかく 実習状況に関する書面による証明
Proof based on a document relating to the status of the technical intern training
21 申請時における特定技能1号での通算在留期間(過去の在留歴を含む。「特定技能1号」での在留を希
年 月
Year Month
Proof based on the evaluation method specified in the field-specific operational policy
Proof based on passing Grade 3 of the National Trade Skills Test or the practical test of an equivalent technical intern training evaluation exam
Japanese language ability
Proof based on the evaluation method specified in the field-specific operational policy
Technical Intern Training (ii) that was successfully completed (Fill in this section if you selected "Successfully completed Technical Intern Training (ii) in 18 and 19 above)
Occupation / Operations (Fill in the occupation /operations under Appended Table II of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Proper
Technical Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees)
Occupation / Operations (Fill in the occupation /operations under Appended Table II of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Proper
Technical Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees)
Proof based on passing Grade 3 of the National Trade Skills Test or the practical test of an equivalent technical intern training evaluation exam
Cumulative period of stay with "Specified Skilled Worker (i)" at the time of submitting this application (including past residence history; fill in this section if you wish to
reside in Japan with the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker (i)")
申請人等作成用 3 V (「特定技能(1号)」・「特定技能(2号)」) 在留期間更新用
For applicant, part 3 V ("Specified Skilled Worker ( i ) "・"Specified Skilled Worker ( ii ) ") For extension of status
22 特定技能雇用契約に係る保証金の徴収その他財産管理又は違約金等の支払契約の有無
Yes (Name of the organization collecting the deposit or managing property: Deposit amount or type of property managed: ) / No
23 特定技能雇用契約に係る申込みの取次ぎ又は外国における活動準備に関する外国の機関への費用の
約 円
Yes Payment (converted into Japanese yen) : Approximately Yen ) / No
24 国籍又は住居を有する国又は地域において定められる,本邦で行う活動に関連して遵守すべき手続を
25 本邦において定期的に負担する費用について,対価の内容を十分に理解して合意していることの有無
26 技能実習によって本邦において修得,習熟又は熟達した技能等の本国への移転に努めることの有無
27 申請人につき特定産業分野に特有の事情に鑑みて告示で定められる基準に適合していることの有無
28 職 歴 (外国におけるものを含む) Work experience (including those in a foreign country)
29 代理人(法定代理人による申請の場合に記入) Legal representative (in case of legal representative)
(1)氏 名 (2)本人との関係Name(3)住 所
電話番号 携帯電話番号
Telephone No. Cellular Phone No.
以上の記載内容は事実と相違ありません。 I hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct.日Day
The date of preparation of the application form must be written by the applicant (legal representative).
(注記) 取次者 Agent or other authorized person
(1)氏 名 (2)住 所
Name Address
(3)所属機関等(親族等については,本人との関係) 電話番号
Organization to which the agent belongs (in case of a relative, relationship with the applicant) Telephone No.
Is there a contract on the collection of a deposit pertaining to the employment contract for a specified skilled worker, or management of other property or the payment of penalties, etc.
有(徴収又は管理機関名: 徴収金額又は管理財産:
Do you fully understand and agree on the amount and breakdown of expenses to be paid to the organization in a foreign country concerning mediation
for the application pertaining to the employment contract for specified skilled workers or preparations for activities in the foreign country? (Fill in this
section if there are expenses to be paid.)
Have you followed the procedures to be complied with in relation to the activities to be conducted in Japan prescribed by the country or region of nationality or
residence? (Fill in this section if such procedures are prescribed.)
Yes / No
Do you fully understand and have you agreed to the expenses to be paid on a regular basis in Japan? (Fill in this section if there are expenses to be paid.) Yes / No
有(外国の機関名: )・無
(Name of the organization in a foreign country:
Date of joining the company Date of leaving the company 勤務先名称 Date of joining the company Date of leaving the company 勤務先名称
Will you endeavor to transfer the skills, etc. you acquire, the skills, etc. for which you increase proficiency or attain proficiency in Japan through the technical
intern training? (Fill in this section if you have a previous history of residing in Japan with the status of residence of "Technical Intern Training", and wish to
reside in Japan with the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker (ii)".)
Yes / No
Do you meet the criteria prescribed in the public notice in consideration of circumstances specific to the specified industrial field pertaining to you? (Fill in this
section if such criteria are prescribed.)
Yes / No
入社 退社 入社 退社
月 年 月 Place of employment
Year Month Year Month Year Month
年 月 年 月 Place of employment 年
Year Month
申請人(法定代理人)の署名/申請書作成年月日 Signature of the applicant (legal representative) / Date of filling in this form
年 月
Relationship with the applicant
Year Month
注 意 申請書作成後申請までに記載内容に変更が生じた場合,申請人(法定代理人)が変更箇所を訂正し,署名すること。
Attention In cases where descriptions have changed after filling in this application form up until submission of this application, the applicant (legal
representative) must correct the part concerned and sign their name.
所属機関等作成用 1 V (「特定技能(1号)」・「特定技能(2号)」) 在留期間更新用
For organization, part 1 V ("Specified Skilled Worker ( i ) "・"Specified Skilled Worker ( ii ) ") For extension of status
1 雇用している外国人の氏名
2 特定技能雇用契約 Employment contract for a specified skilled worker
(1)雇用契約期間 年 月 日 から 年 月 日 まで
from Year Month Day to Year Month Day
Contents of work to be engaged in (if there are several types of work, fill in all of the work)
特定産業分野 業務区分
職種 しろまる主たる職種を別紙「職種一覧」から選択して番号を記入(1つのみ)
(注意) Attention
Please select from 1 to 43,from 45 to 50,from 55 to 81,from 100 to 112 and 999 on the attached "a list of occupation."
(3)所定労働時間(週平均) 時間 所定労働時間(月平均) 時間
Prescribed working hours (weekly average) hours Prescribed working hours (monthly average) hours
Are the prescribed working hours equivalent to the prescribed working hours of regular workers?
(4)月額報酬 (注記) 各種手当(通勤・住宅・扶養等)・実費弁償の性格を有するものを除く。 円
Monthly remuneration Excludes various types of allowances (commuting,housing,dependents,etc.) and personal expenses. Yen
基本給の時間換算額 円
Time converted amount of basic salary Yen
同等の業務に従事する日本人の月額報酬 円Yen報酬の額が日本人が従事する場合の報酬の額と同等以上であることの有無
Will the foreign national receive an equal or greater amount of remuneration than a Japanese national would receive for comparable work?
(5)報酬の支払方法 しろいしかく 通貨払 しろいしかく 口座振込み
Payment method of remuneration Paid in cash Paid into a bank account
Are any matters stipulated related to treatment that differ from that given to a Japanese national due to the applicant being a foreign national?
有(内容: )・無
Yes ) / No
Will the foreign national be given the necessary paid holidays in the event of wanting to return temporarily to his/her home country?
Dispatch site (Fill in this section if the foreign national may be sent out for worker dispatch)
氏名又は名称 法人番号(13桁)
雇用保険適用事業所番号(11桁)(注記)非該当事業所は記入省略 Employment insurance application office number (11 digits) *If not applicable, it should be omitted.
住所(所在地) 電話番号
派遣期間 年 月 日 から 年 月 日 まで
from Year Month Day to Year Month Day
氏名又は名称 法人番号(13桁)
雇用保険適用事業所番号(11桁)(注記)非該当事業所は記入省略 Employment insurance application office number (11 digits) *If not applicable, it should be omitted.
住所(所在地) 電話番号
許可・届出番号 受理年月日 年 月 日
Permission / notification no. Date of receipt Year Month Day
Period of dispatch
Employment placement service provider (fill in this section if there is an employment placement service provider that arranges the conclusion of employment contracts for specified skilled workers)
Name of person or
Corporation no. (combination
of 13 numbers and letters)
Name of person or
Corporation no. (combination
of 13 numbers and letters)- -有・無
Yes / No
Are the criteria, which are stipulated in a public notice in consideration of circumstances specific to the specified industrial field in terms
of the employment relations, being met? (Fill in this section if such criteria are stipulated.)
If a foreign national cannot afford the travel expenses for return to his/her home country after the end of the employment contract for specified skilled workers,
will the organization of affiliation pay for the travel expenses and take necessary measures to ensure smooth departure?
Is the organization of affiliation taking the necessary measures to check the state of the foreign national’s health and other living conditions?
Are the criteria, which are stipulated in a public notice in consideration of circumstances specific to the specified industrial field in terms of the matters
necessary to ensure the proper residence of the foreign nationals, being met? (Fill in this section if such criteria are stipulated.)
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Name of foreign national being offered employment
Select the main occupation from the Attachment: "a list of occupation", and fill in the number (select only one)
Period of employment contract
Specified industrial field Work category
If there is any other occupation, select from the Attachment: "a list of occupation", and fill in the number (more than one answer may be selected)
Yes / No
Monthly remuneration of Japanese national engaging in the same type of work
Address Telephone No.
Address Telephone No.
Name of the representative- - 所属機関等作成用 2 V (「特定技能(1号)」・「特定技能(2号)」) 在留期間更新用
For organization, part 2 V ("Specified Skilled Worker ( i ) "・"Specified Skilled Worker ( ii ) ") For extension of status
Name of person or organization
住所(所在地) 電話番号
3 特定技能所属機関 Organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker
(1)氏名又は名称 (2)法人番号(13桁)
(注記)本店又は主たる事務所のものを記入 Fill in the name of head office or principal place of business
Employment insurance application office number (11 digits) *If not applicable, it should be omitted.
(4)業種 しろまる主たる業種を別紙「業種一覧」から選択して番号を記入(1つのみ)
Business type Select the main business type from the attached sheet "a list of business type " and write the corresponding number (select only one)
If there are another other business types, select from the attached sheet "a list of business type "
and write the corresponding number (multiple answers possible)
(5)住所(所在地) (注記)本店又は主たる事務所のものを記入
Address of person or organization (注記)Fill in the address of head office or principal place of business
(6)資本金 円 (7)年間売上金額(直近年度) 円
Capital Yen Annual sales (latest year) Yen
(8)常勤職員数 名 (9)代表者の氏名
Number of full-time employees
(10)勤務させる事業所名 所在地
Does the place of business apply health insurance and employees pension insurance?
Does the place of business apply industrial accident insurance and employment insurance?
Labor insurance number
(Enter the last four digits only when they have been allocated.)
Yes ) / No
Yes ) / No
有(内容: )・無
Yes (Details: ) / No
有(内容・該当者名: )・無
Yes (Details/Name of applicable person: ) / No
有(内容・該当者名: )・無
Yes (Details/Name of applicable person: ) / No
有(内容・該当者名: )・無
Yes (Details/Name of applicable person: ) / No
有(内容・該当者名: )・無
Yes (Details/Name of applicable person: ) / No
有(内容・該当者名: )・無
Yes (Details/Name of applicable person: ) / No
有(内容・該当者名: )・無
Yes (Details/Name of applicable person: ) / No
有(内容・該当者名: )・無
Yes (Details/Name of applicable person: ) / No
有(内容・該当者名: )・無
Yes (Details/Name of applicable person: ) / No
(Details / Reason:-Has the organization ever been in violation of the provisions of laws and regulations concerning labor, social insurance or tax?-有(内容: )・無
Has a worker who engaged in work of the same type as that which the foreign national is to engage in ever been forced to leave within one year prior to the date of the foreign national entering into
Yes / No
Yes / No
- - -
Telephone No.
Name of the representative
Name of place of business where
foreign national is to work
Intermediary organization (fill in this section if there is a person who mediates information at the time of an employment placement service provider acting as an agent)
Address Telephone No.
Name of person or
Corporation no. (combination of 13
numbers and letters)
(注記)(3)及び(8)については,主に勤務させる事業所について記載すること For sub-items (3) and (8), fill in the information of principal place of business where foreign national is to work
Does the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, its officer, support manager or support staff have a mental disability which will have an impact on proper performance of the
employment contract for specified skilled workers?
Has the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, its officer, support manager or support staff become subject to the commencement of bankruptcy procedures and yet to have its rights restored?
Has the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, its officer, support manager or support staff ever had its accreditation of the training revoked as provided for in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern
Training Act?
Has the organization ever caused a foreign national to disappear due to a cause attributable to the fault of the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker
within one year prior to the date of the foreign national entering into the employment contract for specified skilled workers or after the date of the foreign national entering into such contract?
Has the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker or its officer, support manager or support staff ever been sentenced to a criminal punishment due to a violation of laws and regulations?
Is the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, its officer, support manager or support staff currently an organized crime member or was it formerly an organized crime member within the past five years?
Does the statutory agent (its officer in the case of a corporation) of the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, its officer, support manager or support staff fall under any of (14) to
(20)? (Fill in this section if the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, its officer, support manager or support staff is a minor who does not have the same capacity to act as a person
who has reached the age of majority in relation to business.)
Has the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, its officer, support manager or support staff ever been an officer of a corporation that has had its accreditation of training
revoked as provided for in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern Training Act?
Has the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, its officer, support manager or support staff ever committed a wrongful or seriously unjust act in relation to immigration or labor-related laws or regulations within
five years of the date of entering into the employment contract for specified skilled workers or after the date of entering into such contract?
所属機関等作成用 3 V (「特定技能(1号)」・「特定技能(2号)」) 在留期間更新用
For organization, part 3 V ("Specified Skilled Worker ( i ) "・"Specified Skilled Worker ( ii ) ") For extension of status
有(内容: )・無
Yes (Details: ) / No
有(内容: )・無
Yes (Details: ) / No
有(内容: )・無
Yes (Details: ) / No
(27)次のいずれかに該当することの有無 Whether it falls under any of the following cases:
(有の場合は該当するものを選択) (If "Yes", choose the corresponding item)
しろいしかく 1派遣先において従事する業務の属する特定産業分野に係る業務又はこれに関連する業務を行っていること
A dispatch site conducting work pertaining to a specified industrial field to which the work the foreign national is to engage in at the dispatch site belongs or related work
(内容: )
(Details: )
しろいしかく 2地方公共団体又は1に該当する者が資本金の過半数を出資していること
A local government or a person who falls under 1 who has invested a majority of the stated capital
(内容: )
(Details: )
しろいしかく 3地方公共団体又は1に該当する者が業務執行に実質的に関与していること
A local government or a person who falls under 1 who is substantially involved in execution of the business
(内容: )
(Details: )
しろいしかく 4派遣先において従事する業務の属する分野が農業である場合であって国家戦略特別区域法第16条の5第1項に規定する特定機
Will the organization be sending dispatch workers to a dispatch site that comes under (11) to (22) above?
有(内容: )・無
Yes (Details: ) / No
(29)労災保険加入等の措置の有無 Have measures been taken for coverage of industrial accident insurance, etc.?
有(内容: )・無
Yes (Details: ) / No
施を委託しない場合に記入) (Fill in sections (33) to (41) if the applicant wishes to reside in Japan with the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker (i)",
and not all of the support plans for specified skilled workers (i) are to be entrusted to a registered support organization based on a contract.)
(33)支援責任者名 所属・役職
Support manager
Has a support manager been appointed from among the officers or employees?
(34)支援担当者名 所属・役職
Support staff
(35)次のいずれかに該当することの有無 Whether it falls under any of the following cases:
(有の場合は該当するものを選択) (If "Yes", choose the corresponding item)
しろいしかく 1過去2年間において法別表第1の1の表,2の表及び5の表の上欄の在留資格(収入を伴う事業を運営する活動又は報酬を受ける
しろいしかく 2支援責任者及び支援担当者が過去2年以内に法別表第1の1の表,2の表及び5の表の上欄の在留資格(収入を伴う事業を運営す
しろいしかく 3その他支援業務を適正に実施できる事情を有すること (内容: )
(Details: )
Is an organized crime member or a person who was formerly an organized crime member within the past five years controlling the business activities of the organization of affiliation of specified skilled workers?
The field of work the foreign national is to engage in at the dispatch site is agriculture, and the organization is the specified organization prescribed in Article 16-5, paragraph (1) of
the National Strategy Special Zone Act.
Yes / No
Is the organization taking measures to prepare documents on the contents of the activities of the foreign national, and to keep them at the place of business where the
foreign national is engaging in the activities for at least one year from the date of termination of the contract?
Yes / No
Has the organization entered into an employment contract for specified skilled workers knowing about the existence of an agreement to collect a deposit or to control property
or to demand payment of penalties pertaining to the employment contract for specified skilled workers?
Has the organization entered into an agreement on the payment of penalties, etc. with regard to non-performance of the employment contract for specified skilled workers?
Has the organization established practical measures to ensure the foreign national is not being made to pay either directly or indirectly for the costs required for support for Specified
Skilled Worker (i)? (Fill in this section if the applicant wishes to enter Japan under the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker (i)".)
Yes / No
(Fill in sections (27) and (28) if the foreign national is likely to be sent as a dispatch worker.)
Yes / No
Title and department
Has at least one support staff member been appointed from among the officers and employees for each place of business where the specified skilled worker is to work? Yes / No
Yes / No
It has a past record of properly accepting or managing mid to long-term residents residing with one of the statuses of residence in the left-hand column of Appended Table I (1), (2) or (5)
over the past two years (limited to the statuses of residence where the foreign national is permitted to engage in activities related to the management of business involving income or
activities for which he or she receives remuneration).
The support manager and support staff have experience of engaging in the work of providing advice on living for mid to long-term residents with a status of
residence in the left-hand column of Appended Table I (1), 2 and (5) (limited to the statuses of residence where the foreign national is permitted to engage in
activities related to the management of business involving income or activities for which they receive remuneration).
Other conditions to ensure support is properly implemented
Do you have a structure in place where support based on the support plan for specified skilled workers (i) will be provided in a language that the foreign national is able to fully
Yes / No
Has the organization taken measures to prepare documents on the status of support for specified skilled workers (i), and to keep them at the place of business where the support for
specified skilled workers (i) is to be implemented for at least one year from the date of termination of the employment contract for specified skilled workers?
Yes / No
Is there an appropriate structure in place to ensure continuous implementation of the employment contract for specified skilled workers? Yes / No
Will the foreign national's remuneration be paid by wire transfer to the account of a bank or other financial institution specified 有・無
by the foreign national or using a method where the actual amount that was paid can be confirmed, and in the latter case, will objective materials proving the payment of remuneration be
submitted to the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency in order to be checked?
Yes / No
Does the organization meet the criteria stipulated in the public notice in consideration of circumstances specific to the specified industrial field in terms of securing the proper performance
of the employment contract for specified skilled workers? (Fill in this section if such criteria are stipulated.)
Yes / No
Title and department
所属機関等作成用 4 V (「特定技能(1号)」・「特定技能(2号)」) 在留期間更新用
For organization, part 4 V ("Specified Skilled Worker ( i ) "・"Specified Skilled Worker ( ii ) ") For extension of status
有(内容: )・無
Yes (Details: ) / No
4 1号特定技能外国人支援計画(申請人が「特定技能1号」での在留を希望する場合に記入)
Support plan for specified skilled workers (i) (fill in this section if the applicant wishes to reside in Japan with the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker (i)")
Will the organization be picking up and dropping off the foreign national at the seaport or airport where he / she will be entering or departing from Japan?
Will the organization be providing support to secure suitable accommodation for the foreign national?
5 登録支援機関(申請人が「特定技能1号」での在留を希望する場合であって,契約により登録支援機関に1号特定技能外国人支援計画の全部の実施
(1)氏名又は名称 (2)法人番号(13桁)
Employment insurance application office number (11 digits) *If not applicable, it should be omitted.
(4)住所(所在地) 電話番号
(6)登録番号 (7)登録年月日 日Day(8)支援を行う事業所の名称 (9)所在地
(10)支援責任者名 (11)支援担当者名
(12)対応可能言語 (13)支援委託手数料(月額/人) 円
Support commission fee (person per month) Yen
以上の記載内容は事実と相違ありません。 I hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct.
Name of the organization and representative of the organization / Date of filling in this form日Day
注意 Attention
In cases where descriptions have changed after filling in this application form up until submission of this application, the organization must
correct the changed part .
to the specified industrial field in terms of the contents of the support plan for specified skilled workers (i)? (Fill in this section if such criteria are stipulated.) Yes / No
Will the contents of the support contribute to the proper residence of the foreign nationals, and can they be appropriately implemented by those providing the support? Yes / No
Will the organization conform to the criteria stipulated in a public notice in consideration of the circumstances specific 有・無
Has a support plan for specified skilled workers (i) been prepared in Japanese and in a foreign language that can be fully
understood by the foreign national, and a copy been given to the foreign national?
Yes / No
Have the matters stipulated in a public notice in consideration of circumstances specific to the specified industrial field been given in
the support plan for specified skilled workers (i)? (Fill in this section if such matters are stipulated.)
Yes / No
Will the organization provide support to foreign nationals whose employment contract for specified skilled workers has been cancelled due to causes
not attributable to the fault of the foreign national so as to enable the foreign national to change jobs?
Yes / No
Will the support manager or support staff conduct periodic interviews with foreign nationals and their supervisors (when conducting an interview with a foreign national,
in a language which the foreign national is fully able to understand), and when they learn about a problem, report the problem to the relevant administrative agency?
Yes / No
Will the organization respond appropriately to requests for consultations or to complaints without delay, and
take necessary measures n a language which the specified skilled worker (i) is fully able to understand ?
Yes / No
Will the organization provide support for the promotion of exchanges between foreign nationals and Japanese nationals? Yes / No
Will the organization take necessary measures to accompany the foreign national,where necessary, to the
relevant agency in order to submit a notification to a national or local government agency or for other procedures
that need to be followed?
Yes / No
Will the organization be providing the foreign national with opportunities to learn Japanese? Yes / No
Will the organization be providing support related to contracts concerning the opening of bank accounts, etc. or the use of mobile phones and other contracts necessary for living? Yes / No
Will the organization be providing information after the extension of status of residence in a language which the specified skilled worker (i) is fully able to understand on
matters concerning general living in Japan, notifications to national or local government agencies and other procedures, contact information for consultations or filing of
complaints, matters concerning medical institutions capable of providing medical care in a language that the specified skilled worker (i) is fully able to understand,
matters on disaster prevention and crime prevention, necessary matters for responses in case of emergency, and necessary matters for legal protection of foreign
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Is there a system in place to ensure the support manager and support staff are able to conduct periodic interviews with the foreign nationals and their supervisors?
Yes / No
Does the organization conform to the criteria stipulated in a public notice in consideration of circumstances specific to the specified industrial field in terms of ensuring
proper implementation of the support plan for specified skilled workers (i)? (Fill in this section if such criteria are stipulated.)
Yes / No
Are the support manager and support staff in a position where they are able to implement the support plan for specified skilled workers (i) in a neutral manner?
Yes / No
Has the organization failed to implement support for specified skilled workers (i) based on a suitable support plan for specified skilled workers (i) within five years prior to the date of entering
into the employment contract for specfied skilled workers or after the date of entering into such contract?
Registered support organization
(Fill in this section if the applicant wishes to reside in Japan with the status of residence of "Specific Skilled Worker (i)",
and all of the support plans for specified skilled workers (i) are to be entrusted to a registered support organization based on a contract.)
Name of person or
Corporation no. (combination of
13 numbers and letters)- -Telephone No.
Name of the representative
Registration no. Date of Registration Year Month
年 月
年 月
Year Month
Name of place of businessimplementing support
Support manager Support staff
Available languages
1 農林業 Agriculture
2 漁業 Fishery
3 鉱業,採石業,砂利採取業 Mining, quarrying, gravel extraction
4 建設業 Construction
5 食料品 Food products
6 繊維工業 Textile industry
7 プラスチック製品 Plastic products
8 金属製品 Metal products
9 生産用機械器具 Industrial machinery and equipment
10 電気機械器具 Electrical machinery and equipment
11 輸送用機械器具 Transportation machinery and equipment
12 その他(他に分類されないもの) Others
13 電気・ガス・熱供給・水道業 Electricity, gas, heat supply, water supply
14 情報通信業 Information and communication industry
15 運輸・信書便事業 Transportation and correspondence
16 各種商品(総合商社等) Various products (general trading company, etc.)
17 繊維・衣服等 Textile, clothing, etc.
18 飲食料品 Food and beverages
19 建築材料,鉱物・金属材料等 Building materials, mineral and metal materials etc.
20 機械器具 Machinery and equipment
21 その他 Others
22 各種商品 Various products
23 織物・衣服・身の回り品 Fabric, clothing, personal belongings
24 飲食料品(コンビニエンスストア等) Food and beverages (convenience store, etc.)
25 機械器具 Machinery and equipment retailing
26 その他 Others
27 金融・保険業 Finance / insurance
28 不動産・物品賃貸業 Real estate / rental goods
29 学術・開発研究機関 Academic research, specialized / technical service industry
30 専門サービス業(他に分類されないもの) Specialized service industry (not categorized elsewhere)
31 広告業 Advertising industry
32 技術サービス業(他に分類されないもの) Technical service industry (not categorized elsewhere)
33 宿泊業 Accommodation
34 飲食サービス業 Food and beverage service industry
35 生活関連サービス(理容・美容等)・娯楽業 Lifestyle-related services (barber / beauty, etc.) / entertainment industry
36 学校教育 School education
37 その他の教育,学習支援業 Other education, learning support industry
38 医療業 Medical industry
39 保健衛生 Health and hygiene
40 社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業 Social insurance / social welfare / nursing care
Combined services (post office, agriculture, forestry and fisheries cooperative association, business cooperative (not categorized elsewhere))
42 職業紹介・労働者派遣業 Employment placement / worker dispatch industry
Other business services (shorthand / word processing / copying, building services, security business, etc.)
44 その他のサービス業(他に分類されないもの) Other service industries
45 宗教 Religion
46 公務(他に分類されるものを除く) Public service (not categorized elsewhere)
47 分類不能の産業 Unclassifiable industry
Academic research, specialized /
technical services
Medical / welfare services4143
(このシートは提出する必要はありません。There is no need to submit this sheet.)
別紙 業種一覧 Attachment: A list of business type
1 経営 Executive 53 接客(その他) Service(others)
2 54 製品製造 Product manufacturing
3 調査研究 Research 55 保健師 Public health nurse
技術開発(農林水産分野) 56 助産師 Midwife
Technology development (agriculture, forestry, and fisheries field) 57 准看護師 Assistant nurse
技術開発(食品分野) 58 歯科衛生士 Dental hygienist
Technology development (food products field) 59 診療放射線技師 Radiology technician
技術開発(機械器具分野) 60 理学療法士 Physical therapist
Technology development (machinery and equipment field) 61 作業療法士 Occupational therapist
技術開発(その他製造分野) 62 視能訓練士 Orthoptist
Technology development (other manufacturing field) 63 臨床工学技士 Clinical engineer
生産管理(食品分野) 64 義肢装具士 Prosthetist
Production management (food products field) 65 弁護士 Lawyer
生産管理(機械器具分野) 66 司法書士 Judicial scrivener
Production management (machinery and equipment field) 67 弁理士 Patent attorney
生産管理(その他製造分野) 68 土地家屋調査士 Land and building investigator
Production management (other manufacturing field) 69 外国法事務弁護士 Registered foreign-qualified lawyer
建築・土木・測量技術 70 公認会計士 Public accountant
Architecture, civil engineering, surveying techniques 71 外国公認会計士
情報処理・通信技術 72 税理士 Certified tax accountant
Information processing, communications technology 73 社会保険労務士
13 法律関係業務 Legal business 74 行政書士
14 金融・保険 Finance / insurance 75 海事代理士 Maritime procedure agent
15 コピーライティング Copywriting 76 著述家 Author
16 報道 Journalism 77 美術家・写真家 Artist/photographer
17 編集 Editing 78 音楽家・舞台芸術家 Musician/stage artist
18 デザイン Design 79 宗教家 Religious worker
教育(教員免許を有する者が行う教育) 80 家事使用人 Housekeeper
Education(education taught by a person with a teaching license) 81 プロスポーツ選手 Professional sports athlete
教育(小学校・中学校・高等学校における語学教育) 82 アマチュアスポーツ選手 Amateur sports athlete
83 インターンシップ Internship
21 教育(専修学校) Education(Advanced vocational school) 84 ワーキング・ホリデー Working holiday
22 教育(各種学校) Education(Miscellaneous school) 85 外国弁護士 Foreign lawyer
教育(インターナショナルスクール) 86 サマージョブ Summer job
Education(International school) 87 国際文化交流 International cultural exchange
24 教育(教育機関を除く) 88 EPA看護師 Nurse under EPA
25 翻訳・通訳 Translation / Interpretation 89 EPA介護福祉士 Certified Careworker under EPA
26 海外取引業務 Overseas trading business 90 EPA看護師候補者 Nurse Candidates under EPA
企画事務(マーケティング,リサーチ) 91 EPA介護福祉士候補者
Planning administration work (marketing, research) 92
企画事務(広報・宣伝) 93 外国人建設就労者 Foreign construction workers
Planning administration work (public relations, advertising) 94 Foreign shipbuilding workers
29 会計事務 Accounting business 95 製造業外国従業員
30 法人営業 Corporate sales 96
31 CADオペレーション CAD operation 耕種農業支援者(国家戦略特区)
32 調理 Cooking Crop farming workers (national strategic zones)
外国特有の建築技術 畜産農業支援者(国家戦略特区)
Foreign country-specific construction technology Livestock farming workers (national strategic zones)
外国特有の製品製造 99 起業活動 Entrepreurial activities
Foreign country-specific product manufacturing
35 宝石・貴金属・毛皮加工 Jewels, precious metal, fur processing Other service worker (not categorized elsewhere)
36 動物の調教 Animal training 101 農林漁業従事者
石油・地熱等掘削調査 製品製造・加工処理従事者(金属製品)
Drilling survey for oil, geothermal energy, etc. Product manufacturing / processing worker (metal products)
38 パイロット Pilot 製品製造・加工処理従事者(金属製品を除く)
39 スポーツ指導 Sports instruction Product manufacturing / processing worker (except metal products)
40 ソムリエ Sommelier 104 機械組立従事者 Machine assembly worker
41 介護福祉士 Certified care worker 105 機械整備・修理従事者 Machine maintenance / repair worker
42 研究 Research 106 機械検査従事者 Machine inspection worker
43 研究の指導 Research guidance 107 建設躯体工事従事者 Construction structure worker
44 Education(university,etc.) 建設従事者(建設躯体工事従事者を除く)
45 記者 Press
46 報道カメラマン Press photographer その他の建設・採掘従事者(他に分類されないもの)
47 医師 Doctor Other construction / mining workers (not categorized elsewhere)
48 歯科医師 Dentist 運搬・清掃・包装等従事者
49 薬剤師 Pharmacist Transportation, cleaning, packaging worker
50 看護師 Nurse 111 外交 Diplomat
51 接客(販売店) Service(store) 112 公用 Official
52 接客(飲食店) Service(restaurant) 999 その他 Others109110
37 102103教育(大学等)10833 9834100
Foreign workers in the field of manufacturing
家事支援者(国家戦略特区) Domestic workers (national strategic zones)
Construction worker (except for workers engaged in construction structure work)
Agriculture, forestry and fishery workers9720 Education(language education at an elementary school, lower secondary or upper secondary school)23Education (excluding educational institutions)2728
Certified Careworker Candidates under EPA
EPA就学介護福祉士候補者 Certified Careworker Candidates (student) under EPA
11 Foreign-qualified certified public accountant
12 Public consultant on social and labor insurance
Certified administrative procedures legal specialist1910
(このシートは提出する必要はありません。There is no need to submit this sheet.)
別紙 職種一覧 Attachment: A list of occupation
管理業務(経営者を除く) Management work (excluding executives)456789

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