Curriculum for the Training Program
for Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
Report on Discussions
March, 2024
Committee on the Formulation of a Curriculum for Training
Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1 - Background.................................................................................. 3
1. Background............................................................................................. 3
2. Considerations and formulation matters for FY2023 ............................... 3
Chapter 2 - Formulation of the Curriculum, etc., and Compilation Policy by the
Formulation Committee............................................................................... 5
1. Formulation of the curriculum, etc......................................................... 5
2. Basic approach to the formulation of the curriculum, etc......................... 5
(1) Required perspective on the formulation of the curriculum, etc. ............ 5
(2) Compilation policy of the curriculum, etc................................................ 7
Chapter 3 Curriculum, etc. for the training program ..................................... 9
1. Curriculum ............................................................................................ 9
2. Syllabus................................................................................................... 9
(1) Training Program 1 .............................................................................. 10
(2) Practical Exercises................................................................................11
(3) Training Program 2 .............................................................................. 12
3. Text materials ........................................................................................ 12
4. Teaching guidelines............................................................................... 13
5. Guidelines for advance training of lecturers .......................................... 14
Conclusion.................................................................................................... 15
List of members of the Committee on the Formulation of a Curriculum for
Training Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals.................................. 16
Meeting Record for the Committee on the Formulation of a Curriculum for
Training Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals.................................. 18
Preliminary training outline for instructors 1Introduction
In relation to the training and certification of Support Coordinator for Foreign
Nationals, in line with the Comprehensive Measures for Acceptance and
Coexistence of Foreign Nationals (FY2020 Revision)1 in July 2020, a study was
duly initiated by the Immigration Services Agency on measures for the
development of professionals who coordinate comprehensive support for foreign
In June 2022, it was decided in the Roadmap for the Realization of a Society
of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign Nationals2 (hereinafter referred to as
the "Roadmap") to review the roles and qualifications, etc. of coordinators in
FY2022, and to review the details, etc., about coordinator training in FY2023. In
addition, at the same time, in FY2023, it was decided to launch a discussion on
a certification system for highly-skilled support professionals, and to implement a
certification system in stages of what is feasible based on the results of the
Thus, in October 2022, the Immigration Services Agency convened the
Committee on the Roles of Professionals Who Coordinate Comprehensive
Support (hereinafter referred to as the "FY2022 Committee") comprised of
experts and agency personnel that were to meet and discuss the expected roles,
skills, training, and other matters related to professionals who coordinate
comprehensive support for foreign nationals. The results of their discussions
were compiled as The Roles of Professionals Who Coordinate Comprehensive
Support (Report on Discussions) (hereinafter referred to as the "FY2022 Report
on Discussions") and published3.
In FY2023, based on the Roadmap and the FY2022 Report on Discussions,1Approved by the Ministerial Conference on Acceptance and Coexistence of Foreign
Nationals on July 14, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministerial Conference").
2 Approved by the Ministerial Conference on June 14, 2022. Partially revised on June 9,
2023.3Published on April 14, 2023 ( 2the Committee on Approaches to the Training of Support Coordinator for Foreign
Nationals (hereinafter referred to as the "Training Committee") was established
to examine and formulate matters pertaining to the implementation and operation
of training programs, and approaches to a certification system for highly-skilled
support professionals. In addition, the Committee on the Formulation of a
Curriculum for Training Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals (hereinafter
referred to as the "Formulation Committee") was established to examine and
formulate a training curriculum, etc., concerning the training of Support
Coordinator for Foreign Nationals.
This report compiles the results of an examination and formulation of a training
curriculum by the Formulation Committee.
Based on a Report on Discussions4 of this report and the Training Committee
(hereinafter referred to as the "FY2023 Report on Discussions"), training
programs will be implemented from FY2024.
4 Approaches to the Training of Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals (Report on
Discussions) (published on March 15, 2024)
( 3Chapter 1 - Background
1. Background
Following discussions on the ability and training of professionals who
coordinate comprehensive support by the FY2022 Committee (3rd meeting
of the committee on January 13, 2023), the following opinions were
expressed in regard to the training curriculum.
・ In formulating the curriculum, it is necessary to define the attainment
targets of the training in writing and to consider assessments for the
attainment level of each theme.
・ The structure of the curriculum, its content, assessment, etc., are parts
that require control and supervision, but there are concerns that
outsourcing could reduce the quality of training.
In addition, as stated in the FY2022 Report on Discussions, a training
program for Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals (hereinafter referred
to as the "Training Program") is to be provided on the order of 64 hours of
classes on expert knowledge and skills, etc., across various fields. At the
same time, within FY2023, the examination and formulation of matters
pertaining to the training content, such as the curriculum, materials, and
guidelines for advance training of lecturers was also incorporated into the
For this reason, it was decided that this Committee meet during FY2023,
separately to the Training Committee that is examining various issue, in order
to intensively work on the examination and formulation of matters pertaining
to control and supervision of the curriculum, teaching materials, and
guidelines for advance training of lecturers while ensuring the required
2. Considerations and formulation matters for FY2023
The Committee examined the following matters and proceeded with 4formulation.
〇 Learning objectives (including certification policy), subjects, number of
hours for each subject, teaching methods, assessment methods,
matters that need to be specified for each subject (learning content,
attainment targets, assessment criterion), etc.
・ Curriculum and syllabus
〇 Learning objectives, learning content, etc.
・ Textbooks
〇 Overview of course, teaching methods, partners, etc.
・ Teaching guidelines (Guidelines for classes)
〇 Significance, content, assessment criteria, and points to be noted for
the training program
・ Considerations pertaining to advance training of lecturers 5Chapter 2 - Formulation of the Curriculum, etc., and Compilation Policy by
the Formulation Committee
1. Formulation of the curriculum, etc.
The Committee formulated a curriculum, syllabus, textbooks, teaching
guidelines, and guidelines for advance training of lecturers (hereinafter
referred to as the "curriculum, etc.") toward a training program to be
implemented from FY2024.
2. Basic approach to the formulation of the curriculum, etc.
(1) Required perspective on the formulation of the curriculum, etc.
In the formulation of the curriculum, etc., in addition to handling
consultations from foreign nationals facing problems in their lives (such
problems refer to those faced in their daily, social, or professional lives.
Hereinafter the same applies), connecting them with appropriate
cooperation partners and guiding them to solutions, further to the
perspective of developing human resources that can provide information
to prevent problems from occurring in their lives, it is also necessary to
consider what kind of knowledge and skills the prospective trainees wish
to acquire in the training program and what kind of human resources are
needed by their workplaces, etc.
Therefore, the Committee decided to tackle the formulation of the
curriculum, etc., while taking into consideration the following perspectives.
i, Perspective regarding prospective trainees
しろまる Trainees will be enabled to appropriately handle even complicated and
complex consultations.
しろまる Trainees will be enabled to acquire knowledge on laws and regulations
related to immigration control and accurately understand the status of
residence of those seeking consultations.
しろまる Trainees will be enabled to understand the cultural and social
backgrounds and values of foreign nationals seeking consultations 6who are from diverse backgrounds.
しろまる Trainees will be enabled to draft support plans (a pathway toward
solutions, including the order of steps toward a solution) based on a
cross-cutting perspective according to the circumstances of the
しろまる Trainees will be enabled to promptly consider and select appropriate
partners that are feasible for people seeking consultations.
しろまる Trainees are to exchange opinions with other trainees and lecturers,
etc., broaden their horizons and adopt cross-cutting perspectives,
understand the workplace practices of their peers who share the
same purpose, and build horizontal connections.
ii, Perspective for workplaces, etc., of prospective trainees
しろまる Following successful completion of the training program, trainees will
be able to accurately grasp the status of residence based on their
knowledge of immigration laws and regulations, etc., comprehend
the cultural and social background and values of those seeking
consultations, and be empowered to respond appropriately.
しろまる Following successful completion of the training program, trainees will
be able to appropriately handle complicated and complex
consultations, smoothly connect those seeking consultations with an
appropriate partner, and lead them to a solution.
しろまる Following successful completion of the training program, trainees will
become core human resources of the consulting counters where they
work, and by actively working in cooperation with the staff of partners,
the quality of the consultation handling of the entire consulting
counter where they work will improve.
しろまる Following successful completion of the training program, trainees will
be able to provide preventive support through daily life orientations, 7etc., in response to requests from external organizations (for
example, organizations that accept foreign nationals, such as
workplaces and schools for foreign nationals).
(2) Compilation policy of the curriculum, etc.
The Committee flagged the following goals as needing to be aimed for
in the training program.
〇 Trainees being enabled to acquire the four abilities (1 Ability to
Accurately Understand the Status of Residency of Foreign
Nationals, 2 Ability to y to Help Foreign Residents Adequately
Solve Their Complicated, Multifaceted Problems, 3 Ability to Give
Guidance to Appropriate Solution Strategies for the Complicated
and Complex Content of Consultations for Foreign Nationals, and
4 Ability to Connect Foreign Nationals to Appropriate Sources of
Assistance) needed for becoming a Support Coordinator for
Foreign Nationals.
〇 Trainees who have completed the training program will be able to
acquire the specialized knowledge and skills needed to perform
their basic work duties as Support Coordinator for Foreign
Nationals and will be able to smoothly connect people seeking
consultations with appropriate support.
〇 Lecturers understand the purpose of the training programs, the
compilation policy for the curriculum, etc., and all lecturers provide
teaching of the same quality.
The Committee decided to draw up the curriculum, etc., based on the
following policies in order to realize the above.
1 Clarifying within the curriculum, etc., an overview for the
specialized knowledge and skills required of Support Coordinator
for Foreign Nationals. 82 Clarifying within the curriculum, etc., the learning content,
attainment targets, assessment criteria, etc.
3 Clarifying the purpose of the training program and the content, etc.,
to be covered in advance training for lecturers in the teaching
guidelines to be used by lecturers. 9Chapter 3 Curriculum, etc. for the training program
1. Curriculum
The curriculum shows the subject groups, subjects and lecture time
throughout the training program.
The curriculum is to incorporate the basic policy for the training program,
the policy of the curriculum, and the subjects and (length) time in the training
program. The specific structure shall be as follows.
1 Basic policy for the training program (indicating the roles of Support
Coordinator for Foreign Nationals, the purpose of the training program,
and the kind of aimed-for trainees who have completed the training
2 Curriculum policy based on the basic policy
3 Overall flow of training program, subjects, teaching methods,
assessment methods, and certification methods
In formulating the curriculum, it was noted that the elements of the main
roles (Consulting Support and Preventative Support5) of Support Coordinator
for Foreign Nationals should be incorporated in an easy-to-understand
manner for trainees.
2. Syllabus
The syllabus shows the learning objectives, learning contents, class
titles, attainment targets, assessment criterion, etc., for each subject.
The syllabus content shows the learning objectives for each subject, the
learning content, and the number of classes per subject so that trainees
5 Consulting Support refers to the work tasks of handling consultations from foreign
nationals, connecting them to appropriate partners, and leading those seeking
consultations to a solution. Preventive Support refers to the work tasks of preventing
problems from occurring in their lives by helping those seeking consultations understand
an overview of support systems and procedures in Japan as well as the differences from
those of their home countries and enabling them to smoothly gain information on where
they can seek help by giving or providing information on support partners, etc., when
problems occur. For further details, refer to Chapter 2, 1. (2), of the FY2022 Report on
Discussions. 10can comprehend in an easy-to-understand manner the significance and
necessity of learning each subject. In addition, attainment targets are to be
set to be content that corresponds to the learning objectives.
In addition, the assessment criterion for measuring and confirming the
status of achieving the learning objectives are to be clarified in advance,
while trainees are to be enabled to measure their own degree of
achievement in regard to the attainment targets, in order to be able to fairly
and appropriately evaluate all trainees.
In addition, based on the contents to be learned in the training programs,
among other things, it was decided to incorporate the following items in the
It was also decided that the specific contents of Practical Exercises and
Training Program 2 are to be continuously examined during the
implementation of the training program in FY2024.
(1) Training Program 1
〇 Overview of culture, society, customs, religions, and social systems of
foreign countries to order to understand the cultural and social
background of people seeking consultations as prerequisite knowledge
for handling consultations for foreign nationals.
〇 Knowledge of easy Japanese as a basic skill for Support Coordinator
for Foreign Nationals to appropriately communicate with those seeking
〇 Moreover to recognizing that the people seeking consultations need
mental support and to be appropriately connected to specialists, etc.,
knowledge about mental health to prevent such people from having an
excessive psychological burden, the characteristics of such people who
need mental support, and points on appropriate handling.
〇 Knowledge to understand the strengths and resources that people 11seeking consultations have and knowledge on providing consultation
handling support while obtaining the consent of the person seeking a
〇 In addition to administrative organizations, non-administrative
organization partners as relevant agencies that can be partners for
Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals (specifically, local social
workers and NPOs that provide community support).
〇 Methods and points on coordination with relevant organizations in
order to gather results and build relationships after someone seeking a
consultation is handed over to a partner, and secure partners if there
are no partners in a specific region.
(2) Practical Exercises
〇 Trainees, under the understanding and cooperation of their workplace,
and taking into account current issues at their workplaces, etc., are to
utilize the knowledge, etc., they gain in Training Program 1 and to set
issues related to the content that they want to work on and the results
they want to obtain in the Practical Exercises6.
〇 Trainees are to report7 on the status of their efforts on assignments
approximately one month after the start of the Practical Exercises in
order to confirm the appropriateness of the set issues and for lecturers
to understand the status of the efforts of trainees in the Practical
6 In regard to how to specifically set issues for assignments, this should be considered
during the operation of the training course, and when an assignment is being set, the
secretariat will also present points and setting examples, etc., for setting issues for
assignments.7The format of the progress report sheet will be created by the secretariat and shown to
trainees along with listed examples. Emphasis is to be placed on not only the handling of
individual cases, but also on how they are conscious of coordination. In addition, if it
becomes necessary to change an assignment, it is possible to make a change to an
assignment after guidance and advice, etc., is received from an instructor. 12〇 Trainees must compile the results of their efforts in the Practice
Exercises into an assignment report and submit this after completing all
required items.
(3) Training Program 2
〇 In group discussions, trainees should present their own good handling
points and reflection points on examples of successes and failures in
the consultation support that they have experienced up to now, and hold
discussions on issues, etc.
〇 When reviewing examples, the content is to include consulting support
and consideration for being conscious of cooperation with related
〇 When conducting group discussions and reviews of examples, a
progress plan is to be set and implemented for enabling constructive
3. Text materials
The text materials are to be textbooks with content that contains
knowledge and skills, etc., that cannot be incorporated in class videos for
Training Program 1. These will also serve as a reference book that can be
used for review not only during the training program period but also after the
training program has been completed.
The textbooks will be divided into five subject groups8 (A to E), and
learning objectives are set out for the contents to be studied and the
knowledge and skills to be acquired in the subject group at the beginning of
the learning for that subject group.
In addition to explaining the basic specialized knowledge and skills that
should be acquired and an overview of the system, etc., for each subject, the
text should also explain the flow of specific procedures and important points,8Refer to the curriculum and syllabus for further details on the subject groups. 13etc., for providing consultation support based on specialized knowledge and
while using figures and tables.
In addition, and with reference to the consultation examples received at
consulting counters, the text is to explain how specialized knowledge in each
subject can be utilized, and explanations are to be added on the points to be
noted, etc., when Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals provide
consulting support.
For Subject Group E, in addition to the above, basic cooperation partners
are to be indicated, including administrative organizations, such as the
national government and local governments, and private partners, in order
to provide appropriate consulting support in accordance with the details of
the consultation of the person seeking a consultation.
4. Teaching guidelines
In order to make the training program valuable for trainees, it is important
that lecturers give appropriate classes based on an understanding of the
training program objectives and principles.
Therefore, teaching guidelines were formulated which indicate the basic
policy for the training program, the training content, assessment criteria, etc.,
in order to enable lecturers to give classes with an awareness of what kind
of Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals is being aimed for. The teaching
guidelines are intended for use as teaching materials for the advance training
of lecturers.
The teaching guidelines are organized according to Compilation of
Training Program 1 and Compilation of Practical Exercises and Training
Program 2. They describe the learning objectives, the learning content, the
points to be taught in classes, etc., the attainment targets for each subject,
the assessment criteria, and the points to be noted in teaching, etc. 145. Guidelines for advance training of lecturers
Training program lecturers are to have in-advance training to learn the
purpose of the training program, the content of the training, and the
assessment criteria, etc., using the teaching guidelines, etc., and the
methods, etc., for this training have been compiled as the Guidelines for
Advance Training of Lecturers.
In FY2024, the advance training for lecturers is expected to be
implemented around the spring of 2024 for lecturers of Training Program 1,
Practical Exercises and Training Program 2. 15Conclusion
The Committee studied the specialized knowledge and skills, etc., that should
be acquired by Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals in order to prepare
them with the four skills needed to fulfill their roles in regard to the training
program that will be implemented from FY2024, examined the training content,
etc., needed to develop human resources who can use this knowledge and these
skills to carry out their basic duties as Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals,
and formulated a curriculum, etc.
For the future, based on this report and the FY 2023 Report on Discussions, it
is necessary to steadily implement training programs and continuously produce
human resources that can carry out the basic work duties of Support Coordinator
for Foreign Nationals. This is so that foreign nationals facing difficulties in their
daily lives throughout Japan can receive prompt and appropriate support, and so
that progress can be made toward the realization of a society that harmoniously
coexists with foreign nationals.
Subsequently, it is necessary to make needed revisions to the formulated
curriculum, etc., while taking into account changes in laws and systems, the
status of research in specialized fields, the status of the implementation of the
training program, and the status of activities of trainees who have completed the
training program, etc.
It is expected that Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals will contribute to
the improvement of the environment for accepting foreign nationals in the region
by utilizing the specialized knowledge and skills, etc., that they have learned in
the training program and by fully demonstrating their abilities in the field of support
for foreign nationals across the entire country. 16List of members of the Committee on the Formulation of a Curriculum for
Training Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
As of March 7, 2024
[ M e m b e r s ]
(Immigration Services Agency)
Chairperson: Director-General of the Residency Management and Support
Director of the Residency Support Division
Director of the Foreign Residents Policy Planning Office, Policy
Management Division
(Advisory Panel)
IIDA Toshiharu Komazawa Women's University, Department of
Psychology, Associate Professor
OCHANTE MURAY Rosa Mercedes Associate Professor,
Momoyama Gakuin University of Education, Department of
Human Education
KOYAMA Kenta Associate Professor, Faculty of
Communication Studies, Tokyo Keizai University
Director, Research Laboratory for Global DEI, Tokyo Keizai
MINAMINO Natsuko Professor, Faculty of Design for Welfare
Society, Department of Child Care and Support, Toyo University
YAMAZAKI Toshiyuki Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of
Citizens, Culture and Sports Director General for Citizen
Participation Support
[ O b s e r v e r s ]
Director, International Affairs Office, Local Administration Bureau,
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Director, International Affairs Division, Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 17Director, Career Development Support Office, Director-General for
Human Resources Development, Ministry of Health, Labor and
Welfare Japan
Director, Office for Welfare Human Resources Policy, Welfare
Promotion Division, Social Welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau,
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Japan
(Names without honorifics) 18Meeting Record for the Committee on the Formulation of a Curriculum for
Training Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
First meeting: August 24, 2023
しろまる Holding of Committee on the Formulation of a Curriculum for Training
Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
しろまる Issues to be discussed
しろまる Training program for Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
しろまる Schedule for the future
Second meeting: November 1, 2023
しろまる Training program for Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
Third meeting: February 5, 2024
しろまる Report (Draft)
しろまる Text for Training program for Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
しろまる Guidelines on Training program for Support Coordinator for Foreign
Nationals (Draft)
Fourth meeting: March 7, 2024
しろまる Report (Draft)

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