Report on Discussions (Overview)
In order to realize a society that has harmonious coexistence with foreign nationals, it is necessary to
support foreign nationals who have problems in their lives and enable them to stay in Japan in a stable and
continuous manner and demonstrate their abilities
Based on the Roadmap for the Realization of a Society of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign
Nationals, we considered the content of the training program in FY2023, and from FY2024 we will implement
the training and certification of Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals
What is a Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals?1March, 2024
Committee on Approaches to the Training of Support Coordinator for
Foreign Nationals
Personnel who are currently engaged with responding to consultations at consulting counters for foreign
nationals operated by the national government, local governments, or other organizations mandated by either of
the former two, and who have actual work experience for a certain amount of time in consultation services
* Nationality is not a concern as it is assumed that the intended targets will include people who hold a foreign
Intended targets for training
A Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals is "a human resource who provides consultations to foreign
nationals(Note 2) who have problems in their lives(Note 1) using their expert knowledge and skills, supports such
foreign nationals with liaison and coordination with partners and leads them to solutions(Note 3), and provides
information to prevent problems occurring in their lives."
(Note 1) Refers to problems faced in their daily, social, or professional lives.
(Note 2) Includes individuals who have roots in foreign countries regardless of their nationality.
(Note 3) Includes guidance to enable people seeking a consultation to independently solve their own
Status of
Scan here for Report on Discussions
Step Flow for Training of Support Coordinator for Foreign Nationals and Matters to be Addressed from FY2024
しろまる Classes on basic knowledge and skills that need to be acquired in the training
program (about 60 hours (of classes))
On-demand format
Items Knowledge and skills that need to be acquired in the training program
A Significance of the deployment of Foreign National Support Coordinators
B Knowledge for accurately assessing the statuses of residency of foreign nationals
C Knowledge for understanding different cultures and valuesDKnowledge and skills for responding to consultations from foreign nationals on
complex, multi-layered issues and guiding them to appropriate solutions
E Knowledge for swiftly referring foreign nationals to appropriate sources of assistance
しろまる Case studies and group discussions
しろまる Completion test
しろまる Application of basic knowledge and skills acquired in Training Program 1(Note
1) (at the workplaces of trainees)
しろまる Reporting on progress of efforts
しろまる Assignment reports
しろまる Discussions on a certification system for highly-skilled support professionals
しろまる Consideration for remedial measures to ensure that proper recognition is received and
that working conditions correspond to the expertise of staff
しろまる Holding of case study workshops for those who have completed the training program
しろまる Consideration for measures to improve the environment for accepting foreign nationals
しろまる Efforts for publicizing the activities of Support Coordinators for Foreign Nationals
しろまる Assessment and revision of content and methods, etc., of the training programs
しろまる Expanding intended targets, scale, and activities of the training programs based on the
availability of lecturers
しろまる Approaches to training for certification renewal
(Note 1) Work on set assignments while consulting with superiors at the workplace and the
lecturers, etc.
Training Program 1 (Online training)
Training Program 2 (Group training)
Matters to be addressed from FY20242Step flow for the training program in FY2024
(About 2 months)
(Around August, 2024)
(3 months)
(Around November, 2024)
(2 days)
(Around February, 2025)*Completion
しろまる No. of trainees per program 60 (300 by FY2026)
* Establishment of 3 year certification period following
completion of training
Practical Exercises
Training Program 2
(Group training)
Training Program 1
(Online training)

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