Basic Survey on Foreign Residents in FY2021 -Survey Overview-
しかく The survey was conducted to determine the circumstances of foreign residents and issues they face in professional, daily, and social lives as accurately
as possible, as part of efforts to plan and formulate policies to facilitate coexistence with foreign residents.
しかく This was the second survey of its kind, following the inaugural survey conducted in FY2020.
しかく The decision was made to hold the "FY2021 Expert Committee Meeting for a Basic Survey on Foreign Residents" in order to widen the scope of the
survey, and experts familiar with assimilation policies were invited to participate in determining the survey items and compiling survey results. The
committee aimed to leverage expertise, high-level insights and a wider picture perspective in determining the relevant survey items and compiling the
survey results.
⇒ The government will use the survey results to help plan, draft, and implement coexistence measures for foreign residents to enhance the "Roadmap for
the Realization of a Society of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign Nationals" and "Comprehensive Measures for Acceptance and Coexistence
of Foreign Nationals" as part of efforts to achieve a society which build a society of harmonious coexistence with foreign nationals.
Object of survey
しかく A total of 40,000 mid to long term residents and special permanent residents aged over 18.
* As of January 17, 2022, only those persons who have been physically present in the country for at least one year since their most recent landing
* Respondents were randomly selected with the sample size in mind, by nationality/region and status of residence, which was determined by
referencing statistics of foreign nationals(as of June 30, 2021).
Number of valid
しかく No. of copies sent out: 40,000 (1,572 of which were undeliverable) and a total of 7,982 valid responses were received. Response rate of 20.8%.
Survey method
しかく A web-based survey (a letter requesting cooperation and including a QR code was mailed to target recipients, who were asked to scan the QR code
and then respond to an online questionnaire).
しかく Responses were viewable in eight languages (simplified Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Nepali).
Survey items
しかく The survey targeted the issues encountered by foreign nationals in the following areas in Japan in their professional, daily, and social lives. Learning
Japanese, obtaining information and consultation, medical care, disaster and emergency response (particularly in COVID-19 context), housing, childcare
and education, work, social insurance, etc.
しかく Questions identical to those in the "National Survey for Ascertaining People’s Loneliness and Social Isolation(2021)(Cabinet Secretariat)" (sent to
20,000 individuals aged 16 or more nationwide) were asked to gauge the current level of loneliness among foreign nationals in Japan.
Survey period しかく February 18, 2022 - March 3, 2022
Points to note
しかく Although the results of this survey were compiled and posted as and when they were received in response to the questionnaire, the limited number
of responses for some questions means that caution is needed when interpreting them.1Survey Purpose, etc.
Survey Overview
Basic Survey of Foreign Residents in FY2021 - Main Results (1) (Respondent Attributes and Satisfaction with Overall Living Environment) -
しかく The majority of respondents came from China (28.8%), Vietnam (16.4%), and Brazil (11.5%), in that order.
しかく The status of residence of respondents was "Permanent Resident" (29.0%), "Engineer, Specialist in Humanities, International Services" (14.4%), and "Technical Intern
Training" (12.1%), in that order.
しかく The percentage of those who declared themselves satisfied with life in Japan (either "Satisfied" or "If anything, satisfied") was 87.8% (up 4.2 points from the FY2020 survey).
The level of Japanese language proficiency was positively correlated with the percentage of respondents who were satisfied with their lives in Japan.
China 28.8%
(2,300 persons)
Vietnam 16.4%
(1,313 persons)
Brazil 11.5%
(914 persons)
Korea 10.1%
(807 persons)
Philippines 7.0%
(562 persons)
Taiwan 3.3%
(265 persons)
USA 2.7%
(213 persons)
Nepal 2.4%
(190 persons)
Indonesia 2.3%
(180 persons)
Thailand 1.2%
(99 persons)
Other 14.3%
Attributes of respondents Satisfaction with overall living environment
Nationality /
Reference: Statistics on Foreign
Residents (As of end June 2021)
China 26.4%
Korea 14.7%
Philippines9.8%Brazil 7.3%
Nepal 3.4%
Indonesia2.2%USA1.9%Taiwan 1.8%
Thailand 1.8%
Other 14.5%
FY2021 Survey
Satisfied If anything, dissatisfied
If anything, satisfied Dissatisfied I am not sure
Status of
Level of Japanese proficiency (speaking ・ listening)
Permanent Resident
(2,311 persons)
Engineer, Specialist in
International Services
(1,150 persons)
Technical Intern
Training 12.1%
(965 persons)
Student 10.6%
(848 persons)
Long-Term Resident7.4%(587 persons)
Spouse or Child of a Japanese
National 6.7%
(534 persons)
Dependent 6.3%
(504 persons)
Special Permanent
Resident 5.6%
(444 persons)
Designated Activities
2.3% (185 persons)
Spouse or Child of a
Permanent Resident 1.9%
(154 persons)
Other 3.8%
(300 persons) Reference: Statistics on Foreign Residents
(As of end June 2021)
I can talk about variety of topics freely
Resident 29.0%
Intern Training
Engineer, Specialist in
Humanities, International
Services 10.0%
Student 8.1%
Resident 7.1%
Dependent6.7%Spouse or Child of a
Japanese National 5.0%
Activities 4.0%
Spouse or Child of a
Permanent Resident 1.5%
Other 5.5%
I can use Japanese effectively
I can participate in long conversations
I can talk about familiar topics
I can speak at a conversational level
I can use basic greetings
I can barely speak any Japanese
15.2 pt
Satisfied If anything, satisfied
(n=7,982)2FY2020 Survey
Basic Survey on Foreign Residents in FY2021 - Main Results 2 (Learning Japanese ・ Daily life orientation) -
しかく The most common issue cited regarding Japanese language study was "The tuition fees for Japanese classes or language school, etc. are high" (15.0%) (down 8.3 points
from the FY2020 survey).
For those with low Japanese language ability ("I can barely speak any Japanese" and "I can use basic greetings"), the main issue cited by respondents was "I am not
taking Japanese language education" and the percentage of those who chose "There is no free Japanese class nearby" also exceeded the total.
しかく A total of 35.6% of all respondents said that they had "received orientation" (for daily life).
しかく Respondents cited "Tax" (57.1%), "Pension and social insurance" (56.9%), and "Medical care and welfare" (54.5%) as the top areas with which they should be familiar to
avoid problems living in Japan.
Daily life orientation
Problems learning Japanese
Courses taken (yes/no)
The tuition fees for Japanese classes or language school,
etc. are high
There is no free Japanese class nearby
Permanent Resident
There are no Japanese classes or language schools,
etc. which hold classes at convenient times for me
Technical Intern Training
Engineer, Specialist in Humanities,
International Services
I don't have a chance to use the Japanese that I have learned
There is little information about locations and services for
learning Japanese
Long-Term Resident
I can't receive any Japanese language education suited to my level
Spouse or Child of a Japanese National
There are no Japanese classes or language schools, etc. nearby
Designated Activities
I can't receive instruction in my native language
Spouse or Child of a Permanent Resident
FY2020 Survey
The content of my Japanese language education is not
practical language classes are impractical
Other residence status
I can't find free materials for learning Japanese
Special Permanent Resident
FY2021 Survey
I can't find a way to learn Japanese online
Whoever teaches me Japanese has little expert knowledge
Opinion on information needed to avoid issues in Japan * Top 5 responses
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%TaxPension and social
Medical care and welfare
Labor and employment
Resident registration (n=7,982)
I am not taking Japanese language education
Level of Japanese proficiency (extract)
I can barely speak any Japanese (n=256) I can use basic greetings (n=1,157)[1]There is no free Japanese class nearby
There is no free Japanese class nearby
(18.2%)[2]There are no Japanese classes or
language schools, etc. which hold classes
at convenient times for me(15.2%)
There are no Japanese classes or
language schools, etc. which hold classes
at convenient times for me(16.9%)
(Reference) I am not taking Japanese language education (36.3%) I am not taking Japanese language education (23.2%)3I have received such orientation I don't know
* Items for which data from the FY2020
survey were not available were newly
added in the FY2021 survey.
I have never received such
Basic Survey on Foreign Residents in FY2021 - Main Results 3(Obtaining information・consultation) -
しかく The top response given for (online) means of communication for obtaining information and consultation was "Paid Internet" (private contract) from 88.6% of respondents, but
5.7% had no internet access other than "Free Internet enviroment (Wi-Fi in a public facility, etc.)".
しかく The most common public information source was " Japanese TV, radio, newspapers or magazines " (47.9%).
しかく The most common concern cited regarding access to public information was " There is little multilingual information " (34.1%) (up 0.3 points from the FY2020 survey).
しかく The most common issue encountered when consulting public institutions was "I did not know who to consult" (31.5%). Over 40% of those in the "Technical Intern Training" and
"Student" categories gave this response.
Issues when consulting public institutions
Obtaining information
(Online) Means of communication for obtaining information and consultation
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
I did not know who to consult
I had to take time off from work or school,
etc. to make a consultation
There were few or no interpreters
There was no multilingual translation app
I was sent around multiple departments
before I could reach the right one
There were few consultation services
The person in charge had little expert
Consultation was available only with respect to
certain matters
Paid internet environment
(when you make a contract
with an Internet service
provider by yourself)
Free Internet
enviroment(Wi-Fi in a public
facility, etc.)
Paid internet environment
(Internet cafe, etc.)
Other I don't use it
n=7,982 88.6% 12.0% (Note) 3.3% 1.0% 3.5%
(Note) 5.7% of respondents had no Internet access other than "Free Internet enviroment."
Public information sources * Top 7 responses
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Japanese TV, radio, newspapers or magazines
Japanese friends and acquaintances
Friends and acquaintances from your country or region
Family members and relatives
School, university or workplace
Website run by a public institution (municipal, prefectural or national government)
TV, radio, newspapers or magazines in your native language (n=7,538)
I could not have a consultation because I don't own a telephone that
can call to general telephones (fixed-line phones or toll-free numbers)
Issues when obtaining information from public institutions
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
There is little multilingual information
There is little information in simple Japanese
Little information is published on apps for...
Little information is published on social media
Little information is sent via e-mail
Little information is in Japanese newspapers...
I can't get such information
* Items for which data from the FY2020
survey was not available was newly added in
the FY2021 survey.
It is difficult to find the information I need on a public institution's
(municipal, prefectural or national government)website
Little information is in Japanese newspapers or magazines published in
my native language
* Items for which data from the FY2020 survey
were not available were newly added to the
FY2021 survey.
By status of residence (extract)
Little information is published on apps for smartphones, etc. created by public
institutions (municipal, prefectural or national government) Technical
Intern Training
I did not know who to consult (40.9%)
I did not know who to consult (40.5%)
I had to take time off from work or school, etc. to make a consultation
There were few or no interpreters (19.7%) There were few or no interpreters (21.9%)4FY2020 Survey
FY2021 Survey
FY2020 Survey
FY2021 Survey
PY survey
PY survey
I had to take time off from work or school, etc. to make a consultation
(27.5%)[1][2][3] 2.6%2.8%65.6%2.6%6.4%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
My child attends an elementary school in Japan
My child attends a junior high school in Japan
My child attends a high school in Japan
My child attends university or graduate school in Japan
My child attends a school (other than elementary school, junior high school, high school or university) in Japan
My child attends an international school or foreign school
My child does not attend a school
* Results compiled directly from responses obtained
and not confirmed by the schools of the respondents.
Basic Survey on Foreign Residents in FY2021 - Main Results 4 (Life stage and life cycle1) -
しかく The number one concern about pregnancy and childbirth was the "The cost incurred during pregnancy or for childbirth is high " (7.5%).
しかく The number one issue when child-raising was "My child does not understand my native language or the culture of my home country" (22.1%).
しかく As regards children's school attendance, 2.8% of children aged 6 to 15 don’t attend a school with the most common reason cited by parents being "Because I don't plan to live in
Japan for a long time" (43.1%). Among those aged 16 to 18, for the 6.6% who don’t attend a school, the most common reason given (excluding "other") was "Because my child is
already working I work" (18.5%).
Pregnancy and childbirth issues * Top 5 responses School enrollment status of children
Aged 6 to 15
54.7% 20.5%
1.4% 0.1%2.8%8.6%9.0%2.8%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
My child attends an elementary school in Japan
My child attends a junior high school in Japan
My child attends a high school in Japan
My child attends university or graduate school in Japan
My child attends a school (other than elementary school, junior high school, high school or university) in Japan
My child attends an international school or foreign school
My child does not attend a school7.5%4.9%4.9%4.9%4.7%0% 10%
The cost incurred during pregnancy or for
childbirth is high
I am anxious about whether I can continue
attending my school or working at my workplace
I am worried about my status of residence
* Results compiled directly from responses obtained
and not confirmed by the schools of the respondents.
I don't know any place where I can talk about my worries
concerning pregnancy and childbirth, and I don't know
anyone to whom I can talk with about such worries
for not
[1] Because I don't plan to live in Japan for a long time (43.1%)
[2] Because my child doesn't understand Japanese (19.0%)
[3] Because my child can't keep up with his/her class (8.6%)
I can't communicate by language when I go to a
hospital to givebirth
Parenting issues* Top 5 responses
Aged 16 to 18
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
My child does not understand my native
language or the culture of my home country
I have to pay too much child support
My child does not understand Japanese
I can't communicate well with teachers
at the day care center or kindergarten
for not
[1] Because my child is already working (18.5%)
[2] Because my child doesn't understand Japanese (14.8%)[3]Because life and customs in Japan are different from those in
my home country (11.1%)
Because I don't plan to live in Japan for a long time (11.1%)
I don't know any place where I can talk about my worries
concerning child education and child-raising, and I don't
know anyone whom I can talk with about such worries5 Basic Survey on Foreign Residents in FY2021 - Main Results 5(Life stage and life cycle2) -
しかく The work-related issues cited most often were "Low salary" (35.6%), "I am treated less favorably than Japanese in terms of my form of employment, assignment and
promotion" (12.6%), and "It is difficult to take holidays" (11.9%), in that order (all of which increased compared to the FY2020 survey).
しかく Regarding the pension system and long-term care insurance systems, the issue cited most often, by over 40% of respondents, was "I don't understand the system in detail"
also found procedures and other consultations problematic.
Issues with pension and long-term care insurance
Work-related issues
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
I don't understand the system in detail
The economic burden of the system is too high
The benefit it provides is insufficient
The lump-sum withdrawal payment is too small
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
Low salary
It is difficult to take holidays
Large fluctuations in my monthly salary
Long working hours
Training and support to improve my skills is limited
Unstable form of employment
I do not get along well with others at my workplace
My working environment is not comfortable
I do not understand the manners and the Japanese
language used at work
My work content is simple and boring
My work is dangerous
My company will not enroll me in social insurance
(pension, health insurance))
Pension system
I am treated less favorably than Japanese in terms of
my form of employment, assignment and promotion I don't know who to consult about
how to use the system
There is nowhere I can consult about how to use
the system with someone in my native language
Since I didn't know about the system, my paid-in contribution
period is short, so I can't receive enough money
Living support for me and my family is limited
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
I don't understand the system in detail
The economic burden of the system is too high
The benefit it provides is insufficient
The system does not provide the services I want
I can't use the system because others are already
waiting for their turn to use it
Long-term care
insurance system
Consultation issues6FY2020 Survey
FY2021 Survey
Since I have come from abroad, my paid-in contribution
period is short, so I can't receive enough money
The economic burden of the system is too high
(due to the high insurance fee)
There is nowhere I can consult about how to use the
system with someone in my native language
I don't know who to consult about how to
use the system
The economic burden of the system is too high
(due to the high service usage fee)
Basic Survey on Foreign Residents in FY2021 - Main Results 6(Life stage and life cycle3) -
しかく The most common issue on receiving medical care at a hospital was "I did not know which hospital or clinic to go to" at 22.8%. Over 40% of "Student" gave this answer.
しかく The most common problems cited when finding housing were "Rent and contract fees The rent and contract expenses were high " (19.2%), "I was rejected as a tenant due to my
nationality, etc." (16.9%), and "I could not find a guarantor " (15.1%). In particular, among "Student" and those in "Engineer, Specialist in Humanities, International Services",
these answers were all more than 10 points higher than the overall score.
しかく As for the top responses given when asked about issues connected to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, many respondents (36.5%) cited "I can't go back to my home
country (can't go abroad) due to the immigration restrictions" and "My work volume (income) or number of classes at school decreased or became zero" (34.0%).
Issues when receiving medical care at hospitals Issues finding housing
(n=504)[1]I did not know which
hospital or clinic to go to
I did not know which
hospital or clinic to go to
I could not explain my
symptoms accurately at
the hospital or clinic
(35.7%)[2]I could not explain my
symptoms accurately at
the hospital or clinic
I could not explain my
symptoms accurately at
the hospital or clinic
I did not know which
hospital or clinic to go to
(33.1%)[3]I could not speak well
at the hospital or clinic
reception (16.1%)
I could not speak well
at the hospital or clinic
reception (20.5%)
I could not speak well
at the hospital or clinic
reception (26.6%)
International Services
(n=1,150)[1]The rent and
contract expenses
were high (19.2%)
The rent and contract
expenses were high
The rent and contract
expenses were high
(32.7%)[2]I was rejected as a
tenant due to my
nationality, etc.
I could not find a
guarantor (32.5%)
I was rejected as a
tenant due to my
nationality, etc. (32.3%)[3]I could not find a
guarantor (15.1%)
I was rejected as a
tenant due to my
nationality, etc.(32.1%)
I could not find a
guarantor (29.8%)
* Results that stood out for status of residences
* Items in red were at least 10 points higher than overall
* Results that stood out for status of residentces
* Items in red were at least 10 points higher than overall
Issues during disasters and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Disaster issues
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Getting information Vaccination Life[1]I did not know where to get reliable
I don’t not know where to get reliable
I can't read the website of the
administrative agency or the
vaccination reservation website (4.5%)
I can't go back to my home country
(can't go abroad) due to the
immigration restrictions(36.5%)
[2] I did not know the evacuation area (10.5%)
It takes time to get information
I can't speak with a staff member
when making a reservation (3.9%)
My work volume (income) or number
of classes at school decreased or
became zero (34.0%)[3]I could not understand evacuation information
such as weather warnings and advisories because
it was not issued in multiple languages (10.3%)
I don't understand information about COVID-19
and initiatives for preventing infection because
it is not issued in multiple languages(10.0%)
I can't read the vaccination guide
delivered to my home (3.8%)
My expenses increased (29.9%)7 Basic Survey on Foreign Residents in FY2021 - Main Results 7 (Social participation, discrimination, other) -
6.7% 14.9% 29.5% 22.7% 26.1%
しばしばある・常にある 時々ある たまにある ほとんどない 全くない
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Joining a neighborhood association or residents' association
Volunteer activities (interpretation, cleaning, etc.)
Occasionally Hardly ever Never
Frequently or always Sometimes
Working as a PTA board member and participating in
PTA activities
Collaborating in activities of an administrative agency
(by becoming a member of various committees))n孤独感(直接質問) (11,867) 4.5 14.5 17.4 38.9 23.7 0.9
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
しばしばある・常にある 時々ある たまにある ほとんどない 決してない 無回答
Joining a fire brigade
I don't want to participate in such activities
Loneliness (direct question)
[1] I don't know what kind of activities take place (65.6%)
* Note that this percentage includes "No answer" (0.9%)
I want to join such activities,
but have not done so [2]
I'm worried about whether I can communicate with others in words
[3] My own schedule conflicts with those of community activities(36.2%)
Discrimination-related experiences・requests I can talk about variety of topics freely
Instances of discrimination
I can barely speak any Japanese
When searching for a home
At work
When looking for work
When applying for a credit card
When opening a bank account 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Appropriate advice about where to consult
Nothing in particular
Requests regarding discrimination and human rights
Online consultation service(including a service using social
media account)
Carefully listening to what you are saying while
providing consultation
Increasing opportunities for foreign and Japanese people to interact with each other (47.6%)
One-stop service for consultation
Giving Japanese people in school accurate information about foreign people (44.6%)
Improving the system for providing consultation to foreign residents when they experience
discrimination (35.4%)
Telephone consultation service8Current level of social participation
Level of Japanese
proficiency (extract)
Hardly ever
Frequently or always No answer
Frequently or always Sometimes Occasionally
Desired support* Top 5 responses
Requests regarding
discrimination and
human rights[1][2][3]I want to join such activities, but have not done so
Status of loneliness (How often do you feel lonely?)
しかく Regarding the current level of social participation, most respondents (39.9%) answered that they "I want to join such activities, but have not done so". The most common
reason given, for over 60% of respondents, was " I don't know what kind of activities take place."
しかく Discrimination was most often encountered "When searching for a home" (20.6%), and the most common request in response to discrimination was "Increasing opportunities
for foreign and Japanese people to interact with each other" (47.6%).
しかく The percentage of respondents citing loneliness "Frequently or always" was 6.7% (⇔ 4.5% in the "National Survey for Ascertaining People’s Loneliness and Social
Isolation(2021) (Cabinet Secretariat)" (sent to 20,000 individuals aged 16 or more nationwide)). When limited to those with " I can barely speak any Japanese", the percentage
was more than twice as high, at 14.8%.
しかく The most common wish for support was " Appropriate advice about where to consult " from 48.0% of respondents.
Reference: Results of the "National Survey for Ascertaining People’s Loneliness and Social Isolation(2021) (Cabinet Secretariat)"

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