Middle items Subjects Questions Choices
Gender All subjects What is your gender? (Please check only one.) Male/Female/Other
Age All subjects How old are you? (Please check only one.) 18-19/20-29/30-39/40-49/50-59/60-69/70-79/80 or older
Country or region All subjects What is your nationality? (Please check only one.) China/South Korea/Vietnam/Philippines/Brazil/Nepal/Indonesia/Taiwan/USA/Thailand/Other (please specify: )
Place of birth All subjects Where were you born? (Please check only one.) Same as Nationality/Region/Japan/Others (China/Korea/Vietnam/Philippines/Brazil/Nepal/Indonesia/Taiwan/USA/Thailand/Other)/I don't know
Status of residence All subjects What is your status of residence? (Please check only one.)
Special Permanent Resident/Permanent Resident/Technical Intern Training/Student/Engineer, Specialist in Humanities, International Services/Long-Term Resident/Dependent/Spouse or Child of a
Japanese National/Designated Activities/Specified Skilled Worker/Other (Please specify: )
Person(s) living together All subjects Is anyone living together with you? If so, who? (Please check all that apply.) Spouse or partner/Children/Your parents/Your spouse or partner's parents/Siblings/Other relatives/Friends or acquaintances/Other (please specify: )/Nobody is living with me
Total length of residence in Japan
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"Special Permanent Resident" concerning the
"status of residence"
How long have you been living in Japan in total? (Please check only one.)
Since I was born/Less than 1 year/1 year or more, but less than 3 years/3 years or more, but less than 10 years/10 years or more, but less than 20 years/20 years or more, but less than 30 years/30
years or more, but less than 40 years/40 years or more
Household income (last year) All subjects
What was your annual household income in 2022? (Please check only one.)
*The "annual household income" means your total income amount before deducting taxes, social
insurance fees and accommodation fees, etc., NOT the amount you actually receive.
*If you only know your monthly income, multiply it by 12.
*If you receive a bonus, add this amount to your total annual income.
[Annual household income in 2022] Less than 1,000,000 yen/1,000,000-1,999,999 yen/2,000,000-2,999,999 yen/3,000,000-3,999,999 yen/4,000,000-4,999,999 yen/5,000,000-6,999,999
yen/7,000,000-9,999,999 yen/10,000,000-14,999,999 yen/15,000,000-19,999,999 yen/20,000,000 yen or more
Remittance of money from home
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"since I was born" concerning the "total length of
residence in Japan" (excluding Special Permanent
Please tell us about your remittances to family members, etc. in your home country.
1Have you remitted money in the past year? (Please check only one.)
2How much do you remit per month on average? (Please check only one.)
3To whom do you remit money? (Please check all that apply.)
[Remittance of money] Yes/No
[Amount remitted per month] Less than 50,000 yen/50,000-99,999 yen/100,000-149,999 yen/150,000 yen or more
[Remittee(s)] Parents or relatives/Spouse or children/Loan repayment/Other (please specify: )
Japanese-language ability
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"Special Permanent Resident" concerning the
"status of residence"
How proficient are you in Japanese? (Please check only one.)
I can talk with any person appropriately according to the situation whatever the topic is/I can talk with others fluently and naturally/I can talk with others in daily life as required/I can exchange basic
information with others around me as required/I can use words often used for greeting and daily life/I cannot speak Japanese at all
Japanese-language ability (reading)
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"Special Permanent Resident" concerning the
"status of residence"
How well can you read Japanese? (Please check only one.)
I can read Japanese easily whatever the subject is/I can read newspaper articles and other passages written from a certain point of view/I can read emails and other sentences written using words often
used in daily life/I can read simple, short sentences about subjects close to me/I can read well-known names and words on bulletin boards or in posters/I cannot read Japanese at all
Reason for coming to Japan
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"since I was born" concerning the "total length of
residence in Japan" (excluding Special Permanent
Why did you come to Japan? (Please check the one answer that best applies.)
To study/To acquire skills and improve my future career/To make money or in order to support (remit money to) others/For marriage/Because I like Japan/Because I or another family member was
transferred to Japan for work/For political freedom/Other (please specify: )
School attendance in your country or
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"since I was born" concerning the "total length of
residence in Japan" (excluding Special Permanent
Which school did you last attend in your home country or region? (Please check the one answer
that best applies.)
Elementary school/Junior high school/High school/Vocational school or junior college/University (undergraduate course)/Graduate school (master's course)/Graduate school (doctoral course)/I never
attended school
School attendance in Japan
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"since I was born" concerning the "total length of
residence in Japan" (excluding Special Permanent
Which of the following schools have you attended in Japan? (Please check all that apply.)
Elementary school/Junior high school/High school/Vocational school or junior college/University (undergraduate course)/Graduate school (master's course)/Graduate school (doctoral course)/I never
attended school
Degree of satisfaction with the living
environment in general
All subjects Are you satisfied with your life in Japan? (Please check only one.) Satisfied/If anything, satisfied/If anything, dissatisfied/Dissatisfied/I am not sure
History of Japanese-language learning,
learning period, learning methods, and
payment for costs
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"Special Permanent Resident" concerning the
"status of residence"
Have you learned Japanese in Japan? (Please check only one.)
I am learning it now/I am not learning it now, but I did so before/I have not learned it
[I am learning it now: What is the purpose of learning it?]
I want to become able to speak Japanese on various occasions in daily life such as shopping/I want to become able to speak Japanese at hospitals/I want to become able to read letters from schools
and municipal (ward) offices/I want to get a job/I want to go to school/other (Please specify: )
[I am learning it now/I am not learning it now, but I did so before: Japanese-language learning period (Please check one that applies.) *Please write the total length of time you spent on learning
Japanese before.]
4 years or more/about 3 years/about 2 years/about 1 year/about 6 months/less than 3 months
[I am learning it now: What method do you use to learn it? (Please check all that apply.)]
I am learning it by myself using books (including electronic ones)/I am learning it by myself using TV or radio language courses/I am learning it by myself using videos posted on the web/I am learning it
by myself using online language courses/I am learning it from my family members/I am learning it from my friends and acquaintances/I am learning it from my private tutor/I am attending a Japanese-
language class or school/I am attending an evening junior high school/I am learning it at other schools I am attending/I am learning it at places such as the company where I am working/Other (Please
specify: )
[I am learning it now: One-month cost for Japanese-language learning (Please check one that applies to each of the methods chosen above.)]
Free/Paid ( ) yen/I do not know
What troubles you when learning
Persons who replied, "I am learning Japanese now,"
concerning the "history of Japanese-language
What problems do you experience when you are learning Japanese? (Please check all that
I cannot receive Japanese-language education suitable for my ability level/I cannot receive instruction in my native language/The Japanese-language education program is not practical/The fee for using
Japanese-language classes or schools, etc. or taking Japanese-language courses is high/There is no Japanese-language class or school, etc. nearby/There is no Japanese-language class or school,
etc. that can be used when it is convenient to me/There is little information about locations and services for learning Japanese/I don't have a chance to use the Japanese that I have learned/Whoever
teaches me Japanese has little expert knowledge/There is no free Japanese-language class nearby/I can't find free materials for learning Japanese/I cannot learn Japanese online/Other (please
specify: )/Nothing in particular
Reason for the degree of satisfaction All subjects
Please give one of the major reasons you feel so. (Please check the one answer that best
[Satisfied/If anything, satisfied]
The living environment (such as cleanliness) is good/The culture and customs of Japanese society fit me/It is safe/Japanese food is delicious/Prices are low/Salaries are high/There are opportunities of
exchange with Japanese/There are people from the same country or region around me/The educational and child-rearing environment is good/There are a full array of social welfare services (other than
education and child rearing)/The employment environment is good/Sufficient multilingual support is provided/There is no discrimination against foreign nationals/Statuses of residence are easily
obtainable/I can have hope for the future/Other (Please specify: )
[Dissatisfied/If anything, dissatisfied]
The living environment (such as cleanliness) is bad/The culture and customs of Japanese society do not fit me/It is not safe/Japanese food does not fit me/Prices are high/Salaries are low/There are no
opportunities of exchange with Japanese/There are no people from the same country or region around me/The educational and child-rearing environment is bad/Social welfare services (other than
education and child rearing) are not sufficient/The employment environment is bad/Multilingual support is not sufficient/There is discrimination against foreign nationals/Statuses of residence are difficult
to obtain/I cannot have hope for the future/Other (Please specify: )
Large items
I. Attributes of respondent
II. Prior to coming to Japan
III. Life in general (1) Degree of
satisfaction in
(2) Japanese-
Reason you are not learning Japanese
Persons who replied, "I am not learning it now, but I
did so before" or "I have not learned it," concerning
the history of Japanese-language learning
Please give the reason you are not learning Japanese now. (Please check all that apply.)
I cannot receive Japanese-language education suitable for my ability level/I cannot receive instruction in my native language/The Japanese-language education program is not practical/The fee for using
Japanese-language classes or schools, etc. or taking Japanese-language courses is high/There is no Japanese-language class or school, etc. nearby/There is no Japanese-language class or school,
etc. that can be used when it is convenient to me/I do not know where I can learn Japanese/There is no free Japanese-language class nearby/There are no free Japanese-language learning materials/I
cannot learn Japanese online/I do not want to learn Japanese/I do not need to learn Japanese because I can speak and write it/I am not inconvenienced in my life even if I cannot speak and write
Japanese/Other (Please specify: )
[The fee for using Japanese-language classes or schools, etc. or taking Japanese-language courses is high: What is the approximate monthly fee that makes you want to use or take them? (Please
check only one.)]
( ) yen/I do not know/I do not want to use or take them irrespective of what the fee is
[There is no Japanese-language class or school, etc. that can be used when it is convenient to me: What is the period of time that makes you want to use it? (Please check all that apply.)]
Daytime on a weekday (9:00-18:00)/Nighttime on a weekday (18:00-21:00)/Daytime on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays (9:00-18:00)/Nighttime on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays (18:00-21:00/Other
(Please specify: )
Recognition level for Tsunahiro, its use,
requests for improvement, etc.
All subjects
Do you know Tsunahiro (Connect and Enhance Your Life in Japanese)
(https://tsunagarujp.bunka.go.jp/)? Have you used it? (Please check only one.)
I have used it/I know it, but I have not used it/I do not know it
[I have used it: Did you learn Japanese that meets various occasions in your life? (Please check only one.)]
I learned sufficient Japanese/I learned a certain degree of Japanese/That alone did not enable me to learn sufficient Japanese
[I have used it: Please tell us if there are points that you want to be improved. (Please check only one.)]
There are points I want to be improved (Please specify: )/Nothing in particular
(3) Orientation
about life
Whether you have received orientation
about life, implementing organizations,
information that was useful when you
received such orientation, items that
would have been useful if you had
received such orientation, and reason
you have not received such orientation
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"Special Permanent Resident" concerning the
"status of residence"
Have you received orientation about life*? (Please check only one.)
* "Orientation about life" in this survey refers to a briefing session held for foreign nationals to
provide basic information necessary for living in Japan, including rules and manners in daily life.
I have received such orientation/I have never received such orientation/I do not know
[If you have received such orientation: Which of the following organizations held the orientation? (Please check all that apply.)]
Government agency/International exchange association/Civil organization such as an NPO/Agency or organization to which you belong (school, company, supervising organization, the Organization for
Technical Intern Training (OTIT), registered support organization, etc.)/Other (Please specify: )
[I have received it: What orientation items are useful in your life in Japan? (Please check all that apply.)]
Resident registration/Throwing away garbage/Electricity, gas, and water supply/Labor and employment/Education and Japanese-language learning/Childbirth and child rearing/Healthcare and
welfare/Pension and social insurance/Tax/Housing/Transport/Disaster risk reduction/Multilingual consultation service/Other (Please specify: )
[I have not received it: You did not receive orientation, but are there items that would have been useful if you had received it? (Please check all that apply.)]
Resident registration/Throwing away garbage/Electricity, gas, and water supply/Labor and employment/Education and Japanese-language learning/Childbirth and child rearing/Healthcare and
welfare/Pension and social insurance/Tax/Housing/Transport/Disaster risk reduction/Multilingual consultation service/Other (Please specify: )
[I have not received it: What is the reason(s) you have not received it? (Please check all that apply.)]
I did not know where I could receive orientation/I had no opportunity to receive orientation/There is no orientation I can attend when it is convenient to me/I thought that I did not need to receive
orientation/Other (Please specify: )
Occasions where you want to view a
video of orientation about life
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"Special Permanent Resident" concerning the
"status of residence"
The Immigration Services Agency of Japan is considering producing a video to provide basic
information or similar necessary for living in Japan, including rules and manners in daily life. If this
video is produced, on what occasion do you want to view it? (Please check all that apply.)
I want to view it when going through visa application procedures/I want to view it during training, etc. before going to Japan/I want to view it during the period up to entry into Japan (in flight or on board)/I
want to view it when entering Japan (at the airport or seaport where I arrive)/I want to view it when I visit the municipal office in the city where I live in order to notify that I moved in/I want to view it during
the orientation given by the company, school, or other organization I enter or attend/I want to view it free of charge on the web when it is convenient to me irrespective of before I go to Japan or after I
come to Japan/Other (Please specify: )/I do not know
(4) Support for
information and
Recognition level for various services to
enable foreign nationals to obtain
information necessary for living in
Japan, their use, requests for
improvement, etc.
All subjects
Do you know the following services to enable foreign nationals to obtain information necessary for
living in Japan?
Have you used any of the services? (Please check only one.)
[Daily Life Support Portal for Foreign Nationals] https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/support/portal/
I have used it/I know it, but I have not used it/I do not know it
→ [I have used it: Please tell us what was useful when you used it, if any. (Please check all that apply.)]
It was easy to obtain information/It provided a plenty of information/The information provided was easy to understand/It included new information
/Information was provided in many languages/Information was provided using easy-to-understand Japanese/I was able to access the government's policy in a single visit/Other (Please specify:
)/Nothing in particular
→ [I have used it: Please tell us about points that you want to be improved, if any. (Please check only one.)]
There are points I want to be improved (Please specify: )/Nothing in particular
[Guidebook on Living and Working] https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/guidebook_all.html
I have used it/I know it, but I have not used it/I do not know it
→ [I have used it: Please tell us what was useful when you used it, if any. (Please check all that apply.)]
It was easy to obtain information/It provided a plenty of information/The information provided was easy to understand/It included new information
/Information was provided in many languages/Information was provided using easy-to-understand Japanese/Other (Please specify: )/Nothing in particular
→ [I have used it: Please tell us about points that you want to be improved, if any. (Please check only one.)]
There are points I want to be improved (Specify: )/Nothing in particular
Native language and language other
than your native language in which you
want information to be provided
All subjects
What is your native language?
When you obtain information, in what language other than your native language do you want
information to be provided?
[Native language (Please check only one.)]
Japanese/English/Chinese/Korean/Spanish/Portuguese/Thai/Filipino/Vietnamese/Indonesian/Mongol/Myanmarese/Nepalese/Khmer/Other (Please specify: )
[Language other than your native language in which you want information to be provided (Please check all that apply among the languages other than the one chosen as your native language.)]
Japanese/easy Japanese/English/Chinese/Korean/Spanish/Portuguese/Thai/Filipino/Vietnamese/Indonesian/Mongol/Myanmarese/Nepalese/Khmer/Other (Please specify: )
Trouble you have experienced when
trying to obtain information
communicated by public institutions
(municipal, prefectural, and national
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"Special Permanent Resident" concerning the
"status of residence"
Please tell us about troubles you have experienced during the past year when trying to obtain
information communicated by public institutions (municipal, prefectural, and national
governments). (Please check all that apply.)
Only a little information was communicated in multiple languages/Only a little information was communicated in easy Japanese/Only a little information was communicated using email/Only a little
information was communicated through SNS/Only a little information was communicated using applications developed by public institutions (municipal, prefectural, and national governments) which can
be used via smartphones, etc./Only a little information was communicated through newspapers and magazines published in my native language in Japan/It was difficult to reach necessary information
on the website of public institutions (municipal, prefectural, and national governments)/Other (Please specify: )/I have had no particular trouble during the past year/I have had no opportunity to obtain
information communicated by public institutions
Person from whom you seek advice
when you have trouble
All subjects
Please tell us about the top three persons from whom you seek advice when you have trouble
such as anxiety and distress.
(Please give each one answer that applies in the column for the "first person from whom you seek
advice," "second person from whom you seek advice," and "third person from whom you seek
Family members and relatives/Japanese friends and acquaintances/Friends and acquaintances from your country and foreign ones/Receiving organizations, schools, companies, etc./Municipal and
prefectural governments/ national government (Foreign Residents Support Center (FRESC), etc./NPOs and other private organizations/Other (Please specify: )
Trouble you have experienced when
trying to seek advice from public
institutions (municipal, prefectural, and
national governments)
Persons who chose "municipal and prefectural
governments" or the "national government (Foreign
Residents Support Center (FRESC), etc.)" as the
"person from whom you seek advice when having
Please tell us about troubles you have experienced during the past year when trying to seek
advice from public institutions (municipal, prefectural, and national governments). (Please check
all that apply.)
I had to take time off from work or school, etc. to seek advice/There was no department or counter where I could seek advice on my trouble/I was not guided to an appropriate department/I was able to
reach appropriate departments for only part of my several troubles/I was guided to various departments before reaching the appropriate one/I had to wait for a long time before I was able to seek advice
because there were only a few consultation counters/There were no or only a few interpreters assigned/Multilingual translation applications were not available/There were only a few items on which I
was able to seek advice/The person in charge had only a little technical knowledge/What I sought advice on was not understood/Since explanations thoughtful enough for even foreign nationals to
understand were not given, I could not understand the explanations given/Other (Please specify: )/I have had no particular trouble during the past year
Reason you do not seek advice from
public institutions
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"municipal and prefectural governments" or the
"national government (Foreign Residents Support
Center (FRESC), etc.)" concerning the "person from
whom you seek advice when having trouble"
Please tell us about the reason you do not seek advice from public institutions when having
trouble such as anxiety and distress. (Please check all that apply.)
I have to take time off from work or school, etc. to seek advice/There is no department or counter where I can seek advice on my trouble/I do not know where I can find a department or counter to seek
advice/I have to wait for a long time before I am able to seek advice because there are only a few consultation counters/There are no or only a few interpreters assigned/Multilingual translation
applications are not available/I do not have a telephone by which I can call ordinary phone numbers (installed telephones and toll-free numbers)/I have other persons from whom I can seek advice/Other
(Please specify: )
Recognition level for various
consultation support services, their use,
requests for improvement, etc.
All subjects
Do you know about the following consultation support services? Have you used any of the
services? (Please check only one.)
[Foreign Residents Support Center (FRESC)]
I have used it/I know it, but I have not used it/I do not know it
→ [I have used it: Please tell us what was useful when you used it, if any. (Please check all that apply.)]
The consultant listened carefully to my anxiety, distress, etc./Multilingual support was provided/The consultant understood the trouble on which I sought advice/The consultant gave appropriate
advice and solutions/Other (Please specify: )/Nothing in particular
→ [I have used it: Please tell us about points you want to be improved, if any. (Please check only one.)]
There are points I want to be improved (Please specify: )/Nothing in particular
[Unified consultation counters installed by local governments]
I have used them/I know them, but I have not used them/I do not know them
→ [I have used them: Please tell us what was useful when you used them, if any. (Please check all that apply.)]
The consultant listened carefully to my anxiety, distress, etc./Multilingual support was provided/The consultant understood the trouble on which I sought advice/The consultant gave appropriate
advice and solutions/Other (Please specify: )/Nothing in particular
→ [I have used them: Please tell us about points you want to be improved, if any. (Please check only one.)]
There are points I want to be improved (Please specify: )/Nothing in particular
Trouble you experienced when trying to
see a doctor and receive medical
All subjects
Please tell us about the trouble you experienced at hospitals during the past year when you
needed to see a doctor and receive medical treatment. (Please check all that apply.)
I did not know where a hospital at which I could see a doctor and receive medical treatment that suited my symptoms was/I did not know where a hospital at which I could make myself understood was/I
could not make myself understood at the reception of the hospital/I could not explain my symptoms accurately at the hospital /I could not understand the results of diagnosis or treatment methods/I could
not understand the procedures at the hospital /I could not understand how to take or use the medicine prescribed by the hospital /I could not understand the medical insurance system (whether or not I
was covered by insurance)/I wanted to take out medical insurance but was unable to do so/Medical expenses were higher than in my country, etc./There was nowhere I could readily go for consultation
about health and medical care/Other (Please specify: )/I have had no particular trouble during the past year.
Response to language problems at
All subjects
What measures did you take to resolve the language barrier when seeing a doctor or receiving
treatment at a hospital or clinic during the past year? (Please check the one answer that best
I was accompanied by a family member, relative, friend or acquaintance who is proficient in Japanese/I used an interpreter provided by the hospital/I arranged an interpreter by myself and used him or
her/I used a multilingual translation device or app/I visited a hospital that provides multilingual support/Other (Please specify: )/Language problems occurred, but I did not take any particular
measures/Language problems did not occur
[I used an interpreter provided by the hospital/I arranged an interpreter by myself and used him or her: Amount of money paid when you used the interpreter (Please check one that applies in each
Free/paid ( ) yen/I do not know * If you used an interpreter twice or more, please write the average amount per case.
Reason you did not use an interpreter
Person who chose any of the choices from "I used a
multilingual translation device or app" to "Language
problems occurred, but I did not take any particular
measures" for the question about "Response to
language problems at hospitals"
Please tell us about the reason you did not rely on an interpreter when you saw a doctor and
received medical treatment at hospitals during the past year and language problems occurred.
(Please check all that apply.)
I did not know how I should use an interpreter/There was no interpreter in the area where I lived/I could not use an interpreter during the period during which I wanted to use him or her/Interpreter
expenses were high/Other (Please specify: )
Trouble related to the effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic
All subjects
What problems are you experiencing as an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic? (Please check all
that apply.)
[Getting information about the novel coronavirus]
I don't know where to get reliable information/It takes time to get information/I don't understand information about COVID-19 and initiatives for preventing infection because it is not issued in multiple
languages/I don't understand information about COVID-19 and initiatives for preventing infection because it is not issued in simple Japanese/Other (please specify: )/Nothing in particular
I have not received a vaccination coupon/I can't read the vaccination guide delivered to my home/I can't read the website of the administrative agency or the vaccination reservation website/I can't speak
with a staff member when making a reservation/I can't speak with a staff member at the vaccination venue/Other (please specify: )/Nothing in particular
(7) Child rearing
and education
Whether you have a child or children
living in Japan, the number of children,
and their age
All subjects
Do you have children? (Please check only one.) If so, please tell us how many children you have
as well as the age of each child. (Please enter a number.)
*Please answer only about your dependent children living in Japan. And please answer
regardless of whether your children are living together with you.
*If you have multiple children, then please answer about the age of each child.
*If you have more than ten children, then please answer about your youngest child to your 10th-
youngest child.
[Children in Japan and number of children] Yes (___ child(ren)) *Enter a number/No children
[Age of child] (___ years old) *Enter a number If you have multiple children, then please answer about the age of each child.
Trouble related to pregnancy and
・Persons who are pregnant now
・Persons who have a child or children aged 0-6 in
What problems do you experience (or did you experience) during your pregnancy or when giving
birth to a child? (Please check all that apply.)
I have received the Maternal Health Handbook, but can't understand its content/I don't know how to take a health check-up during pregnancy/I can't communicate by language when I go to a hospital to
give birth/The cost incurred during pregnancy or for childbirth is high/I can't get information about pregnancy and childbirth/I don't know any place where I can talk about my worries concerning
pregnancy and childbirth, and I don't know anyone to whom I can talk with about such worries/I am anxious about whether I can continue attending my school or working at my workplace/I am worried
about my status of residence/Other (please specify: )/Nothing in particular/I have never been pregnant or given birth to a child
Trouble related to child rearing
Persons who have a child or children aged 0-6 in
What problems do you experience while raising your child? (Please check all that apply.)
My child does not understand Japanese sufficiently/My child does not understand my native language or the culture of my home country/My child does not fit into (or is bullied at) his/her day care center
or kindergarten/I don't know how to enroll my child in a day care center or kindergarten/I tried to enroll my child in a day care center or kindergarten, but was rejected/I can't communicate well with
teachers at the day care center or kindergarten/I have to pay too much child support/I can't get information about child-raising/I don't know any place where I can talk about my worries concerning child
education and child-raising, and I don't know anyone who I can talk with about such worries/Other (please specify: )/Nothing in particular/I have never experienced child-raising.
School attendance by children
Persons who have a child or children in Japan
(If you have two children or more, please reply about
each child.)
What kind of school does your child attend? (Please check only one.)
"My child attends a kindergarten or day nursery in Japan/My child attends an elementary school in Japan/My child attends a junior high school in Japan (including evening junior high schools)/My child
attends a high school in Japan (including correspondence high schools)/My child attends a university or graduate school in Japan/My child attends a school (other than elementary school, junior high
school, high school, university or graduate school) in Japan/My child attends an international school or foreign school/My child attends a foreigners’ school (ethnic school)/Other (Please specify: )/My
child does not attend a school
[If you have checked ""Reason yourMy child does not attend a school,"" please let us know why. (Please check all that apply.)]
Because my child doesn't understand Japanese/Because my child can't keep up with his or her class/Because of concerns about bullying and discrimination/Because my child needs to take care of his
or her younger siblings/Because my child needs to help with our housework/Because life and customs in Japan are different from those in my home country/Because there is no school nearby/Because
I don't know the procedure for enrolling my child in a school/Because I didn't know that foreign residents can attend a school in Japan/Because I don't plan to live in Japan for a long time/Other (Please
specify: )"
Reason you chose the school
Persons who have a child or children aged 6-18 in
(If you have two children or more, please reply about
each child.)
Why did you choose the school your child currently attends? (Please check all that apply.)
School expenses were low or not charged/I received information on school attendance from the local government/The support system based on my native language is firm/My child can receive
education in his or her native language/My child can receive education on the culture of his or her own country/Educational programs (for subjects other than the culture of my child's own country) are
attractive/My acquaintances, etc. introduced the school to me/I received information from the embassy of my country, etc./Other (Please specify: )/There is no particular reason
Whether you have received information
on school attendance or not
Persons who have a child or children aged 6-18 in
(If you have two children or more, please reply about
each child.)
When your child reached the age (6-15 years old) when he or she could attend an elementary or
junior high school in Japan, did you receive information on school attendance from the local
government? Were you able to understand the content of the information? (Please check only
I received information in my native language and could understand its content without problems/I received information in my native language, but I could not understand its content because it was
difficult/I received information in Japanese and could understand its content without problems/I received information, but I could not understand its content because it was provided in Japanese/I did not
receive information or do not know whether I received it or not
(8) Work
Whether you are working or not All subjects Are you working in Japan now? (Please check only one.)
I am working now/I was working before, but I am not working now/I have not worked
[I am working: What is the form of employment? (Please check only one.)] * If you have two jobs or more, please reply about the major one.
Regular employee/Non-regular employee (contract worker, temporary worker, part-time worker, working student, etc.)/Self-employed/Technical intern trainee/Other (Please specify: )
What problems have you experienced during times of disaster (earthquake, typhoon, heavy rain,
etc.) in the past year? (Please check all that apply.)
I did not know where to get reliable information/It took time to get information/I could not understand evacuation information such as weather warnings and advisories because it was not issued in
multiple languages/I could not understand evacuation information such as weather warnings and advisories because it was not issued in simple Japanese/I did not have anyone I could rely on when I
was in trouble/I did not know where I could go for consultation/I did not know the evacuation area/I could not understand the support measures following the disaster because the information was not
issued in multiple languages/I could not understand the support measures following the disaster because the information was not issued in simple Japanese/I did not know how to use or apply for the
support measures following the disaster/I did not know how to use an ambulance/I did not know what disasters (tsunami, etc.) occur in Japan/I did not know what the evacuation shelter was like/Other
(please specify: )/Nothing in particular
(5) Healthcare
(6) Support
under disaster
conditions and
in case of
Trouble under disaster conditions All subjects
Reason you are not working
Persons who gave any of the answers other than "I
am working now" concerning "whether you are
working or not"
Please tell us about the reason you are not working now. (Please check only one.)
I cannot work because I am in poor physical condition or injured/I want to work, but I cannot find a suitable job/I do not know how to find a job/My Japanese-language ability is not sufficient/I cannot work
because of child rearing/I cannot work because of long-term care/Other (Please specify: )
Trouble you experience when you work
Persons who replied, "I want to work, but I cannot
find employment," concerning the "reason you are
not working"
Please tell us about the reason you cannot find employment in Japan. (Please check all that
I do not know how to find employment/I cannot find a job I desire/My Japanese-language ability is not sufficient/I do not have the sufficient technique, knowledge, ability, and experience required for a
job I am going to take up/The qualifications I acquired in my country are not recognized in Japan/My status of residence (visa) does not allow me to take up a job I desire/Other (Please specify: )
Trouble in your work
Persons who replied, "I am working now,"
concerning "whether you are working or not"
What problems are you experiencing in your current job? (Please check all that apply.)
Low salary/Large fluctuations in my monthly salary/Long working hours/It is difficult to take holidays/Unstable form of employment/My work content is simple and boring/I do not get along well with others
at my workplace/My work is dangerous/My working environment is not comfortable/Living support for me and my family is limited/I do not understand the manners and the Japanese language used at
work/My company will not enroll me in social insurance (pension, health insurance)/I am treated less favorably than Japanese in terms of my form of employment, assignment and promotion/Training
and support to improve my skills is limited/Other (please specify: )/Nothing in particular
(9) Social
Desire for social participation All subjects Do you want to take part in social participation activities in your area? (Please check only one.)
I want to participate/I do not want to participate/I do not know
[I want to participate: What activities do you want to participate in? (Please check all that apply.)]
Joining a neighborhood association or resident's association/Joining a fire brigade/Working as a PTA board member and participating to PTA activities/Volunteer activities (interpretation, cleaning,
etc.)/Collaborating to activities of an administrative agency (by becoming a member of various committees)/Other (Please specify: )
Trouble related to social participation
Person who replied, "I want to participate,"
concerning "desire for social participation"
Do you have trouble related to social participation activities in your area? (Please check all that
I do not know what kind of activities take place/I do not know what kind of activities I can carry out/I am worried about whether I can communicate with others in words/My own schedule conflicts with
those of community activities/I feel anxious because nobody I know participates in community activities/I am worried about whether people in the community will accept me/Payment for expenses
incurred by participation (such as travel expenses)/Procedures for participation are difficult to understand/I cannot participate in activities I want to because I am a foreign national (Please specify the
name of such activities: )/Other (Please specify: )/No particular trouble
Opinion about effective initiatives for
raising public awareness to realize a
society of harmonious coexistence
All subjects
The three aims of the Ministry of Justice's vision of a society of harmonious coexistence with
foreign nationals are a safe and comfortable society, a diverse and vibrant society, and a society
that respects individual dignity and human rights. In order to cultivate the awareness of people to
realize such a vision and promote their understanding of it, the Ministry has established the Month
for Raising Public Awareness of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign Nationals and is
considering hosting various educational events.
What educational events do you think are effective in raising the awareness of people and
promoting their understanding to realize a society of harmonious coexistence with foreign
nationals? (Please check all that apply.)
Events to experience the cultures of various countries (such as dietary cultures)/Events to experience Japanese culture/Events with realization of a society of harmonious coexistence with foreign
nationals as their theme/Events to raise the public awareness of respect for human rights/Quizzes to learn differences between Japanese and foreign rules/Experience in multilingual translation
devices/Easy Japanese-language courses/Events to present in an easy-to-understand manner initiatives for establishing an environment to accept foreign nationals/Other (Please specify: )/Nothing in
particular or I do not know
Experience in hate speech All subjects
Have you directly seen someone try to drive others out of Japan or endanger them because of
ethnicity or nationality or heard about such cases? And have you yourself had such an
experience? (Please check only one.)
For example,
(1) Inflame others' hate by saying, "Go out, しろまるしろまる (foreign nationals)" or "Go back to your country"
(2) Inflame others' hate by saying, "Throw しろまるしろまる (foreign nationals) into the sea" or try to endanger
(3) Despise people of particular ethnicities and nationalities and compare them to insects or
animals in a discriminatory sense
I have seen or heard about such a case/I have not seen or heard about such a case/I do not know
[I have seen or heard about such a case: Where have you done so? (Please check all that apply.)]
(Demonstrations/Campaign vehicles/Internet/Newspapers/Magazines/TV/Other (Please specify: ))
I have experienced such a case/I have not experienced such a case/I do not know
[I have experienced such a case: Where have you done so? (Please check all that apply.)]
(Demonstrations/Campaign vehicles/Internet/Newspapers/Magazines/TV/Other (Please specify: ))
Persons from whom you seek advice
Persons who gave any of the answers other than "I
have no particular experience" concerning
"experience in discrimination in daily life and
persons who discriminated you"
Who did you consult when you felt that you had been discriminated against? (Please check all
that apply.)
Family members and relatives/Japanese friends and acquaintances/Friends and acquaintances in your country and foreign ones/Receiving organizations, schools, companies, etc./Municipal or
prefectural governments/National government (Foreign Residents Support Center (FRESC), etc./NPOs and other private organizations/Other (Please specify: )/I do not seek advice
Requests related to discrimination and
human rights
All subjects
What kind of efforts or activities do you think should exist to eliminate discrimination and protect
human rights? (Please check all that apply.)
Making the culture and lifestyle of foreign nationals known and raising public awareness/Making the rights of foreign nationals known and raising public awareness/Increasing opportunities of exchange
between foreign nationals and Japanese/Improving the consultation system for foreign nationals who are discriminated/Improving education in human rights and multicultural coexistence at
schools/Establishing rules for eliminating discrimination/Other (Please specify: )/I don't have any particular ideas
(11) Social
Sources of information on public
pension plans in Japan
Persons aged 20 or older Where do you obtain information on public pension plans in Japan? (Please check all that apply.)
Japanese TV, radio, newspapers or magazines/TV, radio, newspapers or magazines in native language/Family members and relatives/Japanese friends and acquaintances/Friends and acquaintances
from your country or region/Schools and universities/Work sites/Embassy or consulate/International exchange associations/Private support organizations (such as NPOs)/Counters at the Branch Offices
of the Japan Pension Service/Website of the Japan Pension Service/Letters and documents received from the Japan Pension Service/Counters at municipal government offices/Websites of municipal
governments/Public relations bulletins from municipal governments/Institutions, organizations, etc. concerned with technical intern training (Organization for Technical Intern Training, supervising
organizations, etc./Other (Please specify: )
Recognition level for multilingual
consultation at the Japan Pension
Service's Branch Offices
Persons aged 20 or older
Do you know that you can seek advice in the ten languages* listed below at the Japan Pension
Service's 312 Branch Offices nationwide? (Please check only one.)
* English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai, and
Trouble related to the public long-term
care insurance system in Japan
Persons aged 40 or older
Please tell us about the trouble you have in relation to the public long-term care insurance system
in Japan. (Please check all that apply.)
I don't understand the system in detail/I don't know who to consult about how to use the system/There is nowhere I can consult about how to use the system with someone in my native
language/Economic burden of the system is too high (due to the high insurance fee)/The economic burden of the system is too high (due to the high service usage fee)/The system does not provide the
services I want/I can't use the system because others are already waiting for their turn to use it/Other (please specify: )/Nothing in particular
Source of information on long-term care
insurance system in Japan
Persons aged 40 or older
Where do you obtain information on the public long-term care insurance system in Japan?
(Please check all that apply.)
Japanese TV, radio, newspapers or magazines/TV, radio, newspapers or magazines in native language/Family members and relatives/Japanese friends and acquaintances/Friends and acquaintances
from your country or region/Schools and universities/Work sites/Embassy or consulate/International exchange associations/Private support organizations (such as NPOs)/Regional comprehensive
support centers/Home long-term care support centers/Hospitals/Counters at municipal government offices/Websites of municipal governments/Public relations bulletins from municipal
governments/Institutions, organizations, etc. concerned with technical intern training (Organization for Technical Intern Training, supervising organizations, etc./Other (Please specify: )
During procedures at public institutions (municipal, prefectural or national government), etc./When socializing with my Japanese friends/When socializing with neighbors/When searching for a
home/When I or a family member get married/When riding the train or bus, etc./When giving birth or rearing children/At educational facilities such as schools/When looking for work/At work/When
signing up for a mobile phone contract/When opening a bank account/When applying for a credit card/Other (Please specify: )/I have no particular experience
[In cases other than "I have no particular experience" above: By whom were you discriminated? (Please check all that apply.)]
Spouse or partner/Family members/Japanese friends or acquaintances/Friends or acquaintances in my country or foreign ones/Personnel at the work site/Hospital personnel/Persons concerned with
housing and real estate/School teachers, students or their parents/Residents in the neighborhood/Public officials, etc./Store clerks/Strangers
(10) Human
rights issues
Experience in discrimination in daily life
and persons who discriminated you
All subjects Have you experienced discrimination in the following situations? (Please check all that apply.)
Desire to stay in Japan in the future
Persons who gave any of the answers other than
"Special Permanent Resident" concerning the
"status of residence"
Do you want to continue to stay in Japan in the future? (Please check only one.)
I want to stay in Japan permanently/I want to stay in Japan for around another 10 years/I want to stay in Japan for around another 5 years/I want to return to my home country or move to another
country in around a year/I do not know
Reason you desire to continue staying
in Japan
Persons who replied, "I want to stay in Japan
permanently," "I want to stay in Japan for around ten
years," or "I want to stay in Japan for around five
years," concerning "desire to stay in Japan in the
What is the reason you want to continue staying in Japan in the future? (Please check the one
answer that best applies.)
I have family or relatives/I have friends/I have people of the same nationality or those from the same region as mine around me/I work or attend school in Japan/Japan is comfortable to live in mainly
because of substantial support/Japan is safe and comfortable to live in/I want to continue the current job/I have the solid foundations of my livelihood such as the purchased house/I have lived in Japan
since I was born/I have hope for the future/It is easy to obtain a status of residence/Other (Please specify: )
Reason you do not desire to continue
staying in Japan
Persons who replied, "I will return to my country in
around one year or want to go to a country other
than Japan," concerning "desire to stay in Japan in
the future"
What is the reason you want to go to a country or region other than Japan in the future? (Please
check the one answer that best applies.)
I want to stay in Japan, but there is no hope of renewing my permitted period of residence or obtaining permission to change the status of residence/Originally, I have planned to return home/I have my
family members in my country/In Japan, I cannot find a school I wish to advance to or a job I wish to do/In my country, I found a school I wish to advance to or a job I wish to do/In a country or region
other than Japan, I found a school I wish to advance to or a job I wish to do/I have a hard time getting used to living in Japan/I want to come back to the country or region where I was born and raised/I
cannot have hope for the future/It is difficult to obtain a desired status of residence/Other (Please specify: )
All subjects How often do you feel that you lack companionship with other people? (Please check only one.) Never/Hardly ever/Sometimes/Always
All subjects How often do you feel that you are left behind by other people? (Please check only one.) Never/Hardly ever/Sometimes/Always
All subjects How often do you feel that you are isolated from other people? (Please check only one.) Never/Hardly ever/Sometimes/Always
All subjects How often do you feel lonely? (Please check only one.) Never/Hardly ever/Occasionally/Sometimes/Frequently or always
All subjects
Do you know about the following measures devised by the government? (Please check only one
in each item.)
[Roadmap for the Realization of Society of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign Nationals ]
[Comprehensive Measures for Acceptance and Coexistence of Foreign Nationals ] https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/policies/coexistence/nyuukokukanri01_00140.html
All subjects
What kind of support and initiatives do you think are required to help foreign residents live better
lives in Japan? Please check all of the following items that apply, and write your own opinions in
the space provided.
Free answer
Language/Racial discrimination, equal opportunity, respect for individuals/Work/Information provision/Status of residence/Education/Housing/Socializing/Consultation/Medical care/Tax/Pension/Political
participation/Insurance/Bank account, credit card, loan/Disaster/Child-raising/Death (securing a burial plot, etc.)/Other
V. Solitude
VI. Roadmap and comprehensive support measures
VII. Opinions, requests, etc.
IV. About the future

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