The Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health,
Labour and Welfare of Japan (hereinafter referred to as "the Ministries of Japan") and the
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Nepal (hereinafter referred to as
"MOLESS") shared the view that the purpose of the Technical Intern Training Program is to
transfer technical skills, techniques and knowledge (hereinafter referred to as "technical skills,
etc.") to Nepal, to contribute to the human resource development by which the development of
the economy of Nepal would be led and thus to promote bilateral cooperation. Based on this
view, the Ministries of Japan and MOLESS (hereinafter referred to collectively as "both sides")
have decided as follows in order to adequately advance the Technical Intern Training Program:
1 Purpose
The purpose of this Memorandum of Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "this
MOC") is to transfer technical skills, etc. from Japan to Nepal appropriately and smoothly
through the Technical Intern Training Program by setting out the commitments between both
sides to send and accept technical intern trainees and thus to promote international cooperation.
2 Commitments by the Ministries of Japan
The Ministries of Japan, in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan in Nepal, if
considered appropriate, will carry out the following commitments related to the acceptance of
technical intern trainees from Nepal in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of
(a) When the Ministries of Japan receive the information from MOLESS on a sending
organization that intends to send technical intern trainees to Japan (hereinafter referred
to as "Sending Organization") and has been approved by MOLESS to meet Sending
Organization's Approving Standards described in Attachment 1 (hereinafter
respectively referred to as "Approved Sending Organization" and "Approving
Standards"), to make such information publicly available in Japan;
(b) To provide MOLESS with a list of licensed Japanese supervising organizations;
(c) To accept only those technical intern trainees of Nepal who are sent by Approved
Sending Organization. However, the Ministries of Japan may not accept technical
intern trainees from Nepal even if they are sent from Approved Sending Organization
in case that a technical intern training plan related to the technical intern trainee is not
(d) To substitute an approval to a Sending Organization by MOLESS for the letter of
recommendation for the Sending Organization by a public authority of Nepal, provided
that MOLESS completes procedures for the approval of Sending Organization and
provides the Ministries of Japan with a full list of Approved Sending Organizations;
(e) Not to require a letter of recommendation for technical intern trainees by MOLESS
after receiving a full list of Approved Sending Organizations, on the condition that the
Ministries of Japan receive the Certificate described in Attachment 3;
(f) When the Ministries of Japan receive from MOLESS the information on the
revocation of an approval of Approved Sending Organization, to make such
information publicly available in Japan;
(g) In line with Criteria for the License of Supervising Organizations described in
Attachment 4 and with the Criteria for Accreditation of the Technical Intern Training
Plan described in Attachment 5, to conduct business relating to the license and the
accreditation in an appropriate manner;
(h) To carry out appropriate measures including revocation of license when a
supervising organization commits an act that falls under any of the items described in
Attachment 6;
(i) To carry out appropriate measures including revocation of accreditation of the
technical intern training plan when a case that falls under any of the items described in
Attachment 7 arises;
(j) To require submission of necessary documents regarding the Standards of
Treatment of Technical Intern Trainees described in Attachment 8 and to carry out
appropriate measures including revocation of the accreditation of the technical intern
training plan in the event that the actual treatment is found to differ from the contents
stated in the submitted documents;
(k) When informed by MOLESS about the actual condition that is not in conformity
with the Criteria for Accreditation of the Technical Intern Training Plan described in
Attachment 5 or is different from the accredited plan, to investigate, instruct, and
supervise the Japanese implementing organization, take appropriate action and
communicate the results to MOLESS;
(l) To notify MOLESS of the results, when the Ministries of Japan take administrative
measures against a supervising organization by revoking the license, issuing an order
for suspension of operation or issuing an order for improvement, or administrative
measures against an implementing organization by revoking accreditation of a
technical intern training plan or issuing an order for improvement in accordance with
Articles 15, 16, 36 or 37, including the case of violations of Article 46 to 49 of the Act
on Proper Technical Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees;
(m) To establish a system to transfer technical intern trainees to other implementing
organizations in case of revocation of license of a supervising organization,
discontinuation of business by an implementing organization or infringement of
human rights by a supervising organization or an implementing organization; and
(n) To provide necessary information when the Ministries of Japan receive inquiries
from MOLESS pertaining to issues such as the status of implementation of the
Technical Intern Training Program, any revisions of the Program, or any change of the
occupations covered by the Program.
3 Commitments by MOLESS
MOLESS, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of Nepal, will carry
out the following commitments with regard to sending technical intern trainees:
(a) To prepare guidelines that detail the recruitment process and criteria for the
selection and deployment of Technical Intern Trainees from Nepal to Japan in close
coordination with the Ministries of Japan;
(b) To ensure that the recommendation made by MOLESS on a Sending Organization
that is considered to have the ability to properly coordinate the applications of the
technical intern trainees for the supervising-organization-type of the Technical Intern
Training Program to supervising organizations in Japan (the recommendation
stipulated in paragraph 1, Article 25 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on
Proper Technical Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees) may not
be made by any public authorities other than MOLESS;
(c) To examine whether or not Sending Organizations meet Approving Standards, and
to give approvals when considered appropriate;
(d) To make the names and other information of Approved Sending Organization in
Nepal publicly available when the approvals set out in the previous paragraph are given.
To provide the Ministries of Japan with information on Approved Sending
Organization in the form specified in Attachment 2, and to continue issuing the letter
of recommendation for Sending Organization that MOLESS considers appropriate to
send technical intern trainees to Japan until MOLESS provides the Ministries of Japan
with a full list of the Approved Sending Organizations;
(e) When MOLESS is informed by the Ministries of Japan that an Approved Sending
Organization seems to have exercised activities inconsistent with Approving Standards
or other improper activities, to conduct investigations over the Approved Sending
Organization in question, to provide necessary guidance and supervision, and then to
report the results to the Ministries of Japan;
(f) To provide guidance to Approved Sending Organization in Nepal to select and send
technical intern trainees in an appropriate manner, to revoke an approval when
MOLESS considers that an Approved Sending Organization no longer meets
Approving Standards, and to notify the Ministries of Japan of the reasons and results;
(g) To cooperate on follow-up surveys conducted by the Ministries of Japan concerning
the situation of utilization of acquired technical skills, etc. after the technical intern
trainees return to Nepal, by, in particular, providing guidance to Approved Sending
Organization in order to obtain accurate feedback as much as possible from those
former technical intern trainees; and
(h) To provide the Ministries of Japan with information required, when MOLESS
receives inquiries from the Ministries of Japan pertaining to the guidance and
supervision records exercised over Approved Sending Organization, records related to
Approval of Sending Organization, matters related to the types of job categories in
demand for technical transfer in Nepal, etc.
4 Treatment of Technical Intern Trainees
Both sides reconfirm the following items:
(a) Technical intern trainees from Nepal are applicable for the Labour Standards Act,
the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and
Treatment between Men and Women in Employment of Japan, and other laws and
regulations relating to labour, and they are protected during their work in Japan, just
as Japanese workers are;
(b) It is forbidden for employers to give disadvantageous treatments such as dismissal
to workers by reason of pregnancy, childbirth, etc., under Act on Securing, Etc. of
Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment in Japan.
(c) It is inappropriate to include provisions of compulsory sending back to home
country, which might encourage disadvantageous treatment prohibited by Japanese
laws and regulations in the contract between Sending Organization and technical intern
trainees or supervising organizations by reason of pregnancy, childbirth, etc.
5 Designation of Contact Points
Both sides will designate respectively the following contact points related to
communications and coordination between both countries in order to effectively implement the
activities under this MOC.
(a) For Japan, the International Affairs Department of the Organization for Technical
Intern Training (OTIT). For modification and supplementation of this MOC and desire
to terminate the cooperation under this MOC, the Residency Management Division,
Residency Management and Support Department of Immigration Services Agency, the
Ministry of Justice and the Office of Counselor for Overseas Human Resources
Development, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
(b) For Nepal, the Employment Management Division of MOLESS may delegate a
part of the work related to this MOC to the Embassy of Nepal in Japan and the Japan
Unit at the Department of Foreign Employment (DOFE).
6 Settlement of issues
Both sides will consult with respect to the implementation of activities under this MOC
or issues arising therefrom, including occurrences of technical intern trainees' disappearances
and deportations of illegally-staying technical intern trainees, and will settle such issues
amicably and in close cooperation through diplomatic channels as deemed appropriate, in
cooperation with each country's relevant ministries and agencies.
7 Implementation within the scope of laws and regulations
Cooperation under this MOC will be conducted within the scope of the laws and
regulations in force in each country. Either sides will not disclose confidential information
obtained from the other side through cooperation and exchange of information within the
framework of this MOC without the written consent from the other side.
8 Consultation
Representatives of both sides will consult from time to time, as necessary. Both sides
will consult through diplomatic channels as deemed appropriate.
The Organization for Technical Intern Training and the Embassy of Nepal in Japan will
communicate as necessary concerning the implementation of the Technical Intern Training
9 Miscellaneous
(1) This MOC was signed at Tokyo on 6 December 2023 and Kathmandu on 1 January 2024 in
two originals made in English. The cooperation under this MOC will commence on the date of
the latter signature. With the commencement of this MOC, the cooperation between both sides
on the Technical Intern Training Program will be conducted under this MOC.
(2) The cooperation under this MOC will continue for a period of five years from the date of
the latter signature and will be extended automatically for additional five years unless there is
a written notice by either side not to desire to extend it sixty days in advance of the termination
date. In case either side wishes to terminate the cooperation based on MOC before the end of
the five-year period mentioned above, the cooperation may be terminated by a written notice to
the other Ministry indicating such intent, not later than ninety days before the desired
termination date.
(3) The contents of this MOC may be modified or supplemented as necessary with written
consent from both sides.
Attachment 1
Approving Standards for Nepali Sending Organizations
1. A Nepali Sending Organization must meet all of the following standards.
(1) To appropriately select and send to Japan only those who are motivated to engage
in technical intern training with recognition of the objectives of the Technical Intern
Training Program and to contribute to the economic development of Nepal by making
use of the achievement through the technical intern training after returning to Nepal.
(2) To clearly specify the calculating criteria of commissions and any other fees to be
collected from 'technical intern trainees and/or technical intern trainee candidates'
(hereinafter referred to as "trainees and candidates") and make the criteria publicly
available such as on the website so that it can be found not only in Nepal but in Japan,
and to explain the details of such commissions and other fees to trainees and candidates
in order to obtain their recognition sufficiently.
(3) To provide the technical intern trainees who returned to Nepal after completing the
technical intern training with necessary support, such as finding occupations in order
for them to appropriately utilize the acquired technical skills, etc.
(4) With respect to the appropriate implementation of the Technical Intern Training
Program as well as the protection of technical intern trainees, to respond the requests
from the Minister of Justice of Japan, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of
Japan or the Organization for Technical Intern Training. Such requests include
cooperation on follow-up surveys on the technical intern trainees who returned to
Nepal after completing the technical intern training.
(5) As for Sending Organization and its board members, if they had been sentenced to
imprisonment or more severe penalty in Japan or in Nepal, at least five years have
elapsed after the penalty had been completed or the penalty had been exempted from
the execution.
(6) To carry out any projects in accordance with the laws and regulations of Nepal.
(7) As for Sending Organization and its board members, to have never conducted any
of the following acts within the preceding five years:
(a) In connection with technical intern training, managing money or other
properties of trainees and candidates, their relatives or other persons
concerned, regardless of any reasons such as collecting deposits or any other
(b) Finalizing any contracts that impose monetary penalties or that expect
undue transfer of money or other properties, for the violation of the contracts
in relation to technical intern training;
(c) Infringing human rights against trainees and candidates such as assaults,
intimidations, and restrictions of freedom*; and
* Compulsory sending back to Nepal by reason of pregnancy, childbirth, etc.
is included in human rights infringements.
(d) With regards to the procedures of the Technical Intern Training Program
as well as the immigration program in Japan, using or providing forged,
altered or false documents, pictures or drawings with the intention of
obtaining permissions fraudulently.
(8) To have never allowed brokers to intervene in the recruiting of technical intern
trainees or in dispatching and accepting technical intern trainees between Nepali
Sending Organization and Japanese supervising organizations or to pay a bribe or
commission fees to Japanese supervising organizations.
(9) In coordinating applications for technical intern training to Japanese supervising
organizations, to confirm that trainees and candidates, their relatives or other persons
concerned have never been involved in the acts set out in (a) and (b) of (7).
(10) Acknowledging the importance of addressing disappearance of technical intern
trainees, to cooperate with Japanese supervising organizations and to make efforts in
order to prevent technical intern trainees from disappearing.
(11) To have other necessary capacities to appropriately coordinate applications for
technical intern training to Japanese supervising organizations.
2 In terms of approving Sending Organization in Nepal, MOLESS will commence the
procedure from 1 January 2024 and provide a full list of Approved Sending Organizations for
the Ministry of Japan by 1 June 2024. The Ministries of Japan will accept only those trainees
who are sent by the Approved Sending Organization on the list from 1 October 2024.
Attachment 2
Outline of Approved Sending Organization
Name of Organization:
Name of Representative:
EmailURLDate of establishment:
Date of approval (Duration): (Valid until: )
Type of industry and main business:
Yearly turnover figure (the most recent year):
Number of full-time employees (the number of employees involved in sending work):( )Name of person in charge of training:
Contact point in Japan
(Name of representative (In the case of a company/organization))
Attachment 3
The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Nepal (hereinafter
referred to as "MOLESS") hereby recognizes that the technical intern trainees who will be sent
to Japan by Approved Sending Organization* are appropriate to engage in technical intern
training, other than those who MOLESS recognizes as inappropriate and reports to the Japanese
contact point designated in paragraph 5 (a) of the Memorandum of Cooperation on the
Technical Intern Training Program.
* The term "Approved Sending Organization" means the sending organization that is approved
The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Nepal
Attachment 4
Criteria for the License of Supervising Organizations
Pursuant to the provisions provided for in Article 25 of the Act on Proper Technical
Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"),
an organization must confirm to all of the following items in order to obtain the license of
supervising organization:
(l) To be a Japanese nonprofit juridical person as provided for in Article 29 of the
Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Proper Technical Intern Training and
Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (hereinafter referred to as "the Ordinance");
(2) To have sufficient capability to conduct the supervision business appropriately in
accordance with the criteria as provided for in Article 52 of the Ordinance;
(3) To possess a sufficient financial basis to soundly conduct the supervision business;
(4) To have taken the necessary measures to properly manage personal information
(information about an individual that can identify the specific individual) and to
maintain the confidentiality of the implementing organization of the supervising-
organization-type technical intern training, etc. and the supervising-organization-type
technical intern trainees, etc.
(5) To have taken any of the following measures for the purpose of appropriate
management of the supervision business;
(a) Not to compose its officers entirely of persons with a close relationship
with the implementing organization of supervising-organization-type
technical intern training as provided for in Article 30 of the Ordinance, and to
make the composition of the other officers not likely to impede the securing
of appropriate operation of the supervision business;
(b) In addition to auditing by inspectors and persons responsible for auditing
the business of the juridical person, to have an audit by a person, who satisfies
the requirements as provided for in Article 30 of the Ordinance and does not
have a close relationship with the implementing organization of supervising-
organization-type technical intern training as provided for in Article 30 of the
Ordinance, which audit the performance of duties pertaining to the
supervision business by the officers, pursuant to Article 30 of the Ordinance;
(6) In cases where it intends to receive job applications for supervising-organization-
type technical intern training from a person applying to become a supervising-
organization-type technical intern trainee through the mediation of a sending
organization in Nepal, to have a contract with the sending organization in Nepal
pertaining to such mediation;
(7) In cases where the application for the license set forth under paragraph (l), Article
23 of theAct concerns general supervision business, to conform to the criteria provided
for by the Ordinance as meeting the high standard of capability to conduct an audit of
the status of implementation of supervising-organization-type technical intern training
and to perform other work; and
(8) In addition to the matters provided for in the items (l) to (7) above, to possess the
capability to enable it to perform the supervision business appropriately.
Attachment 5
Criteria for Accreditation of the Technical Intern Training Plan
Pursuant to the provisions provided for in Article 9 of the Act on Proper Technical
Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"),
a technical intern training plan must conform to all of the following items in order to have it
(l) The skills to be acquired, etc., must be the ones that would be difficult to acquire in
the technical intern trainee's home country.
(2) The goal and content of the technical intern training must conform to the criteria
provided for in Article 10 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act (hereinafter
referred to as "the Ordinance") in line with the category of technical intern training;
(3) The period of the technical intern training will be a maximum of one year in cases
of individual-enterprise-type technical intern training (i) or supervising-organization-
type technical intern training (i), or a maximum of two years in cases of individual-
enterprise-type technical intern training (ii), individual-enterprise-type technical intern
training (iii), supervising-organization-type technical intern training (ii) or
supervising-organization-type technical intern training (iii);
(4) The goal has been achieved about the passing of the trade skills test or technical
intern training evaluation examination as prescribed in the technical intern training
plan for individual-enterprise-type technical intern training (i) or supervising-
organization-type technical intern training (i) pertaining to the skills, etc. in each
respective technical intern training plan in cases of individual-enterprise-type technical
intern training (ii) or supervising-organization-type technical intern training (ii) or the
technical intern training plan for individual-enterprise-type technical intern training
(ii) or supervising-organization-type technical intern training (ii) pertaining to the
skills, etc. in each respective technical intern training plan in cases of individual-
enterprise-type technical intern training (iii) or supervising-organization-type technical
intern training (iii);
(5) The evaluation of the skills, etc., which the technical intern trainee has acquired,
etc. should be conducted through a trade skills test or technical intern training
evaluation examination as provided for in Article 11 of the Ordinance before the
completion of the technical intern training;
(6) The structure and the equipment of the place of business based on which the
technical intern training is to be conducted must conform to the criteria provided for
in Article 12 of the Ordinance;
(7) A person has been appointed at each place of business as provided for in Article 13
of the Ordinance, responsible for implementation of the technical intern training;
(8) In cases of supervising-organization-type technical intern training, the applicant’s
training will be supervised by a supervising organization (limited to the one that has
obtained a license to supervise (limited to that pertaining to general supervising
business as prescribed in item (i), paragraph (l), Article 23 of the Act) in cases where
the technical intern training plan is for supervising-organization-type technical intern
training (iii)), from which it received guidance on preparation of the technical intern
training plan;
(9) Treatment of the technical intern trainees must conform to the criteria provided for
in Article 14 of the Ordinance;
(10) In cases of individual-enterprise-type technical intern training (iii) or supervising-
organization-type technical intern training (iii), the applicant should conform to the
criteria provided for in Article 15 of the Ordinance as an entity with a high standard of
capabilities to ensure the acquisition, etc., of the skills, etc.; and
(11) In cases where the applicant is to conduct technical intern training for multiple
technical intern trainees at the same time during the technical intern training period,
such number of trainees should not exceed the number provided for in Article 16 of
the Ordinance.
Attachment 6
Revocation of the License for Supervising Organizations
Pursuant to the provisions provided for in Article 37 of the Act on Proper Technical
Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"),
the competent ministers of Japan may revoke the license to supervise if a supervising
organization falls under any of the following items:
(1) It is deemed that the supervising organization no longer conforms to any of the
items of paragraph (l), Article 25 of the Act;
(2) The supervising organization falls under one of the items of Article 26 of the Act
(excluding item (ii), item (iii), and item (v) (c) and (d));
(3) The supervising organization has violated the conditions attached to the license to
supervise pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), Article 30 of the Act;
(4) The supervising organization has violated the provisions of the Act or the
provisions of laws relating to immigration or labour that are provided for by a Cabinet
Order, or an order or disposition based on these provisions; and
(5) It has committed a wrongful or significantly unjust act with regard to the laws or
regulations related to immigration or labour.*
*The "laws or regulations related to immigration or labour" include the Labour
Standards Act, the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal
Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment of Japan, etc.
** When a supervising organization is found to have received any money that is not
regarded as fees for supervision from any relevant person in relation to technical intern
training including sending organizations, the license to supervise will be revoked.
Further, pursuant to the provisions provide for in Article 111 of the Act, such act will
be subject to imprisonment with work for not more than 6 months or a fine of not more
than 300,000 yen.
Attachment 7
Revocation of Accreditation of the Technical Intern Training Plan
Pursuant to the provisions provided for in Article 16 of the Act on Proper Technical
Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"),
the competent ministries of Japan may revoke the accreditation of the technical intern training
plan in cases falling under any of the following items:
(1) The competent ministries deem that the implementing organization is deemed to
have not conducted the technical intern training in line with the accredited plan;
(2) The competent ministries deem that the accredited plan is not deemed to conform
to any of the items of Article 9 of the Act;
(3) The implementing organization has come to fall under one of the items of Article
10 of the Act;
(4) The implementing organization has omitted to give a report or to submit or present
books or records pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (l), Article 13 of the Act, has
given a false report or submitted or presented false books or records, or has not given
an answer or has given a false answer to questions pursuant to the provisions of the
same paragraph, or refused, interfered with or evaded an inspection pursuant to the
provisions of the same paragraph;
(5) The implementing organization has made a false report or submitted or presented
false books or records in response to a request from OTIT to make the report or submit
or present books or records pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (l), Article 14 of
the Act, or has given a false answer to questions asked by OTIT's staff pursuant to the
provisions of the same paragraph;
(6) The implementing organization has violated the order prescribed under the
provisions of paragraph (l), Article 15 of the Act;
(7) The implementing organization has committed a wrongful or significantly unjust
act with regard to laws or regulations related to immigration or labour*
; and
*The "laws or regulations related to immigration or labour" include the Labour
Standards Act, the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal
Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment of Japan, etc.
(8) The applicant or preparatory organization in Nepal (in cases pertaining to
supervising-organization-type technical intern training, the applicant, supervising
organization, intermediating sending organization or preparatory organization), in
connection with the technical intern training that the technical intern trainee, etc. is to
engage in while in Japan, has entered into a contract that stipulates penalties with
regard to non-performance of a contract pertaining to the technical intern training or a
contract that otherwise expects the transfer of undue money or other property with any
other people.
Attachment 8
Standards of Treatment of Technical Intern Trainees
The applicant of individual-enterprise-type technical intern training or the applicant or
the supervising organization of supervising-organization-type technical intern training must
conform to the following standards of treatment of technical intern trainees:
1. In cases of supervising-organization-type technical intern training, to ensure that such trainee
will not be made to directly or indirectly pay for the expenses collected as supervision fees
pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2), Article 28 of the Act on Proper Technical Intern
Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (applicable to the applicant or the
supervising organization of supervising-organization-type technical intern training only);
2.With regard to the expenses to be paid regularly by the technical intern trainee regardless of
whether they are food expenses, accommodation expenses or other expenses, to have the
technical intern trainee sufficiently recognize the contents of the meals, accommodation
facilities and other benefits to be provided in exchange for the expenses, to reach consensus
with the trainee about such conditions and to ensure that the amount of the expenses is
equivalent to the actual expenses or is otherwise an appropriate amount; and
3. To pay the travel expenses required for the trainee's return to home country after the
conclusion of the technical intern training (applicable to the applicant of individual-enterprise-
type technical intern training or the supervising organization of supervising-organization-type
technical intern training only). In case an application for technical intern training (iii) of a
technical intern trainee (ii) is submitted during the period of his/her technical intern training (ii),
to pay the travel expenses required for his/her travel to Japan prior to the technical intern
training (iii) (applicable to the applicant of individual-enterprise-type technical intern training
or the supervising organization of supervising-organization-type technical intern training that
makes the technical intern trainee (iii) engage in the technical intern training (iii) only).

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