Up to
29 years of age
30-34 years
of age
35-39 years
of age
40 years
of age or above
40 40 40 40
35 35 35 35
30 30 30 30
25 25 25 -
20 25 20 20 20 -
15 15 20 15 15 - -
10 10 15 10 - - -
5 5 105040 40〜30
10 201015 15
10 105 525〜20105
Bonus Point 14 10
Engaged in work related to Investment Management
Business, etc.
Bonus Point 1
Up to 29 years of age
* In the field of advanced academic research activities, 25
points will be awarded in cases where the applicant comes
under two or more of the above.
Past record of research papers
(limited to those for which the
applicant is the corresponding
author), which appeared in an
academic magazine registered
in an academic research paper
database used by Japanese
national organizations: 3
papers or more
For items other than the above: in
cases where the applicant submits
a research record equivalent to the
above items (such as a record of
winning a distinguished award),
the Minister of Justice will
determine whether to give points
to the applicant on a case-by-case
basis, after listening to the
opinions of the heads of the
relevant administrative organs.
Bonus Point 10
Bonus Point 6
(Note 1) Limited to practical experience pertaining to the work
which the applicant intends to engage in.
(Note 2) *1 Annual amount of remuneration from the principal
accepting organization.
*2 In the case of transfer from an overseas institution, including
the annual amount of remuneration received from such
*3 Bonuses are also included in the annual income.
(Note 3) An additional 10 points will be awarded in cases
where the organization employing the applicant is a small or
medium-sized enterprise.
(Note 4) Including applicants with equivalent proficiency
which was certified through testing (for example, a score of 480
or more in the Business Japanese Language Proficiency (BJT)
(Note 5) Including applicants with equivalent proficiency
which was certified through testing (for example, a score of 400
or more in the Business Japanese Language Proficiency (BJT)
(Note 6) In the case of the training in a Japanese institution of
higher education , excluding points acquired through Bonus
Points 7.
(Note 7) An additional 5 points will be awarded in cases where
the applicant is the holder of a professional degree in business
management (MBA, MOT).20Bonus Point 2
Bonus Point 41520 155Representative director or
representative executive
Director or executive officer
For further details, refer to3.Bonus Point 9
Bonus Point 81015
Bonus Point 13
Investment of 100 million
yen or more in the
business the person
Bonus Point 11
Acquisition of Level
N1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (See Note 4),
or a person who graduated from a foreign university having majored in Japanese language.
Acquisition of Level
N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (See Note 5)
(excluding points acquired through Bonus Points 7 or 8)
Work on an advanced project in a growth field (limited to the project recognized by the
Minister of Justice)
Graduation from a university separately specified by the Minister of Justice in a public notice
Completion of the training separately specified by the Minister of Justice in a public notice
(See Note 6)
Bonus Point 12
Work for an organization which receives financial support measures
(measures provided for separately in a public notice) for the promotion of innovation (See
Note 3).
Employed by a small or medium-sized enterprise whose experiment and research expenses add
up to more than 3% of the total revenue.
Holder of a foreign qualification, etc. related to the work1010
For further details, refer to3.Acquisition of a degree
from a Japanese institution of higher education
Bonus Point 5
6 million yen
5 million yen
4 million yen
3 Research
achievements105 years or more
3 years or more
7 years or more
10 years or more 10 years or more
15 million yen or more
Up to 29 years of age
The lower limit of the annual salary to which points are
awarded, will differ depending on the age group. For further
details, refer to 2.
7 years or more
5 years or more
3 years or more
Between 30 and 34 years of age Between 30 and 34 years of age
Between 35 and 39 years of age Between 35 and 39 years of age
Holder of a master’s degree
(including professional
degrees) (See Note 7)10305Holder of a Japanese
national qualification
related to the work (5
points per qualification)10Holder of a doctor’s degree (excluding professional degrees)
Holder of a bachelor’s degree or acquisition of an education equivalent thereto
(excluding holders of a doctor’s degree or master’s degree)
Holder of doctor’s degrees, master’s degrees or professional degrees in multiple areas
Holder of a master’s
degree (including
professional degrees)20Annual Salary
(See Note 2)AgeProfessional
(See Note 1)70Required score15Advanced specialized /
technical activities
Advanced business
management activities
10 million yen
9 million yen
30 million yen or more
25 million yen or more
7 years or more
5 years or more
3 years or more
20 million yen or more
10 million yen or more5Research
Achievements*Record of engaging in research
using a grant funded by a
public agency prior to entry
into Japan 3 items or more
Holder of a doctor’s
degree or a master’s
degree (See Note 7)205
Bonus Point 15 10
Work for an organization which receives support as a target organization (approved by the
Minister of Justice) of promoting the acceptance of highly skilled foreign workers in local
governments in order to strengthen the international competitiveness of industry and form a
base for international economic activities
20 15
Points Calculation Table51510Patent invention 1 item ormoreAdvanced
specialized /
1 Required minimum annual salary
An annual salary of at least 3 million yen is
required for advanced specialized /
technical activities or advanced business
management activities
2 Annual salary points allocation table
8 million yen
7 million yen
Advanced academic
research actitivies2020
Bonus Point 7
Bonus Point 3

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