(2) Measures that do not overlap with the measures included in the Roadmap.
The Comprehensive Measures show the measures that are not included in the Roadmap itself because they are not necessary measures that should be implemented over
the medium-to long-term, but should be addressed.
(1)Measures that overlap with the measures included in the Roadmap.
The Comprehensive Measures show the measures that should be implemented in a single fiscal year based on the measures and timelines indicated in the Roadmap.
Relationship between "The Roadmap" and "The Comprehensive Measures"
【Comprehensive Measures for Acceptance and Coexistence of Foreign Nationals 】
1. Roadmap for the Realization of a Society
of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign Nationals
2. Comprehensive Measures for Acceptance and
Coexistence of Foreign Nationals
・Formulation of the Roadmap on June 14, 2022 *101 measures
・The Roadmap(FY2023 partly changed) on June 9, 2023 *101 measures
・Formulation of the Comprehensive Measures on December 25, 2018 *126 measures
(Revised every year thereafter)
・The Comprehensive Measures (FY2023 revised) on June 9, 2023 *217 measures
The descriptions have been organized based on the Roadmap since the FY2022 revised.
<Background of decision>
・ The government formulated the Roadmap based on the proposal submitted to the
Minister of Justice, co-chair of the Ministerial Conference, from "Advisory Panel of
Experts for the Realization of Society of Harmonious Coexistence with Foreign
・ The Roadmap shows Japan’s visions of a society of harmonious coexistence with
foreign nationals and, medium-to long-term issues and concrete measures to realize
these visions.
<Period of time>
・ Five years (from FY2022 to FY2026)
<Promotional Framework>
・ Track the progress each year while seeking advice from experts, and update the
measures as needed.
<Background of decision>
・ The government formulated the Comprehensive Measures from the perspective of
making government-wide efforts to more strongly and comprehensively promote
the measures for acceptance and coexistence of foreign nationals based on the
establishment of the "Specified Skilled Worker" status.
・ From the perspective of developing a better environment for acceptance of
foreign nationals, the Comprehensive Measures have been refined through
revisions, but have no visions of a society of harmonious coexistence with
foreign nationals nor medium-to long-term perspectives. The Comprehensive
Measures are limited to address short-term issues.
<Period of time>
・ To be revised every year

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