95Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter12Traffic rules
As members of society, we are all obligated to obey traffic rules to ensure the safe and smooth
movement of the many vehicles and pedestrians using our streets.
1-1 Safety guidelines for pedestrians
(1) Walking on roads and sidewalk
Generally, pedestrians shuoud walk on the right side of the street so that
vehicles approach on their left.

Pedestrians should keep to the right side of the road.
• Pedestrians should use the sidewalks or stay within
the lines marked for walking on the road when they are
(2) Rules for crossing the street
Crossing the street safely
• Pedestrians should cross the street using the nearest traffic light intersection or pedestrian
crossings, overpass or underpass.
• Pedestrians should never cross a street that is marked with signs that prohibit crossing.
• Pedestrians should clearly show a driver their intention to cross the street by raising their
hand or looking to the driver and cross the street only after the safety is confirmed.
• Pedestrians should check that there are not any cars coming while crossing a street.
Rules of traffic lights
• Green light : Pedestrians can proceed to cross the street.
• Yellow or flashing green light: Pedestrians may not begin to cross the street;if pedestrians
has already commenced crossing, he or she should either attempt to finish crossing quickly or
turn back.
• Red light: Pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the street.
• Crossing streets that have traffic light buttons: Pedestrians should push the button to
change the light to green,after which they can proceed to cross the street.1 Chapter 9 Traffic 96Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
Crossing streets that have no traffic lights
• Pedestrians should cross the street only after confirming there are no vehicles coming from
either direction.
• Before crossing the streets, pedestrians should stop and look in both directions to check for
oncoming vehicles. If vehicles are approaching pedestrians should wait until they pass.
• Pedestrians should continue looking both ways to check for oncoming vehicles when
crossing the street, and walk straight ahead rather than diagonally.
Rules for rail crossings
• Before walking over a rail crossing, pedestrians should stop and look both ways to make
sure it is safe.
• Pedestrians should never attempt to enter a rail crossing when the warning bell is sounding
or the crossing bar is on its way down.
(3) Walking at night
Pedestrians should wear brightly colored clothing or reflective materials at night
When walking on the street at night, pedestrians shoud wear brightly colored clothing such as
white or yellow as well as accessories with reflective materials or LED lights to ensure that drivers
can easily see them.
1-2 Safety guidelines for cyclists
(1) Five rules to follow to ensure safety when riding a bicycle
Rule 1. In principle, cyclists must ride on roadways and ride on
the left;only in exceptional cases may sidewalks be used and give
pedestrians the right of way.
• Bicycles are classified as vehicles, so as a general rule, cyclists should use the
left side of street.
• Cyclists should use designated bicycle paths when they are available.
• While cyclists may use the sidewalks on the left of roads, they should not impede the
passage of pedestrians.
• Cyclists should use the lanes marked for bicycles on sidewalks or roads when they are
• Children under 13, adults 70 and over, and people with physical disabilities are permitted
to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk.
• If standard bicycles are permitted to be ridden on sidewalk, you must keep to the roadway
side, and proceed along at a speed that can be stopped immediately.
• Cyclists must come to a stop if the bicycle’s progress would prevent pedestrians from
proceeding 97Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
Rule 2. At intersections,obey traffic signals and must come to a stop and check
• At an intersection where traffic light mechanism is installed, check for safety and cross the
street after the light turns green.
• At the intersection where cyclists should stop temporarily, make sure to stop temporarily to
check for safety.
Rule 3. Cyclists must use bicycle lights at night.
• Cyclists must use bicycle lights at night.
• Cyclists should inspect that bicycle lights are surely it before
riding bicycles
Rule 4. Prohibited from riding under the influence of alcohol
• Cyclists are strictly prohibited from riding bicycles when they drink alcohol.
Rule 5. Wear bicycle helmet
• All bicycle users should wear a bicycle helmet when they ride bicycles.
• When having others ride a bicycle, you should have them wear a bicycle helmet. Parents
and guardians must ensure that children wear a bicycle helmet when children ride a bicycle
and have infants ride on child seat for bicycle;
Other regulations
• Riding double and riding side by side is prohibited.
• Cyclists must not use umbrellas or use mobile phones when riding.
• Cyclists can take out insurance against liabilities for damages caused in a bicycle accident
and their own injuries. In particular, please keep in mind that you are required to purchase
"bicycle liability insurance" to cover liabilities for damages in many areas such as Tokyo or
See the following URL for details:
(2) Using intersections
When making a right-hand turn
• At intersections with traffic lights
When the light turns green, the cyclist should cross the intersection in a straight direction
and come to a stop on the opposite side with the bicycle facing right. When the light of the
intersecting street turns green, the cyclist should proceed in a straight direction after looking
both ways to check for safety.
• At intersections without traffic lights
The cyclist should look behind to check for safety, cross the intersection in a straight
direction, then slow down to make a right-hand turn,and check for oncoming cars before
proceeding. 98Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
When making a left-hand turn
The cyclist should make sure not to obstruct pedestrians crossing the street.
Designated lines for bicycles
When an intersection has designated lines for bicycles, cyclists should ride
within the lines.1-3Safety guidelines for drivers (automobiles and
• You need a driver’s license to drive.
• You must present your driver’s license when asked by a police officer in the event of an
accident or a violation of traffic rules.
• You must drive on the left.
• When driving near pedestrians and cyclists, drivers should slow down and make sure to
keep a safe distance between them and the vehicle.
• NEVER drive after drink.
• It is also prohibited to lend your car to someone who is under the influence
of alcohol, to encourage someone who is going to drive to drink, and to ask
somebody who has drunk alcohol to drive.
• Drivers and other passengers must fasten their seat belts.
• Young children under 6 must sit on a child seat.
• You must not use a mobile phone while driving.
See the following URL for details:
https://www.npa.go.jp/english/bureau/traffic/index.html 99Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
Driver’s license
and a motorized bicycle in Japan:
i. Japanese driver’s license;
ii. International driving permit (issued by the countries who signed the 1949 Geneva
Conventions and is in the official format); or
iii. Foreign driver’s license issued in the following countries with a Japanese translation
certified by the embassy of your country, etc.:
(Six countries and areas: Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Monaco and Taiwan)
* A moped is a type of motorized bicycle, so you have to have one of the licenses mentioned in 1. to 3. above to rideone.* Regarding 2. and 3., the permit is valid for a maximum of one year.
See the following URL for details:
2-1 How to get a Japanese driver’s license
• There are several ways to get a Japanese driver’s license as follows:
i. Getting a Japanese license by taking a driver’s license test
(a) You must pass the aptitude, skills and knowledge examination at a Driver’s
License Center, etc.
(b) If you take a complete course of driving lessons at a designated driving school,
you will be exempted from taking a skills examination.
ii. How to convert a foreign driver’s license to a Japanese one
(a) If a foreign driver’s license holder is approved as having sufficient knowledge
of road rules and practical driving skills, he or she will be exempted from taking
knowledge and skills examination.
(b) After being licensed in a country, you must have resided for at least an additional
three months there.
(c) Your application must be submitted at a Driver’s License Center under the
jurisdiction of the prefectural police in your area.
(d) For more details on the documents required for the application, please ask at a
Driver’s License Centers.2 100
Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
2-2 How to renew a Japanese driver’s license
Renewal of the driver’s license
• A Japanese driver’s license has a validity period.
• When the renewal time approaches, a notice will be sent to your
registered address as a postal card. Renew your license in time.
• If you do not renew your driver’s license, you are not allowed to drive.
How to change your registered address
• If there is any change with regard to your name or address etc, notify a police station near
you of that fact.
• Further details such as which documents you will need are available at a police station nearyou.2-3 Penalty point system
• When a driver violates traffic rules or causes an accident, penalty points will be given.
• A driver’s license may be suspended or revoked based on the sum of the points accumulated
over the last three years.
Ownership of motor vehicles (including
3-1 Motor vehicle registration
Motor vehicles cannot be used unless they are registered. When there is any change to the
registered information, such as change of the owner or owner’s address, or when the vehicle is no
longer used in Japan the registration must be accordingly updated.
(1) When to register and types of registration
Registration for a unregistered vehicle
• When you start to use a unregistered vehicle
→ Initial registration3 101
Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
Registrations for an already-registered vehicle
• When the name or address of the owner change
→ Registration of alteration
• When the owner changes
→ Registration of transfer
• In case of disassembly or export of a vehicle
→ Registration of deletion
(2) Where to register
• Registration can be done at 91 bureaus of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism (MLIT) or Automobile Inspection & Registration offices around Japan.
• If you have any questions about registration, please ask at an MLIT bureau or Automobile
Inspection & Registration office near you.
Information on MLIT bureaus in Japan:
3-2 Parking Space Certificate
To own an automobile, you as the owner have to have a parking
space. Therefore, when you purchase one or when you move and
change your address, you have to register your car and have a certificate
of parking space issued by the police station with jurisdiction over the
location of parking space.
In case of a light motor vehicle, you must notify the police station
with jurisdiction over the location.
This certification is necessary in Tokyo metropolitan 23 wards, cities, towns and some villages.
Certification for light motor vehicles is required in the Tokyo Metropolitan 23 wards and some
For more information, please contact the police station with jurisdiction over the parking
location. 102Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic3-3Vehicle Safety Inspection (including some types of
• Automobile owners have to have their motor vehicles inspected periodically as required by law.
• There are two ways to have your car inspected:
i. Carrying to Service garage
About 90% of automobile owners in Japan nowadays have an inspection performed
at an authorized service garage. To request an inspection, ask at a service garage with
blue sign (designated service garage), yellow sign or green sign (certified service garage)
near you.
ii. By yourself at an MLIT bureau
About 10% of the automobile owners in Japan nowadays maintain their automobile
by themselves and take it to an MLIT bureau for a safety inspection. Inspection can be
carried out at 93 MLIT bureaus (89 for Kei-vehicles) located across the country. For
further information on the inspection, please ask at an MLIT bureau near you.
MLIT bureau locator
Information on the Kei-Vehicles
• After your motor vehicle passes its periodical inspection, a certificate and a sticker on which
the inspection expiration date is printed will be issued. Put the sticker on the windshield (or
the upper left part of a number plate in the case of motorcycles), and make sure to carry the
certificate whenever you drive. 103Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
3-4 Car Insurance
(1) Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance (CALI)
What is CALI?
• CALI is an insurance mandated for all registered vehicles, including automobiles and
motorbikes, to cover provide relief to the victims of traffic accidents.
• If someone gets injured or dies in an accident, insurance benefit will be paid from CALI.
• It is prohibited by law to drive an automobile or a motorbike without CALI.
• If you purchase CALI (mutual insurance), a certificate is issued for proving the entry of CALI.
When you operate an automobile, make sure to carry the certificate with you. Additionally, as
an insurance (mutual insurance) sticker is issued for a motorcycle whose engine displacement
is 250 cc or less, make sure to attach such sticker on the upper left part of the number plate (in
the case of motorized bicycle, to the place where the number plate is easily viewable).
• If you cause an accident resulting in injuries or death without CALI (mutual insurance), you
will have to pay a very large amount of medical expenses and compensation by yourself.
See the following URL for details:
Where to buy CALI (mutual insurance)
• CALI (mutual insurance) is available at the following:
i. Insurance companies (mutual aid associations), branches and dealers
ii. Car and motorbike dealers
iii. For moped bikes and motorbike, CALI can be purchased at Post Offices (some
do not sell CALI), some insurance companies (mutual aid associations), online or at
convenience stores.
* If you have any inquiries, ask at a location close to you that deals in CALI. 104Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
(2) Voluntary Insurance (mutual insurance)
CALI does not cover property damage due to accidents that cause damage to objects including
vehicles etc..
Because of this, there is a "voluntary Insurance (mutual insurance) " for covering what CALI
does not.
Differences between CALI and voluntary insurance are as follows:
Insurance CALI Voluntary Insurance
Purchase Compulsory
Optional at a private insurance
company or mutual aid association
Coverage Only liability for bodily injury
• Liability for bodily injury
• Liability for property damage
• Injury
• Repair of car damage
Other coverage, as per contract.
Benefit Limited Upper limits, as per contract 105Chapter1Chapter3Chapter2Chapter4Chapter5Chapter6Chapter7Chapter8Chapter9Chapter10Chapter11Chapter129 Traffic
Responding to a Traffic Accident
4-1 Stop driving
• Stop driving immediately.
• Pull your car over to a safe place such as the road shoulder or an open space, to give way to
other cars.
4-2 Emergency calls to the police and an ambulance
• If anyone gets injured, call 119 to request an ambulance.
• Until the ambulance arrives, try to give first aid (such as stop any bleeding)
to the injured following the operator’s instructions. Do NOT move the injured
person unnecessarily.
• Whether anyone is injured or not, you need to contact the police on 110.
• Do NOT leave the spot until a police officer arrives.
• When a police officer arrives, report the accident and have the site
4-3 Doctor’s diagnosis
• You may not feel injured in an accident, however, it may turn out later that you have been
seriously injured.
• It is recommended that you see a doctor right away.
See the following URL for details:
4-4 Application for a Traffic Accident Certificate
• To apply for any assistance after an accident, a Traffic Accident Certificate may be needed.
• The Certificate can be applied for at a Japan Safe Driving Center (JSDC) Ask at the police
station you have reported the accident to for more details regarding the application procedure.
• A Certificate will not be issued for an accident that has not been reported to the police. So
be sure to report any traffic accident to the police.
JSDC website

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