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To all Technical Intern Trainees who are pregnant
Important notice
・In Japan, dismissal due to pregnancy is prohibited by the law.
・Sending organizations and supervising organizations are not allowed to force you to
return to your home country because of your pregnancy.
・If you are about to be dismissed at work or forced to return to home country, please
consult the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT). OTIT will support you.
* Please see back side for contact information
What to do when you got pregnant?
☑ If you notice that you are pregnant, tell the supervising organization’s consultation
counter or the implementing organization(company) about your pregnancy.
☑ You can consult the Organization for Technical Intern Training and also at the
consultation counter of the place where you live.
*Please see back side for contact information
☑ Notify the municipality office counter where you live about your pregnancy.
☑ You can get a maternal and child health handbook and prenatal health checkup
coupons, and others at the municipal office, so be sure to receive prenatal health
checkups regularly during pregnancy.
Can I work even if I become pregnant?
☑ In Japan, dismissal or disadvantageous treatment due to pregnancy, etc. is prohibited.
You can continue your technical intern training if you wish to do so.
☑ In Japan, you can take a rest from work six weeks before your child's expected date of
If you are absent from work and have no salary during that time, your health insurance will pay you
maternity allowance (about 60% of your usual average wage ).
Immigration Services Agency of Japan / Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare /
Organization for Technical Intern Training
After giving birth, can I continue my technical intern training?
☑ In Japan, after giving birth, in principle, you cannot work for 8 weeks due to your
physical health. After that period, you can resume your technical intern training.
☑Even if you suspend your technical intern training and return to your home country to
give birth, you can re-enter Japan and resume your technical intern training. (Procedure is
☑ To resume technical intern training, procedures are required at the Organization for
Technical Intern Training and others. Inform the supervising organization and
implementing organization(company) if and when do you wish to resume your technical
intern training.
If you are absent from work and have no salary during that time, your health insurance will pay
you maternity allowance (about 60% of your usual average wage ).
Important notice
Contact information
If you have any problems, please contact the Organization for Technical Intern Training
(OTIT). (Consultation by phone or email is possible)
day and time
OTIT Native language consultation siteURLVietnamese
Mon.- Fri., Sat.
11:00 - 19:00
(Sat.:9:00 - 17:00)
0120-250-168 https://www.support.otit.go.jp/soudan/vi/
M, W, F, Sat.
11:00 - 19:00
(Sat.:9:00 - 17:00)
0120-250-169 https://www.support.otit.go.jp/soudan/cn/
Tues., Thurs.
11:00 - 19:00
0120-250-192 https://www.support.otit.go.jp/soudan/id/
T, TH , Sat.
11:00 - 19:00
(Sat.:9:00 - 17:00)
0120-250-197 https://www.support.otit.go.jp/soudan/phi/
T, TH, Sat.
11:00 - 19:00
(Sat.:9:00 - 17:00)
0120ー250ー147 https://www.support.otit.go.jp/soudan/en/ThaiThurs., Sun.
11:00 - 19:00
0120ー250ー198 https://www.support.otit.go.jp/soudan/th/
11:00 - 19:00
0120ー250ー366 https://www.support.otit.go.jp/soudan/kh/
Myanmar Tues.
11:00 - 19:00
0120ー250ー302 https://www.support.otit.go.jp/soudan/mm/
If you have problems about life, such as concerns during pregnancy, you
can also consult at the consultation counter in the area where you live.
Regional consultation counter
(Foreigner’s life support portal site)
*Supported languages vary depending on each window.
Multilingual life consultation counter
(Council of Local Authorities for
International Relations)
http://www.clair.or.jp/j/multiculture/association/consultation_list.htmlImmigration Services Agency of Japan / Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare /
Organization for Technical Intern Training
Information on childbirth and child-rearing can also be found
In the "Guidebook on Living and Working".
Supported languages: Japanese (including easy Japanese), English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese,
Vietnamese, Nepali, Thai, Indonesian, Myanmar, Khmer (Cambodian), Filipino, Mongolian

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