Reference material 2
Reference forms
Reference Form for application
Reference Form 1-1: Documents certifying professional experience
Reference Form 1-2: Documents certifying professional experience
(provision of services in Japan)
Reference Form 2: Statement on provision of services in Japan
Reference Form 3: Statement on past registration (for persons
making a reapplication)
Reference Form 4: Business plan (cases where you plan to have an
independent practice)
Reference Form 5: Business plan (cases where you plan to have an
independent practice with support from a law firm in your home
Reference Form 6: Statement on automatic renewal of lease contract
Reference Form 7: Statement on securing a residence
Reference Form 8: Statement on the purchase of insurance
Reference Form 9: Power of attorney
Reference Form for notification/report
Reference Form (Notification under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the
Reference Form for Approval and Designation (Report under Article
10, paragraph (2), and Article 15, paragraph (2) of the Regulations)
Declaration of Professional and Financial Status
Reference Form 1-1
To: Minister of Justice
With regard to the professional experience of Mr./Ms. xx, I, xx (name), xx
(position) at xx office located in xx, verify the following:
Mr./Ms. xx worked as xx (position in the workplace) at xx office located in xx for
the period between (date) and (date), and provided legal services such as xx and xx
(contents of the legal services) in the fields of xx and xx in accordance with the laws of
xxxx (jurisdiction).
xxxx (Name in
Reference Form 1-2
To: Minister of Justice
With regard to the professional experience of Mr./Ms. xx, I, xx (name), xx
(position) at xx registered foreign lawyer firm (xx law firm, xx legal professional
corporation, xx registered foreign lawyer corporation, or xx attorney at law / registered
foreign lawyer joint corporation) located in xx, verify the following:
Mr./Ms. xx worked as xx (position in the workplace) at xx registered foreign lawyer
firm (xx law firm, xx legal professional corporation, xx registered foreign lawyer
corporation or xx attorney at law / registered foreign lawyer corporation) located in xx
for the period between (date) and (date), and provided services to the registered foreign
lawyer (attorney at law, legal professional corporation, registered foreign lawyer
corporation, or xx attorney at law / registered foreign lawyer corporation) as his/her
employer in the fields of xx and xx in accordance with the laws of xxxx (jurisdiction).
During the period above, Mr./Ms. xx did not provide legal services to clients.
xxxx (Name in
Reference Form 2
Statement on provision of services in Japan
To: Minister of Justice
I worked at xx registered foreign lawyer firm (xx law firm, xx legal professional
corporation, xx registered foreign lawyer corporation, or xx attorney at law / registered
foreign lawyer corporation) for the periods between (date) and (date), and between
(date) and (date).
During the periods above, I provided services to the registered foreign lawyer
(attorney at law, legal professional corporation, registered foreign lawyer corporation, or
xx attorney at law / registered foreign lawyer corporation) as my employer at the firm
based on my knowledge of the laws of xxxx (jurisdiction), and did not provide legal
services to clients.
xxxx (Name in
Reference Form 3
Statement on past registration
To: Minister of Justice
I carried out activities as a registered foreign lawyer registered on the roll of
registered foreign lawyers for the period between (date) and (date).
As a document certifying such fact, I submit a "Notice to cancel registration from
the registered foreign lawyer list" as of (date), as attached.
xxxx (Name in
* Cases where you plan to have an independent practice Reference Form 4
Business plan
1 Fields of activities
(e.g.) I will provide xx with legal services related to the xx Act for cases in the
fields of xx and xx to the extent that Article 3 of the Act on the Handling of
Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers allows.
2 Scheduled period of activities
(e.g. 1) From (date) to (date)
(e.g. 2) No specific period
3 Location of the firm
(e.g.) x-x-x, xx-machi, xx-ku, Tokyo xxx-xxxx (zip code)
4 (Planned) Name of the firm
(e.g.) xx registered foreign lawyer firm
5 Structure of the firm
(e.g.) At present, there is no plan to employ any attorney at law or registered
foreign lawyer and business will be started only by the registered foreign
lawyer (applicant). There is a plan to recruit a clerk several months later.
6 Management plan of the firm
(e.g.) I have prepared about xxx thousand yen as my own resources. For any
period when the costs are expected to exceed the revenue, such resources
will be applied. I have also prepared xxx thousand yen deposited in xx as
my own additional resources just in case, although business will be in the
black after a certain period. I consider that the costs required until business
becomes stable can be sufficiently covered by these resources.
Costs to establish the firm: Approx. xxx thousand yen
Estimated monthly costs to operate the firm:
Total costs Approx. xxx thousand yen
Office rent Approx. xxx thousand yen
Other costs (including bar association fee) Approx. xxx thousand yen
xxxx (Name in
Reference Form 5
Cases where you plan to have an independent practice with support from a law firm in
your home jurisdiction
Business plan
1 Fields of activities
(e.g.) I will provide xx with legal services related to the xx Act for cases in the fields
of xx and xx to the extent that Article 3 of the Act on the Handling of Legal
Services by Foreign Lawyers allows.
2 Scheduled period of activities
(e.g. 1) From (date) to (date)
(e.g. 2) No specific period
3 Location of the firm
(e.g.) x-x-x, xx-machi, xx-ku, Tokyo xxx-xxxx (zip code)
4 (Planned) Name of the firm
(e.g.) xx registered foreign lawyer firm
5 Structure of the firm
(e.g.) (1) Members of the firm (excluding you)
xxxx registered foreign lawyer (partner)
xxxx registered foreign lawyer (partner)
xxxx registered foreign lawyer (employed associate)
xxxx foreign lawyer (employed associate)
(or the number of foreign lawyers to be employed: )
xxxx attorney at law (employed associate)
(or the number of Bengoshi to be employed: )
(2) Clerks Plan to employ several clerks
6 Management plan of the firm
(e.g.) The following costs, including costs to establish xx registered foreign lawyer
firm, will be covered by resources provided by xx (name of the business entity
you belong to) for one year after the establishment. It can be considered that
the operation costs of xx registered foreign lawyer firm and other costs will
be sufficiently covered by registered foreign lawyers belonging to the firm
within one year after the establishment. If the remuneration from activities
carried out by registered foreign lawyers belonging to the firm is not sufficient
to cover the costs, such costs will be covered by resources provided by xx
(name of the business entity you belong to).
Costs to establish the firm: Approx. xxx thousand yen
Estimated monthly costs to operate the firm:
Total costs Approx. xxx thousand yen
Office rent Approx. xxx thousand yen
Other costs (personnel cost, bar association fee) Approx. xxx thousand yen
Reference Form 5
Cases where you plan to have an independent practice with support from a law firm in
your home jurisdiction
7 Foreign law firm (business entity) to which the applicant belongs
(e.g.) Name: xx
Address: x-x-x, xx City, xx State, xx
8 Responsibilities for the provision of legal services
(e.g.) Each registered foreign lawyer is responsible for the legal services they
provide and for supervisory duties of the other members at xx registered
foreign lawyer firm. If the other members are foreign lawyers who have not
obtained approval as a registered foreign lawyer, each registered foreign
lawyer shall be responsible for the management of services provided by such
foreign lawyers.
xxxx (Name in
Reference Form 6
Statement on automatic renewal of lease contract
To: Minister of Justice
With regard to the lease contract for (address of the property) or (name of the
property) that I submitted as a "Document certifying the securing of a residence" at the
time of my application for approval as a registered foreign lawyer, the original contract
period provided is from (date) to (date). However, as specified in paragraph x, Article x
of the contract, the contract is renewed automatically after the original contract period
under the same Article. The current contract period is from (date) to (date). At the time
of such automatic renewal, no contract or other document on renewal has been made to
xxxx (Name in
Reference Form 7
Statement on securing a residence
To: Minister of Justice
I certify that I will make sure to secure a residence for Mr./Ms. xx, who has applied
for approval as a registered foreign lawyer, by entering into a lease contract for a
residence for the applicant and submit a copy of the contract prior to the approval of
the Minister of Justice.
xx law firm
xxxx (Name in
Reference Form 8
Statement on the purchase of insurance
To: Minister of Justice
I promise to purchase registered foreign lawyer liability insurance (voluntary-based
xx as provided in the attached brochure) and submit a copy of the insurance policy prior
to the approval as a registered foreign lawyer.
xxxx (Name in
Reference Form 9
I hereby designate the above as my attorney-in-fact with full power and authority to
perform the following:
1 私の外国法事務弁護士承認申請に関する予備審査を含む審査の申出に関する一切の件。
To handle all matters relating to my request for examination, including preliminary
examination, for approval of qualification to become a Registered Foreign Lawyer;and2 上記に関する文書の還付請求及び受領に関する件。
To handle matters relating to requesting and receiving original documents
concerning the above request.
法務大臣 殿
事務所の名称 Name of the office
所在の場所 Office location(address)
氏名の変更 (1号) Change in name (item (i))
国籍の変更 (1号) Change in nationality (item (i))
国内の住所の変更 (1号) Change in domestic address (item (i))
事務所の移転 (2号) Office relocation (item (ii))
事務所の名称の変更 (3号) Change in office name (item (iii))
氏名(Name in full /Print)
I would like to report that I have come under the following situations with the accompanying documents.
届出書 (承認関係)
Written Notification (approval-related)
I hereby notify you of the following matters in accordance with Article 10, paragraph 1 of the "Regulations
for Enforcement of the Act on the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers" (hereinafter, referred to as
the "Regulations").
To the Minister of Justice
I would like to notify that I have established and named the office as follows.
established and named the office (items (ii) and (iii))
法第12条第1項第2号イからニまでに掲げる者のいずれかに該当するに至ったとき (5号)
損害賠償能力を有することを証明する方法の変更 (4号)
Change in a method to certify that I am able to compensate for damages
As there takes place a significant change in my ability to compensate my clients for damages, I would like to notify
the following fact with the accompanying documents.
I would like to report that I have come under the following situations with the accompanying documents.
施行規則第10条第1項第7号に該当するに至ったとき (7号)
I have come to fall under the provision of Article 10, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Regulations.
I hereby swear that the aforementioned statements are true and correct.
I have lost the qualification to become a foreign lawyer in the jurisdiction of
primary qualification.
原資格国の外国弁護士となる資格を失ったとき (6号)
I have come to fall under any of the provisions of Article 12, paragraph (1), item (ii), (a) through (d) of the Act.
Certificates are as
Certificates are as
Certificates are as
法務大臣 殿
To the Minister of Justice
1 原資格国法等
Law of the jurisdiction of primary qualification, etc.
原資格国法 Law of the jurisdiction of primary qualification
年 Years
2 提出書類 Documents submitted
Document certifying that I am actually qualified as a foreign lawyer of the jurisdiction of primary qualification
Written statement on the status of practice and assets
法務大臣 殿
To the Minister of Justice
1 指定法等 Designated law, etc.
指定法 Designated law
年 Years
2 提出書類 Documents submitted
Designation number
Document certifying that I actually have a qualification as a foreign lawyer concerning the law designated by the
Report (designation-related)
Sworn Statement in which I swear that I do not fall under any of the items of Article 7 of the Attorneys Act (except
item (ii)) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 10 of the Act
氏名(Name in full /Print)
Report (approval-related)
The number of years that have passed over
Sworn Statement in which I swear that I do not fall under any of the provisions of Article 12, paragraph (1), item (ii),
(a) through (d) of the Act
I hereby report to you by submitting the following documents in accordance with Article 10, paragraph (2) of the
"Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers."
Approval number
登録番号 経過年数
The number of years that have passed
I hereby swear that the aforementioned statements are true and correct.
I hereby give notification as follows in accordance with Article 15, paragraph 2 of the "Regulations for Enforcement
of the Act on the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers."
Registration number
Certificates are as attached.
Certificates are as attached.
Declaration of Professional and Financial Status
1 Outline of past professional activities (areas of practice and other activities)
M&A Finance Commercial Transactions
Intellectual Properties/Patents
Others (Please fill in the details below)
2 Areas of practice in the future and planned period of activities
(1) Areas of practice in the future
Same as past professional activities M&A Finance
Commercial transactions Intellectual Properties/Patents
Others (Please fill in the details below)
(2) Planned period of activities
Less than 2 years 2 years - Less than 4 years
Over 4 years Yet to be decided
3 Financial infrastructure of the firm you belong to; Other matters
(1) Financial infrastructure of the firm you belong to
There is no problem
There is a problem (Please fill in the details below)
【Details (only required if your answer is "Others")】
【Details (only required if your answer is "Others")】
【Details of the problem (only required if your answer is "There is a problem"】
(2) Have you ever been claimed for damages from any of your clients due to your activities as a
registered foreign lawyer?NoYes (Please fill in the details below)
4 Do you belong to any foreign law firm at present? (Here, "foreign" refers to "any countries
other than Japan")NoYes (Please fill in the name and location below)NameLocation
My declaration is as stated above and I hereby swear that its substance is true and correct.
Declarant (Registered foreign lawyer)
Full Name (Please Print):
I certify that the information regarding the firm that has been given in the above declaration is
true and correct.
Firm Representative
Full Name (Please Print):
【Details (only required if your answer is "Yes")】

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