Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Justice Visited the Republic of the Union of
Myanmar and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
A Japanese delegation headed by the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Justice, Mr. Takashi
Yamashita, visited the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
from July 31 to August 3, 2018, to encourage high-level participation in, and support for, the 14th
United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, which is to be held in Kyoto
(the Kyoto Congress) in April 2020, as well as to exchange views on technical intern training and
legal technical assistance with high-ranking officials of the governments of Myanmar and Vietnam.
An overview of the visit is as follows.
1 In the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita visited
the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population, Office of the Attorney General, the House of
Representatives (Pyithu Hluttaw), the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Tribunal, and the House of
Nationalities (Amyotha Hluttaw).
しろまる Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita held a meeting with U Myo Aung, the Permanent
Secretary and exchanged views on the appropriate management of technical intern training.
Mr. Yamashita (second from left) and U Myo Aung (second from right), exchanging views
しろまる Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita held a meeting with H.E. U Tun Tun Oo, the
Attorney General of the Union, and exchanged views on promoting further collaborative and
cooperative relations between the two countries. He further encouraged participation in, and support
for, the Kyoto Congress in April 2020.
Mr. Yamashita (second from left) and H.E. U Tun Tun Oo (second from right), exchanging views
しろまる The House of Representatives (Pyithu Hluttaw) of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
H.E. U T Khun Myat, the Speaker of the House of Representatives expressed his
appreciation for the legal technical assistance by Japan and its accomplishments, and also expressed
his expectations for future legal technical assistance by Japan.
Mr. Yamashita (left) and H.E. U T Khun Myat (right), exchanging views
しろまる The Supreme Court of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
H.E. U Htun Htun Oo, the Chief Justice of the Union expressed his appreciation for the legal
technical assistance by Japan and its accomplishments, and also expressed his expectations for future
legal technical assistance by Japan.
Mr. Yamashita (third from left) and H.E. U Htun Htun Oo (second from left), and honorable judges of the Supreme Court
of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
しろまる The Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita held a meeting with H.E. U Myo Nyunt, the
Chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and exchanged
views on the promotion of cooperative relations between the two countries in the legal and judicial
Mr. Yamashita (second from left) and H.E. U Myo Nyunt (second from right), and honorable judges of the
Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
しろまる Myanmar-Japan Inter-parliamentary Friendship League, the House of Nationalities (Amyotha
Hluttaw) of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita held a meeting with the Honorable U Kyaw Htwe,
the Chairman of the Myanmar-Japan Inter-parliamentary Friendship League, the House of
Nationalities (Amyotha Hluttaw) of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and exchanged views on
the promotion of cooperative relations between the two countries in various fields.
Mr. Yamashita (fourth from left) and the Honorable U Kyaw Htwe (fourth from right), and honorable MOPs of the
House of Nationalities (Amyotha Hluttaw) of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
2 In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita visited the
Ministry of Justice, Supreme People’s Procuracy and the Ministry of Public Safety. He received a
warm welcome from H.E. the Minister of Justice of Vietnam at the Reception Dinner.
しろまる Ministry of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Nguyen Khanh Ngoc,
the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, recalling the celebration of the45thanniversary since the establishment of Japan-Vietnam diplomatic relations. During the meeting,
views were exchanged on promoting strengthened collaboration and cooperation between the two
countries. He further encouraged participation in, and support for, the Kyoto Congress in April 2020.
Furthermore, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita was welcomed by H.E. Mr. Le Thanh
Long, the Minister of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at the Reception Dinner.
Mr. Yamashita (left) and H.E. Mr. Ngoc (right)
しろまる Supreme People’s Procuracy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Le Minh Tri, the
Prosecutor General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and exchanged views on developing
cooperative relations in criminal and civil areas between the two countries.
Mr. Yamashita (fourth from left) and H.E. Mr. Tri (fifth from left)
しろまる Ministry of Public Security
Parliamentary Vice-Minister Yamashita held a meeting with Senior Lieutenant General Le
Quy Vuong, the Deputy Minister of Public Security of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and
exchanged views on developing even further cooperative and collaborative relations between the two
countries. He further encouraged participation in, and support for, the Kyoto Congress in April 2020.
Mr. Yamashita (left) and Senior Lieutenant General Vuong, the Deputy Minister of Public Security (right)

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