法 務 省
法 務 省
Research and Training
Ministry of Justice
Edited by the Research and Training
Institute of the Ministry of Justice
Edited by the Research and Training
Institute of the Ministry of Justice
1‐1‐1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo 100‐8977 JAPAN
TEL: 03‐3580‐4111
1‐1‐1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo 100‐8977 JAPAN
TEL: 03‐3580‐4111
Website: https://www.moj.go.jp/housouken/houso_index.html
(Published October 2021) 2 3Organization of the Research and Training Institute
Organization Research and Training Institute Facilities
Historical timeline
Department Postal Code Address Telephone No.
General Affairs and Planning Department & First,
Second, and Third Training Departments
The Red-brick Building of the Central
Government Office Complex No. 6-A
1-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda Ward,
Tokyo, Japan
Research Department 279-0013
Urayasu Center, Research and Training
Institute of the Ministry of Justice
2-1-16 Hinode, Urayasu City,
Chiba Prefecture, Japan
United Nations Training Cooperation Department
(United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of
Crime and the Treatment of Offenders) 196-8570
International Justice Center
2-1-18 Mokuseinomori, Akishima City,
Tokyo, Japan
International Cooperation Department 042-500-5150
General Affairs and
Planning Department
Research Department
First Training Department
Second Training Department
Third Training Department
International Cooperation
United Nations Training
Cooperation Department
(United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and
the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI))
Branch offices (
Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Takamatsu,
Ministry of Justice
Internal Subdivisions of the Ministry
(Minister’s Secretariat, Civil Affairs Bureau,
Criminal Affairs Bureau, etc.)
Special Agencies
(Public Prosecutors Office, etc.)
Research and
Training Institute
(Legislative Council of the Ministry of Justice, etc.)
Independent Organs
(Public Security Intelligence Agency, etc.)
(Judicial Research
July 1939
(Judicial Training
May 1946
(Training Institute)
(former Ministry of
May 1947
(Training Institute
of the Attorney
General’s Office)
Feb. 1948
(Leagal Training and
Research Institute)
(attached to the Supreme Court)
(Training Institute
of the Attorney
General’s Cabinet)
June 1949
Apr. 1950
of the
of Justice
Aug. 1952
Research and
Training Institute
of the Ministry
of Justice
Apr. 1959
(General Affairs and Planning Department and Training Departments)
The Red-brick Building of the Central
Government Office Complex No. 6-A
Urayasu Center, Research and Training Institute
of the Ministry of Justice
(Research Department and training facilities)
International Block, International Justice Center, Ministry of Justice
(United Nations Training Cooperation Department, International Cooperation Department) 4 5Duties of the Research and Training Institute
The Research and Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice performs a wide range
of duties including:
(1) Research relating to criminal justice policy and other Ministry of Justice affairs;
(2) Various training for Ministry of Justice officials; and
International cooperation with other countries, primarily in Asia in the criminal
and civil sectors.
United Nations Training
United Nations Training
Cooperation Department
Cooperation Department
Contributes to the establishment of the
rule of law and good governance in
developing and other countries.
Legal Technical
Promotion of United Nations
Standards and Norms
Capacity Building in the
Field of Criminal Justice
Research Department
Research Department
Used for planning and implementing
criminal justice policies and as fundamental
materials for research by academics.
くろまる Conducts comprehensive surveys and research on
Conducts comprehensive surveys and research on
criminal justice policy.
criminal justice policy.
くろまる Has published the annual White Paper on Crime since
Has published the annual White Paper on Crime since
くろまる Publishes Research Department reports on the results
Publishes Research Department reports on the results
of individual research projects.
of individual research projects.
First, Second, and Third
First, Second, and Third
Training Departments
Training Departments
くろまる Conducts various training for Ministry of Justice officials
Conducts various training for Ministry of Justice officials
(excluding Correction Bureau officials and others).
(excluding Correction Bureau officials and others).
Fosters the development of Ministry of
Justice officials in order for them to appropriately
perform their duties which have become
increasingly diverse and complex in recent years.
くろまる Conducts research on legal practitioners.
Conducts research on legal practitioners.
くろまる Operates the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the
Operates the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the
Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI),
Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI),
which was established in 1962 by agreement between the United
which was established in 1962 by agreement between the United
Nations and the Government of Japan.
Nations and the Government of Japan.
くろまる UNAFEI holds international training courses and seminars for
UNAFEI holds international training courses and seminars for
criminal justice practitioners in various countries and conducts
criminal justice practitioners in various countries and conducts
surveys and research on the crime prevention and the treatment
surveys and research on the crime prevention and the treatment
of offenders.
of offenders.
Cooperation Department
Cooperation Department
くろまる Supports the developing countries primarily in Asia in the field of
Supports the developing countries primarily in Asia in the field of
the development of laws and regulations, particularly the civil and
the development of laws and regulations, particularly the civil and
commercial laws, which serve as the basis for the stable society,
commercial laws, which serve as the basis for the stable society,
as well as the development of the systems to apply those laws into
as well as the development of the systems to apply those laws into
good use and capacity-building of legal professionals.
good use and capacity-building of legal professionals.
くろまる Supports stabilization and economic growth in recipient countries
Supports stabilization and economic growth in recipient countries
through legal technical assistance, which leads to the prosperity of
through legal technical assistance, which leads to the prosperity of
their surrounding regions and further contributes to the peace and
their surrounding regions and further contributes to the peace and
security of the whole international community.
security of the whole international community. 6 7Research ―― Creating policies for the prevention of recidivism based
Creating policies for the prevention of recidivism based ononaccurate understanding of crime conditions and empirical research
accurate understanding of crime conditions and empirical research ――White Paper on Crime
Since 1960, the government’s annual White Paper on Crime has provided extensive analysis of crime trends and the treatment of
offenders as a fundamental resource in the formulation of criminal justice policy, taking up important issues of the time as special topics.
The White Paper on Crime and its English-language materials use colorful graphs to support visual understanding of various statistics
regarding persons cleared by the police for crimes and inmates population in correctional facilities from the time of arrest until rehabilitation.
They also depict trends over time in easy-to-understand formats and provide quantitative data for accurate understanding of crime trends.
These statistical materials emphasizing continuity, as basic data useful for "fixed-point observations" of crime conditions, are used for
proposing and implementing criminal justice policies, in university lectures, for research by academics, and for other purposes.
Recent Research
くろまる Research on Drug Offenders
くろまる The Fifth National Crime Victimization Survey in Japan
くろまる Research on Violent Offenders
くろまる A study on effective policies, practices and research to reduce
くろまる Research on Desistance among Juvenile Training School Parolees in
The Research and Training Institute conducts research useful for the Ministry of Justice to draft measures for prevention and control of
crime and implement policies concerning such as corrections and rehabilitation. The results are summarized for public release.
Research Department Reports
The Research Department conducts field studies and gathers information from overseas regarding individual topics relating to crime
trends and the treatment of offenders, analyzes the data from a variety of perspectives, and compiles the results as Research Department
The results are used for planning and implementing criminal policies and as reference materials by researchers in specialized fields such
as criminal psychology.
Research Process
* The Research Evaluation and Examination Committee is made up of academics and other experts appointed to properly evaluate research conducted by the Research and Training Institute.
くろまる Various statistical analysis
くろまる Field studies
くろまる Literature research
くろまる Collection of overseas information, etc.
くろまる Workshops with external research
organizations, practitioners, etc.
くろまる White Paper on Crime and its English-
language materials
くろまる Research Department Materials
くろまる Research Department Reports
くろまる Websites
くろまる Presentations at academic societies,
lecture meetings, etc.
Selection of Topics
Organization of
Research Results
Public release of
Research Results
Research Evaluation and
Examination Committee*
The outline of recent studies are available on the website of the Ministry of Justice.
Recent Special Feature Topics
くろまる Drug Offenses
くろまる Criminal Justice Policy During the Heisei Era
くろまる Aging Society and Crime
くろまる Community Networks to Support Rehabilitation
The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Recidivism
The summary and the whole text of the White Paper on
Crime are also available on the website of the Ministry of
Implementation of
Research 8 9Training ―
― Aiming not only to transfer knowledge but to foster officials
Aiming not only to transfer knowledge but to foster officials
with power of execution in the course of duties
with power of execution in the course of duties ――Goals of Training
The Research and Training Institute carries out various kinds of training for Ministry of Justice officials (excluding officials engaged in
corrections, Public Security Intelligence Agency officials, and Immigration Services Agency Staff).
The training consists of various subjects including lectures, discussions, and practical work, so as to have trainees acquire knowledge
and skills necessary as Ministry of Justice officials according to their respective duties. The training aims to foster officials who can
appropriately cope with their daily duties, which have become more and more diverse and complicated in recent years.
Training program
General Flow of Training
Various kinds of training are provided for Ministry of Justice officials, in accordance with their respective service years and duties, so that
they can acquire knowledge and skills necessary for the execution of their duties.
Training Specialized in Duties of Respective Departments
Respective departments of the Ministry of Justice have various unique characteristics and thus required professional knowledge differs
accordingly. Therefore, we offer special training courses tailored to each department so that officials can enhance their skills unique to their
duties and cope with new legislations and procedures.
New Efforts
We conduct practical training which addresses controversial issues
at the time and new legislation.
Training conducted for the Public Prosecutors Office officials, for
example, includesa) lectures by university professors on methods of interviews with
children and others using psychological knowledge and on the
psychology of victims of sexual and other crimesb) exercises on questioning experts, including a psychiatric expert andc) lectures by outside experts for the improvement of consciousness
about obligations of national public officers, illegal activities prevention
and national public service ethics.
Public Prosecutors Office officials and probation officers are working
together to improve their professional abilities by conducting a joint
practice, for instance, concerning Urgent Aftercare of Discharged
Training programs for
public prosecutors or their assistants
くろまる For public prosecutors, assistant public prosecutors,
and public prosecutor’s assistant officers
くろまる Aiming for the acquisition of professional
knowledge concerning investigation and trials, etc.
くろまる Implementing case studies and mock trials, etc.
Training programs for
officials in the Rehabilitation Bureau
くろまる For probation officers and rehabilitation coordinators,etc.くろまる Aiming for the acquisition of various kinds of science
and technique for improving treatment ability
くろまる Designing means such as adopting a lot of
practical work
Training programs for
Legal Affairs Bureau staff
くろまる For Legal Affairs Bureau staff (engaged in duties
concerning registration, litigation, human rights, etc.)
くろまる Aiming for the acquisition of knowledge concerning
civil affairs administrative services
くろまる Implementing workshops and case studies, etc.
Provided for newly entered officials, to have them get prepared for practice as
Ministry of Justice officials and acquire fundamental knowledge and skills
Provided for middle-ranking officials, to have them enhance knowledge and
skills necessary for the execution of their duties
Provided for future top officials, to have them acquire advanced legal knowledge
and professional skills
Provided with an aim to have trainees acquire advanced administrative ability
necessary as managerial officials
Managerial Course
Advanced Course
・Intermediate Course
・Special Course
Elementary Course
Joint practice concerning Urgent Aftercare of Discharged Offenders
10 11
International Cooperation ―
― Establishing the rule of law and
Establishing the rule of law and
good governance in
good governance in
developing countries, primarily in Asia
developing countries, primarily in Asia ――United Nations Training Cooperation Department
United Nations Training Cooperation Department
(United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI))
(United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI))
UNAFEI promotes the development of criminal justice systems in, and stronger cooperation among, United Nations member
states. UNAFEI is the oldest United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network Institute (PNI). UNAFEI
collaborates with other PNIs and works together with organizations such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), while
conducting training and research on criminal justice issues such as countermeasures to organized crime and corruption, which are
priority policies of the UN. Participants come from Asia, the Pacific, Africa and Latin America, and UNAFEI’s activities have been
highly evaluated. UNAFEI alumni have gone on to serve as ministers of justice, attorneys general, supreme court judges, and in other
key positions and remain active in countries around the world.
Through international training courses and participation in international conferences, UNAFEI cooperates with the United
Nations to formulate and implement policies on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders.
In 2021, the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice was held in Kyoto. As a PNI of the host
country, the UNAFEI played a leading role such as holding workshops.
Prosecutors and others are dispatched as JICA long-term experts to support recipient countries and provide day-to-day
support for drafting legislation, developing legal systems and so on. Support for human resource development is provided by
dispatching ICD professors and others to conduct seminars and by inviting legal practitioners from recipient countries to Japan
for training.
The International Cooperation Department (ICD) works with JICA and other organizations to support developing countries, primarily
in Asia, mainly in the field of civil and commercial law. Specific support includes: (1) drafting and amending fundamental statutes such
as civil codes and codes of civil procedure, (2) development of systems for the proper enforcement of laws, and (3) capacity-building
of legal professionals.
Japanese legal technical assistance not only takes the local conditions and needs of recipient countries into great consideration,
but also puts emphasis on the capacity building so that the recipient countries can operate the legal system effectively on their own.
This "tailor-made" character of Japanese assistance receives high appreciation from them.
To date, more than 10 countries have received assistance. Concrete results include the enactment of civil codes and codes of civil
procedure in Vietnam and Cambodia and the enactment of a civil code in Nepal.
International Cooperation Department
International Cooperation Department
International Justice Center
Lecture in an international training course
14th United Nations Congress on
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Kyoto
Training of legal practitioners from
Bangladesh invited to Japan
A local seminar in Cambodia
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice Programme Network Institutes (PNI)
しかく Legal Technical Assistance Recipient Countries
For more details, visit ⇒ https://www.unafei.or.jp For more details, visit ⇒ https://www.moj.go.jp/ENGLISH/m_housouken05_00001.html
Cooperation began in 2001
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz,
Kazakhstan, Tajikistan
Seminars on Comparative Study
of Law for Central Asia held
People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Cooperation began in 2016
Federal Democratic
Republic of Nepal
Cooperation began in 2009
Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka
Cooperation began in 2018
Cooperation began in 2004
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Cooperation began in 1998
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Cooperation began in 1994
The Democratic Republic of
Cooperation began in 2008
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Cooperation began in 2013
Kingdom of Cambodia
Cooperation began in 1996
Republic of Indonesia
Cooperation began in 1998

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