1. 2005 年知的財産法(2009 年改正を含む。以下「IPL」という。)
2. 2006 年 9 月 22 日付政令 No. 105/2006/ ND-CP を改正する政令 No. 119/2010/ND-
項の詳細を定めている(以下「政令 No. 119/2010/ND-CP」という。)。
3. 知的財産権の保護及び知的財産の国家管理に関する知的財産法の多数の条項の施
行詳細を定める政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP(以下「政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP」と
IPL 第 199 条(第 1 項)は以下の通り定めている:
2010 年 1 月 1 日〜2015 年 12 月 31 日までのデータ統計:
受理総数 既済事件
未済事件数 既済事件数の分析
移送 停止 和解の承認 判決
著作権紛争 90 42 39 3 6 9 23
5 7 6 5 1 1
10 6 4 4 1 1
3 2 1 1 1
合計 108 57 50 4 16 11 25
* 知的財産権関連刑事事件の審理及び判決
知的財産権関連の刑事事件の審理及び判決は,2010 年 1 月 1 日〜2015 年 12 月
31 日までの知的財産権保護に関連する刑事事件数に反映されている:
刑法の規定に基づく犯罪の種類 解決すべき事件数 審理された事件数 残りの事件数
事件数 被疑者 事件数 被疑者 事件数 被疑者
著作権の侵害(刑法第 131 条) 16 25 15 24
偽造品の製造,売買(刑法第 156条)34 60 24 44 3 4
製造及び売買(刑法第 157 条)
84 247 98 193 9 18 2動物用飼料,肥料,動物用医薬品,
売買(刑法第 158 条)
27 43 19 30 3 4
広告詐欺(刑法第 168 条)
制違反(刑法第 170 条)
産業財産権の侵害(刑法第 171 条) 1 4 1 4 7 22
合計 162 379 157 295 22 48
ベトナム最高裁判所のデータ統計による 2007 年〜 2015 年までの全レベルの裁判所にお
第一審 控訴審 監督審,再審
受理総数 既済事件総数受理総数 既済事件総数受理総数 既済事件総数2007 年 16 15 4 3 2 2
2008 年 8 4 2 1 0 0
2009 年 50 41 3 2 0 0
2010 年 41 27 0 0 0 0
2011 年 21 17 0 0 0 0
2012 年 5 1 0 0 0 0
2013 年 19 9 0 0 0 0
2014 年 38 32 1 1 0 0
2015 年 26 15 0 0 0 0問2侵害の取扱いを求める請求者は商標権侵害行為に対して民事訴訟手続又は刑事訴訟手
政令 No. 119/2010/ND-CP 第 1 条(第 3 項),政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP 第 25 条(第 1
政令 No. 119/2010/ND-CP 第 1 条(第 3 項)は次のとおり定めている。
「1. 侵害の取扱いを求める請求者は,侵害の取扱いを申請する際,請求内容を証明する以下の文書
及び証拠を併せて提出する。 3a/ 請求者が知的財産権の正当な保有者若しくは譲受人,相続人又は継承者である場合,請求者が正
b/ 侵害行為が実際に発生していることを証明する証拠。侵害が疑われる輸入又は輸出の通関手続停
c/ 請求を証するためのその他の文書及び証拠。」
政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP 第 25 条(第 1 項)は次のとおり定めている。
「1. 以下の文書及び証拠物件は侵害を証明する証拠とみなされる。
a/ 資料の原本若しくは適法な謄本又は保護対象物を表す見本若しくは関連証拠物件
b/ 審査対象製品の見本,関連証拠物件,写真又は記録画像
c/ 審査対象製品と保護対象物についての書面による説明及び比較
d/ 侵害行為を証明する議事録,証言及びその他文書」問3Sardine にはその資格がある。当該 T シャツの製造や販売において Tuna と Bonito には
関係があると顧客が考える可能性があり,そのような誤認により Sardine の利益に損失
を与える可能性があるからである。Sardine が原告になる場合,上記質問 2 に記載の要
IPL 第 198 条(第 2 項),政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP 第 4 条(第 1 項)に基づく。
IPL 第 198 条(第 2 項)は次のとおり定めている。
政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP の第 4 条(第 1 項)は次のとおり定めている。
「1. 侵害行為が行政上又は刑事上の手段によって対処される又は対処されてきた場合でも,それら
関する法律に従う。」問4IPL 第 129 条(第 1 項 c 項目),政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP 第 11 条(第 3 項,第 4
項)に基づく。被疑侵害標章 1,2,3,6,8 が付された商品の製造,輸入,販売及び輸
出を行う Bonito の行為については,商標権侵害を構成するものとみることができる。
- Bonito が販売している商品は機能の点で Sardine のもの(T シャツ)と類似して
- T シャツに付された標章は,商品の出所について顧客に誤認を生じさせ,Tuna
と Sardine と Bonito の関係について誤った印象を与える可能性がある。 4- 標章には,保護される標章の特徴と類似した特徴がいくつかある。発音方法(す
Tuna の商標がベトナムで周知標章であるか否かを審査することができる。)。
IPL 第 129 条(第 1 項 c 項目)は次のとおり定めている。
「1. 以下の行為について,標章所有者の許可なく行う場合,標章に対する権利の侵害に当たる。...(c) 使用することで商品又は役務の出所について混同を招く可能性が高い場合,かかる標章と一緒
政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP 第 11 条(第 3 項,第 4 項)は次のとおり定めている。
以下の 2 つの条件が十分に満たされた場合にのみ確認できる。
a/ 被疑標章が保護の範囲内で標章と一致している又は紛らわしいほど酷似している。構成及び表示
b/ 実質的に一致し又は類似する被疑標章の付いた商品又は役務が,保護対象商品又は役務との間で,
4. 周知標章にとって,被疑標章は以下の場合に侵害要素とみなされる。
a/ 被疑標章が本条第 3 項の項目 a に明記された条件を満たしている。
b/ 被疑標章の付いた商品若しくは役務が本条第 3 項の項目 b に明記された条件を満たしている場合
の製造者若しくは販売者と周知標章の所有者との関係について誤った印象を与える場合。」問5ある。政令 No. 105/2006/ND-CP 第 11 条第 3 項に基づく。
ない場合,周知標章は標章の侵害要素の判断基準に影響を及ぼすと思われる。 5IPL 第 4 条(第 16 項,第 20 項)によると,標章という用語は別の団体又は個人の商
かを考えるために,いくつかの基準を考慮に入れなければならない。基準は IPL 第 75
IPL 第 4 条(第 16 項,第 20 項)は次のとおり定めている。
「第 4 条. 用語の解釈
本法律において,以下の用語は以下の通り解釈される。...16. 標章は別の団体又は個人の商品又は役務と区別するために使用される標示を意味する。...20. 周知標章とはベトナム地区のいたる所で消費者に広く知られている標章を意味する。」
IPL 第 75 条は次のとおり定めている。
「第 75 条. 標章が周知否かの評価基準
1. 標章の付いた商品又は役務の購入又は使用により又は広告により,標章を認知していた関連消費
2. 標章の付いた商品又は役務が流通している地域的範囲
3. 標章の付いた商品の販売若しくは役務の提供又は販売された商品若しくは提供された役務の総売
4. 標章の連続使用期間
5. 標章の付いた商品又は役務の幅広い評判
6. 標章を保護している国の数
7. 標章を周知標章として認識している国の数
8. 標章の譲渡額,ライセンス額又は投資資本拠出価値」問7- 本件商標の有効性に一切影響はない。
- Bonito が商標の権利を侵害しているか否かの判断に影響を及ぼさない。というの
IPL の違反とするからである。
(IPL 第 211 条)
1. 以下の産業財産権侵害行為は行政罰の対象となる。
(a) 消費者又は社会に損失及び損害を与える産業財産権侵害行為
を発しているにもかかわらず,かかる行為を終了させないこと 6(c) 本法律第 213 条に定められている知的財産偽造品を製造,輸入,輸送若しくは売買
(d) 保護される標章又は地理的表示と一致している又は紛らわしいほど酷似している標
2. 政府は行政罰の対象となる知的財産権侵害行為,刑罰の形態及び程度並びにその適用
3. 知的財産の不正競争行為を行う団体又は個人については,不正競争に関する法律に従
って行政罰の対象となる。問8商標登録の出願は行政機関により審査される(IPL 第 109 条,第 112 条,第 113 条)。
第 109 条. 産業財産権の登録出願の方式審査
1. 産業財産権の登録出願はその妥当性評価について正式な審査対象となる。
2. 産業財産権の登録出願は以下の場合に無効とされる。
(a) 形式要件を満たしていない。
(b) 願書に記載された主題が保護にそぐわない。
(c) 出願者が登録の権利を有していない。登録の権利が複数の団体又は個人以上に属しており,そ
の中の 1 又は複数の団体又は個人が出願に同意しない場合を含む。
(d) 本法律第 89 条に定められた出願方法の規定に違反して出願が行われる。
(dd) 出願者が手数料及び料金を支払わない。
3. 本条第 2 項に定められた場合に分類される産業財産権登録の出願については,産業財産権のため
(a) 無効な出願の受理を拒絶する旨の通知を発する。通知には理由を明記し,出願者が不備を補正
(b) 出願者が不備の補正をしない場合,不備を不適切に補正した場合又は本項(a)号に定められたか
(c) 集積回路登録出願の場合には,半導体集積回路の配置に対しては登録証明書を交付しないとい
(d) 出願者が不備を補正し又は本条(a)項に定められた無効な出願の受理の拒絶に対して正当な異議
を申し立てた場合,本条第 4 項に明記の手続を実施する。
4. 本条第 2 項に該当しない場合又は本条第 3 項(d)号に該当する場合における産業財産権出願につい
場合には,保護権限を付与し本法律第 118 条で定められた通り産業財産国内登録名簿に記録する手
5. 本条第 3 項の規定に従って拒絶された標章登録出願は,優先権の主張事由として役立つ場合を除
いて,出願がなされてないものとみなされる。 7第 112 条. 保護権限の付与に関する第三者意見
第 113 条. 発明の登録出願の実体審査請求
1. 出願日又は該当する場合は優先日から 42 か月以内に,出願者又は第三者は,担当国家行政組織に
2. 実用新案特許の請求に係る発明の登録出願の実体審査の請求期限については,出願日又は該当す
る場合は優先日から 36 か月とする。
3. 実体審査の請求が本条第 1 項及び第 2 項に明記の期限内に申請されない場合,発明登録出願は当
- 発明登録出願の実体審査請求ができる。出願者又は第三者は知的財産法第 113 条の規
定に従って発明登録出願の実体審査を実施するよう NOIP(ベトナム国家知的財産庁)
び公開の手続は,企画投資省の 2007 年 2 月 14 日付通達 01 の項目 13 及び 14 に明記の
- NOIP での答弁が類否判断に影響する。(2006 年 9 月 22 日付政令 No. 103/2006/ND-CP
の施行を定める企画投資省の 2007 年 2 月 14 日付通達 01;産業財産権に関する知的財
引用: 39.8 登録を要する標章と他の標章との混同の見込み評価
a) 願書で出願された標章が他の標章(以下「対照標章」という)と一致する又は紛らわし
務と対照標章の付いた商品又は役務との本項目の規定に基づいた比較を必要とする。問9Tuna はそれが周知標章であると証明し,かかる保有者の知的財産権を保護するため
- 知的財産権侵害行為を防ぐために技術的手段を適用する。
- 知的財産権の侵害行為を行う団体又は個人に対して,かかる行為を終了すること,公
- 管轄国家組織に対して,本法律及びその他関連法の規定に従って知的財産権侵害行為
- 保有者の正当な利権を保護するために,裁判所で訴訟を提起する又は仲裁センターで
(2005 年知的財産に関する法律第 6 条(第 3 項 a),第 75 条及び第 198 条(2009 年改
第 6 条. 知的財産権の発生及び確立の事由 81...2...3. 産業財産権は以下の通り確立される。
(a) 発明,工業意匠,回路配置設計又は地理的表示に対する産業財産権は,本法律に定められた登
第 75 条は問6において引用済み
第 196 条. 強制的決定に準じた植物品種ライセンス供与の権限及び手続
1. 農業農村開発省は,本法律第 195 条第 1 項の規定する場合においては,かかる省が管轄する分野
省庁及び省庁相当組織は,農業農村開発省の意見を聞いた後,本法律第 195 条第 1 項の規定する場
2. 植物品種のライセンス供与決定は,本法律第 195 条第 3 項の規定に従って範囲及び条件を設定し
3. 植物品種のライセンス供与決定を下す権限を有する国家組織は,問題になっている植物品種を使
4. 植物品種のライセンス供与決定又は植物品種のライセンス供与拒絶は,法律に従い,異議申立て
5. 政府は本条に定められた通り,植物品種の強制ライセンス供与の手続について詳細な指針を提示
するものとする。 1ANSWERS
Legal provisions applied:
1. The 2005 Law on Intellectual Property, amended and supplemented in 2009 (Hereinafter
referred to as: IPL)
2. Decree No. 119/2010/ND-CP of the Government amending and supplementing a number
of articles the government's Decree No. 105/2006/ ND-CP of September 22, 2006,
detailing and guiding a number of articles of the law on intellectual property regarding
protection of intellectual property rights and state management of intellectual property
(Hereinafter referred to as: Decree No. 119/2010/ND-CP)
3. Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP of the Government detailing and guiding the
implementation of a number of articles of the law on intellectual property on protection
of intellectual property rights and on state management of intellectual property
(Hereinafter referred to as: Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP)Q1.Yes, It can be. Article 199 (Clause 1) of the IPL provides that:
"Any organization or individual who commits an act of infringement of the intellectual property rights of
another organization or individual shall, depending upon the nature and seriousness of such infringement,
be dealt with by the application of civil, administrative or criminal remedies."
Data statistics from 01-01-2010 to 31-12- 2015 :
Type of case
In accordance
with the
provisions of the
Civil Code or the
Property Law
Number of
Analyze the number of cases
the casefileSuspended Recognizetheagreement
Copyright dispute 90 42 39 3 6 9 23
Disputes over the
contract of use of
the work
5 7 6 5 1 1
Disputes over
industrial property
10 6 4 4 1 1
Disputes over
transfer contracts
3 2 1 1 1
Total 108 57 50 4 16 11 25
* On the handling and adjudication of criminal cases related to intellectual property rights
The handling and adjudication of criminal cases related to intellectual property rights is
reflected in the number of criminal cases related to the protection of intellectual property rights
from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2015 as follows: 2Types of crimes under the
provisions of the Penal Code
Number of cases
to be resolved
Number of cases
have been tried
Number of cases
of case
of case
of case
Infringement of copyright (Article
131 of the Penal Code)
16 25 15 24
Producing, trading fake goods
(Article 156 Penal Code)
34 60 24 44 3 4
Producing and trading fake goods,
foodstuffs, medicines, preventive
medicines (Article 157, the Penal
84 247 98 193 9 18
Producing and trading fake goods
for use as animal feeds, fertilizers,
veterinary drugs, plant protection
drugs, plant seeds and livestock
(Article 158, the Penal Code)
27 43 19 30 3 4
Advertising fraud (Article 168
Penal Code)
Breaching the regulations on the
grant of industrial property
protection titles (Article 170 of the
Penal Code)
Infringing upon industrial property
rights (Article 171 of the Penal
1 4 1 4 7 22
Total 162 379 157 295 22 48
According to the data statistics of the Supreme Court of Viet Nam, IP dispute resolution from
2007 to 2015 at the all levels of the Courts Branch as follows:YearFirst-instance Appeal
Total caseshaveresolved
Total caseshaveresolved
Total caseshaveresolved
2007 16 15 4 3 2 2
2008 8 4 2 1 0 0
2009 50 41 3 2 0 0
2010 41 27 0 0 0 0
2011 21 17 0 0 0 0
2012 5 1 0 0 0 0 32013 19 9 0 0 0 0
2014 38 32 1 1 0 0
2015 26 15 0 0 0 0Q2.Yes, there are some requirements which a requester for handling of an infringement must satify
in order to commence civil or criminal procedures against an act of infringing the trademark.
Pursuant to Article 1 (Clause 3) of Decree No. 119/2010/ND-CP; Article 25 (Clause 1) of Decree
No. 105/2006/ND-CP.
Article 1 (Clause 3) of Decree No. 119/2010/ND-CP states that:
"1. A requester for handling of an infringement shall file a petition for handling of infringement together
with the following documents and evidence to prove the request:
a/ Evidence proving that the requester is the right holder, if the requester is the right holder or an
assignee, heir or successor of the intellectual property rights;
b/ Evidence proving the actual occurrence of the act of infringement; proving the suspicion of infringing
imports or exports, for petitions for suspension of customs clearance for imports or exports suspected of
c/ Other documents and evidence to prove the request."
Article 25 (Clause 1) of Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP states that:
"1. The following documents and exhibits shall be regarded as evidence to prove an infringement:
a/ The original or a valid copy of the descriptive documents or specimen or related exhibit expressing the
protected subject matter;
b/ The specimen, related exhibit, photos or recorded images of the examined products;
c/ The written explanation and comparison between the examined products and protected subject matter;
d/ Minutes, testimonies and other documents evidencing acts of infringement."Q3.Yes, Sardine is entitled. Because the customers may think that there is a relationship between
Tuna and Bonito on producing, selling ... that such T-shirt and such misleading may lead to
cause loss to Sardine’s profit. If Sardine is the plaintiff, the requirements mentioned on Question
2 above must be fulfill.
Pursuant to Article 198 (clause 2) of the IPL; Article 4 (Clause 1) of Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP.Article 198 (clause 2) of the IPL provides that:
"2. Organizations and individuals who suffer loss and damage caused by acts of infringement of
intellectual property rights or who discover acts of infringement of intellectual property rights which
cause loss and damage to consumers or society shall have the right to request the competent State body to
deal with such acts in accordance with the provisions of this Law and other relevant laws."
Article 4 (Clause 1) of Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP provides that: 4"1. Civil measures are applied to handle acts of infringement at the request of intellectual property right
holders, organizations or individuals that suffer from the damage caused by those acts, even when those
acts have been or are being handled by administrative or criminal measures.
The procedures for request for application of civil measures and the competence, order and procedures
for application of civil measures shall comply with the provisions of law on civil procedures."Q4.Pursuant to Article 129 (clause 1, point c) of the IPL; Article 11 (Clauses 3, 4) of Decree No.
105/2006/ND-CP, Bonito’s acts of producing, importing, selling and exporting goods with
Accused Marks 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 shall be able deemed to constitute the infringement of the trademark
right. The evaluations are based on the following reasons:
- Goods which Bonito’s selling is similar in terms of functions and have the same
distribution channel with Sardine’s (T-shirts)
- The mark attached on the T-shirts is capable of misleading customers as to the origin of
goods or create wrong impressions about the relationship between Tuna, Sardine and
- The mark has several features similar to those of the protected mark, i.e. uneasy to
distinguish between them in the way of pronunciation (i.e. in Vietnam, the letters "f" and
"ph" are pronounced similarly), and the method of presentation (i.e. the order of the
letters in each mark, ), thereby causing confusion to consumers in selecting goods bearing
the mark. (At this point, the court may examine whether Tuna’s trade mark is a well-
known mark or not in Vietnam)
Article 129 (clause 1, point c) of the IPL provides that:
"1. The following acts, if performed without the permission of mark owners, shall be deemed to be
infringements of the right to a mark:...(c) Using signs similar to protected marks for goods or services identical with, similar to or related to
goods or services on the list registered together with such mark, if such use is likely to cause confusion as
to the origin of the goods or services;"
Article 11 (Clauses 3, 4) of Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP provides that:
"3. In order to determine whether a suspected sign is an infringing element of a mark, it is required to
compare such sign to the mark and at the same time to compare goods or services bearing such sign to
the protected products or services. An infringing element can only be confirmed if the following two
conditions are fully met:
a/ The suspected sign is identical or confusingly similar to the mark within the scope of protection; where
a sign is regarded as identical to a protected mark if it has the same composition and method of
presentation (including the colors); a sign is regarded as confusingly similar to a protected mark if it has
several features identical or similar to those of the protected mark to such an extent that it is not easy to
distinguish between them in terms of composition, the way of pronunciation, the way of phonetic
transcription of signs, letters, meaning, the method of presentation and colors, thereby causing confusion
to consumers in selecting goods or services bearing the mark; 5b/ Goods or services bearing the suspected sign that is identical or similar in substance to, have a
relationship in terms of functions and utility with, and have the same distribution channel with, the
protected goods or services.
4. For well-known marks, a suspected sign shall be regarded as an infringing element if:
a/ The suspected sign meets the condition specified at Point a, Clause 3 of this Article;
b/ Goods or services bearing the suspected sign meet the condition specified at Point b, Clause 3 of this
Article or goods or services are not identical, similar or related to the goods or services bearing the well-
known mark but are capable of misleading customers as to the origin of services or goods or create
wrong impressions about the relationship between the producer or trader of such goods or services and
the owner of the well-known mark."Q5.Yes, they do. Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 11 of Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP.
Article 11 (Clauses 3) of Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP provides that:
"3. In order to determine whether a suspected sign is an infringing element of a mark, it is required to
compare such sign to the mark and at the same time to compare goods or services bearing such sign to
the protected products or services. An infringing element can only be confirmed if the following two
conditions are fully met:
a/ The suspected sign is identical or confusingly similar to the mark within the scope of protection; where
a sign is regarded as identical to a protected mark if it has the same composition and method of
presentation (including the colors); a sign is regarded as confusingly similar to a protected mark if it has
several features identical or similar to those of the protected mark to such an extent that it is not easy to
distinguish between them in terms of composition, the way of pronunciation, the way of phonetic
transcription of signs, letters, meaning, the method of presentation and colors, thereby causing confusion
to consumers in selecting goods or services bearing the mark;
b/ Goods or services bearing the suspected sign that is identical or similar in substance to, have a
relationship in terms of functions and utility with, and have the same distribution channel with, the
protected goods or services.Q6.No, it does not. However, a well-known mark will affect the basis for determination of an
infringing element of a mark in case goods or services bearing the suspected sign are capable of
misleading customers as to the origin of services or goods or create wrong impressions about the
relationship between the producer or trader of such goods or services and the owner of the well-
known mark.
Under Article 4 (clauses 16, 20) of the IPL, the term of mark is interpretated as any sign used to
distinguish goods or services of different organizations or individuals, and a well-known mark
means a mark widely known by consumers throughout the Vietnamese territory. In order to
consider a mark is whether a well-known mark or not, some criteria shall be taken into account.
The criteria are provided at Article 75 of the IPL.
Article 4 (clauses 16, 20) of the IPL provides that:
"Article 4. Interpretation of terms 6In this Law, the following terms shall be construed as follows:...16. Mark means any sign used to distinguish goods or services of different organizations or individuals....20. Well-known mark means a mark widely known by consumers throughout the Vietnamese territory."
Article 4 (clauses 16, 20) of the IPL provides that:
"Article 75. Criteria for evaluation of whether or not a mark is well known
The following criteria shall be taken into account when considering whether or not a mark is well known:
1. The number of relevant consumers who were aware of the mark by purchase or use of goods or services bearing
the mark, or from advertising.
2. The territorial area in which goods or services bearing the mark are circulated.
3. Turnover of the sale of goods or provision of services bearing the mark or the quantity of goods sold or services
4. Duration of continuous use of the mark.
5. Wide reputation of goods or services bearing the mark.
6. Number of countries protecting the mark.
7. Number of countries recognizing the mark as a well known mark.
8. Assignment price, licensing price, or investment capital contribution value of the mark."Q7.- Has no effect on the validity of the trademark in this case;
- It does not affect the assessment of whether or not Bonito infringes the rights to the
trademark because the Intellectual Property Law does not treat only identical marks as
infringements but the production, importation, transportation, trade anything bearing a
trademark so similarly confusing as the protected mark is also a violation of the IPL.
(Article 211 of the IPL)
Quote: Acts of infringement of industrial property rights which shall be subject to administrative
1. The following acts of infringement of industrial property rights shall be subject to administrative
(a) Acts of infringement of intellectual property rights which cause loss and damage to consumers or
(b) Failure to terminate an act of infringement of intellectual property rights although the intellectual
property right holder has issued a written notice requesting termination of such act;
(c) Producing, importing, transporting or trading in intellectual property counterfeit goods stipulated in
article 213 of this Law, or assigning others to do so;
(d) Producing, importing, transporting or trading in articles bearing a mark or geographical indication
which is identical or confusingly similar to a protected mark or geographical indication, or assigning
others to do so.
2. The Government shall specify acts of infringement of intellectual property rights which shall be subject
to administrative penalties, the forms and levels of penalties, and the procedures for applying same.
3. Any organization or individual who commits an act of unfair competition in intellectual property shall
be subject to an administrative penalty in accordance with the law on competition.Q8.Yes, it is. An application for the registration of a trademark shall be examined by an 7administrative agency (Articles 109, 112, 113 of the IPL).
Article 109. Formal examination of applications for registration of industrial property
1. Applications for registration of industrial property shall be subject to formal examination for evaluation of their
2. An application for registration of industrial property shall be considered invalid in the following cases:
(a) It does not fulfil the formal requirements;
(b) The subject matter stated in the application is ineligible for protection;
(c) The applicant does not have the registration right, including where the registration right belongs to more than
one organization or individual but one or more of them do not agree to the filing;
(d) The application is filed in contravention of regulations on the filing method stipulated in article 89 of this Law;
(dd) The applicant fails to pay fees and charges.
3. For applications for registration of industrial property falling into a case stipulated in clause 2 of this article, the
State administrative body for industrial property rights shall carry out the following procedures:
(a) Issue a notice of intended refusal to accept the invalid application, clearly stating reasons and setting a time-limit
for the applicant to correct errors or to object to such intended refusal;
(b) Issue a notice of refusal to accept the invalid application if the applicant fails to correct errors, improperly
corrects errors or fails to make a justifiable objection to such intended refusal stipulated in sub-clause (a) of this
(c) Issue a notice of refusal to grant a certificate of registered design of semi-conducting closed circuits in case of a
closed circuit registration application;
(d) Carry out procedures specified in clause 4 of this article if the applicant properly corrects errors or makes a
justifiable objection to the intended refusal to accept the invalid application stipulated in sub-clause (a) of this clause.
4. For industrial property registration applications not falling into a case stipulated in clause 2 of this article, or in a
case stipulated in sub-clause (d) of clause 3 of this article, the State administrative body for industrial property rights
shall issue a notice of acceptance of the valid application or carry out procedures for granting a protection title and
recording it in the National Register of Industrial Property as stipulated for in article 118 of this Law, applicable to
layout design registration applications.
5. Mark registration applications rejected according to the provisions of clause 3 of this article shall be deemed not
to have been filed, except where they serve as grounds for claims for priority right.
Article 112. Third party opinions on the grant of protection titles
As from the date an application for registration of industrial property is published in the Official Gazette of
Industrial Property up until prior to the date of issuance of a decision on grant of a protection title, any third party
shall have the right to express an opinion to the competent State administrative body for industrial property rights on
the grant or refusal to grant a protection title for such application. Such opinions must be made in writing and be
accompanied by documents or must quote the source of information.
Article 113. Request for substantive examination of applications for registration of inventions
1. Within forty two (42) months after the filing date or the priority date, as applicable, an applicant or any third party
may request the competent State administrative body for industrial property rights to substantively examine an
application [for registration of an invention], provided that the substantive examination fee is paid.
2. The time-limit for making a request for substantive examination of an application for registration of an invention
involving a request for a utility solution patent shall be thirty six (36) months from the filing date or the priority date,
as applicable.
3. Where no request for substantive examination is filed within the time-limit specified in clauses 1 and 2 of this
article, the application for registration of the invention shall be deemed to have been withdrawn at the expiry of such
- Request for substantive examination of an invention registration application. The applicant or any
third party may request the NOIP to conduct the substantive examination of an invention 8registration application according to the provisions of Article 113 of the Intellectual Property Law.
Formality examination and publication of invention registration applications. The procedures for
formality examination and publication of invention registration applications shall comply with the
general procedures specified at Points 13 and 14 of the Circular 01 dated 14/02/2007 of the
Ministry of Planning and Investment.
- Yes, they will. (Circular 01 dated 14/02/2007 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment,
Guiding the implementation of the Government's Decree No. 103/2006/ND-CP of September
22, 2006, detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on
intellectual property regarding industrial property).
Quote: 39.8 Evaluate the likelihood of confusion of the mark requiring registration with another mark
a) In order to assess whether the mark applied for in the application is identical or confusingly similar to
another mark (hereinafter referred to as the "control mark"), it is necessary to compare the structure,
The content, pronunciation (for signs), meaning and form of the sign (for both signs and figurative signs),
and comparison of goods and services bearing Signs with goods or services bearing the control mark
under the provisions of this point.Q9.Tuna proves that it is a well-known mark and then shall have the right to apply the following
measures to protect the intellectual property rights of such holder as follow:
- To apply technological measures to prevent acts of infringement of its intellectual property
- To request any organization or individual who commits an act of infringement of the
intellectual property rights of the holder to terminate such act, make a public apology or
rectification, and pay damages;
- To request the competent State body to deal with acts of infringement of its intellectual
property rights in accordance with the provisions of this Law and other relevant laws;
- To initiate a lawsuit at a court or a claim at an arbitration centre to protect the legitimate rights
and interests of the holder.
(Article 6 (Clause 3.a), Article 75 and 198 of the 2005 Law on Intellectual Property, amended and
supplemented in 2009).
Article 6. Grounds for the generation and establishment of intellectual property rights1...2...
3. Industrial property rights shall be established as follows:
(a) Industrial property rights to an invention, industrial design, layout design, mark or geographical indication shall
be established on the basis of a decision of the competent State body to grant a protection title in accordance with
the registration procedures stipulated in this Law or the recognition of international registration pursuant to an
international treaty of which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member. In the case of a well known mark,
industrial property rights shall be established on the basis of use and shall not be dependent on registration
Article 75. Criteria for evaluation of whether or not a mark is well known
The following criteria shall be taken into account when considering whether or not a mark is well known:
1. The number of relevant consumers who were aware of the mark by purchase or use of goods or services bearing
the mark, or from advertising.
2. The territorial area in which goods or services bearing the mark are circulated.
3. Turnover of the sale of goods or provision of services bearing the mark or the quantity of goods sold or services
4. Duration of continuous use of the mark. 95. Wide reputation of goods or services bearing the mark.
6. Number of countries protecting the mark.
7. Number of countries recognizing the mark as a well known mark.
8. Assignment price, licensing price, or investment capital contribution value of the mark.
Article 196. Authority and procedures for licensing of plant varieties pursuant to compulsory decisions
1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall issue decisions on licensing of plant varieties in the
domains over which such Ministry exercises State management on the basis of considering licensing requests for the
cases stipulated in clause 1 of article 195 of this Law.
Ministries and ministerial equivalent bodies shall, after consulting the opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development, issue decisions on licensing of plant varieties in domains under their respective management for
the cases stipulated in clause 1 of article 195 of this Law.
2. Plant variety licensing decisions must set the use scope and conditions in compliance with the provisions of clause
3 of article 195 of this Law.
3. The State body competent to issue a decision licensing a plant variety must promptly notify such decision to the
holder of the exclusive right to use the plant variety in question.
4. Decisions on licensing of plant varieties or refusal to license plant varieties may be the subject of complaints
lodged or lawsuits instituted in accordance with law.
5. The Government shall provide detailed guidelines on the procedures for compulsory licensing of plant varieties as
stipulated in this article.

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