1国際知的財産司法会議,日中韓・ASEAN 諸国の国際知的財産紛争解決,2017 年
造商標の刑事事件(ラオスにおいて有名な飲料水である Tiger Head 飲料水の商標偽
造事件)が 1 件存在している。裁判に訴える事件が少ない理由は,知的財産に関す
取消し,変更又は認可が可能である。問3この事例においては,輸入総代理店である Sardine は,商標を登録されていない。
したがって,Sardine は,補償を請求する民事訴訟を提起できない。有効な商標を保
在していなければならない。 2問4
Bonito による,被疑標章 1 から 9 までを付した商品の製造,輸入,販売及び輸出
は,商標を侵害している。ラオス知的財産法第 121 条によれば,ライセンス許諾を
登録商標 被疑侵害商標 比較
DolfiN Dolfin 全ての文字は同じなので,類似性がある。違
DolfiN DolphiN 人々が気付かないかもしれないが,「D」で
DolfiN Dolphin 同様に「Dol」で始まるので,類似しており,
DolfiN Dollfine 大部分の文字は,ほぼ同一なので,類似性が
DolfiN DollerfiNance 同一でないので,区別できる。
DolfiN (貴国の言語でイル
DolfiN (「dolphin」と
DolfiN ( イルカのデザイン) 記号(標章)が異なっているので,同一でな
DolfiN I love DolfiN but it's
too expensive.
ば,標章は,会社の役務を他社の役務と区別できる 1 つ又は複数の符号でなければ
の商品又は役務と区別し又は商品又は役務をその他の商品又は役務と区別する一定 3の符号又は複数の符号を意味する。周知商標とは,ラオスの関係当局に広く認知さ
- 本件商標は,偽造商品により真正商標のブランド力が影響を受けない世界的な
- この事例においては,本件商標が周知商標でない場合は,その名前を知ってい
- この商標が米国又は日本でのみ周知な場合は,この事例においては,法律に基
づき,同一基準が等しく適用される。問7Tuna が元の登録商標を使用していない場合でも,取消しできない。Tuna が使用し
Tuna は最初の登録商標を使用していたことになる。したがって,Bonito は,Tuna の
この商標が 5 年間という長期間使用されていない場合,商標権者のためにのみ使
用されている場合又は商標権者が不公正な方法で使用している場合,Bonito は,科
いて,IPAS (業務自動化)管理システムを利用している。出願書類が適法に作成され
ている場合は,科学技術省は,知的財産権法第 23 条に基づく除外標章(商標登録
- Tuna は,新しく創出された類似標章と,被疑侵害標章2及び3を比較検討しな
ければならない。Tuna は,相手方商標会社の「Dolphin」はイルカを意味する英単語
であり,1 つの D と 1 つの N を Tuna 商標に加えた点において外見上顕著な特徴を有
する新しいアイデアの単語を創出したと以前に確認している。したがって,Tuna の
最初の証明書を検討しなければならない。問9Bonito が,商品の出所若しくは名称又は製造業者若しくは販売業者の名称を直接
Tuna の商標が登録されているか否かを問わず,その商標は法律により保護されるの
で,Tuna は Bonito に対し訴訟を提起できる。 1International Judicial Conference on Intellectual Property, the Resolution of the issues
of intellectual property rights of Japan, China, Korea and other ASEAN countries, 2017
Answer the question
1. In the Lao PDR, actions violated the trademark can be prosecuted both civil and
criminal, if violation of a trademark that caused by deliberate adulteration, deception,
deception or create a similar, similar to a trademark to be registered properly or you
cannot distinguish different characteristics specific to the trademark that get the
registered properly or famous trademark, which resulted in damage to the health of
people, the environment or property damage will consider actions such acts a
criminal offense. In doing criminals who are damaged can claim damages when
carrying criminals to do with it (no need to sue in civil court if any), but if the damage
to civil and then run criminal case in civil court to suspend proceedings in order to
wait for criminal court action until the end if damaged persons request for damaged
compensation in criminal court and criminal court has already decided the case in
the favour of damaged persons. So in this case, the civil court must abolish the case
that put in the petition before.
For trademark case statistics that have been sued in the Civil Court and
Criminal Court in the past until now. There is one of the criminals as well counterfeit
trademark (counterfeit trademark of Tiger Head drinking water which is the famous
drinking water in Lao PDR). The reason has a few cases to go to court because
when a dispute about intellectual property crimes occurred parties can Select
resolving a disagreement following the compromise, mediation, resolution of
administrative solutions by solving conflicts, economic, complaints to the courts and
resolve conflicts internationally.
2. Before beginning to run criminal or civil penalties trademark claimant (who was
damaged by the infringement) are registered trademarks in accordance with the
conditions set in the law before, besides being violated can proceed to resolve
conflict with any prior following a compromise, mediation, addressed the
administration, addressed by the Economic Dispute Settlement Organisation, if you
cannot solve with the mentioned above, the damaged persons have the right to sue
in the court as defined in the civil proceeding law and other related laws. 2An individual, juristic person or organization that violates the Intellectual
Property Law shall be educated or warned, disciplined, fined, and compensated for
civil damages and / or punishments in light or heavy cases.
If there is a breach in the waiting period of the announcement of the result, the
person who has been damaged by a violation may request the court to issue a
temporary measure without requiring the defendant to know that it is necessary to do
so that the damage cannot be resolved or that the evidence is being destroyed. After
such action, the court must notify the affected party immediately, the court shall give
the defendant the right to make a statement and adjudicate within the appropriate
time frame. Such interim measures should be canceled, modified or implemented.
3. In this example, the Sardine Company is not granted trademark that is an Import
agent and Goods distribution sold. So Sardine Company cannot take a civil lawsuit
to demand compensation. But the only those who holds the valid trademark, can
take the petition to the court in according to civil related laws. In this case, the
damaged person is the owner of intellectual property, unions or associations that are
in the interests of industrial sectors, producers, traders and copyright management
associations and rights related to copyright or others who have suffered damage to
intellectual property rights.
The damaged person has the right to request the court to issue a temporary
measure to prevent intellectual property infringement, to block the introduction of
goods that violate intellectual property rights into the trade cycle, including goods
immediately imported after the end of the customs declaration and to keep evidence
related to the alleged infringement. The Request for Temporary Measures must have
reasonable evidence that the court believes that the claimant is in possession of his
or her rights and rights and that the breach will occur.
4. Production, import, distribution and export of goods is suspected violating
trademark from type one to nine by Bonito Company any such acts of these is
infringing trademark. Pursuant to Article 121 of the Law of Property intellectual of
Lao PDR has determined that fake trademark products including similar packaging
trademarks that are not licensed or may not be distinguished different characteristics
with specific trademark that had not been registered properly is considered a 3violation of their trademark such as defined in the law. So the creating, selling,
offering for sale, advertising, marketing, export or import fake trademarks is a
violation of the Law due to the owner of the trademark has the right to prevent third
parties using the trademarks, identical service marks, similar or related product or
service which is similar or related trademark or service mark of its registration, which
the use may cause confusion. So the use of similar logo for products or services is
supposed to be creating confusion and prevent the third person from selling or
advertising goods marking or using the trademark on the service and the import or
export of the products with trademark.
True Trademark
Counterfeit trademarks
DolfiN Dolfin There is a similarity because the characters are
all the same, if not remarkable, they can not be
DolfiN DolphiN If not noticed, think it is the same because it
starts with "D" and ends with the same "N" as
DolfiN Dolphin It is similar because it begins with the word "Dol"
as well, and although the last word is not the
same, read the same "Phin"
DolfiN Dollfine There is a similarity because most characters are
almost identical, if not well-defined, can not be
DolfiN DollerfiNance Not the same, can be distinguished
DolfiN (A word meaning
dolphin in your country’s
Not the same because "DolfiN" does not have
meaning and does not translate "Dolphin"
DolfiN (A word with the same
pronunciation as
It is similar because of the same pronunciation
DolfiN ( A design of a dolphin) Not the same because the symbol (mark) is
different and the right trademark is text and the
artifacts are a form of a dolphin.
DolfiN I love DolfiN but it’s too
Similarly, the artifact trademark mark said
"DolfiN" and just like a genuine trademark, which
may cause users to become confused 45. The court has a general standard of distinguishing genuine trademarks with
counterfeit trademarks by distinguishing them from symbolic, graphic, textual, literal,
and pronounced, distinction and similarity. According to the law, the mark may be a
symbol or multiple symbols that can distinguish between a company's services or
services from a different company. Symbols may include words, including individual
names, patterns, numbers, shape elements, shapes or packages of goods, and a
combination of colors, as well as a combination of such symbols.
6. Trademark means any symbol or multiple symbols that can distinguish
goods or services of a company differently from other companies for use with the
goods or services, as well as distinguishing between goods or services with the other
goods or services. The famous trademark is a trademark recognized as broadly by
other concerned authorities in Lao PDR as indicating the goods or services of the
owner of the mark to claim that the famous, the public aware of the mark through
trades, using technology trademark / or related products or services or through
advertising, the volume of goods or services greatly over time using a trademark
must be regular and continuous, confidence related to the use of trademark goods or
services based on quality, popular broadly in society.
- The trademark in this case is a global trademark that will not affect the
branding of genuine trademarks with counterfeit goods.
- In the case of an example, if the trademark in this case is not a well-known
trademark, no one knows its name, and in that case, there will be no significant
change in the branding of genuine trademarks.
- If this trademark is famous in the United States or Japan only, in this case,
by law, the same applies equally.
7. Cannot be canceled although Tuna Company will not use the original
registered trademark, the trademark used by Tuna Company is actually the same as
the initial registered mark, with the same pronunciation and the meaning of the mark,
so Tuna Company has used the initially registered trademarks. So that Bonito
Company can not cancel the trademark of the original Tuna Company. 5If this trademark is not used permanently within a five-year period and the
trademark is used solely on behalf of the owner or the owner has been used in an
unwise manner, in this case Bonito may submit to the Ministry of Science and
Technology for termination of the trademark registration that is not used.
8. The registration of trademarks in the Lao PDR, the Government (Ministry of
Science and Technology) has been used the IPAS system management system by
the examination of the content of the application for registration. If the application is
properly compiled, The Ministry of Science and Technology will issue a registration
certificate to the applicant, record it in the registration book and publish the results of
such registration into official letters, if such trademark is not an exempt trademark
pursuant to article 23 of the Intellectual Property Law (mark that cannot be registered
- illustrated the initial Tuna Company will have to consider in comparing similar
mark created a new course, which compared the trademarks of Tuna company is
DolfiN compared with trademarks that are suspected violation Second DolphinN and
trademarks are suspected violation third Dolphin that trademark is suspected such a
violation because Tuna Company had confirmed earlier that the "Dolphin" is a word
of English that means dolphin opposed trademark company Tuna is a word created
new ideas together trademark Tuna Company only one D and the N Only one posted
major features special external unique because it's the trademark of the Tuna
Company with "Dolphin" is used So the initial certification Tuna Company tend to
9. Tuna Company can sue Bonito Company because its trademark is protected
by law, whether it is registered or not, if Bonito Company uses the source of goods
or the name of the goods or the name of the manufacturer or the manufacturer or the
merchant directly or indirectly and improperly confuses by any means on the
enterprise, goods or industrial activities or trade of competitors or trademarks have
the characteristic of destroying the authenticity of the goods or trade of competitors.

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