日中韓・ASEAN 諸国における知的財産紛争解決問1カンボジアでは,商標を侵害する行為は刑事訴訟によって処罰される可能性がある。商
しなければならない(民事訴訟法第 108 条)。口頭弁論の準備手続の終了後,証拠はすべ
を裁判所に提出することができる(刑事訴訟法第 337 条)。
処理する知的財産事件数は,全民事事件の約 10%に相当する。約 100 件の民事訴訟が,
毎年各裁判官に割り当てられる。したがって,各裁判官は毎年 10 件の知的財産事件を解
く,調停あるいは交渉を通じて ADR(代替的紛争解決手段)によって処理される知的財産事
訴訟,刑事訴訟において事前の公告又は警告を必要としない。 法律で要求されるのは,商
標の登録を証明することである。 ただし,民事訴訟を別途裁判所に提起する場合は,訴状
の準備・書き方に関していくつかの要件がある(民事訴訟法第 75 条)。 刑事訴訟に基づく
刑事手続の要件は一切ない。問3商標法第 27 条,第 29 条によれば,輸入総代理店は,商標権侵害を理由として差止命
第 27 条は,「商標権者又はライセンシーの請求により,侵害,差し迫った侵害を防止する
第 29 条は,「裁判所は,申立人の請求により,侵害若しくは差し迫った侵害の防止又は
上記の 2 つの条項に基づき,商標権者及びライセンシーだけが裁判所に対して暫定措
っては,ライセンス契約の内容を調べる必要がある。 2商標法第 19 条によれば,ライセンシーは製造者を指すように思われる。第 19 条では,
て,この場合,販売業者及び輸入業者である Sardine は,商標法に基づく特定救済を求め
る権利を保有しない。ただし,Sardine は,民法に基づき,不法行為を理由とする差止命令を
申し立てることができる。問4商標法第 15 章罰則規定によれば,告発対象商標を有する商品の偽造,模倣,故意の
ば,外観,音,発音,概念,あるいは地域の人々の考え)。問6商標法第 4 条,第 25 条及び第 26 条によれば,カンボジニアには 3 種類の周知商標が
ある。第 1 周知商標はカンボジア王国内のもの(第 4 条),第 2 周知商標はカンボジアで登
録されたもの(第 4 条及び第 25 条 ),第 3 周知商標はカンボジアでは登録されていないも
も登録されていなくても自動的に保護される。問7以下の場合,商標権が取り消される可能性がある。商標法第 13 条,第 14 条,第 15 条
1-登録済み商標が,登録後 5 年間連続して使用されていない場合 (商標法第 15 条)。
2-利害関係者は,商務省に商標登録を無効にするよう要求することができる。当該商標が第 2 条
(a)及び第 4 条の要件を満たしていないことを無効請求者が証明した場合には,商務省は,そ
の登録を無効にするものとする(商標法第 13 条)。
3 商務省は,次の場合には,登録商標の取消しを命じる権限を有する。
a- 申請人が,第 12 条(b)及び(d)で規定する期間内に登録商標の更新を申請しない場合。
b- 登録商標権者が削除を要求した場合。
c- 登録商標権者が,第 8 条に規定された条件又は制限を 90 日以内に遵守しない場合。
d- 登録商標権者がカンボジア王国内のサービス拠点を失った場合。
e- 登録商標権者が正当な商標権者ではないという確固たる証拠がある場合。 3f- 登録商標が,第三者が所有する周知商標と類似又は同一であるという確信が得られた場
上記の各条項によれば,Tuna が使用する商標は,登録商標と比較して全く同じではない
有効である場合には継続して保護される。本件では,Bonito は Tuna の登録商標と同一の
商標を使用しているため,Bonito は商標権を侵害したことになる。問8カンボジアでは,商標登録出願は商務省によって審査される(商標法第 8 条)。Tuna の
の出願された商標は,D と N の大文字を使用する外観に顕著な特徴があるので「Dolphin」
商標登録出願時点で「Dolphin」と類似のものではないとした Tuna の主張は,この場合の
商標 2/商標 3 と Tuna の商標との間での類似性の判断に影響を及ぼすことはない。本件
では, Bonito は,Tuna の上記主張をもって,被疑商標 2/被疑商標 3 に関する Tuna の
訴えに対する反論とすることはできない。Tuna の商標「Dolfin」が審査官によって登録されて
いるので,Tuna の商標は法的に保護されているからである。問9本件において,仮に Tuna が商標を登録していない場合でも,Tuna の商標「Dolfin」が周
知の場合,Tuna は Bonito に対して訴訟を提起する権利を有する。
商標法第 26 条によれば,「未登録の周知商標の侵害は,周知商標の所有者の同意なし
Tuna の商標が周知でない場合でも,Tuna は,不公正競争の概念を法的根拠として,
Bonito に対して訴訟を提起する権利を有する。商標法第 22 条及び第 23 条では,「競争相
質の行為はすべて,不公正競争の行為とみなされる。」とされている。 1Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/Tokyo2017
IP Dispute Resolution in ASEAN Plus Three
( Japan-China-Republic of Korea)
1- Chay Chandaravan
2- You Bunna
Judge of Appeal Court
Kingdom of Cambodia
Answer Document for the Case Study
1- In Cambodia, an act of infringing a trademark can be punishable through criminal
procedure. Compensation for infringement of trademark can also be filed separately
by the owner of trademark through civil procedure. Under Criminal Procedure,
criminal action and civil action can be filed together to the court of first instance.
Then judge can consider to decide both actions together.
In case where civil action is initiated separately to the civil chamber of the court of
the first instance, civil procedure will be applied from the beginning of the
proceeding. As regard evidence, plaintiff must submit evidences before closing of
preparatory proceeding for oral argument( art. 108 of civil procedure). After closing,
all evidences are not acceptable, but there is exception to this rule. However, if civil
action and criminal action are filed together, criminal procedure will be applied to
the case. All evidence can be submitted to the court before closing public hearing
( art. 337 of criminal procedure).
Concerning Evidence, there are separate specific provisions of evidence that need to
be followed under civil procedure and criminal procedure.
in respect of database of IP cases, no specific database is available . However, IP
cases dealt with by each judge account for approximately 10 % of the total civil case.
Around 100 civil cases annually assign to each judge. So, each judge has solved 10
IP cases annually. This number does not mean the total number of actual IP cases
for the whole county because IP cases are also handled by ADR, through mediation
or negotiation.
2- In order to commence civil or criminal procedure against an act of infringing the
trademark, no prior public notice or warning is required under the Trademark Law or
Civil and Criminal Procedure. What is required by law is to prove registration of mark.
However, if civil action is filed separately to the court, there are some requirement in
respect of filing and writing complaint ( art.75 of civil procedure ). No requirement at
all for criminal action according to criminal procedure. 23- According to art.27,art.29 of trademark law, a sole importer and distributor are not
entitled to stand as a plaintiff in civil litigation to demand injunction and/or damages
on the grounds of infringement of the trademark rights.
art.27 states that" on the request of the owner of the mark or of a licensee can institute
court proceeding for specific relief to prevent infringement, an imminent infringement
art.29 says that " on the request of the applicant, the court shall order prompt and
effective provisional measure to prevent an infringement, an imminent infringement or
to preserve relevant evidence in regard to the alleged infringement.
Based on the above two articles, conclusion can be drawn that only the owner of the
mark and licensee can file for provisional measures or injunction to the court.
However, the question may arise as to who are licensee or what does licensee imply?
whether licensee includes a sole importer and distributor . It is not yet clear about this
question under the trademark Law. it may lead to different interpretation of licensee.
For the interpretation, we need to find out the content of license contract.
According to art.19 of trademark Law, it seems that licensee refers to producer. Art.19
stipulates that "...any license contract concerning the registration of the mark shall
provide for effective control by the licensor of the quality of the goods or services of
the licensee in connection with which the mark is used...". So, in this case, Sadine
who is distributor and importer is not entitled to seek for specific relief based on the
trademark law. However, Sadine may file for injunction based on tort under civil
4-Under chapter 15, penalty provision of trademark law, only act of counterfeiting,
imitating, willfully importing, selling, offering for sale of goods with the accused
marks constitute the infringement of the trademark rights. Exporting is not included in
the trademark law. Also, no clear definition of the use of registered mark of what does
the use of mark refer to?. Therefore, exporting may not considered as trademark
infringement. But, the owner of the mark can use tort as legal basis to make a
complaint for damages.
5-In Cambodia, there is no general criteria, standard or guidelines for judging the
similarity of trademarks. No criteria to define what is similarity of trademark under
trademark law. In practice. we use case laws from other jurisdictions or member state of
Paris convention as basis to judge similarity of trade mark for instance, appearance, sound,
pronunciations, conception or idea of local people , of trademark.
6- According to art.4. art.25 ,and 26 of trademark law, there are 3 types of well known
mark: 1st
well known in the kingdom of Cambodia ( art.4) 2nd
well known mark which
has been registered in Cambodia ( art.4 and art.25) 3rd
well known mark which has not
been registered in Cambodia.
In Cambodia, well known is automatically protected from any infringement even though
it has been registered or not. But, registered well known mark is widely protected than
unregistered well known mark because there is no clear definition of well known mark
under trademark law. For this, it is more difficult to interpret what is well known mark,
therefore, well known mark or unknown mark really affect the judgment on the similarity
of the trademark. if unknown mark, it is protected unless it is registered mark. However,
if well known mark , it is automatically protected even if it has been registered or not
7- There is possibility that the trademark rights in this case be cancelled. According to
art.13, art.14, art. 15 of trademark law, grounds for cancellation as follows: 31- registered trade mark has not been used during a continuous period of five years
after its registration. (art.15)
2- Any interested person may request the Ministry of Commerce to invalidate the
registration of a mark. The Ministry of Commerce shall invalidate the
registration if the person requesting the invalidation proves that any of the
requirements of art. 2(a) and 4 is not fulfilled ( art.13).
3- Ministry of Commerce has the right to order the cancellation to the registered
mark where:
a- the applicant does not apply for renewal of the registered mark within the
period prescribed under art.12(b) and (d)
b- the owner of the registered mark request the removal
c- the owner of the registered mark has not complied, within 90 days with the
conditions or restrictions prescribed under article 8.
d- the owner of the registered mark ceases to have an address for service in the
Kingdom of Cambodia
e- it is convinced upon evidence that the owner of the registered mark is not the
legitimate owner.
f- it is convinced that the registered mark is similar or identical to a well
known mark owned by third party.
Based on the above articles, in case where the trademark used by Tuna is not completely
same as the trademark in this case, but it is identical to registered trademark. So, the
registered trademark is still protected if it is still being used or valid. In this case, it is
infringement of the trademark rights by Bonito because Bonito used trademark that is
identical to Tuna’s registered trademark.
8-In Cambodia, an application for the registration of a trademark examined by Ministry
of Commerce( art.8). After Tuna’s trademark ‘DolfiN’ is accepted to be registered by
Ministry of Commerce, this Dolphin is legally protected. the applied trademark is not
similar to Dolphin because it has a distinctive feature in appearance for using capitals of
D and N.
Tuna’s arguments at the time of applying for the registration of its trademark that it was
not similar to Dolphin cannot affect the judgment on the similarity between Mark
2/Mark3 and the trademark in this case. in this case, Bonito cannot use such Tuna’s
argument to be legal basis to file counter argument against Tuna’s lawsuit against
accused Mark2 : DolphiN and accused Mark3 "Dolphin’ because Tuna’s trademark
Dolfin is registered by examiner. so, it is legally protected.
9- In case where Tuna has not registered the trademark in this case, Tuna is entitled to
take legal actions against Bonita if Tuna’s trademark ‘Dolfin’ is well known mark.
According to article 26 of trademark law, ‘an infringement of an unregistered well
known mark shall consist of the use of a sign identical with or confusingly similar to the
well known mark without the agreement of the owner of the well known mark provided
that the sign is used in relation to goods or services identical with or similar to the goods
or services for which the mark is well known"
if Tuna’s trademark is not well known, Tuna is still entitled to take legal action against
Bonita by using the concept of unfair competition as legal basis. Under art. 22 and 23 of
the trademark law," all acts of such a nature as to create confusion by any means
whatever with the establishment, the goods or the industrial, commercial or service
activities of a competitor shall deemed to constitute acts of unfair competition."

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