
Main Weekly and Monthly Events of the Ministry of Justice



Every year, one week from May 1 to 7 at “Constitution Day” on May 3, is designated “Constitution Week”. During the Week, various programs and events designed to relate to the people, the spirit of the Constitution, the functions of the justice system and other related matters are conducted on a nationwide scale. Constitution Week is conducted under the joint auspices of the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Court and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations.


・Measures for Illegal Foreign Workers Campaign

・Human Rights Volunteers' Day
In commemoration of the enforcement day of the Human Rights Volunteers Act (June 1, 1949), the 1st of June was named “Human Rights Volunteers' Day”. Every year around this day, Human Rights Volunteers carry out nationwide activities by setting up special human rights consultation booth and conducting human rights promotion.

Poster"Human Rights Volunteers"

・Nationwide Children's Rights Hotline Promotion Week


・The Brighter Society Campaign〜the power of community preventing crime and delinquency, assisting rehabilitation of offenders〜
The purpose of this nationwide campaign is to help people understand the importance of the prevention of crime and delinquency and rehabilitation of offenders so as to build, through their combined efforts in their respective positions, a brighter society that is free from crime and delinquency.
Around the month of July each year, highlights are a variety of activities rooted in local communities across the country, and they have called for the cooperation and understanding of the rehabilitation of offenders.

With the help of Mr. Shinji Tanimura, the flag Artist for The Brighter Society Campaign, we call for a better understanding and cooperation toward the campaign.


・Nationwide Promotion Week for Counseling on the Human Rights of the Elderly and the Disabled


・JAPAN LAW DAY WEEK - October 1-7
"Japan Law Day" originates from "Judical Memorial Day(Shiho-kinenbi)" which was inaugurated on October 1, 1929 to commemorate enactment of the Jury Law on October 1 of the previous year, and on June 24, 1960, the Cabinet decided to designate the 1st of October every year as “Law Day”. Every year, the week starting on October 1, Japan Law Day, is designated as “Japan Law Day” Week. During the Week, various programs such as lectures, free legal counseling services and other related programs are organized all across the country in order to promote respect for law, protection of fundamental human rights and establishment of an orderly society through the rule of law. Japan Law Day Week is conducted under the joint auspices of the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Court and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations.

Every year, one week from October 1 through 7 is designated as Notarization Week, and in order to publicize the notarial system, public information activities through the media such as newspapers and TV, the display of posters, the distribution of leaflets, the holding of lecture meetings and consultation services are extensively carried out in all parts of the country.

・Nationwide Legal Affairs Bureau Holiday Counseling


・Nationwide Women's Rights Hotline Promotion Week


・North Korea Human Rights Infringement Issue Awareness Week

・Human Rights Week

The United Nations General Assembly at its 5th session in 1950 invited Member States to adopt December 10 as “Human Rights Day” to commemorate December 10, 1948, on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the General Assembly at its 3rd session, and to exert increasing efforts in this field. In Japan in 1949, the year following the adoption of the Declaration, the week ending on December 10 each year was designated as “Human Rights Week” and nationwide human rights promotion activities have been carried out since then.

Poster "Human Rights Week"

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