
A public awareness event of the Kyoto Congress at the 61st National Corrections Fair (May 31 to June 1, 2019)

The Ministry of Justice held the 61st National Corrections Fair (National Exhibition and Sale of Products Manufactured in Prison) at the Science Museum in Tokyo from May 31 to June 1, 2019. The Fair is held annually and is one of the central events of "the Brighter Society Campaign".

The panel introducing the Kyoto Congress

A public awareness event at the 61st National Corrections Fair
The Fair raises public awareness by highlighting the rehabilitative nature of the work performed by sentenced inmates. During the Fair, Ministry staff introduced the concept of prison work and exhibited products manufactured by sentenced inmates. Visitors learned the importance of prison work and its purpose to promote offender rehabilitation by encouraging productive work and by helping inmates acquire vocationally useful knowledge and skills. Products manufactured by sentenced inmates as part of their correctional treatment are sold at the Fair. Such products are also available at the Correctional Association Prison Industry Cooperation (CAPIC) stores throughout Japan.

CAPIC goods
The Fair was also used as an opportunity to promote the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, commonly known as the Kyoto Congress. The Kyoto Congress will be held in Kyoto in April 2020. The Ministry of Justice is preparing to introduce Japanese correctional approaches, including the rehabilitative nature of prison work.

The Ministry of Justice will hold further corrections fairs around the country. The Corrections Fair in Kyoto will be held from October 26 to 27, 2019 at Kyoto Prison.

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