
Message from the Minister of Justice

The Minister of Justice, MORI Masako

Peace and Justice for All

Message regarding the postponement of the Kyoto Congress and the Kyoto Congress Youth Forum from the Minister of Justeice is here.

From April 20 to 27, 2020, the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Kyoto Congress) will be held at the Kyoto International Conference Center.

The Congress is the largest conference in the United Nations in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice, and it is held every five years. The main theme of the Kyoto Congress is “Advancing crime prevention and criminal justice and the rule of law: towards the achievement of the 2030 agenda”.

The Goal 16 of the SDGs upholds “Peace, justice and strong institutions” and underlines the promotion of the rule of law and international cooperation to counter terrorism and eradicate crimes. At the Kyoto Congress, the international community is expected to discuss concrete measures in this regard.

It is no exaggeration to say that the rule of law is the bedrock of all the goals of the SDGs because the justice system that supports a peaceful and safe society where the rule of law prevails is the fundamental infrastructure for economic and social development.

In fact, the international community is reaffirming the importance of the rule of law, and dialogue in this regard is essential at all levels.

Against this background, hosting the largest UN conference in japan and leading its discussion is not only an opportunity for the participants from around the world to experience “the world’s safest country Japan” and to acknowledge our effort to permeate the rule of law, but it is a great opportunity for Japan to take the leadership and call upon the international community to uphold the rule of law.

SDGs goal 17 emphasizes “Partnerships for the goals”. Multi-stakeholder partnership to achieve the goal 16 is one of the most important pillar of the Kyoto Congress.

For example, to achieve a society where no one is left behind, coordination and partnership between the national and local government, private sector and volunteers from local communities to rehabilitate ex-offenders is particularly important, and application of artificial intelligence and other technologies developed by the private sector for crime prevention and criminal investigation can also serve as the cornerstone to achieve safe and secure society.

Kyoto Congress will be an excellent occasion to share our good practice of public private partnership and learn from the approaches taken by other countries.

Moreover, from April 13 to 15, 2020, Kyoto Congress Youth Forum will take place in the run-up to the Kyoto Congress.

It is a forum on crime prevention and criminal justice for the youth from around the world, and by having the youth, the torch bearer of future, being exposed to diverse sense of value and engaging in serious discussions, it will be a meaningful event to develop partnership for the future and cultivate human resources with international awareness.

As the Minister of Justice, I will spare no effort to bring the Kyoto Congress to a successful conclusion. It is my sincere hope that more people will become aware and interested in crime prevention and criminal justice - the foundation for a safe and secure society in which no one will be left behind.

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