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The Ministry of Justice



Work of the Facilities Division

With a view to ensuring the smooth execution of the entire range of administrative work of the Ministry of Justice, and in order to keep the Ministry's buildings where such work should be performed in optimal conditions, the Facilities Division carries out facility management based on the key concepts of security, humanity and harmony, while mobilizing all of the technical and creative abilities that have been accumulated over many years.

Explanation of work

The Facilities Division, which is responsible for the development of facilities of the Ministry of Justice, is in charge of the planning, designing and supervising the construction of Ministry of Justice facilities (prisons, public prosecutors’ offices, legal affairs bureaus, etc.). In particular, it is the only domestic organization with the know-how on the maintenance of correctional facilities such as prisons, detention houses and juvenile training schools. The total number of facilities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice is 840 (as of April 1, 2019), which is greater than those of other ministries and agencies, and more diverse including both office buildings and correctional facilities. In order to ensure that these facilities remain in good condition while maintaining their intended functions over a long period of time, we reconstruct deteriorated buildings, renovate the existing buildings to extend their service life, and repair damaged parts. We also engage intensively in facility maintenance. In addition, the division also actively engages in international cooperation (click here for the webpage on international cooperation) in the field of correctional facilities as the only domestic organization that develops correctional facilities.

Recently completed facilities

Medical Correction Center in East Japan (MCC East Japan)
Training Institute for Correctional Personnel (TICP)
Dormitory building, Osaka Detention House

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