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The Ministry of Justice



Summary of the "Justice Affairs Diplomacy" Ministerial Forum

The Ministry of Justice of Japan convened the “Justice Affairs Diplomacy” Ministerial Forum on 6 and 7 July 2023. At the Forum, three ministerial-level meetings were held: ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers, G7 Justice Ministers’ Meeting, and ASEAN-G7 Justice Ministers’ Interface. Bilateral meetings with participating countries and organisations were also held. On the sidelines, the ASEAN-Japan Special Youth Forum, Special Events, and Exhibitions were also organized.

6 July 2023
・ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers
7 July 2023
・ASEAN-G7 Justice Ministers’ Interface
・G7 Justice Ministers’ Meeting

【Participating countries and organisations】
Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, ASEAN Secretariat
France, US, UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, EU
3.Invited Countries
Timor-Leste, Ukraine
4.Invited International Organisations

ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers

ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers was convened on 6 July 2023. The Meeting was co-chaired by the Minister of Justice of Japan, H.E. Mr. SAITO Ken and the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) of Malaysia, H.E. Dato’ Sri AZALINA Othman Said.
Under the theme of “Advancing ASEAN-Japan Cooperation to Promote the Rule of Law: Towards a New Phase beyond the 50th Year of Friendship and Cooperation,” Justice Ministers of ASEAN and Japan confirmed their commitment to promote fundamental values such as the rule of law, and held discussions on the initiatives to promote strategic cooperation between ASEAN and Japan in the field of law and justice.
The Meeting adopted the Joint Statement as an outcome document, and endorsed the Work Plan, which outlines concrete initiatives to realise the Statement.

Plenary Session 1
In Plenary Session 1, the Meeting adopted the Joint Statement and discussed its implementation. As a representative of Japan, H.E. Mr. Takami, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Justice delivered a statement, highlighting the importance for ASEAN and Japan to mutually update each other’s needs and interests in the field of law and justice, in order to further promote the legal technical assistance, which is one of the important pillars of “Justice Affairs Diplomacy”. H.E. Mr. Takami also emphasized that Japan will strengthen cooperation with ASEAN in various areas under the spirit of equal partnership.

Plenary Session 2
In Plenary Session 2, the Meeting endorsed ASEAN-Japan Work Plan on Law and Justice. International organisations presented the resources they can provide for the implementation of the Work Plan. Based on these presentations, the participants exchanged their views and opinions. H.E. Mr. Takami, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Justice of Japan delivered a statement, underscoring the importance of holding the ASLOM-Japan Consultations regularly, with a view to enhancing knowledge and strengthening mutual understanding, as well as active interaction between the participants.

Outcome Documents

G7 Justice Ministers’ Meeting

G7 Justice Ministers' Meeting was convened on 7 July 2023 and chaired by H.E. Mr. SAITO Ken, Justice Minister of Japan. G7 Justice Ministers, the Administrator of UNDP and the Executive Director of UNODC attended the Meeting in person. Additionally, H.E. Mr. Denys MALYUSKA, Justice Minister of Ukraine and H.E. Mr. Andriy KOSTIN, Prosecutor General of Ukraine also participated in the Meeting online.
The Meeting discussed the following three themes:
  • Assist Ukraine’s rebuilding efforts in the field of law and justice,
  • Build cooperation and coordination among the G7 to promote the rule of law,
  • Connect the G7 and Indo-Pacific (ASEAN) in the field of law and justice.
At the Meeting, Justice Minister and Prosecutor General of Ukraine explained the current situations and needs for developing legal infrastructure in Ukraine. The G7 countries and international organisations then exchanged their views on how they can assist Ukraine’s rebuilding efforts as well as how to strengthen the solidarity of the G7 in promoting the rule of law.
The establishment of the Anti-Corruption Task Force for Ukraine (ACT for Ukraine) to support Ukraine's anti-corruption efforts was proposed by Minister Saito and welcomed by the G7 Justice Ministers. The Tokyo Declaration was also adopted as an outcome document of the Meeting.

Outcome Documents

ASEAN-G7 Justice Ministers’ Interface

On Friday, 7 July 2023, the ASEAN-G7 Justice Ministers' Interface was also convened and co-chaired by H.E. Mr. SAITO Ken, Minister of Justice of Japan and H.E, Dato’ Sri AZALINA Othman Said, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) of Malaysia. At the opening ceremony, H.E. Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan delivered his welcome remarks, emphasising the significance of the Interface as the first-ever occasion to bring together the Justice Ministers from ASEAN and the G7 countries.
The participants delivered their statements under the overall theme of“Strengthening mutual cooperation between ASEAN and the G7 in the field of law and justice.” As the only Asian member of the G7 Justice Ministers, Minister Saito expressed enthusiasm for serving as a bridge between ASEAN and the G7. Minister Saito also proposed the establishment of the Next Leaders Forum, where young government officials in the field of law and justice from both ASEAN and the G7 can exchange knowledge and build long-lasting relationship of trust and cooperation.
The participants confirmed the importance of sharing fundamental values such as the rule of law and respect for human rights, as well as the willingness to continue holding dialogues between ASEAN and the G7 in the field of law and justice. At the end of this Interface, Co-Chair's Statement was delivered orally.

Outcome Document

>>Summary of Discussions (to be published later)

Implementation of the outcome

ASEAN-Japan Special Youth Forum

The ASEAN-Japan Special Youth Forum for Promoting the Rule of Law was held at the Hotel New Otani Tokyo on 5 and 6 July 2023.
Over 60 youths from Japan, ASEAN member states and Timor-Leste gathered and discussed under the theme of “Building Justice Literacy for Enhanced Access to Justice -the Key to the Rule of Law in the Digital Era-”.

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