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The Ministry of Justice


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  6. Wide Range of Workplaces and Duties of Public Prosecutors’ Assistant Officers

Wide Range of Workplaces and Duties of Public Prosecutors’ Assistant Officers

The workplaces of public prosecutors’ assistant officers are largely divided into three areas: Investigation and Trial Department, Prosecution Department, and Secretarial Department.

Investigation and Trial Department

”Tachiai” officers are those investigating cases with public prosecutors. They investigate the contents of cases to gain insights into the progress of investigations, accurately grasp the position and mental condition of those involved in cases, and use those abilities to support public prosecutors.

Investigative Work
Investigators ordered to handle prosecutors’ work investigate suspects and decide whether or not to prosecute cases. Cases dealt with are mainly cases for negligent driving resulting in death and injury and other road traffic violations, but recently there have been many Penal Code Offenses such as theft and injury cases, and Special Act Offenses such as maritime-related cases requiring specialized knowledge.

Trial Work
Attending trial, as well as investigation, is an important role of public prosecutors. Trial assistant officers fully support the work of public prosecutors to prove the substantive truth, request the court for proper trial proceedings, and to achieve prompt and appropriate criminal punishment.

Prosecution Department

Case Work
Case work assistant officers are in charge of checking if cases sent from enforcement agencies such as the police comply with legally stipulated procedures, and they conduct acceptance procedures. They can be said to be liaisons for public prosecutors’ offices.

Evidence Work
Evidence assistant officers are in charge of acceptance procedures, taking into appropriate consideration the protection of the property rights of owners, for evidence important to investigations and execution of confiscation orders. After that, depending on the outcome of the case, they will carry out work such as storage and disposal of evidence.

Execution Work
Public prosecutors direct the execution of criminal sentences when trials are finalized (imprisonment/imprisonment without work). Execution assistant officers are engaged in the important work of executing punishments that conclude these criminal trials.

Collection Work
Collection assistant officers collect charges when petty fines and fines are imposed.

Criminal History Work
Criminal history assistant officers investigate and manage the criminal records of those who have been found guilty. Processing is done quickly using computers.

Record Work
Record assistant officers store and manage records established at trial. In addition, they conduct procedures to view records.

Secretarial Department

General Affairs Work
General affairs assistant officers, in addition to human resources and payroll work, perform work related to employee benefits, and the reception and shipment of documents.

Finance Work
Finance assistant officers, in addition to annual income and expenditure work, perform work related to the maintenance and management of public prosecutors’ office buildings, and the maintenance of necessary equipment and supplies.

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