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  7. Fundamental Characteristics and History of the Research and Training Institute

Fundamental Characteristics and History of the Research and Training Institute

Fundamental Characteristics

The Research and Training Institute is a representative research and training organization of the Ministry of Justice, which has various research and training departments, and branch offices have been established in seven locations: Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Takamatsu, and Fukuoka. The Research and Training Institute is positioned as one of the agencies of the Ministry of Justice (Order of Organization of Ministry of Justice (Order No. 248 of 2000) Article 58 and Article 59), and it is designated as an education training institute in Article 60 of the same order.


The Constitution was put into effect on May 3, 1947, and the courts were separated from the former Ministry of Justice, and the "Judicial Training Institute” (established as the Judicial Research Institute on July 6, 1939, renamed the Judicial Training Institute on May 15, 1946) that had been established by the former Ministry of Justice as a research and training organization for judges, public prosecutors and probationary judicial officers was divided into the “Legal Training and Research Institute” attached to the Supreme Court and the “Training Institute” attached to the former Ministry of Justice. The latter is the predecessor of the “Research and Training Institute”.
The Training Institute was to conduct training for staff of former Ministry of Justice , such as public prosecutors, public prosecutors’ assistant officers and other officials and to conduct research on judicial affairs. After that, together with the former Ministry of Justice changing its name to the Legal Affairs Agency and then Attorney General’s Office, it was renamed the "Training Institute of the Legal Affairs Agency” (February 15, 1948) and the “Training Institute of the Attorney General’s Office” (June 1, 1949). Then, when the Attorney General’s Office was reorganized into the current Ministry of Justice in August 1952, the “Prosecutor’s Research Institute” (April 1, 1950) that had been separately established for senior prosecutors until then merged with the Training Institute to form the “Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice”.
The Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice aimed to conduct training for Ministry of Justice staff and specialized research on legal affairs. However, the need for comprehensive scientific criminal policy research that could respond to the changing quantity and quality of crime phenomena, such as the spike and increasing viciousness of juvenile crime after 1955, was keenly felt. Thus, the “Research and Training Institute” was established in April 1959 to develop and expand the organization, adding specialized research departments in criminal policy.
In June 1961, in accordance with an agreement with the United Nations, the United Nations and the Japanese government jointly established the “United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders” in Japan, and the United Nations Training Cooperation Department was newly established as a Japanese government organization in order to collaborate.
In April 1995, while taking in the opinions within the Research and Training Institute, in cooperation with the Secretariat and relevant departments, accurately understanding the training and research needs of the Research and Training Institute, the General Affairs and Planning Department was newly created as a division to plan and formulate an ideal way of conducting training and research from a comprehensive perspective appropriate to the Ministry of Justice in the 21st century.
Furthermore, in response to the request of developing countries such as Asian countries in April 2001, the International Cooperation Department was established as a division to implement legal assistance in the field of civil commercial law.

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