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  6. July is "Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month"

July is "Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month"

Recidivism Prevention Information Poster (Image)
In December 2016, the Act for the Prevention of Recidivism was promulgated and entered into force. Article 6 of the act establishes the month of July as Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month in order to deepen public interest in and understanding of the prevention of recidivism.
July 2017 was the first "Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month". The Ministry of Justice actively conducted public relations events and awareness-raising activities to help members of the general public become familiar with the "recidivism prevention" and generate as much interest as possible.

Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. x Ministry of Justice "Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month" opening event

Public awareness event
On Saturday, July 1, the Ministry of Justice held the "Recovery Festival" in the plaza in front of Yurakucho Station. There was a "Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month PR Corner", panel exhibitions, a screening of Recidivism Prevention PR videos, and also a discussion between Punk Booboo’s Kurose and Bad Boys’ Sata from Yoshimoto Kogyo and Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Justice Toshiro Ino.
Kurose and Sata had histories of delinquency when they were younger. They participated in the event after appearing in the Ministry’s recidivism prevention PR video. They had a light-hearted discussion about their feelings when they were delinquent youth and spoke about the spark leading to their recoveries. Parliamentary Vice-Minister Ino also weaved in stories from his own childhood and episodes when he was young, and talked about the current situation of recidivism and the importance of the understanding and cooperation of the general public in prevention measures. From start to finish, it was an easy-to-understand "recidivism prevention" event that was fun and filled with laughter.
From left: Koji Abe, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice Toshiro Ino, Masaki Sata, Jun Kurose

Recidivism Prevention Information Posters

Bulletin board lined with recidivism prevention information posters
The Act for the Prevention of Recidivism stipulates that it is essential for the government and local public organizations to collaborate to advance recidivism prevention measures with the understanding and support of the general public. Posters were made to raise awareness of the importance of "recidivism prevention".
The posters were made based on Prime Minister Abe’s handwriting, and the government has come together to create a strong message that it will work to prevent recidivism utilizing the power of communities. With the cooperation of relevant ministries and agencies and local public organizations, the posters have been widely circulated.
The posters are also posted on bulletin boards of the Ministry of Justice (Hibiya Park side) during Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month.

Space dedicated to the promotion of the "Act for the Prevention of Recidivism " on the 1st floor of Ministry of Justice building

During Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month, information panels on the Re-offending Prevention Promotion Act were displayed in the Ministry of Justice building’s west entrance waiting space.
In addition to a summary of the Re-offending Prevention Promotion Act, the panels introduced the current situation of recidivism, the importance of securing housing and employment in recidivism prevention measures, investigation themes pertaining to the "Recidivism Prevention Promotion Plan" formulation, and new perspectives on recidivism prevention measures. A television monitor was also installed in the exhibition space, and a recidivism information video jointly produced by Yoshimoto Kogyo and the Ministry of Justice called "What Sparked My Recovery from Delinquency" (link to YouTube) was shown. Many people visiting the Ministry of Justice were able to see the video.


The Ministry of Justice will continue to proactively disseminate information on measures to prevent recidivism and their importance. We encourage all members of the general public to deepen their interest in and understanding of "recidivism prevention" though our posters, the information on our website and participating in events.

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