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  7. Application for inheritance registration will be mandatory from April 1, 2024

Application for inheritance registration will be mandatory from April 1, 2024

The application for inheritance registration, which had been voluntary until now, will be mandatory due to the amendment act.
If an heir breaches the obligation without justifiable reason, he/she will be subject to a non-penal fine of not more than 100,000 yen.
Register the inheritance of your land and buildings as soon as possible.

・Information on registration procedures using multilingual telephone interpretation services(0570-011289)(Weekdays 9:00-17:00)(English, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Nepali, Spanish, Indonesian, Thai)

【Basic rules】
An heir who acquired real property through inheritance, including a testamentary gift, will be made mandatory to apply to register their inheritance within three years from the date the hair learned that he/she had acquired the real property.

【Additional rules when the division of inherited property is concluded】
When consummation has been reached in a discussion on the division of inherited property, the heir who acquires the real property will be made mandatory to apply to register their inheritance based on the details of the division within three years from the date when the division of inherited property is concluded.

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