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What is DFS?

DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection) is a complex spectrum-sharing mechanism that allows wireless devices that use the 5250 – 5350 MHz and 5470 – 5725 MHz bands to successfully coexist with meteorological (weather) radars and other C-Band military radar systems.

Who requires DFS?

DFS testing is currently required in the USA, Canada, EU, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Australia.

For the US, DFS requirements are stated in 47 CFR Part 15 Section 15.407 (which applies to U-NII wireless devices), and the DFS test methods are stated in FCC KDB Publication 905462.

In the EU, DFS requirements and test methods are stated in the ETSI EN 301 893 and ETSI EN 302 502.

In Canada, the DFS requirements are stated in Clause 6.3 of ISED Canada RSS-247. *RSS-247 allows the use of either the test methods in FCC KDB Publication 905462 or ETSI EN 301 893.

The Japanese DFS requirements and test methods are stated in the Japan Radio Law Article Paragraph 1 of Items 19-3 and 19-3-2.

Taiwan DFS requirements and test methods are stated in LP-0002:2018. In Korea, the DFS requirements and test methods are stated in RRA Notice 2018-90. Additional countries may look to add this requirement towards the 5GHz band, please subscribe in the NEWSLETTERS for more updates.

How do we test DFS?

DFS Testing can only be performed using a very specialized test system which includes a suitable test facility, a radar signal simulator system (i.e., hardware, software, and radar waveform test cases), a precision spectrum analyzer (PSA) that has capability to very accurately measure the EUT’s responses in both the time and frequency domains, and DFS/TPC Test Control Software that is hosted an instrument control computer system.

BACL Sunnyvale is fully equipped to perform DFS and TPC Testing in accordance with all of the requirements listed above. BACL Sunnyvale is ISO/IEC 17025-Accredited for a Scope of Testing that includes the DFS and TPC test methods.

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