





部局 医歯学総合研究科 Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
専攻 先進治療科学専攻 Advanced Therapeutics Course
大講座 腫瘍学 Oncology
分野 分子口腔病理学 Molecular Oral Pathology and Oncology
分野サイト http://w3.hal.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/dental/op/index.html



TEL.099-275-6142 / FAX.099-275-6148


口腔癌の進展に関与する新規マーカーの探索 Search for novel molecular markers involved in the development and progression of oral cancer
口腔癌におけるDNAメチル化状態の研究 Study of DNA methylation status in oral cancer
口腔癌における腫瘍微小環境に関する研究 Study on tumor microenvironmet of oral cancer


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笹平智則 Tomonori SASAHIRA

専門分野 口腔病理学


研究者総覧 リポジトリ

[画像:staff dummy]

氏名 嶋 香織 Kaori SHIMA
専門分野 口腔病理学
研究テーマ ・多発性口腔扁平上皮癌におけるDNAメチル化に関する研究

研究者総覧 リポジトリ

[画像:staff dummy]

氏名 Phuong Thao NGUYEN
専門分野 口腔病理学
研究テーマ 口腔病理、口腔がん、肝臓がん、代謝

研究者総覧 リポジトリ

[画像:staff dummy]

氏名 加治屋由佳 Yuka KAJIYA


  • Hoang TH, Nguyen PT, Huynh CNN, Nguyen TTT, Trang THT, Botelho MG, Nguyen VL, Shima K, Sasahira T . Reliability of online dental final exams in the pre and post COVID-19 era: A comparative study. PLOS ONE 18(5): e0286148, 2023
  • Shima K, Nguyen PT, Shimojukkoku Y, Sasahira T. Two cases of primordial odontogenic tumor in the maxilla. Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 40 (3) 265-71, 2023
  • Miyakoshi M, Abe H, Hagimoto A, Kawashima Y, Kawabata Y, Indo H, Hijioka H, Shima K, Sugiura T, Sasahira T, Tanaka T. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Maxilla with Multiple Spreading Patterns: A case report. Dental Radiology 63(1) 20-24, 2023

  • Sasahira T, Kurihara-Shimomura M, Shimojjukoku Y, Shima K, Kirita T. Searching for new molecular targets for oral squamous cell carcinoma with a view to clinical implementation of precision medicine. J Pers Med 12(3): 413, 2022

  • Sasahira T, Kurihara-Shimomura M, Shimomura H, Bosserhoff AK, Kirita T. Identification of oral squamous cell carcinoma markers MUC20 and SPRR1B downstream of TANGO. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 147(6): 1659-1672, 2021
  • Sasahira T, Kurihara-Shimomura M, Shimomura H, Kirita T. SERPINE2 is an oral cancer-promoting factor that induces angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Int J Clin Oncol 26(10): 1831-1839, 2021

  • Kurihara-Shimomura M, Sasahira T, Shimomura H, Bosserhoff AK, Kirita T. Mast cell chymase promotes angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis mediated by activation of melanoma inhibitory activity gene family members in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Oncol 56(5): 1093-1100, 2020
  • Ikeda M, Shima K, Kondo T, Semba I. Atypical immunohistochemical patterns can complement the histopathological diagnosis of oral premalignant lesions. Journal of Oral Biosciences 62: 93-98, 2020
  • Nguyen PT, Kanno K, Pham QT, Kikuchi Y, Kakimoto M, Kobayashi T, Otani Y, Kishikawa N, Miyauchi M, Arihiro K, Ito M, Tazuma S. Senescent hepatic stellate cells caused by deoxycholic acid modulates malignant behavior of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 146: 3255-3268, 2020
  • Kobayashi T, Kanno K, Nguyen PT, Sugiyama A, Kawahara A, Otani Y, Kishikawa N, Ito M, Tazuma S. Periostin antisense oligonucleotide prevents hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in a mouse model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 35: 2140-2150, 2020

  • Kusuyama J, Amir MS, Albertson BG, Bandow K, Ohnishi T, Nakamura T, Noguchi K, Shima K, Semba I, Matsuguchi T. JNK inactivation suppresses osteogenic differentiation, but robustly induces osteopontin expression in osteoblasts through the induction of inhibitor of DNA binding 4 (Id4). FASEB J. 33(6):7331-7347, 2019
  • Kusuyama J, Seong CH, Makarewicz NS, Ohnishi T, Shima K, Semba I, Bandow K, Matsuguchi T. Low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) maintains osteogenic potency through the increased expression and stability of Nanog through spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) activation. Cellular Signalling 62: 109345, 2019
  • Kusuyama J, Seong CH, Nakamura T, Ohnishi T, Amir MS, Shima K, Semba I, Noguchi K, Matsuguchi T. BMP9 prevents induction of osteopontin in JNK-inactivated osteoblasts via Hey1-Id4 interaction. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 116, 105614, 2019
  • Nguyen PT, Kanno K, Pham T, Kobayashi T, Tazuma S. Deoxycholic acid-Induced senescent hepatic stellate cell promote malignant behaviors of hepatocellular carcinogenesis. Gastroenterology, 156(6), 2019
  • Kobayashi T, Kanno K, Nguyen PT, Kishikawa N, Tazuma S. Molecular mechanism in which periostin induces hepatic steatosis in vivo and in vitro. Hepatology, 2019
  • Ohigashi T, Kanno K, Sugiyama A, Nguyen PT, Kishikawa N, Otani Y, Kobayashi T, Matsuo H, Tazuma S. Protective effect of phosphatidylcholine on lysophosphatidylcholine-induced cellular senescence in cholangiocyte. J Hepatobiliary Pacreat Sci, 26(12), 568-577, 2019

  • Sasahira T, Nishiguchi Y, Kurihara-Shimomura M, Nakashima C, Kirita T. NIPA-like domain containing 1 is a novel tumor-promoting factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 144(5): 875-882, 2018
  • Kurihara-Shimomura M, Sasahira T, Nakamura H, Nakashima C, Kirita T. Zinc finger AN1-type containing 4 is a novel marker for predicting metastasis and poor prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Clin Pathol 71(5): 436-441, 2018
  • Nakashima C, Yamamoto K, Fuiwara-Tani R, Matsushima S, Fujii K, Ohnmori H, Sasahira T, Sasaki T, Kitadai Y, Kirita T, Kuniyasu H. Expression of cytosolic malic enzyme (ME1) is associated with disease progression in human oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci 109(6): 2036-2045, 2018
  • Shimomura H, Sasahira T, Nakashima C, Shimomura-Kurihara M, Kirita T. Downregulation of DHRS9 is associated with poor prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Pathology 50(6): 642-647, 2018
  • Sasahira T, Bosserhoff AK, Kirita T. The importance of melanoma inhibitory activity gene family in the tumor progression of oral cancer. Pathol Int 68(5): 278-86, 2018.
  • Sasahira T, Kirita T. Hallmarks of cancer-related newly prognostic factors of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Mol Sci 19(8): E2413, 2018
  • Ma S, Ogino S, Parsana P, Nishihara R, Qian Z, Shen J, Mima K, Masugi Y, Cao Y, Nowak JA, Shima K, Hoshida Y, Giovannucci EL, Gala MK, ChanAT, Fuchs CS, Parmigiani G, Huttenhower C, Waldron L. Continuity of Transcriptomes Among Colorectal Cancer Subtypes Based on Meta-analysis. Genome Biology, 19: 142, 2018
  • Kobayashi T, Kanno K, Sugiyama A, Nguyen PT, Kishikawa N, Otani Y, Tazuma S. Periostin Antisense Oligonucleotide Prevents Hepatic Steatosis and Fibrosis in Mice: A novel strategy for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Treatment. Hepatology, 68, 2018
  • Nguyen PT, Nguyen D, Chea C, Miyauchi M, Fujii M, Takata T. Interaction between N-cadherin and decoy receptor-2 regulates apoptosis in head and neck cancer. Oncotarget 9: 31516-31530, 2018
  • Oka H, Ishida Y, Hong G, Nguyen PT. Perceptions of dental students in Japanese national universities about studying abroad. Eur J Dent Educ, 22: e1-e6, 2018
  • Chea C, Miyauchi M, Inubushi T, Okamoto K, Haing S, Nguyen PT, Imanaka H, Takata T. Bovine lactoferrin reverses programming of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 502:142-147, 2018
  • Chea C, Miyauchi M, Inubushi T, N, Subarnbhesaj A, Nguyen PT, Shestha M, Haing S, Ohta K, Takata T. Molecular mechanism of inhibitory effects of bovine lactoferrin on the growth of oral squamous cell carcinoma. PLOS ONE,13: e0191683, 2018

  • Sasahira T, Kurihara M, Nishiguchi Y, Nakashima C, Kirita T. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma upregulated factor has oncogenic functions in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Histopathology 70(4):539-48, 2017
  • Kusuyama J, Ohnishi T, Bandow K, Amir MS, Shima K, Semba I, Matsuguchi T. Constitutive activation of p46JNK2 is indispensable for C/EBPdelta induction in the initial stage of adipogenic differentiation. Biochem J 2017; 474(20): 3421-3437.
  • Kusuyama J, Bandow K, Ohnishi T, Hisadome M, Shima K, Semba I, Matsuguchi T. Osteopontin inhibits osteoblast responsiveness through the downregulation of focal adhesion kinase mediated by the induction of low molecular weight-protein tyrosine phosphatase. Mol Biol Cell 2017; (10): 1326-1236.
  • Subarnbhesaj A, Miyauchi M, Mikuriya A, Nguyen PT, Chanbora C, Ayunintyas NF, Fujita M, Niida S, Takata T. Roles of VEGF-Flt-1 signaling in malignant behaviors of oral squamous cell carcinoma. PLOS ONE,22: e0187092, 2017

  • Sasahira T, Kurihara M, Nakashima C, Kirita T. LEM domain containing 1 promotes oral squamous cell carcinoma invasion and endothelial transmigration. Br J Cancer 115(1):52-8, 2016
  • Sasahira T, Kurihara M, NishiguchiY, FujiwaraR, KiritaT. NEDD 4 binding protein 2-like 1 promotes cancer cell invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Virchows Archiv 469(2):163-72, 2016
  • Nagata M, Kanie T, Shima K. Cemental tear in an autotransplanted tooth that had been functioning for 15 years. Clinical Advances in Periodontics 2016; 6 (3): 111-7.
  • Nagata M, Nagata M, Kanie T, Shima K. Clinical and histologic aspect of cervical cemental tears as a risk for periodontal diseases. Clinical Advances in Periodontics 2016; 6 (4): 167-74

  • Nguyen PT, Subarnbhesaj A, Miyauchi M, Ogawa I, Takata T. The FGFR1 inhibitor PD173074 reduces osteoclastogenesis in gingival squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 119: e172, 2015
  • Subarnbhesaj A, Miyauchi M, Chea C, Nurina FA, Nguyen PT, Takata T. Role of VEGF-Flt-1 Signaling in Oral Cancer Progression. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 119: e136-7, 2015

  • Nguyen PT, Tsunematsu T, Yanagisawa S, Kudo Y, Miyauchi M, Kamata N and Takata T. The FGFR-1 inhibitor PD173074 induces mesenchymal-epithelial transition through the transcription factor AP-1. British Journal of Cancer,109: 2248-58, 2013

  • Kudo Y, Iizuka S, Yoshida M, Nguyen PT, Takata T. Periostin Directly and Indirectly Promotes Tumor Lymphangiogenesis of Head and Neck Cancer. PLOS ONE, 7: 1-14, 2012

  • Nguyen PT, Kudo Y, Yoshida M, Takata T. N-cadherin expression is involved in malignant behavior of head and neck cancer in relation to epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Histol Histopathol 26: 147-156, 2011
  • Nguyen PT, Kudo Y, Yoshida M, Iizuka S, Ogawa I, Takata T. N-cadherin expression is correlated with metastasis of spindle cell carcinoma of head and neck region. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 40:77-82, 2011

  • SL Priebe, J Aleksejūnienė, C Zed, S Dharamsi, DHQ Thinh, NT Hong, TTK Cuc, Nguyen PT. Oral squamous cell carcinoma and cultural oral risk habits in Vietnam. International Journal of Dental Hygiene 8: 159-168, 2010

Research Grant List

Project・Event / SpanResearch

Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)

PI: 吉村 卓也


Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)

PI: 栗原 都


Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)



Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)

PI: 栗原 都


New Developments in Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy of Oral Cancer by Targeting MIA2-related Signals

Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)



Elucidation of the pre-metastasis niche formation mechanism of oral cancer by TANGO

Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)



Elucidation of angio and lymphangiogenesis mechanism by novel oral cancer-related gene

Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)

PI: 大森 斉


Targeting of mesenchymal stem cell associated with colorectal cancer liver metastasis

Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)


新規MIA gene familyによる口腔癌の血管新生·リンパ管新生機構の解明

Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)

PI: 藤井 澄


Genetic alteration in the short telomere lesion as a precancerous lesion of gastric cancer

Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)

PI: 吉村 卓也


Grant-in-aid for Early Career Research (B)



Functional analysis of MIA, which is the novel lymphangiogenic marker of oral cancer

Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)

PI: 國安 弘基


Grant-in-aid for Scientific research (C)

PI: 大森 斉


Grant-in-aid for Early Career Research (B)


Project・Event / SpanResearch
若手研究 代表
Phuong Thao Nguyen
Project・Event / SpanResearch

Kagoshima University International Joint Research Promotion

PI: Phuong Thao NGUYEN

A deep learning for prediction of prognosis and therapy response in head and neck cancers though multi-staining.


PI: Phuong Thao NGUYEN


Grant-in-aid for Early Career Research

PI: Phuong Thao NGUYEN

EPS8L3 mediates YAP nuclear translocation and promotes liver tumorigenesis

Grant-in-aid for Early Career Research

PI: Phuong Thao NGUYEN

Periodontitis induced alterations of gut microbial metabolite promotes liver cancer through senescence

Hiroshima University grant

PI: Phuong Thao NGUYEN

Asssociation of periodontittis and liver diseases

Research grant for JSPS postdoc

PI: Phuong Thao NGUYEN

Study on development of novel therapy targeting N-cadherin for oral cancer


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