Sep.09.2024 JBA comments on the FSB Consultation Report: "Recommendations to Promote Alignment and Interoperability Across Data Frameworks Related to Cross-border Payments"(PDF)
Aug.28.2024 JBA Comments on the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) Consultative report: "Evaluation of the Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms on Securitisation"(PDF)
Aug.28.2024 JBA comments on the BCBS Consultative Document: "Guidelines for counterparty credit risk management"(PDF)
Jul.31.2024 Announcement of the "JBA SDGs Report 2023-2024"
Jul.12.2024 JBA comments on the BCBS Discussion Paper: "The role of climate scenario analysis in strengthening the management and supervision of climate-related financial risk"(PDF)
Jul.12.2024 Comments on the International Accounting Standards Board’s Exposure Draft "Business Combinations-Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment"(PDF)
Jun.07.2024 JBA comments on the BCBS Consultative Document: "Global systemically important banks – revised assessment framework"(PDF)
Apr.17.2024 JBA comments on the EBA Consultation Paper: "Draft Guidelines on the management of ESG risks"(PDF)
Apr.01.2024 Chairperson's Inaugural Address
Mar.29.2024 Comments on the International Accounting Standards Board’s Exposure Draft "Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity"(PDF)
Mar.27.2024 Comment on the Proposed changes to the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting)_Third consultation(PDF)
Mar.15.2024 JBA announces "Carbon Neutrality Initiative 2024"
Mar.14.2024 JBA comments on the BCBS Consultative Document: "Disclosure of climate-related financial risks"(PDF)
Feb.22.2024 Comments on the Proposed Rules: Real-Time Public Reporting Requirements and Swap Data Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements(RIN 3038-AF26)(PDF)
Jan.31.2024 JBA comments on the BCBS Consultative Document:"Disclosure of cryptoasset exposures"(PDF)
Jan.04.2024 New Year’s Message
Dec.27.2023 JBA comments on Banks Sector Guidance by the Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT)(PDF)
Dec.18.2023 JBA comments on the Consultation Paper on Guidelines on Transition Planning (Banks) by the Monetary Authority of Singapore(MAS)(PDF)
Nov.02.2023 JBA comments on the Consultative Document "Defining Transition Finance and Considerations for Decarbonization Contribution Methodologies" by the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) (PDF)
Oct.06.2023 JBA comments on the BCBS Consultative Document: "Core principles for effective banking supervision" (PDF)
Sep.27.2023 Comments on the International Accounting Standards Board’s Request for Information "Post Implementation Review of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments - Impairment" (PDF)
Sep.01.2023 JBA comments on the ISSB Request for Information: "Consultation on Agenda Priorities" (PDF)
Aug.22.2023 JBA comments on the FSB Consultative Document: "Enhancing Third-Party Risk Management and Oversight: A toolkit for financial institutions and financial authorities" (PDF)
Aug.09.2023 JBA comments on the ISSB Exposure Draft: "Methodology for Enhancing the International Applicability of the SASB® Standards and SASB Standards Taxonomy Updates" (PDF)
Aug.01.2023 Announcement of the "JBA SDGs Report 2022-2023"
Jul.31.2023 Disclosure of Information on the Foreign Exchange Yen Clearing System under the FMI Principles
Jul.07.2023 JBA comments on the draft delegated regulation for the EU Taxonomy by the European Commission (EC) (PDF)
Jun.01.2023 JBA comments on the Discussion Paper: "Review of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR)" (PRA/FCA) (PDF)
Jun.01.2023 JBA comments on the consultation "Senior Managers & Certification Regime: a Call for Evidence" (HMT) (PDF)
Jun.01.2023 JBA comments on the TNFD Nature-related Risk & Opportunity Management and Disclosure Framework Beta v0.4(PDF)
May.10.2023 JBA comments on the CPMI consultative report: "ISO 20022 harmonisation requirements for enhancing cross-border payments"(PDF)
Apr.28.2023 JBA comments on the draft delegated regulation for the EU Taxonomy by the European Commission (EC)(PDF)
Apr.28.2023 JBA comments on the Discussion Paper "Finance for positive sustainable change: governance, incentives and competence in regulated firms" by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (PDF)
Apr.01.2023 Chairperson’s Inaugural Address
Mar.15.2023 JBA comments on the Third GFIT Taxonomy Consultation Paper: "Identifying a Green Taxonomy and Relevant Standards for Singapore and ASEAN" (PDF)
Mar.10.2023 JBA comments on the International Accounting Standards Board’s Exposure Draft "International Tax Reform - Pillar Two Model Rules" (PDF)
Feb.28.2023 JBA comments on the TPT Disclosure Framework and the TPT Implementation Guidance (PDF)
Feb.16.2023 JBA announces "Carbon Neutrality Initiative 2023"
Feb.10.2023 JBA comments on the TNFD Nature-related Risk & Opportunity Management and Disclosure Framework Beta v0.3 (PDF)
Feb.10.2023 JBA comments on the Discussion Paper "Voluntary Carbon Markets" by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) (PDF)
Feb.10.2023 JBA comments on the Consultation Report "Compliance Carbon Markets" by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) (PDF)
Feb.06.2023 JBA comments on the draft Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Financial Institutions proposed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (PDF)
Jan.04.2023 New Year’s Message