
What changed in Boston's tech industry in 2024

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[画像:Vecna has created a range of automonous robots, some of which can handle nearly 1,000 lbs. (Courtesy of Vecna Robotics)]
Vecna has created a range of automonous robots, some of which can handle nearly 1,000 lbs. (Courtesy of Vecna Robotics)

It's been a big year for gene-editing, clean technology and robotics. We look back at some of the most noteworthy tech breakthroughs of 2024 in our region.

WBUR's Radio Boston hears from Jason Mast, who covers the biotech industry for STAT, Joyce Sidopoulos, co-founder and chief of operations at MassRobotics, and Ari Glantz, executive director of the New England Venture Capital Association.

This segment aired on December 16, 2024.

Radio Boston: Today's Show
Headshot of Cristela Guerra
Cristela Guerra Senior Arts & Culture Reporter

Cristela Guerra is a senior arts and culture reporter for WBUR.

Headshot of Yasmin Amer
Yasmin Amer Executive Producer, Agile Production Team

Yasmin Amer is executive producer of WBUR's agile production team.



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