年次,Year,総数 Total,刑法犯 Criminal offenses,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/公務の執行を妨害する罪 Obstructing the performance of public duty,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/犯人蔵匿及び証拠隠滅の罪 Harboring criminals and suppressing evidence,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/放火の罪 Arson,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/失火の罪 Fire caused through negligence,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/住居を侵す罪 Breaking into a residence,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/公文書偽造・同行使の罪 Counterfeiting or uttering counterfeit official documents,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/私文書偽造の罪 Counterfeiting of private documents,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/わいせつ・強制性交等・重婚の罪 Obscenity, Forcible sexual intercourse, Bigamy,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/殺人の罪 Homicide,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/傷害の罪 Criminal injury,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/過失傷害の罪 Causing injury due to negligence,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/業務上(重)過失致死傷の罪 Causing death or injury due to negligence in the pursuit of social activities,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/逮捕及び監禁の罪 Unlawful capture and confinement,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/脅迫の罪 Intimidation,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/信用及び業務に対する罪 Crimes against credibility and business,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/窃盗の罪 Theft,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/強盗の罪 Robbery,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/強盗致死傷の罪 Robbery causing death or injury,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/詐欺の罪 Fraud,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/恐喝の罪 Extortion,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/横領の罪 Embezzlement,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/盗品等に関する罪 Crimes related to stolen property,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/毀棄及び隠匿の罪 Destruction and concealment,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/その他の刑法犯 Other criminal offenses ,特別法犯総数 Crimes other than penal offenses total,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/道路交通法 Road Traffic Act,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/過失運転致傷 Negligent driving causing injury,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/過失運転致死 Negligent driving causing death,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/危険運転致傷 Dangerous driving causing injury,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/危険運転致死 Dangerous driving causing death,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/その他の特別法犯 Other crimes excluding penal offenses,ぐ犯 Pre-delinquency,その他 Others,,,,, 令和4,2022,2009,1271,5,-,-,-,35,2,2,41,3,129,161,40,2,5,1,508,2009,1271,5,-,-,-,35,2,2,41,3,129,161,40,2,5,1,508,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 東京都統計年鑑(令和4年)TOKYO STATISTICAL YEARBOOK ( 2022 ) 20 司法・警察・消防 20 JUSTICE, POLICE, AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20-9 少年保護事件 (3) 非行別人員 (令和4年4月〜12月) 20-9 JUVENILE PROTECTION CASES (3) JUVENILES BY MISCONDUCT ( Apr.1,2022-Dec.31,2022 ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, この表は,東京家庭裁判所本庁分のみである。また,令和4年については令和4年4月から12月までの9か月間の人員である。,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This table relates only to the cases handled by the headquarters of the Tokyo Family Court. Data for 2022 only includes the nine months from April to December 2022.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 注) 令和4年4月1日に施行された改正少年法により新設された特定少年の特例規定等に対応するとともに,より詳細な統計を取得できるようにするため,統計の取得方法の見直しを行った。,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Note: The statistics collection method was revised to allow for more detailed statistics and to accommodate the newly established special provisions, etc. for specified juveniles ( persons of 18 or 19 years of age ) set forth in the amended Juveniles Act that entered into effect as of April 1, 2022.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 資料:東京家庭裁判所事務局総務課 Source: Tokyo Family Court,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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