年次,Year,総数 Total,刑法犯 Criminal offenses,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/窃盗 Larceny,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/強盗 Robbery,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/詐欺 Fraud,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/恐喝 Extortion,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/横領 Embezzlement,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/盗品譲受け等 Receipt of stolen property, etc.,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/傷害,傷害致死 Bodily injury or death through bodily injury,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/暴行 Violence,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/脅迫 Intimidation,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/殺人 Homicides,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/強盗致傷,強盗致死 Robbery resulting in bodily injury/death,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/強制性交等 Forced sexual intercourse, etc. 1),刑法犯 Criminal offenses/わいせつ Indecency,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/とばく Gambling,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/住居侵入 Intrusion upon habitation,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/放火 Arson,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/失火 Negligent burning,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/業務上過失致死傷 Professional negligence resulting in death or bodily injury,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/公務妨害 Obstruction of official duties,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/危険運転致死傷 Negligence in driving resulting in death or bodily injury,刑法犯 Criminal offenses/その他 Others,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/暴力行為 Physical violence,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/銃砲刀剣 Firearms and swords,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/軽犯罪 Minor offense,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/売春 Prostitution,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/風俗営業 Adult entertainment,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/麻薬 Narcotics,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/覚せい剤 Stimulants,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/出入国管理及び難民認定法 Immigration Control and Refugees Recognition Act,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/毒物劇物 Poisonous and deleterious substances,特別法犯 Crimes other than penal offenses/その他 Others,ぐ犯 Pre-delinquency 平成27,2015,3603,3205,1440,15,241,50,447,39,213,59,18,3,13,5,41,6,54,3,1,353,14,1,189,373,13,24,101,4,1,14,12,5,-,199,25 平成28,2016,3342,2923,1309,6,180,35,418,30,162,75,13,2,21,1,49,-,78,3,-,350,12,6,173,398,14,24,100,5,8,34,9,11,-,193,21 平成29,2017,3317,2865,1262,9,167,32,367,45,154,75,12,2,7,4,44,1,96,5,1,346,9,3,224,423,11,25,85,4,7,45,16,20,-,210,29 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 東京都統計年鑑(平成29年)TOKYO STATISTICAL YEARBOOK ( 2017 ) 20 司法・警察・消防 20 JUSTICE, POLICE, AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20-9 少年保護事件 (2) 年齢、行為別人員 (平成27~29年) 20-9 JUVENILE PROTECTION CASES (2) JUVENILES BY OFFENSE ( 2015 ~ 2017 ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, この表は,本庁分のみである。,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This table relates only to the cases handled by the Main Court.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 注 1) 刑法の一部が改正(平成29年7月13日施行)され,強姦の罪名,構成要件等が改められたことに伴い,「強姦」を「強制性交等」に変更した。,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Note: 1) ""Rape"" has been changed to ""Forced sexual intercourse, etc."" following the partial amendment of the Penal Code (enforced on July 13, 2017),which revised the crime name and elements, etc. of rape.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 資料:東京家庭裁判所事務局総務課 Source: Tokyo Family Court,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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