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Population Census
Family Type of Household Used in the 2000 Population Census of Japan
A. Relatives households...
Households consist of the head of household and related member(s), and also include the non-relatives member(s) who live with them.
I. Family nuclei
(1) A married couple only
(2) A married couple with their child(ren)
(3) Father with his child(ren)
(4) Mother with her child(ren)
II. Other relatives households
(5) A couple with their parents
- A couple with husband's parents
- A couple with wife's parents
(6) A couple with their parent
- A couple with husband's parent
- A couple with wife's parent
(7) A couple with their child(ren) and parents
- A couple with their child(ren) and husband's parents
- A couple with their child(ren) and wife's parents
(8) A couple with their child(ren) and parent
- A couple with their child(ren) and husband's parent
- A couple with their child(ren) and wife's parent
(9) A couple with relative(s) other than child(ren) and parent(s)
(10) A couple with their child(ren) and relative(s) other than parent(s)
(11) A couple with their parent(s) and relative(s) other than child(ren)
- A couple with husband's parent(s) and relative(s) other than child(ren)
- A couple with wife's parent(s) and relative(s) other than child(ren)
(12) A couple with their child(ren), parent(s) and other relative(s)
- A couple with their child(ren), husband's parent(s) and other relative(s)
- A couple with their child(ren), wife's parent(s) and other relative(s)
(13) Brothers or sisters only
(14) Other relatives households not elsewhere classified
B. Non-relatives households...
Households consisting of the head of household and those who are not related to him/her.
C. One-person households...
Households consisting of one-person.