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Notes for users
For more details of Index groupings and so on, please see "2020-Base Explanation of the Consumer Price Index" as well.
- Until 2005-Base, the changes and the contributions are calculated using indices after we round off. After 2010-Base, they are calculated using indices before we round off. Therefore, the changes and the contributions do not always agree with figures computed by released indices.
- Until 2010-Base, Quarterly, annual and fiscal yearly average indices are calculated using monthly indices after we round off. After 2015-Base, they are calculated using monthly indices before we round off. Therefore, the indices do not always agree with figures computed by released indices.
- " - " in the column of "Index" indicates that index figure is not available, " - " in the column of "Change from the previous month" (or "Change over the year", etc.) indicates that both index figures are not available for the month and the previous month (or the same month of the previous year, etc.).
- " * " in the column of "Change from the previous month" (or "Change over the year", etc.) indicates that either the index figure of the month or the previous month (or the same month of the previous year, etc.) is not available.
(Notes for the use of linked indices)
- The rate of changes, such as the month-on-month changes and the year-on-year changes, are published figures in each base and are not recalculated by linked indices. For the base year, the change from the previous year, previous fiscal year, previous month of January, the same month of the previous year from January to December, etc. are figures calculated from indices in the old base. Therefore, the rate of change does not always match figures calculated by linked indices.
- Since indices are linked individually for districts, each grouping of All items index, groups and items, the linked index for the upper level group may not correspond to that calculated from lower level groups, even in the same year or month. For instance, when indices of lower level groups or items are averaged by weight, the index sometimes does not match that of the corresponding upper level group. It occurs like when the upper level group contains the removed items whose linked indices are not available.
- From 2000 through 2009, "Railway fares (JR), ordinary fares" stands for "Railway fares (JR), ordinary fares, excluding Shinkansen".
- Before 2000, both "Railway fares (JR), special fares, excluding Shinkansen" and "Railway fares (JR), special fares, for Shinkansen" stand for undivided "Railway fares (JR), fares for superexpress, berth, etc.".
- Before 1989, "House rent, private" (by basic classification, Group code 0047) stands for "House rent, private" excluding "Room rent, private", and "House rent, private" (by goods and services classification, Group code 0230) stands for "Private house & room rent" including "Room rent, private".