NUMO receives Review Report from the Special Review Committee for the NUMO Safety Case

The Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO) released "NUMO safety case report – Development of Pre-siting SDM-based Safety Case – (Draft for external review)" ("Safety Case Report") in Japanese in November 2018 and requested the Special Review Committee for the NUMO Safety Case ("Review Committee") of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) to review its technical reliability in December.

We now announce that we have received a review report from the Review Committee.
>Review report from the Review Committee (568MB)PDF

Based on the results of the review report, we will revise the Safety Case Report to make improvements and release revised version in Japanese in spring 2020 and English version around winter 2020.

For more details about the NUMO Safety Case Report, please see here (in Japanese).