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  2. Act on Prevention of Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc. and its relevant Ordinances

Act on Prevention of Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc. and its relevant Ordinances

21 March 2017

Act on Prevention of Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc. (Act No. 167 of 1957) purposes to provide necessary regulations on the use, dealing, leasing, waste management, and other handling of radioisotopes, use of radiation generating apparatuses, and waste management and other handling of objects contaminated with radioisotopes or by radiation emitted from radiation generating apparatuses, thereby to prevent radiation hazards due to such activities and to ensure public safety. These are in accordance with the spirit of the Atomic Energy Basic Act (Act No. 186 of 1955), however were established independently from regulations of Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors (Act No. 166 of 1957). Here we provide the English translation of the Act and principal relevant Ordinances.

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