0NRA presentation
NRA’s updates since the previous March Mission
Nuclear Regulation Authority JAPAN
2nd IAEA Regulatory Review Mission on ALPS Treated Water Handling
16 January 2023
Contents11. Regulatory Process
2. Review
3. Inspection
4. Independent Monitoring 2NRA
Review of IP
Draft review results reported and discussed by the NRA Commission
(18 May 2022)
Receiving public comments (19 May – 17 June 2022)
Results of public comment reported to the NRA Commission
Decision on approval by the NRA Commission
Approval of IP (22 July 2022)
Start of Operational Safety Inspection (incl. Quality check of
TEPCO’s analysis)
Review and approval of operational measures including selection
scheme of source term and source monitoring program
NRA’s Pre-service Inspection on SSCs (staring in Jan 2023)
Approval of IP
Pass of NRA’s Pre-service Inspection
Operational Safety Inspection continues (incl. Quality check of
TEPCO’s source monitoring)
Periodic Facility Inspection
Independent source monitoring by the NRA’s TSO
Application of Implementation Plan (IP) (21 Dec 2021)
Submission of revised IP (28 April, 15 May 2022)
Start of SSCs Installation
Submission of IP for operational measures including selection
scheme of source term and source monitoring program (14 Nov
Tests on SSCs
Submission of revised IP
Completion of Installation
Start of operation
NRA Review Meetings (13 meetings)
1. Regulatory process
IP submission
NRA Review Meetings (4 meetings)
IP submission
We are here 3For the first Implementation Plan on ALPS treated water discharge facility installation submitted on 21 Dec
2021, during Dec 2021 to July 2022,
The NRA held its Review Meeting to have discussions with TEPCO and to see:
Whether the TEPCO’s Implementation Plan conforms to the Regulatory Requirements ("Items required
for Measures which should be taken at Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Station in line with the Designation as the Specified Nuclear Facility"); and
Whether the TEPCO’s Implementation Plan is in line with the government basic policy.
The NRA held 13 Review Meetings, approximately once a week.
2. Review
Review Meeting is open to the public to attend for
listening at the NRA meeting room as well as through
web-streaming, and its materials are posted on the
NRA website.
• Webpage (in Japanese):東京電力福島第一原子力発電所 多核種除去
委員会 (nsr.go.jp)
• Webpage (in English): NRA Library|The Nuclear Regulation Authority
3rd "Review Meeting" (24th December 2021)
NRA English Website 4On 18 May 2022, the NRA Commission approved the Draft Review Results Document
to move on to the solicitation of public comments.
Public Comment Process:
(1)Period: from 19 May 2022 to 17 June 2022 (30 days)
(2)Subject: Draft Review Results Document on the application for approval to amend the Implementation
Plan pertaining to Specified Nuclear Facility (Installation of ALPS treated water discharge facility)
(3)Number of Submitted Comments: 670 comments*
*Among 1,233 comments received by the NRA, Submitted Comments are 670 and Relevant Comments are 323. These numbers are
counted as designated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
NRA Commission meeting on May 18th 2022
2. Review 5The NRA looked into submitted comments, prepared its responses, and then
concluded that substantial changes to the review results are not needed considering
points these comments raised.
Example of the submitted comments
【Examination based on Reactor Regulation Act 】
- Homogenization of nuclide concentrations in the ALPS treated water and dilution methods, as well as adequacy of
design such as seismic resistance of facilities
- Identification of nuclides in the ALPS treated water and approach to effective dose assessment at the site
boundary due to release
【Review in light of the Government Basic Policy 】
- Appropriateness of evaluation conditions such as bio-accumulation of radionuclides, accumulation in sediment soil,
and organically bound tritium in the radiological impact assessment
- Implementation of comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment
After these processes above, the NRA Commission approved the amendment of the
Implementation Plan on 22 July 2022, publishing the final Review Results Document.
• Review Results Document (English): 000399110.pdf (nsr.go.jp)
• NRA Commission Meeting Material on July 22 (English): 000399109.pdf (nsr.go.jp)
2. Review 6The second Implementation Plan on operational measures submitted on 14 Nov 2022
Content of the application:
A: Organizational structure to manage operation and maintenance of ALPS
treated water discharge facility after discharge starts
B: Selection scheme of nuclides to be measured or evaluated before ALPS
treated water is discharged
C: Revision of Radiological Environmental Impact Assessment reflecting the
selected nuclides as the source term (as reference materials)
The NRA held its Review Meeting to have discussions with TEPCO and to see:
Whether the TEPCO’s Implementation Plan conforms to the Regulatory Requirements ("Items required
for Measures which should be taken at Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power
Station in line with the Designation as the Specified Nuclear Facility"); and
Whether the TEPCO’s Implementation Plan is in line with the government basic policy.
The NRA held 4 Review Meetings so far in Nov and Dec 2022.
2. Review 7Main points in examination based on the Reactor Regulation Act
A: Organizational structure to manage operation and maintenance of ALPS treated water
discharge facility after discharge starts
Whether appropriate organizational structure is to be in place, and the role and
authority of each relevant organization is clearly defined.
Confirmed at the review meetings
B: Selection scheme of nuclides to be measured or evaluated before ALPS treated water is
The reasoning and validity of the selection scheme
Technical discussions at the review meetings, TEPCO’s reflection of some of
the NRA’s points confirmed (as a result, 2 nuclides out, 1 nuclide added)
Main points on actions relevant to Government Basic Policy
C: Revision of REIA reflecting the selected nuclides as the source term (as reference materials)
(as reference materials)
Whether assessed doses with the selected nuclides are below the criteria
TEPCO’s revision of the source term reflecting the change of the nuclides in
B confirmed
2. Review 8The second Implementation Plan on operational measures submitted on 14 Nov 2022
Technical discussions between the NRA and TEPCO have almost finished.
Future steps
TEPCO to submit the revision of the application reflecting the technical
The NRA Secretariat to prepare the draft Review Results Document for the NRA
Commission’s discussion
Public comment process (solicit comments for one month)
2. Review 93. Inspection
Pre-service Inspection
Starting from 16 January 2023
Operational Safety Inspection
Before start of discharge
Started on construction of ALPS treated water discharge facility
Started on quality assurance of nuclide analysis, planned to be finished before
start of analysis for discharge
After start of discharge
To be conducted to see whether ALPS treated water discharge operation meets
the operating limits and conditions described in the Implementation Plan.
Construction progress: caisson installation on 18 Nov 2022
Source: TEPCO’s material on 19 Dec 2022 104. Independent Monitoring
Independent Source Monitoring
Before start of discharge
Analysis on-going at JAEA/the NRA’s TSO to support the verification of TEPCO’s
quality management and the characterization of the source term, to be
completed in spring 2023
After start of discharge
To be conducted to support the verification of TEPCO’s quality management
Independent Environmental Monitoring
Before start of discharge
Started taking samples and analysis as baseline monitoring since April 2022 under
the enhanced Comprehensive Radiation Monitoring Plan
After start of discharge
To be continued 11Analysis of ALPS treated water
To ensure objectivity and transparency
(Government Basic Policy)
Cross check by TEPCO’s third party
Verification and oversight by the NRA
TPT (Tokyo Power Technology)
Third party specialized in radionuclide analysis
JAEA Okuma Analysis and Research Center
Analysis and Research Facility Laboratory-1JAEASafety Research Center
Confirmation by the third party
IAEA’s independent data corroboration and
IAEA’s laboratories
Independent third-party
Selection of radionuclides for
IAEA Regulatory Review
IAEA Review on TEPCO
*This scheme is under consideration, and may change depending on further consideration.
Organizations involved in analysis of ALPS treated water (before start of discharge)
contract contract
4. Independent Monitoring 12Thank you for your attention.

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