The findings of the National System of Safeguards of Japan from its safeguards activities in
2018 are as follows;
It was confirmed by the safeguards activities conducted by the Nuclear Regulation Authority
in 2018 that all nuclear material in Japan were properly accounted for and controlled by its
Attachment 1: Safeguards Activities in Japan in 2018
Attachment 2: Inventory and Inventory Changes of Nuclear Material in Japan
* Records in 2017 are shown in parentheses for comparison.
* Under some categories, there is no facility subject to safeguards inspections. In such cases, "-" are inserted in respective cells.
1 Categorized in accordance with the Law for the Regulations of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors (Nuclear Reactor Regulation Law).23 Number of facilities and LOFs where national inspections were conducted in 2018.
4 Domestic inspections are normally conducted simultenously with the IAEA inspections.
5 Nuclear Material Control Center (NMCC) is designated to carry out domestic inspections under the Nuclear Reactor Regulation Law (Art.61-23-2).
6 Only those who use Nuclear Fuel Material
7 All licencees except the category of uranium concentration shall have approved accounting provisions to account for and control internationally controled material (incl. nuclear material) properly.
8 All licencees except the category of uranium concentration shall submit accounting reports.
9 Nuclear material accounting and control is not required, and this type of facilities are not subject to safeguards inspection.
10 Nuclear material is exempted from safeguards.1112
2 Design Information Verification (DIV) and Complementary Access (CA)
Type of verifications Number of verifications Person-days of verifications
Design Information Verification11Complementary Access1281 (75)
24 (22)
93 (89)
49 (45)
Total 105 (97) 142 (134)
TotalN/ANuclear Fuel Fabrication
Research Reactor
Power Reactor
Power reactor under R&D stage
Uranium Concentration N/A9N/A9N/AN/A9
Minor Users (Nuclear Use)
Minor Users (Non-Nuclear Use)6N/A10N/A10N/A
1779 (1780)
34 (31)N/A9
Various users (R&D etc.)
approval Total ICR MBR PIL
0 (0)
6 (6)
22 (22)
57 (57)
2 (2)
743 (792)
- (-)
- (-) - (-)
- (-)
0 (0)
36 (36)
341 (347)
356 (331)
312 (289)
Safeguards Activities in Japan in 2018
Categories under legal
system for nuclear
Number of facilities and
LOFs2 Person-days of national inspection4
Number of actions taken based on the regulation for functioning SSAC
Licence grantedforminor users of
nuclear material6Approval of accounting
7 Number of accounting reports submitted8Total
reports from
minor users
Recipients of
Conducted byJSGOinspectors
Conducted byNMCC5
1Summary of Safeguards Activities under the National System of Safeguards of Japan
2086 (2089)
6 (6)
16 (16)
54 (55)
2 (2)
- (-)
- (-)
111 (117)
0 (0)
3 (3)
0 (0)
207 (209)
10 (10)
3 (3)
30 (35)
0 (0)
- (-)
1 (0)
13 (12)
0 (0)
3 (0)
1 (0)
60 (70)
5 (8)
38 (15)
96 (107)
167 (148)
38 (29)
742 (792)
325 (301)
96 (107)
170 (148)
39 (29)
14 (9)
494 (485)
30 (52) 154 (101)
27 (46) 117 (83)
0 (1) 1 (0)
- (-)
- (-)
3 (5) 36 (18)
80 (86)
49 (52)
162 (139)
4 (4)
46 (42)
772 (783)
3490 (3493)
10 (8)
22 (22)
62 (62)
2 (2)
5 (3)
216 (217)
10 (11)
62 (62)
2 (2)
5 (3)
215 (219)
10 (11)
- (-)
- (-)
10 (8)
22 (22)
When counting the number of facilities and LOFs, the categorization of IAEA safeguards implementation is followed. The categorization does not always correspond with the categorization of domestic regulation.
Minor users are licenced to use natural and/or depleted uranium up to 300g and/or thorium up to 900g.
The IAEA simultaneously with JSGO, conducts DIVs based on safeguards agreement to verify the correctness and completeness of the design information of facilities provided to the IAEA.
The IAEA conducts CAs based on additional protocol to the safeguards agreement to confirm the absense of undeclared nuclear material and activities. MOFA staff and JSGO inspectors accompany the IAEA inspectors at CAs.
3490 (3493)
3490 (3493)
- (-)
- (-)
- (-)
- (-)
326 (327) 327 (325)
4637 (4630)
1729 (1709) 18 (13) 1711 (1696)
0 (1)
27 (46)
27 (47)
- (-)
- (-)
356 (332)
- (-)
- (-)
0 (1)
Attachment 1
EU 269t
(586 FAs)
Inventory and Inventory changes of Nuclear Material in Japan
1Major inventory and inventory changes in 2018
(Figure summarizing the results of accounting for and control of
nuclear material at each facility)
- Facilities are categorized according to the stages of nuclear fuel cycle and the categorization does not correspond to
regulatory categorization.
- Each category does not include associated facilities of main facilities.
- Inventory is based on the weight of elements as of 31 December 2018.
- More than 0.1kg of Pu and more than 0.1t of another elements are described.USNU 2t
EU 17t
Imported from:
NU 31t
DU 53t
Th 0t
EU 29t
Pu 125kg
DU 105t
EU 8t
Pu 5,040kg
NU 20t
DU 32t
EU 26t
Pu 3,921kg
NU 72t
DU 0t
EU 12t
NU 378t
DU 11,800t
EU 222t
NU 91t
DU 39t
EU 1,239t
NU 423t
DU 3,233t
EU 17,398t
Pu 143,777kgNUDUEUPu2597
EU 68t 89t 26t 11t 194t
EU 3t
NU 2t
EU 19t
(128 FAs)
Pu 66kg
DU 13t
EU 1t
Attachment 2
Exported to:
No transfer
Uranium Re-conversion
Uranium fuel fabrication
No transfer
Uranium Concentration
NU: Natural Uranium
DU: Depleted Uranium
Th: Thorium
EU: Enriched Uranium
Pu: Plutonium
FAs: Number of Fuel Assemblies
No transfer
Fast Breeder Reactor
Advanced Thermal Reactor
Research Reactor
Critical Assembly
Note1: Monju (under decommissioning),
Fugen (under decommissioning),
and Joyo of Japan Atomic Energy
Agency (JAEA)
Note3: Plutonium Fuel Production
Facility (PFPF), Plutonium fuel
development center Plutonium
Fuel Facility (PPFF) &
Tokai Research and
Development Facility of JAEA
MOX Fuel
Note2: Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant is
under construction;
Tokai Reprocessing Plant is
under decommissioning.
Thorium Plutonium
(t) (t) (t) U(t) U-235(t) (kg)
Uranium Concentration - - - - - -
469 11,839 0 1,461 59 -
(470) (11,852) (0) (1,531) (62) (-)
31 63 0 34 2 1,842
(31) (63) (0) (34) (2) (1,842)
423 3,233 - 17,398 370 143,777
(430) (3,228) (-) (17,170) (372) (139,562)
Power Reactor - 95 - 3 0 3,323
under R&D stage (-) (95) (-) (3) (0) (3,323)
Storage - - - - - -
2 597 0 3,472 33 30,661
(2) (597) (0) (3,472) (33) (30,728)
Disposal - - - - - -
121 252 5 48 1 4,002
(122) (239) (5) (48) (1) (3,938)
Minor Users 0 0 0
(Nuclear Use) (0) (0) (0)
Minor Users 0 0 0
(Non-Nuclear Use) (0) (0) (0)
1,046 16,080 5 22,417 465 183,605
(1,055) (16,075) (5) (22,258) (470) (179,393)
* Figures are based on the data as of 31 December, 2018. For comparison, corresponding data as of 31 December, 2017 are provided in parantheses below.
Regulation Law) and the relevant cabinet order.
2 Due to rounding, total figure may not correspond to the sum of figures above.
2 Nuclear Material Inventory by facility types
Total2 Categories of Nuclear
under legal system
for nuclear regulation1
Enriched uranium
Nuclear Fuel Fabrication
Research Reactor
Power Reactor
Various users (R&D etc.)
1 Categorized in accordance with the Law for the Regulations of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors (Nuclear Reactor
As of 31 December 2018
U(t) U-235(t)
91 3,696 1 16,192 328 131,819
(96) (3,692) (1) (16,047) (328) (129,223)
13 447 0 2,336 47 19,627
(13) (447) (0) (2,317) (49) (18,642)
36 6,505 0 6,099 103 58,411
(36) (6,505) (0) (6,020) (103) (57,340)
704 5,250 0 5,751 106 53,437
(712) (5,247) (0) (5,672) (106) (52,277)
20 1,029 - 4,035 85 30,588
(22) (1,028) (-) (4,007) (86) (29,540)
27 253 - 278 7 2,108
(27) (253) (-) (278) (7) (2,046)
49 6,506 0 8,145 183 21,455
(49) (6,506) (0) (8,039) (184) (19,376)
- - - 37 1 -
(-) (-) (-) (37) (1) (-)
- - - - - -
(-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
- - - - - -
(-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
- - - - - -
(-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
- - - 67 3 -
(-) (-) (-) (67) (3) (-)
- - - - - -
(-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
- - - - - -
(-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
- - - - - -
(-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
1 2 - 0 0 1
(1) (2) (-) (0) (0) (1)
193 2,051 4 360 9 3,965
(193) (2,051) (4) (361) (9) (3,782)
Multiple agreements sometimes apply to the same nuclear material. In such cases, the material is counted in multiple times.
- Records in 2017 are shown in parentheses below for comparison.
- In the table, "-" indicates that there is no inventory, and "0" indicates that there is an inventory of less than 0.5.
3 Inventory of nuclear material subject to bilateral nuclear cooperation agreements
- This table shows the weight of nuclear material subject to each bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement or agreement on the supply of uranium from the IAEA.
* Categorized in accordance with the Law for the Regulations of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors (Nuclear Reactor Regulation Law)
and the relevant cabinet order.
Uranium(t)Enriched Uranium
United Arab Emirates
Thorium(t)Republic of Korea
Natural Uranium(t)FranceIAEAOther
United States of America
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
Viet Nam
Categories of
Nuclear Material*
Supplying Party

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