A Nuclear Security Regime in Japan:
Enhancement Efforts & Global Contributions
High Level Session 6:
Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) Japan
International Conference on Nuclear Security : Commitments and Actions 5-9 December 20161 Recent Global Trend about
Nuclear Security
After the Preceding Conference in 2013
Strengthening a Global Nuclear Security
Regime (e.g. CPPNM in May 2016 )
New and Emerging Threats (e.g. Cyber-
attack)2 Contents
1. Major Progress in Strengthening Nuclear
Security in Japan
2. Nuclear Security Culture (NSC) Enhancement
Experiences in Japan
3. Safety / Security Interface Issue
4. Closing3 1. Major Progress in Strengthening
Nuclear Security in Japan
(1) Introduced Measures based on the Lessons from the
Fukushima Accident (for NPPs and Fuel Reprocessing Facilities)
1) PP Measures added to INFCIRC/225/Rev.5 Recommendations
PROTECTION BARRIER4 1. Major Progress in Strengthening
Nuclear Security in Japan
(1) Introduced Measures based on the Lessons from the
Fukushima Accident (for NPPs, Fuel Reprocessing Facilities and
MOX Fuel Fabrication Facilities)
2) Response to Severe Accidents caused by Intentional Air Crash
Require "Specialized Safety Facility" to mitigate release
of radioactive materials after core damage due to
intentional aircraft crash
Specialized Safety Facility5 1. Major Progress in Strengthening
Nuclear Security in Japan
(2) Based on INFCIRC/225/Rev.5, PP Regulations for
other nuclear facilities (e.g. nuclear fuel cycle
facilities) have also been enhanced
(3) Review by IAEA IPPAS Mission in 2015
February 2015, Japan hosted an IPPAS mission
"robust, sustainable, and significantly enhanced"
(4) Introducing Trustworthiness Check Systems
September 2016, relevant regulation
was enforced6 1. Major Progress in Strengthening
Nuclear Security in Japan
(5) Enhancing the Security of Radioactive Sources
NRA tries to introduce measures in consistent with
requirements of the IAEA NSS No.14
E.g. installing surveillance cameras, developing security plan
NRA plans to submit the draft amendment of the
relevant law to the Diet in 20177 2. Nuclear Security Culture (NSC)
Enhancement Experiences in Japan
After Fukushima Accident, awareness on the safety-
first has been permeated, but not enough on nuclear
Enhancing NSC is NRA’s continuing task
In Japan,
Operator’s "effort" to foster nuclear security
culture is required by regulation in Japan
It’s an operator’s responsibility, but, NRA
believes the importance of supporting
such operator’s "effort"8 2. Nuclear Security Culture (NSC)
Enhancement Experiences in Japan
NRA developed the "Code of Conduct on Nuclear
Security Culture" for NRA staff in January 2015
1. Awareness of a threat
2. Harmonization with nuclear
3. Initiative of senior management
4. Education and Self improvement
5. Protection of information and communication
(*The "Statement on Nuclear Safety Culture" was also developed in May 2015)9 2. Nuclear Security Culture (NSC)
Enhancement Experiences in Japan
Operator’s top executive awareness on nuclear
security is essential to enhance their NSC
In Japan,
NRA commissioner holds dialogues
with top executives of the
major operators
NRA puts high priority on
ensuring involvement of
facility top management10 3. Safety / Security Interface Issue
Safety / Security interface: complex, multi-faceted
Not only in peacetime but also in contingency
Information sharing and coordination between operator
and law enforcement authorities
Emergency Drill
Contingency Exercise
INTERFACE11 3. Safety / Security Interface Issue
How to optimize the interface issue during contingency
Safety / Security interface management for research
reactors document exists (TECDOC)
No such a document for nuclear power plant
Ideas for Consideration
To provide a forum to discuss the interface issue among
Member States
To make an practical document for nuclear power plant
regarding management of the interface issue12 4. Closing
Japan is committed to strengthening both
nuclear security and safety regulations
Japan will consider hosting IPPAS follow-up
mission in 201813 Thank you for your kind attention14

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