
NEDO 国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構
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  4. 「第3回カーボンリサイクル産学官国際会議2021」開催報告







  • 開会辞
    経済産業省 資源エネルギー庁長官 保坂 伸
  • 閣僚等要人講演
    国際エネルギー機関(IEA)事務局長 ファティ・ビロル
    サウジアラビア王国 エネルギー大臣 アブドルアジーズ・ビン・サルマン・アール・サウード
    インドネシア共和国 エネルギー・鉱物資源大臣 アリフィン・タスリフ
    ノルウェー王国 石油・エネルギー省 副大臣 ラーシュ・アンドレアス・ルンデ
    アメリカ合衆国 エネルギー省(DOE)化石エネルギー・炭素管理局 筆頭次官補代理 ジェニファー・ウィルコックス
    オーストラリア連邦 政府低排出技術特別顧問 アラン・フィンケル
    東アジア・アセアン経済研究センター(ERIA)事務総長 西村 英俊
    広島県知事 湯﨑 英彦
    一般社団法人カーボンリサイクルファンド(CRF)会長 小林 喜光
  • 基調講演
    公益財団法人地球環境産業技術研究機構(RITE)理事長・研究所長 山地 憲治
モデレーター:一般財団法人電力中央研究所 サステナブルシステム研究本部 構造・耐震工学研究部門 上席研究員/研究推進マネージャー<セメント材料> 山本 武志
  • パネリスト:
    東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 建築学専攻建築構造学講座 教授 野口 貴文
    三菱商事株式会社 ローカーボンタスクフォース タスクフォースリーダー 辻 悠介
    CarbonCure 会長兼最高経営責任者 ロバート・ニーブン
モデレーター:一般財団法人日本エネルギー経済研究所 理事 環境ユニット担任 坂本 敏幸
  • パネリスト:
    LanzaTech チーフサステナビリティオフィサー フレア・バートン
    サウジアラムコ 最高技術責任者 アハマッド O. アルコウェイター
    出光興産株式会社 副社長 松下 敬
モデレーター:ボストン・コンサルティング・グループ東京オフィス マネージングダイレクター&パートナー 丹羽 恵久
  • パネリスト:
    国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所(AIST) 執行役員 小原 春彦
    National Energy Technology Laboratory(NETL) 所長 ブライアン・J・アンダーソン
    Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO)グループリーダー(サステナブル炭素技術・エネルギー) 科学リーダー(CO2吸着科学) ポール・フェロン
  • 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)
    理事長 石塚 博昭



Mr. HOSAKA Shin 写真
Commissioner, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
B.A. Economics, The university of Tokyo
M.A. Economics, University of Michigan

Current Position (2020.7-):
Commissioner, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

Professional Experience:
2019-2020Director-General, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, METI
2017-2019Deputy Commissioner, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
2016-2017Deputy Director-General, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, METI
2015-2016Deputy Director-General, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI
2014-2015Deputy Director-General for Policy Evaluation, Minister's Secretariat, METI
2013-2014Director, Personnel Division, Minister's Secretariat, METI
2012-2013Director, General Policy Division, Commissioner's Secretariat, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
2010-2012Director, Corporate Affairs Division, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI
2009-2010Director, Automobile Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, METI
2006-2009Director, Petroleum and Natural Gas Division, Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
2005-2006Director, Retail and Wholesale Commerce Division, Business Support Department, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
2004-2005Director for Personnel Affairs, Minister's Secretariat, METI
1987 Joined in Ministry of International Trade and Industry (the predecessor of the present METI)


Dr. Fatih BIROL 写真
Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Dr Fatih Birol has served as Executive Director of the International Energy Agency since 2015. Under his leadership, the IEA has moved to the forefront of global efforts to reach international climate goals while ensuring that the social and economic impacts of clean energy transitions are at the heart of policy-making and energy security is safeguarded. After taking office, Dr Birol led the IEA in its first comprehensive modernisation programme since its creation in 1974. These efforts focused on "opening the doors" of the IEA to major emerging economies including Brazil, China, India and South Africa; making the IEA the global hub for clean energy transitions; and broadening the IEA's energy security focus beyond oil to also cover electricity, natural gas, renewables and the critical minerals needed in many of today's clean energy technologies. With new governments joining the IEA, under his tenure the Agency's share of global energy demand has risen from 40% to 75%. Dr Birol took up his current position after rising through the ranks of the IEA over two decades. He joined as a junior analyst in the mid-1990s and rose to the position of Chief Economist responsible for the IEA's flagship World Energy Outlook. Dr Birol has been named in the TIME100, TIME's annual list of the world's most influential people. He has also been named by Forbes as one of the most influential people in the world of energy and by the Financial Times as the Energy Personality of the Year. He chairs the World Economic Forum's (Davos) Energy Advisory Board. He is the recipient of numerous state decorations, including the Japanese Emperor's Order of the Rising Sun, the Order of the Polar Star from the King of Sweden and the highest Presidential decorations from Austria, Germany and Italy. Before the IEA, Dr Birol worked at the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Vienna for six years. He earned a BSc degree in power engineering from the Technical University of Istanbul and received an MSc and PhD in energy economics from the Technical University of Vienna. Dr Birol was awarded a Doctorate of Science honoris causa from Imperial College London in 2013. He is an honorary life member of Galatasaray Football Club.
HRH, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al-Saud 写真
Minister of Energy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz was appointed Minister of Energy in September 2019. In his capacity as Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia, Prince Abdulaziz is responsible for coordinating the Kingdom's domestic and international energy policies in line with the goals of Vision 2030. This includes overseeing energy activities within the Kingdom; regulating the oil, gas, electricity, nuclear and renewables sectors in the interests of the Kingdom in the short and long term and directing Saudi international policy with regard to relations with producers (including through OPEC and OPEC+) and with consumers. He has been an active participant in shaping energy policy, both nationally and internationally for more than thirty years and he is the chairman of many energy related organizations. Prior to his appointment as the Minister of Energy, Prince Abdulaziz served in numerous capacities in the Ministry over the past three decades, including as Minister of State for Energy Affairs, Vice Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Assistant Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Deputy Minister for Petroleum Affairs and Adviser to the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources. HRH holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA) (1985) and a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Management (1982), both from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. After graduation, he served from 1985-87 as Director of the Economic and Industrial Research Division of the Research Institute at King Fahd University of Petroleum.
H.E Arifin TASRIF 写真
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia
Arifin Tasrif is an Indonesian executive who is the current Minister for Energy & Mineral Resources in Joko Widodo's Developed Indonesia Cabinet. Previously, he was assigned as Indonesia's Ambassador to Japan in 2017 until October 2019. Minister Tasrif has broad experience in fertilizer industry. Prior to his assignment as Ambassador, he held position as Chief Executive Officer in three different state-owned companies in the fertilizer industry, namely PT. Pupuk Indonesia, PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and also PT. Petrokimia Gresik. Minister Arifin studied chemical engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and graduated in 1977.
Mr. Lars Andreas LUNDE 写真
Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Kingdom of Norway
Lars Andreas Lunde was appointed State Secretary in a 50% position for the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and in 50% position at the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries on October 30th 2020.

His work experience include positions as Higher Executive Officer at Statistics Norway, Political Adviser at the Conservative Party's parliamentary group, State Secretary at the Ministry of Climate and Environment (2013 - 2018) before he became Assistant Director General at the Section for Climate, Forest and Green Economy at the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) in 2018.

Lunde is a Civil Engineer in Marine Technology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Dr. Jennifer WILCOX 写真
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, Department of Energy (DOE), United States of America
Jennifer Wilcox, the PDAS in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at DOE, was the Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. As a senior fellow at the World Resources Institute, she led WRI's Carbon Removal Program.

Having grown up in rural Maine, Wilcox has a profound respect and appreciation of nature. That appreciation permeates her work; she focuses on minimizing the negative impacts of humankind on our natural environment. Wilcox holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and an M.A. in Chemistry from the University of Arizona and B.A. in Mathematics from Wellesley College.

Wilcox's research takes aim at the nexus of energy and the environment, developing both mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize negative climate impacts associated with society's dependence on fossil fuels. She has served on committees of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society to assess carbon capture methods and impacts on climate. She is the author of the first textbook on carbon capture, Carbon Capture, published in March 2012. She co-edited the CDR Primer on carbon dioxide removal in 2021.
Dr. Alan FINKEL 写真
Special Advisor to the Australian Government on Low Emissions Technologies
Alan Finkel is a neuroscientist, engineer and entrepreneur. He was Australia's chief scientist from 2016 to 2020, during which time he led the National Electricity Market Review, the development of the National Hydrogen Strategy, and the panel that advised the Australian Government on the 2020 Low Emissions Technology Roadmap. He is currently Chair of Stile Education, Chair of the Australian Government's Technology Investment Advisory Council, and Special Advisor to the Australian Government on Low Emissions Technologies.
Prof. NISHIMURA Hidetoshi 写真
President, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
MA, Yale University
Bachelor, Department of Law, University of Tokyo

Previous Positions:
June 2015-President, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
June 2008 - June 2015Executive Director, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
April, 2007 - July 2008Special Assistant to the Chairman on ERIA Matters, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
December, 2006 - June, 2007Executive Managing Director, The Japan China Business Alliance for Energy Saving and Environmental Protection (Joint Appointment)
September, 2003 - June, 2007President, Japan China North-East Development Association (Joint Appointment)
August, 2002 - June, 2007Executive Managing Director, Japan-China Economic Association Executive Managing Director, Japan China Long-Term Trade Committee(Joint Appointment)
July, 2002 - August, 2002Executive Advisor, Japan-China Economic Association
July, 2001 - July, 2002Director-General for Business Support Department, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, METI
June, 1998 - July, 2001Vice Governor for International Affairs, Ehime Prefecture (Local Government)
July, 1997 - June, 1998Director for Asia and Pacific Division, Trade Policy Bureau, MITI
June, 1996 - July, 1997Director for Basic Chemical Products Division, Basic Industry Bureau, MITI
March,1995 - June, 1996MITI Representative of CLM Working Group under AEM-MITI
June, 1993 - June, 1996Asia Pacific Representative of Japan Overseas Development Corporation (JODC Bangkok)
April, 1991 - June, 1993General Manager, Japan Regional Development Corporation
May, 1989 - April, 1991Special Assistant to Director General Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, MITI Director, Information Policy Planning Division, Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, MITI (Joint Appointment) Director, R&D Oriented Enterprises Office Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, MITI (Joint Appointment)
May, 1987 - May, 1989Director, Funding Division, Japan Key Technology Center
September, 1984 - May, 1987Deputy Director, Europe-Africa-Middle East Division, Trade Policy Bureau, MITI
June, 1984 - September, 1984Deputy Director, Environmental Protection Policy Division, Industrial Location and Environmental Protection Bureau, MITI
April, 1976 -Entered Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI, later METI)

Other Positions:
Visiting Professor of Waseda University (Japan)
Darma University (Indonesia)
Honorary Professor of Guangxi University (China)
Fellow of Musashino Institute for Global Affairs, Musashino University (Japan).
Mr. YUZAKI Hidehiko 写真
Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
April 1990:Ministry of International Trade and Industry
March 2000:Founder and Representative Director, ACCA Networks Co., Ltd.
December 2000:Executive Vice President & Representative Director, ACCA Networks Co., Ltd.
November 29, 2009:Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture

March 1990:Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law.
June 1995:Stanford University, Master of Business Administration
Dr. KOBAYASHI Yoshimitsu 写真
Chairperson, Carbon Recycling Fund Institute, (Chairperson, Director of the Board, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation), Japan
Kobayashi received his Ph.D in radiation physics in the University of Tokyo in 1975. He also studied in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1972 and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa in 1973.
Kobayashi's career started at Mitsubishi Chemical Industries (current Mitsubishi Chemical) in 1974. After managing optical media business, he led Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings as CEO or Chairperson from 2007 for fourteen years and has been a board member since 2021. Kobayashi assumed several key roles to lead the Japanese economy. He was Chairperson of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) (2015-19). Also, he served as Chairperson of Japan Petrochemical Industry Association (2012-14), Japan Chemical Industry Association (2014-16) and Council on Competitiveness-Nippon (2015-18). He has currently assumed Chairperson of Carbon Recycle Fund (2019-), President of the Chemical Society of Japan (2020-) and the Engineering Academy of Japan (2020-).
Kobayashi has taken various governmental positions too. He served as a member of Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (2013-14), Council for Industrial Competitiveness (2014-16), Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters (2015-19), Council for Advancing Structural Reform (2016-2021), Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (2018-2021) and Chairperson of Council for Promotion of Regulatory Reform (Oct 2019-2021). Also, he has been Councilor of the Bank of Japan (2018-). Kobayashi assumed Outside Director in Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan Display Inc. (2012-2015) and Toshiba Corporation (2015-2020). He has currently served in Mizuho Financial Group (2020-) and as Chairperson in Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (2021-).


Dr. YAMAJI Kenji 写真
President/Director-General, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
President/Director-General, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE). He graduated and was awarded his degree of Doctor of Engineering from The University of Tokyo. He joined Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) in 1977, and was appointed to Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 1994 and is Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo since 2010. He was a Council Member of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ), and Research Supervisor, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). His academic field is Energy Systems Engineering and has published more than 100 peer reviewed academic papers, around 100 books including ten single authored books, and also the Lead Author for 3rd and 4th Assessment Reports of IPCC.


ModeratorDr. YAMAMOTO Takeshi 写真


Senior Research Scientist, R&D Manager, Structures and Earthquake Engineering Division, Sustainable System Research Laboratory
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
1993Completed a master's course of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Joined Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
2007Obtained a PhD in civil engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology

Main tasks in CRIEPI;
Standard revision of fly ash (JIS A6201), Manufacturing technology development of cement-free fly ash concrete (Alkali Activated Materials), Estimating durability of engineered cementitious barrier materials for nuclear backend field
PanelistsDr. NOGUCHI Takafumi 写真 PDF PDFファイル (1.3MB)
Professor, Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo
Academic qualifications
1985Bachelor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1987Master of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1995Doctor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Professional qualifications
1988-1998Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo
1998-2013Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo
2014-Present Professor at the University of Tokyo

Research field
1) Development of carbon-neutral concrete, 2) Sustainable recycling of concrete structures, 3) Conservation of historical concrete structures, 4) Fire resistance of buildings

1995, 1997, 2000, 2009, 2018, 2020 Paper Prize of Japan Cement Association
2013 Publication Award of Japan Society for Civil Engineers
2017 Concrete Construction Excellence Award in American Concrete Institute
PanelistsMr. TSUJI Yusuke 写真 PDF PDFファイル (1.3MB)
Task Force Leader, Low Carbon Task Force
Mitsubishi Corporation
Taskforce Leader, Low Carbon Taskforce, 2019~
Manager, Business Incubation Unit (CVC team) 2018~
Manager, Met Coal Team, MDP Dept, Mitsubishi Corporation, 2017
Process Engineer, Mozal Aluminium Smelter, BHP/South32, Mozambique, 2013
Trainee, Johannesburg Branch, 2012
Associate, Aluminium Dept, Metals Group, Mitsubishi Corporation 2010
Master of Science, Chemical engineering and Material science, Nagoya University, Japan, 2010
PanelistsMr. Robert NIVEN 写真 PDF PDFファイル (2.3MB)
Chair and Chief Executive Officer
CarbonCure Technologies Inc.
Robert Niven, MSc
CarbonCure Technologies Chair and Chief Executive Officer
Robert Niven is the Chair and Chief Executive Officer of CarbonCure Technologies, the global leader in carbon dioxide (CO2) removal technologies for the concrete industry. Rob founded the company in 2012 with the simple goal of making concrete sustainability both profitable and easy for industry. With Rob at the helm, CarbonCure and its partners are achieving their mission to reduce 500 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually by 2030.
Under his direction, CarbonCure has won numerous international awards honouring leadership in sustainability, innovation and technology development including the 20ドルM NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, Cleantech Group's 2020 North American Company of the Year, the BloombergNEF New Energy Pioneers Award and recognition as one of the Top 100 Global Cleantech Companies for seven consecutive years.
Featured as one of Canada's Top 40 Under 40 for his leadership in CO2 utilization, Rob holds an MSc in Environmental Engineering from McGill University and a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Victoria, British Columbia. In his spare time, Rob is an avid outdoors enthusiast and devotes his time to nature conservation and environmental community events.


ModeratorMr. SAKAMOTO Toshiyuki 写真


Director, Charge of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency Unit
The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Academic Background
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, US
Master of Business Administration, 1993
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan?April 1980 - March 1986
Master of Engineering, 1986 (majored in civil engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering, 1984 (majored in civil engineering)

Professional Career
June 2020Board Member, Director, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan or IEEJ
May 2018Government Relations Manager, AIR LIQUIDE Japan Ltd.
October 2016Executive Advisor, Maeda Corporation
June 2016Retired from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or METI
June 2013: Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy
July 2010: Director, Division for Paper Industry and Recreational Goods Industry
July 2008: Director, Energy Efficiency Division
August 2006: Senior Strategic Advisor, DTI (Dept. of Trade and Industry), the UK Government
May 2003: Director, Global Environmental Affairs Office
April 1986Joined Ministry of International Trade and Industry or MITI
PanelistsMs. Freya BURTON 写真 PDF PDFファイル (1.5MB)
Chief Sustainability and People Officer, LanzaTech Inc.
With a background in biology, Freya started her career in carbon recycling as one of the first employees of LanzaTech, working directly with LanzaTech's gas fermentation process in the laboratory. She has firsthand experience of scaling and commercializing a new technology, from the R&D stage, through the challenges of fundraising and navigating the legislative environment to deploying new technologies to scale in globally.
Today she leads the Government Relations and External Relations teams at LanzaTech and plays a key part in advocacy groups around the world focused on Circular Economy, Carbon Capture and Utilization, the Bioeconomy and Low Carbon Fuels. She interacts across multiple sectors supporting the commercialization of new low carbon technologies, including contributing to reports on scale up and impact and providing insights on what common issues impacting the deployment of new technologies.
PanelistsMr. Ahmad O. AL KHOWAITER 写真 PDF PDFファイル (1.4MB)
Chief Technology Officer
Saudi Aramco
Ahmad joined Saudi Aramco in 1983, where he held various technical roles in oil and gas production organizations, ranging from design, project management, commissioning, operations; as well as a number of supervisory, managerial, and general management positions. He held the position of Saudi Aramco Chief Engineer from 2011-2014, and Executive Director of Power Systems in 2014 before assuming his present role. Ahmad holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), an M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and an MBA degree as a Sloan Fellow from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
PanelistsMr. MATSUSHITA Takashi 写真 PDF PDFファイル (754KB)
Representative Director, Executive Vice President
IDEMITSU Kosan Co.,Ltd.
April 1979Joined Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd.
Oct. 2004Deputy General Manager of Hokkaido Refinery, Idemitsu Kosan
April 2007Deputy General Manager of Manufacturing Department, Idemitsu Kosan
April 2010Executive Officer and General Manager of Tokuyama Refinery and General Manager of Tokuyama Plant, Idemitsu Kosan
April 2013Executive Officer and General Manager of Manufacturing & Technology Department, Idemitsu Kosan
June 2013Director, Managing Executive Officer and General Manager of Manufacturing & Technology Department, Idemitsu Kosan
June 2014Managing Director, Idemitsu KosanJune 2017Executive Vice President and Director, Idemitsu Kosan/dd>
April 2018Executive Vice President and Representative Director, Idemitsu Kosan
April 2019Director, and Executive Vice President and Executive Officer, Idemitsu KosanMay 2020President, The Japan Petroleum Institute (to date)
June 2020Representative Director Executive Vice President, Idemitsu Kosan (to date)


ModeratorMr. NIWA Yoshihisa 写真


Managing Director & Partner
Boston Consulting Group General
Yoshihisa NIWA leads Boston Consulting Group's Public Sector practice and Carbone Neutral topic in Japan.

Since joining BCG in 2004, Yoshihisa has advised clients across a range of industries, including central government, local government, other public related entities and non-profits. His recent project experience includes developing carbon neutral, digital transformation, smart city, economic development talent development and organizational reform, etc.
PanelistsDr. OBARA Haruhiko 写真 PDF PDFファイル (690KB)
Executive Officer, Director General, Department of Energy and Environment
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Dr. Haruhiko OBARA graduated from the Department of Applied Physics, the University of Tokyo, and joined the Electrotechnical Laboratory of the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, a predecessor of the current AIST, in 1987. He received his Ph. D in Applied Physics from the University of Tokyo in 1990. He began his career as a research scientist in superconductivity and expanded his research to thermoelectric energy conversion. He was a postdoctoral researcher in DPMC, University of Geneva, from 1993 to 1994, and was a visiting professor in the faculty of industrial science and technology, Tokyo University of Science, from 2015 to 2019. He participated in various energy conservation technology projects and is now the project leader of the Research and Development Project for Innovative Thermal Management Materials and Technologies, founded by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).
PanelistsDr. Paul FERON 写真 PDF PDFファイル (650KB)
Science Leader CO2-Capture - Group Leader Sustainable Carbon Technologies Energy
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Dr. Paul FERON is a science leader in CSIRO Energy. He has been leading CSIRO's post-combustion capture (PCC) research program since June 2007. Dr. FERON is a member of the Australian mirror committee ISO TC265, which is developing standards for CO2 capture and storage (CCS) and the IEAGHG Executive Committee. Previously Dr. Feron worked for the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research.
He has contributed extensively to the development and conduct of large multi-party, multinational CCS R&D programs in Europe, Australia and China and was a lead author for the IPCC Special Report on CCS.
He also provided contributions to the research strategy of the European Technology Platform on Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants. He co-authored more than 150 publications, is co-inventor on 14 patent applications and most recently edited the first monograph on post-combustion CO2 capture (Absorption-Based Post-Combustion Capture of Carbon Dioxide ? Woodhead Publishing). Dr. FERON obtained his first degree in applied physics from Eindhoven Technical University in the Netherlands and his PhD in mass transfer and fluid flow from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom. His current interests are in the realisation of CCUS concepts for added value, zero additional energy requirement CO2-capture and direct air capture.
PanelistsDr. Brian J. Anderson 写真 PDF PDFファイル (1.8MB)
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
As director of the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Brian J. Anderson, Ph.D., manages the complete NETL complex, including delivery and execution of the Laboratory's mission and national programs in carbon-based energy and program support to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Electricity; and Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response. Anderson leads NETL's more than 1,300 employees and guides more than 1,000 R&D projects in 50 states with a total award value of 5ドル billion. As director, Anderson fosters strategic relationships with utility and academic institutions, state and local governments, and important carbon management stakeholders. Under Anderson's leadership, NETL initiated critical technology development and deployment projects including direct air capture technologies for decarbonization, chemical looping combustion with potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and non-variable renewable energy for future low-carbon power systems. Anderson also guided the development and maturation of key technologies proven to have significant industry impact including microwave ammonia synthesis and carbon nanomaterials manufactured from coal. In April 2021, the Biden Administration named Anderson executive director of the Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization. In this role, Anderson strategically leverages NETL's resources and expertise to help ensure the shift to a clean energy economy creates good-paying union jobs, spurs economic revitalization, remediates environmental degradation and supports energy workers in coal, oil and gas, and power plant communities across the country.

Anderson is the recipient of the 2020 Federal Laboratory Consortium Laboratory Director of the Year award, and Secretary's Honor Award and Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for his research. Anderson earned his bachelor's degree in chemical engineering at West Virginia University and his master's and doctorate in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Mr. ISHIZUKA Hiroaki 写真
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
February 1950 Born in Hyogo, Japan
March 1972 Graduated from the University of Tokyo-the Faculty of Chemical Science

April 2018Chairman, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
April 2017Senior Corporate Advisor, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
April 2012Member of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
April 2011Member of the Board, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
June 2009Member of the Board, Managing Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
April 1972Joined Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Limited (current Mitsubishi Chemical corporation)



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