岡垣 啓司(おかがき けいじ)
丸紅株式会社 洋上風力・国内再エネ事業部長
1993 年丸紅入社。以後、一貫して電力分野に携わり、国内外で幅広く電力事業を経験。
2011 年に英国で丸紅が日本企業として初めて洋上風力発電事業に参入した際、現地でプロ
国内電力プロジェクト部副部長などを経て、2020 年3月より日本初の大型洋上風力発電事
両洋上風力発電所の 3 年間の建設、1 年間の運転保守を指揮。
2024 年 4 月より丸紅株式会社洋上風力・国内再エネ事業部長として国内外の洋上風力発電
Keiji Okagaki
General Manager, Off-Shore Wind & Domestic Renewable Energy Dept., Marubeni
Entered Marubeni Corporation in 1993. Have consistently engaged in various power project
businesses in domestic and overseas market.
Have worked as project manager based locally when Marubeni participated in an offshore
wind power project in UK as the first among Japanese companies in 2011.
Have taken positions including deputy general manager of domestic power business
department. From March 2020, started local assignment as President and CEO of Akita
Offshore Wind Corporation, which is Japan’s first large-scale offshore wind project company,
and led 3-year construction and 1-year operation and maintenance for offshore wind farms at
Noshiro Port and Akita Port.
Since April 2024, have been responsible for offshore wind power projects on a global basis
and all other renewable energy power projects in Japan.

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