橋本 道雄(はしもと みちお)
附属エネルギー国際安全保障機構 教授
1988 年九州大学工学部卒、
2011 年東京工業大学総合理工学研究科博士後期課程修了、
1989 年に通商産業省(当時)に入省し、主にエネルギー政策、技術開発に関する業務に携わる。
2010 年国際再生可能エネルギー機関(IRENA)の設立に参加、初代技術・イノベーション部門長を
務める。2012 年震災を機に帰国し NEDO 新エネルギー部長。2016 年総合海洋政策本部事務局内
閣参事官として再エネ海域利用促進法の制定に携わる。2015 年より東京工業大学グローバル水素
エネルギー研究ユニット特任教授、2018 年 8 月より大阪大学産学共創本部副本部長・教授、2020
年より京都大学総合生存学館特定教授を経て、2022 年 8 月より東京大学先端科学技術研究センタ
ー特任教授、2023 年 11 月より同センター附属エネルギー国際安全保障機構教授。現在に至る。
Michio Hashimoto has extensive experience in energy and technology area as a career officer in
Japanese government. He has participated in numerous projects international energy scene, from
hydrogen to nuclear representing Japanese government. His service in Japanese ministries
includes Director for Automotive Technologies in Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Director
for International Affairs in Nuclear Safety Agency.
In June 2010, he participated in the establishment of new international organization for the
promotion of renewable energies. He was, then, appointed first Head of Innovation and
Technology at International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). After Fukushima accident and
subsequent power crisis in Japan, he decided to return to Japan and appointed as Director General
for New Energy Technology Department at NEDO which is national authority to manage renewable
R&Ds. In May 2013, he was elected as Chair of International Partnership on Hydrogen and Fuel
Cells in the Economy (IPHE) which is an intergovernmental forum for policy dialogue by 18 countries
including US, Germany, Korea, EU and all BRICs countries.
In 2015, he started his new career in academia as Professor in Global Hydrogen Energy Research
Unit of Tokyo Institute of Technology, then Professor and Vice Director of Office for Industry-
University Co-Creation at Osaka University. From 2020, Professor at Graduate School of
Advanced Integrated Studies of Survivability in Kyoto University. Since August 2022, Professor
at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology in the University of Tokyo.

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