有木 和春(ありき かずはる)
再生可能エネルギー事業部 事業部長補佐
1982 年 3 月に九州大学工学部資源工学科を卒業して、同年 4 月に三菱金属(株)
(現在の三菱マテリアル(株))に入社。その後、同社の地熱開発室、新エネルギー総合開発機構(現在の国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産
て、2013 年に同社エネルギー事業部地熱・電力部長。2015 年に安比地熱(株)社長、2021 年に三菱マテリア
ル(株)エネルギー事業部副事業部長となり、2023 年の組織変更に伴い、再生可能エネルギー事業部事業部長
Kazuharu Ariki
Assistant to the General Manager,
Renewable Energy Business Division, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
He had graduated from the Department of Resource Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University in
March 1982, and joined Mitsubishi Metals Corporation (currently Mitsubishi Materials Corporation) in April of
the same year. After that, he was seconded to the company's Geothermal Development Office, the Geothermal
Research Department of the New Energy Development Organization (currently the New Energy and Industrial
Technology Development Organization), and the Mitsubishi Materials Corporation's General Research Institute
and Geothermal and Power Business Center. After that, in 2013 he became the Geothermal and Power
Department Manager of the company's Energy Division. In 2015, he became the President of Appi Geothermal
Co., Ltd. In 2021, he became the Deputy General Manager of the Energy Division of Mitsubishi Materials
Corporation, and in 2023, he became the Assistant General Manager of the Renewable Energy Division, which he
currently holds.
He is currently a director of the Japan Geothermal Association and a councilor of the Japan Geothermal Research

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