村岡洋文(むらおか ひろふみ)
現在:国立大学法人弘前大学 特別顧問(2018-2024.3 月まで)
国立大学法人弘前大学 地域戦略研究所 客員研究員(2018-)
日本工営株式会社 非常勤顧問(2021-)
むつ市燧岳周辺地熱開発研究会座長(2014-2024.3 月まで)
NEDO 技術委員(2023-)
JOGMEC 地熱調査ポテンシャル委員会委員(2021-)
1951 年 12 月
1975 年 3 月
1978 年 3 月
1978 年 4 月
1983 年 11 月
1985 年 4 月
1989 年 2 月
1989 年 9 月
1991 年 3 月
1993 年 7 月
1995 年 9 月
2001 年 4 月
2003 年 10 月
2010 年 4 月
2013 年 4 月
2017 年 3 月
2017 年 4 月
2018 年 3 月
NEDO 地熱調査部地熱調査第二課主任(出向)
NEDO 地熱調査部地熱調査第二課課長(出向)
工業技術院 15 研究所の独法化再編に伴い
国立大学法人弘前大学北日本新エネルギーセンター教授(10 月研究所に昇格)
(2020 年)、日本地熱学会功績賞
(2020 年)、日本地熱学会名誉会員
(2022 年)
、浅部マグマ溜りとその周辺現象の地球科学(地質学論集, 日本
地質学会, 1994, 編著)
2011)、Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (IPCC,
Cambridge University Press, 2011)、
Geothermal energy in Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation (Springer,
2012, 単著). 地熱エネルギーハンドブック(オーム社,2014)、再生可能エネルギーで地域を変える
、地熱エネルギーの疑問 50(成山堂書店,2022)-以上はほとんど共著
(2000 年)、京都大学社会基盤工学研究科(2008〜2010 年)
、金沢大学環日本海域研究センター(2013 年)
エネルギー科学特別部門(2013 年)等の講師を務めた。2019 年 4 月 27 日には日本の地学教育を担う NHK
2019 年 8 月 12 日にはインドネシア・バンドン工科大学の AOTULE Summer
School に招待され、アジア各国の学生に、日本とインドネシアの事例を中心に地熱国際協力の重要性を
講義した。国際面では 1997〜2002 年にインドネシア・フローレス島の ODA 大プロ「遠隔離島小規模地熱
探査プロジェクト」の日本側リーダーを務め、同島の地熱開発の端緒を開いた。2005〜2012 年には NEDO
の依頼により、IEA 地熱実施協定の日本代表を務めた。2008〜2011 年には IPCC 再生可能エネルギー特別
Hirofumi Muraoka
Ph.D. in Science
Present status: After retirement from Hirosaki University in 2018, Hirofumi
Muraoka was a special advisor at Hirosaki University from 2018 until March 2024.
He is a guest researcher of the Institute of Regional Innovation, Hirosaki
University until now. He is an advisor at Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., from 2021 until
now. He is a technical committee member of NEDO and a geothermal potential
committee member of JOGMEC. He is the Honorary Member of the Geothermal Research Society.
Brief Curriculum Vitae until retirement: Hirofumi Muraoka was born in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
in 1951. He received B.S. on Geology from Yamaguchi University in 1975, and M.S. and Ph.D. on Petrology from
Hiroshima University in 1977 and 1989, respectively. He worked in geothermal research for 32 years in the
Geological Survey of Japan and its successor, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST) from 1978 to 2010. He was seconded to NEDO during 1983-1985 for the Nationwide Geothermal Resources
Survey Project and during 1993-1995 for the (Kakkonda) Deep Geothermal Resources Survey Project. He has also
been sent to the Geology Department, Auckland University, New Zealand during 1989-1991. He proposed a business
model of the hot spring power generation by the small binary cycle as small-end member developments for the
geothermal power generation during the geothermal stagnant period in Japan from 1997 to 2011. After then, he
became a Professor of Hirosaki University and Director of the North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy
(NJRISE), Hirosaki University, during 2010-2018 and 2013-2018, respectively. He was retired from Hirosaki
University in 2018.
Award: He was awarded the Best Paper Award and the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Geothermal
Research Society of Japan in 2020, and the Honorary Member Award from the Geothermal Research Society of Japan
in 2022.
Publication: His article, "Muraoka and Kamata (1983) Displacement distribution along minor fault traces. Journal
of Structural Geology" was cited on international articles and textbooks exceeding 312 citations as of 2023. He and
colleagues published "Atlas of Hydrothermal Systems in Japan" from the Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, in 2007.
He was a co-author of Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (IPCC, Cambridge University
Press, 2011) and a single author of Geothermal Energy in Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation (Springer, 2012).
Educational activity: He is a geothermal geologist watching geothermal research and development in Japan for the
last 46 years. He supervised graduate school students for geothermal research in Hirosaki University during 2010-
2018. He also lectured in the graduate school of Yamaguchi University (2000), graduate school of Kyoto University
(2008-2010), Kanazawa University (2013) and the University of Tokyo (2013). He was invited to the AOTULE
Summer School by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB, Badung Institute of Technology) on August 12, 2019, where he
lectured to the students from a several Asian universities on the importance of international research cooperations
with special reference to the long years’ Indonesia-Japan collaboration on the geothermal research and development.
International activity: He conducted an ODA bi-lateral project between Indonesia and Japan named "Research
Cooperation Project on the Exploration of Small-scale Geothermal Resources in the Eastern Part of Indonesia" during
1997-2002, which drew attention to Flores Island as a remote island blessing with geothermal potentials as can be
fully electrified by the geothermal electricity. He was the Representative of Japan in the Geothermal Implementing
Agreement (GIA) in the International Energy Agency (IEA) from 2005 to 2012 as requested by NEDO. He was the
Lead Author of the Special Report "Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation" (Cambridge
University Press, 2012) in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 2008 to 2011.

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