National Human Rights Essay Contest for Junior High School Students
The Ministry of Justice has organized the annual National Human Rights Essay Contest for Junior High School Students since 1981. This program aims to help junior high school students, who will be major players in the next generation, to deepen their understanding of the importance and necessity of respecting human rights, and foster awareness of human rights, through writing essays on human rights issues.
(1) Award-winning essays in 2023
Each year, a collection of award-winning essays is compiled and distributed. In 2014, based on five outstanding essays selected from past award-winning essays, five animations were produced and compiled into a video titled “Mirai wo Hiraku Itsutsu no Tobira (Five Episodes for a Brighter Future) ”, which has been uploaded to a website and can be viewed online. In this way, this essay contest program plays a major role in publicizing the importance of human rights.
You can also watch other related videos at the link below (in Japanese)
- Prime Minister’s Award: “Protect Both Oneself and Others” [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award: “Precious Life” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award: “He is not a pitiful baby” [PDF]
- Prime Minister’s Award: “Toward the World where People can Deeply Take a Breath” [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award: “Prejudice Equals Discrimination” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award: “Let's Hold Hands, Kota” [PDF]
- Prime Minister’s Award: “Everybody’s Hero” [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award: “Irreplaceable Things” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award: “What’s in a Name?” [PDF]
- 40th Contest Anniversary Award: “Something Scarier Than the Virus” [PDF]
- Prime Minister’s Award: “Toward a Society Where People Readily Help One Another” [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award: “My Grandpa at Hoshizuka” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award: “Two Aspects of Myself” [PDF]
- Prime Minister’s Award: “To Study Is to Live” [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award: “What My Brother Taught Me” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award: “To Wait” [PDF]
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70th Anniversary Award: “My Category and Gender” [PDF]
- Prime Minister’s Award: “I Will Be a High School Student Along with Friends” [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award: “Evacuation of People with Mental Disabilities during Disasters” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award: “I’m an Earthling. What’s wrong with that?” [PDF]
- Prime Minister’s Award: “Japan’s Anti-Bullying Measures Are Mistaken” [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award: “CHILD LABOUR” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award: “To Create a Future Where We Shine” [PDF]
- Prime Minister’s Award:‘ “Living with a Humane Heart” ’ [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award: “My Way of Life” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award: “A Visit to the National Sanatorium Oshimaseishoen” [PDF]
- Prime Minister’s Award: “The Person Suffered and the Person at Fault : Both Sides” [PDF]
- Justice Minister’s Award : “Passing down the memories of the war to the next generation” [PDF]
- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister’s Award : “Remaining Pure at Heart” [PDF]
Each year, a collection of award-winning essays is compiled and distributed. In 2014, based on five outstanding essays selected from past award-winning essays, five animations were produced and compiled into a video titled “Mirai wo Hiraku Itsutsu no Tobira (Five Episodes for a Brighter Future) ”, which has been uploaded to a website and can be viewed online. In this way, this essay contest program plays a major role in publicizing the importance of human rights.
You can also watch other related videos at the link below (in Japanese)
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