Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


Patient Survey

Summary of Patient Survey,2020

Summary of Patient Survey,2017

Summary of Patient Survey,2014

Summary of Patient Survey,2011

Summary of Patient Survey,2008


1. Trends in the Estimated Number of Patients (Per Day) by Type of Medical Institution and Inpatients / Outpatients, 1993−2020 (Excel:12KB)

2. Trends in the Estimated Number of Patients (Per Day) by Type of Medical Institution and Inpatients (New Inpatient / Existing Inpatient) / Outpatients (First Visit / Following Visit), 1993−2020 (Excel:13KB)

3. Trends in the Estimated Number of Patients (Per Day) by Sex, Age Group and Inpatients / Outpatients,1993−2020 (Excel:18KB)


Health Statistics Office

Statistics and Information Department,

Minister’s Secretariat,

Ministry of Health , Labour and Welfare

Tel: 81-3-5253-1111 (ext 7517)

Fax: 81-3-3595-1636

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