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Statistics Announcement

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What's New

Report on Indices of Tertiary Industry Activity (July 2024)
Monthly Report on the Current Survey of Commerce (July 2024)
The Time Series Data on Current Production Statistics
Revised Report on Indices of Industrial Production (July 2024)
Monthly Report of Current Production Statistics (July 2024)
Preliminary Report on Petroleum Statistics (July 2024)
Preliminary Report on the Current Survey of Commerce (July 2024)
Preliminary Report on Indices of Industrial Production (July 2024)
Preliminary Report on Current Survey of Production (July 2024)
Quarterly Survey of Overseas Subsidiaries (Survey from January to March 2024)
Spot LNG Price Statistics (March 2021 detailed)
Indices of All Industry Activity (July 2020)

Other News

Statistics report

Indices Indices of Industrial Production
Indices of Tertiary Industry Activity
Indices of All Industry Activity
Economic Census Economic Census for Business Activity
Manufacturing Preliminary Report on Current Survey of Production
Monthly Report of Current Production Statistics
The Time Series Data on Current Production Statistics
Yearbook of Current Production Statistics
Preliminary Report on Petroleum Statistics
Trends of the Japanese Mining Industry
Census of Manufacture
Commerce Preliminary Report on the Current Survey of Commerce
Monthly Report on the Current Survey of Commerce
Big data as data sources for Current Survey of Commerce :Test survey in large-scale speciality retailers for home electric appliances
Reference Table of the Current Survey of Commerce(Yearbook)
Census of Commerce
Service Survey of Selected Service Industries
Enterprise Quarterly Survey of Overseas Subsidiaries
Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities
Basic Survey on the Information and Communications Industry
Basic Survey on Overseas Business Activities
Survey of Trends in Business Activities of Foreign Affiliates
Basic Survey on Commercial and Manufacturing Structure and Activities
Survey of Pure Holding Companies
Price Spot LNG Price Statistics
Input-Output Table Updated Input-Output Table
Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table
Inter-Regional Input-Output Table


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Last Update: September 17, 2024

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