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Press Conference by Minister Saito (Excerpt)

*Note: This is a provisional translation for reference purposes only.

8:54 to 8:59 a.m.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Press Conference Room, METI Main Building

Opening Remarks


Question-and-Answer Session

China’s import restrictions on Japanese fishery products

Q: At the recent Japan-China Summit Meeting, the leaders held discussions on the treated water, but no agreement was reached. Also, according to a media report, China demanded Japan to expand the scope of the soil survey at the expert meeting. Could you offer a comment on such demands, your take on the summit meeting, your intent to pursue resolution through dialogues, and how you will approach these challenges?

A: I am aware that Prime Minister Kishida urged China again to immediately repeal its import restrictions on Japanese products at the Japan-China Summit Meeting on May 26. China is still suspending the import of Japanese fishery products based on no scientific evidence at all, which is highly regrettable. Japan will continue to strongly urge China to immediately repeal its import restrictions.
Based on this, concerning the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea, we will take into account the progress made in the communications to date and accelerate the administrative level consultation process involving experts to solve these challenges, as was agreed at the summit meeting.
In addition, regarding the media report saying that China demanded Japan to expand the survey scope for the soil at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) site, I would like to refrain from commenting on this matter because this may touch on the details of the exchanges made at the expert dialogue between Japan and China and I would like to consider our relationship with our partner country.
In any case, regarding monitoring, as an effort under the IAEA framework, the IAEA and several analysis and research organizations in the third-party countries selected by the IAEA have been conducting a comparative evaluation of the monitoring conducted by the Government of Japan and Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated (TEPCO). We expect that such monitoring conducted under the IAEA framework will help to further promote the understanding of interested countries, including China.

Japan-China-Republic of Korea Free Trade Agreement

Q: I would like to ask you about a related matter. I understand that Japan, China, and the ROK agreed to speed up negotiations for a Japan-China-ROK FTA during the discussion. Please explain your view on the future perspectives for the suspended negotiations and the goal that Japan will aim for through these negotiations.

A: Although you mentioned "suspended" now, we have been continuing the negotiations for a Japan-China-ROK FTA in a variety of forms since the launch of the FTA negotiations was declared in November 2012. In light of this, I was informed that in the joint declaration of the Japan-China-ROK summit this time, the three countries confirmed that they will keep engaging in discussions for speeding up negotiations for a Japan-China-ROK FTA, aiming at realizing a comprehensive, high-quality, and mutually beneficial FTA.
In response, from the viewpoints that the FTA should introduce rules at a higher level than those of the RCEP agreement and also that the three countries will speed up negotiations for the FTA, I expect that the three countries hope to and are going to conduct frank discussions on ideal approaches to a future-oriented FTA.
Through such discussions, Japan will address this matter to build a future-oriented economic environment and bolster free and fair trade and investment rules among the three countries of Japan, China, and the ROK, which are countries with deep ties in both trade and investment.

Last updated:2024年05月28日

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