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  5. Release of the Economic Ripple Effects of Startups Survey Summary

Release of the Economic Ripple Effects of Startups Survey Summary


July 22, 2024

Economic & Industrial Policy

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has conducted a survey on the economic impacts on the Japanese economy generated by startups and published a summary titled Economic Ripple Effects of Startups. Based on the results, METI will continue to support the growth of these companies.

1. Purpose and background

Since the formulation of the Startup Development Five-year Plan in 2022, the government has mobilized all its policies to create an environment conducive to the growth of startups.
METI has conducted a survey to understand the current economic ripple effects generated by startups and to measure their economic and social impacts, for the purpose of considering future startup policies.

2. Summary of the survey results

The economic impact of startups is estimated to have generated 10.47 trillion yen in GDP (19.39 trillion yen if indirect ripple effects are included), created 520,000 jobs, and generated 3.17 trillion yen of income. The amount of the generated GDP by including the indirect ripple effects is equivalent to the nominal gross prefectural product* of Hokkaido or Fukuoka prefectures, indicating that the startups are contributing to the Japanese economy to some extent.

*The nominal gross prefectural product for 2020 is 19.73 trillion yen for Hokkaido and 18.89 trillion yen for Fukuoka Prefecture.

The survey targeted approximately 9,000 startups out of those listed in the INITIAL database compiled by a private organization, focusing on ones that were established after 1995, when the Act on Temporary Measures Concerning the Promotion of Creative Business Activities by Small and Medium Enterprises was enacted, and that received investment from external organizations.


For details, please refer to the related materials.

3. Related materials

Division in Charge

Startup Promotion Office, Innovation and Startup Promotion Division, Innovation and Environment Policy Bureau

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