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  5. Minister Nishimura Holds Meeting with H.E. Dr. Maitha bint Salem Al Shamsi, Minister of State, and other officials of the United Arab Emirates

Minister Nishimura Holds Meeting with H.E. Dr. Maitha bint Salem Al Shamsi, Minister of State, and other officials of the United Arab Emirates


October 17, 2023

External Economic Policy

On Tuesday, October 17, Mr. Nishimura Yasutoshi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, held a meeting with H.E. Dr. Maitha bint Salem Al Shamsi, Minister of State, and other officials of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on issues such as expanding opportunities for networking among women and their empowerment.

Summary of the Meeting

On October 17, 2023, Minister Nishimura held a meeting with UAE Minister of State Dr. Maitha bint Salem Al Shamsi and other officials.
During the meeting, they exchanged views on the progress made in cooperation between Japan and the UAE in the field of the empowerment of women such as holding the 17th forum of the Friendship Committee for Women Career Development (FCW), and. also discussed future cooperation between the two countries. In addition, Minister Nishimura touched on the current situation in the Middle East and stressed the importance of stabilizing the oil market.

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Division in Charge

  • Fuel Supply Infrastructure Policy Division, Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
  • International Strategy on Energy Resources Office, Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
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